Pandemic: Morgan Webb, Ed Brubaker, and Robert Gifford Join Wil on TableTop, episode 14
Pandemic: Morgan Webb, Ed Brubaker, and Robert Gifford Join Wil on TableTop, episode 14
Pandemic: Morgan Webb, Ed Brubaker, and Robert Gifford Join Wil on TableTop, episode 14
Want to play Pandemic with your friends at home? Visit your friendly local game shop to purchase it! Or buy it online at: http://amzn.to/1a3mfIA Subscribe to...
TableTop Extended Edition: Pandemic
TableTop Extended Edition: Pandemic
TableTop Extended Edition: Pandemic
In celebration of the upcoming TableTop Day on March 30th, Geek & Sundry presents TableTop: Extended Editions. This week: Pandemic! Each turn is shown, along...
Ebola: How Would A Pandemic Really Happen?
Ebola: How Would A Pandemic Really Happen?
Ebola: How Would A Pandemic Really Happen?
The Coming Pandemic (2005): As the outbreak of Ebola reaches terrifying new levels, this doc reveals how a global pandemic might actually play out...
Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/joureymanpictures
It’s the disease the world has been fearing. No country is prepared. Scientists now believe it’s only a matter of time before another major epidemic kills tens of millions. The most likely source is a mutation of the influenza virus, now killing birds and humans across Asia. But what would happen if such a virus struck? Can anything be done to prep
Board Game Night #5: Pandemic - Part 1
Board Game Night #5: Pandemic - Part 1
Board Game Night #5: Pandemic - Part 1
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in t
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 1
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 1
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 1
The boardgame software: http://www.vassalengine.org/
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my dec
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 2
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 2
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 2
The boardgame software: http://www.vassalengine.org/
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my dec
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 1
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 1
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 1
Dark, spooky and filled with exposition!
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 4
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 4
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 4
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 5
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 5
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 5
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
Impending Doom [1] Pandemic Board Game Night
Impending Doom [1] Pandemic Board Game Night
Impending Doom [1] Pandemic Board Game Night
Welcome to Board Game Night! Where Shenryyr2 plays Pandemic with Quill18, Marbozir, Aavak, and MadDjinn
Quill18: youtube.com/quill18
Aavak: youtube.com/aavak
Marbozir: youtube.com/marbozir
MadDjinn: youtube.com/sbfmaddjinn
Marbozir and I have never played this before, but it doesn't really matter, the flow of the game is pretty easy to follow. Our goal is to cure all four diseases before any number of calamities befall us!
If you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the Like button, it helps the channel grow by affecting search results on YouTube.
Make sure to subscribe to the channel so you stay up to date on new releases!: ht
Pandemic Review - with Tom Vasel
Pandemic Review - with Tom Vasel
Pandemic Review - with Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at the second edition of Pandemic Buy great games at http://www.funagain.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com.
Pandemic Infectious Diseases) Bacteria Viruses Parasites BBC Horizon Documentary
Pandemic Infectious Diseases) Bacteria Viruses Parasites BBC Horizon Documentary
Pandemic Infectious Diseases) Bacteria Viruses Parasites BBC Horizon Documentary
Official music video for Accept "Pandemic" from Blood Of The Nations SUBSCRIBE to ACCEPT YouTube: http://bit.ly/subs-acept-yt SUBSCRIBE to Nuclear Blast YouT...
Online Video Tutorial Series: Pandemic
Online Video Tutorial Series: Pandemic
Online Video Tutorial Series: Pandemic
Video description of how to play Pandemic. 0:00 Intro 0:22 Overview 0:53 Setup 3:16 Actions 5:57 After you have completed your actions. 7:00 Epidemic cards 8...
Black Dawn The Next Pandemic 2006
Black Dawn The Next Pandemic 2006
Black Dawn The Next Pandemic 2006
BLACK DAWN takes you inside the nightmare scenario that governments and public health officials around the world are desperately preparing themselves for: a mass dying that might kill exponentially more than died at the height of the bubonic plague or the Spanish flu. BLACK DAWN employs all the tools of documentary and drama to paint a starkly realistic picture of life during a pandemic.
Release Date: 11 January 2006 (Canada)
Miami Dice, Episode 182 - Pandemic Legacy (Final Look)
Miami Dice, Episode 182 - Pandemic Legacy (Final Look)
Miami Dice, Episode 182 - Pandemic Legacy (Final Look)
Tom and Sam (with guests Zee and Jason) discuss the journey and conclusion of their Pandemic Legacy campaign.
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 1 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 1 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 1 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Welcome to Pandemic Board Game Night with Marbozir, Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr and MadDjinn! We're playing Pandemic using Vassal engine. Links to everyone's channels below!
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinMarbozir
Pandemic Board Game Night Playlist ► http://bit.ly/PandemicBoard
Quill18 ► http://youtube.com/Quill18
Aavak ► http://youtube.com/Aavak
Shenryyr ► http://youtube.com/Shenryyr2
MadDjinn ► http://youtube.com/SBFMadDjinn
Marbozir ► http://youtube.com/Marbozir
You can also support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/Marbozir
Marbozir - Links:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Marbozir
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Marbozir
Steam Cur
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 2 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 2 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 2 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Welcome to Pandemic Board Game Night with Marbozir, Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr and MadDjinn! We're playing Pandemic using Vassal engine. Links to everyone's channels below!
