An Israeli start-up claims to have developed a program able to identify terrorists, pedophiles and even expert poker players in a fraction of a second using facial analysis tools, the program is being met with extreme skepticism by security experts, Breitbart reported Wednesday.The program, known as Faception, has already signed a contract with a security agency to help identify terrorists, the Washington Post reported Tuesday....
Washington D.C ... After the meeting, Ryan and Trump issued a joint statement calling for Republicans to "unite around our shared principles, advance a conservative agenda and do all we can to win this fall,” the report said.–, Jack Durschlag....
Around100 agents entered Google’s office in CentralParis at 5 a.m.Tuesday morning amid allegations it has not paid €1.6bn in taxes in the country ... He did not mention specifics of the Google deal.“We increased resources for the HMRC to tackle tax evasion and avoidance. We’ve introduced a diverted profits tax so companies like Google can’t shift their profits offshore anymore,” he said....
Article by Correspondent DallasDarling Given the United State’s brutal past at home and abroad, political apologies are few and far between. Indeed, other than an apology for slavery and the genocidal treatment towards Native Americans, the only other half-hearted apology was when then-President Bill Clinton expressed regret for the role the U.S ...No Apologies for U.S ... The U.S ... Moreover, the U.S ... did ... In fact, in 2008 then-Sen....
The European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) will be the biggest optical and infrared observatory ever built, with a primary mirror nearly 40m across ... It should enable the Chile-based telescope to see "first light" in 2024 ... The E-ELT's 39.3m main mirror will be more than four times the width of today's best optical telescopes (antennas for radiotelescopes are still very much bigger)....
Using LWA1, a low-frequency radiotelescope station made up of 256 dual-polarization dipoles, the team has tracked about 150 of these fireballs flying more than 90 kilometers (about 56 miles) above us in the sky. What sets their discovery apart is the strange reaction taking place that allows their radiotelescope to detect these meteors....
Columba College pupil AnnabelleRitchie has been selected to attend the Summer Research School in Bulgaria in July. Photo by GerardO'Brien... Annabelle said she was now building her own radiotelescope - a radio receiver and an antenna system that detects radio-frequency radiation emitted by extraterrestrial sources. She hoped to collect radio waves emitted from Jupiter and analyse them during the summer school ... That would be awesome.'' ... ....
The core of the MeerKAT radiotelescope array under construction, showing 19 of the 13.5-metre diameter dishes on 20 April 2016...radiotelescope ... SKA (Square Kilometre Array) will be the world's most powerful radiotelescope - one hundred times more sensitive than any current radiotelescope; it will revolutionise our understanding of the Universe....
Telescope technology developed by CSIRO will soon head to the world's second largest fully-steerable radiotelescope dish in the world. The Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy's (MPIfR) Effelsbergradiotelescope is located near Bonn, Germany... The PAF is currently being prepared for scientific observations on the 64 m radiotelescope at Parkes in New South Wales, in preparation for the deployment in Germany....
The Regulations, which restrict the use of certain radio frequency spectra and certain activities in the Karoo, give details of financial compensation procedures for those affected ...The project is an international effort to build the world's largest radiotelescope, with a square kilometre (one million square metres) of collecting area....
(Source. South AfricaGovernment). Big data centre coming to Cape Town. The Western Cape Government (WCG) today (23 May 2016) unveiled that it is embarking on a new project to build a big data centre in Cape Town ... ... The SquareKilometreArray (SKA) project is an international effort to build the world's largest radiotelescope, with over a square kilometre (one million square metres) of collecting area....
... the telescope at Jodrell Bank begins today. The observatory claims radio interference from household appliances would pose "a significant risk" to the Lovell Telescope ... Cheshire East councillors rejected the plans for 119 homes last year, concluding the proposals would "result in impairment to the efficiency of the Jodrell Bank RadioTelescope"....
China started to construct a number of large-scale science facilities in the past two decades, such as the 500-meter Aperture Spherical RadioTelescope in Pingtang, Guizhou province, which will be the world's largest single-dish telescope. Others include the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber SpectroscopyTelescope in Xinglong, Hebei province, which is expected to conduct a 5-year spectroscopic survey of 10 millionMilky Way stars....
(Source. University of California - Santa Barbara) ...Are we alone? ... Imagine if another civilization did the same ... Traditionally and still, Lubin said, the 'mainstay of the SETI community' has been to conduct searches via radio waves. ThinkJodie Foster in 'Contact,' receiving an extraterrestrial signal by way of a massive and powerful radiotelescope ... And you don't need a large telescope to begin these searches ... (noodl. 33603756) ....
China started to construct a number of large-scale science facilities in the past two decades, such as the 500-meter Aperture Spherical RadioTelescope in Pingtang, Guizhou province, which will be the world's largest single-dish telescope. Others include the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber SpectroscopyTelescope in Xinglong, Hebei province, which ......