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Updated September 10, 2015 - 10:20 AM EDT
GOP Revolt Delays Iran Deal House Vote
  Sen. Durbin: Filibuster of Anti-Iran Bill May Not Be Solid Yet
Report: Taliban Commander Defects to ISIS
  Al-Qaeda Chief Calls ISIS Illegitimate, But Suggests Cooperation
  How ISIS Is Exploiting Asian Unrest to Recruit Fighters
  Wild Guesses About ISIS Fuel US Official Hysteria
  Al-Qaeda Mag Urges Attack on Koch Brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg
Al-Qaeda Seizes Syria Airbase, 100 Troops Killed
  Russia: No Secret We Have Military Advisers in Syria
  Airstrike Takes Out Militant Base in Anbar; 139 Killed Across Iraq
Egypt Denies Reports of Sending Ground Troops to Yemen
DoJ Says It Can Demand Every Email From Any Provider
Reuters 'Uncovers' Russian Plan to Build Base in Russia
Don't Let the Media Use a Drowned Refugee Boy to Start Another War  by Dan Sanchez
Hillary Clinton Gives Militaristic, Hawkish Speech  by Glenn Greenwald
America's Police State Is Rooted in Four Federal Wars  by Jacob G. Hornberger
Don’t Be a Media Dupe About Iran  by Jim Babka
A Refugee Crisis Made in America  by Philip Giraldi
Only a US-Russian Agreement Can Spur a Settlement in Syria  by Patrick Cockburn

More Viewpoints

Sheldon Adelson Is Ready to Buy the Presidency
National Security Whistleblowers Call for Release of 28 Pages
Clinton Aide Who Set Up Email Server Is Pressed to Accept Immunity
How the Makers of Zero Dark Thirty Seduced the CIA With Fake Earrings
Airstrike Takes Out Militant Base in Anbar; 139 Killed Across Iraq
Coalition Destroys ISIS Hub in Massive Blast
Iraq's Abadi Dismisses 123 Senior Officials as Part of Reforms: Statement
Iraq Recalls Charge D'Affaires to Qatar Over Conference
Iraqi Family Buries Children Who Drowned With Aylan
Iran Deal: AIPAC Lobbies Senate Dems to Allow Disapproval Vote
Durbin Says Dems Have 'Loose Ends' on Iran Filibuster
Rep. Justin Amash Comes Out Against Iran Deal
I Won't Shrink From Military Action Against Iran if Needed: Clinton
Khamenei Says Iran Will Not Negotiate With US Beyond Nuclear Talks
Rivlin Says He Is No Longer Speaking to Netanyahu
Settler Housing Finishes Up by 54.8% From Last Year
Israel Opens New Cairo Embassy Four Years After Ransacking
Palestinian Stone-Throwers Now Subject to Administrative Detention Until End of Proceedings
Heading to London, Netanyahu Urges Europe to Stop Pressuring Israel
Southern Israel City Darkens Sports Fields to Keep Bedouin and Asylum Seekers Out
Middle East
Turkish Election 'Becoming Impossible' Due to Unrest: Pro-Kurdish Party
Security Forces Lock Down Beirut as Politicians Meet, Protesters Gather
Russia and the West Need Closer Ties to Avert 'Real Danger' From Military Exercises and Encounters, Say European Diplomatic Leaders
Poroshenko May Renege on Self-Rule Promise if Russia Violates Truce
Syrian-Euro Refugee Crisis
Syrians Seek a Legal Route to Europe Without Perilous Boats
Donald Trump Says the US Should Accept Refugees From Syria
Refugees Face Frosty Reception in Europe's Ex-Communist East
As Europe Opens Its Doors, Japan Considers Clamping Down Harder on Asylum Seekers
Russia Complains of 'Strange Hysteria' Over Presence in Syria
Moscow Says Has Greek, Iranian Approval for Syria Flights
David Cameron: 'Hard Military Force' Needed Over Syria
Bulgaria Would Allow Russia's Syria Aid Flights if Moscow Agrees on Checks
UK Softens Tone Against Syria's Assad, Moots Transition Period
Norway Says Won't Pay Ransom for Man Held Hostage by ISIS
Spy Chief Claims Snowden Killed 'Important' Spy Program in Afghanistan
US Military to Investigate Strike That Afghans Say Killed 11 Police
Instead of Helping Refugees, Pakistan Is Pushing Them Into a War Zone
Two Pakistani Media Workers Shot Dead in Karachi in 24 Hours
Four Killed in Nepal Constitution Protests
Myanmar President Meets Ethnic Rebel Groups for Peace Talks
HRW Accuses Sudan Govt Militia of Darfur Rape, Killing 'Sprees'
UN Says Rights Violations Escalating in Congo Ahead of Elections
Two Days In, Guinea-Bissau Prime Minister Quits
UN Establishes 'Weapons-Free Zone' in Central African Republic
Ugandan Police Fire Teargas at Supporters of President's Rival
Ecuador Moves to Shut Down Press Freedom Group
Report Renews Hope and Doubt on Missing Students in Mexico
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Why We Fight

Ivan Eland
Recognize That Iraq Is History

Dan Sanchez
Mass-Producing Huddled Masses

Lucy Steigerwald
Who Is Listening to Dick Cheney?

Nebojsa Malic
America's 'Junkyard Dogs': Operation Storm, 20 Years On

David R. Henderson
Questioning the Powerful

Ran HaCohen
Yet Another War of Deceit

Additional Contributors
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