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinMarbozir
Pandemic Board Game Night Playlist ► http://bit.ly/PandemicBoard
Quill18 ► http://youtube.com/Quill18
Aavak ► http://youtube.com/Aavak
Shenryyr ► http://youtube.com/Shenryyr2
MadDjinn ► http://youtube.com/SBFMadDjinn
Marbozir ► http://youtube.com/Marbozir
You can also support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/Marbozir
Marbozir - Links:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Marbozir
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Marbozir
Steam Cur
Boardgame Night: Pandemic - 1. World-flu
Boardgame Night: Pandemic - 1. World-flu
Boardgame Night: Pandemic - 1. World-flu
Boardgame Night is an opportunity for a few friends to gather around a boardgame for some friendly, though not always cooperative... possibly involving drink, almost certainly involving shenanigans ;)
This time we're playing the Pandemic boardgame, where humanity is on the brink of destruction as sickness sweeps across the globe. This is a purely cooperative boardgame, where we'll all be working together to try and contain, treat, and ultimately cure the infection!
Check out my companion's channels at:
Quill18 - https://www.youtube.com/user/quill18
Shenryyr - https://www.youtube.com/user/shenryyr2
Marbozir - https://ww
Pandemic Gameplay Runthrough
Pandemic Gameplay Runthrough
Pandemic Gameplay Runthrough
A video outlining gameplay for the boardgame Pandemic & its expansion In the Lab. For more game info, http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/30549/pandemic P...
ReallySlowMotion - "Pandemic"
ReallySlowMotion - "Pandemic"
ReallySlowMotion - "Pandemic"
Company: Really Slow Motion
Composers: Anton Novoseltsev and Alex Sokolov
Purchase at http://www.cdbaby.com/m/cd/reallyslowmotion and all digital stores like iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.
Please, write to contact@reallyslowmotion.com for licensing information
Website: http://www.reallyslowmotion.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReallySlowMotion
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSMmusicSound
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/reallyslowmotion
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/reallyslowmotion
Pandemic: In the Lab Review - with the Game Boy Geek
Pandemic: In the Lab Review - with the Game Boy Geek
Pandemic: In the Lab Review - with the Game Boy Geek
Dan examines this latest expansion for Pandemic from Z-man Games Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.di...
Pandemic: Morgan Webb, Ed Brubaker, and Robert Gifford Join Wil on TableTop, episode 14
Want to play Pandemic with your friends at home? Visit your friendly local game shop to purchase it! Or buy it online at: http://amzn.to/1a3mfIA Subscribe to...
wn.com/Pandemic Morgan Webb, Ed Brubaker, And Robert Gifford Join Wil On Tabletop, Episode 14
Want to play Pandemic with your friends at home? Visit your friendly local game shop to purchase it! Or buy it online at: http://amzn.to/1a3mfIA Subscribe to...
TableTop Extended Edition: Pandemic
In celebration of the upcoming TableTop Day on March 30th, Geek & Sundry presents TableTop: Extended Editions. This week: Pandemic! Each turn is shown, along...
wn.com/Tabletop Extended Edition Pandemic
In celebration of the upcoming TableTop Day on March 30th, Geek & Sundry presents TableTop: Extended Editions. This week: Pandemic! Each turn is shown, along...
Ebola: How Would A Pandemic Really Happen?
The Coming Pandemic (2005): As the outbreak of Ebola reaches terrifying new levels, this doc reveals how a global pandemic might actually play out...
Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/joureymanpictures
It’s the disease the world has been fearing. No country is prepared. Scientists now believe it’s only a matter of time before another major epidemic kills tens of millions. The most likely source is a mutation of the influenza virus, now killing birds and humans across Asia. But what would happen if such a virus struck? Can anything be done to prepare? This week’s high-quality documentary investigates the threat posed by Avian flu.
Channel 9 - Ref 2862
wn.com/Ebola How Would A Pandemic Really Happen
The Coming Pandemic (2005): As the outbreak of Ebola reaches terrifying new levels, this doc reveals how a global pandemic might actually play out...
Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/joureymanpictures
It’s the disease the world has been fearing. No country is prepared. Scientists now believe it’s only a matter of time before another major epidemic kills tens of millions. The most likely source is a mutation of the influenza virus, now killing birds and humans across Asia. But what would happen if such a virus struck? Can anything be done to prepare? This week’s high-quality documentary investigates the threat posed by Avian flu.
Channel 9 - Ref 2862
- published: 03 Oct 2014
- views: 2441
Board Game Night #5: Pandemic - Part 1
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in the wrong place!
wn.com/Board Game Night 5 Pandemic Part 1
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in the wrong place!
- published: 01 Oct 2014
- views: 4266
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 1
The boardgame software: http://www.vassalengine.org/
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in the wrong place!
wn.com/Board Game Night 6 Pandemic Part 1
The boardgame software: http://www.vassalengine.org/
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in the wrong place!
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 10117
Board Game Night #6: Pandemic! - Part 2
The boardgame software: http://www.vassalengine.org/
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in the wrong place!
wn.com/Board Game Night 6 Pandemic Part 2
The boardgame software: http://www.vassalengine.org/
Playing with:
Want to see more? Make sure to Subscribe and Like!
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/quill18
Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quill18
Streaming every Saturday! ►http://www.twitch.tv/quill18
Buy Quill18 Stuff! ► http://quill18.spreadshirt.com/shop/designs
Learn game programming! ►http://youtube.com/quill18creates
New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in the wrong place!
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 2484
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 1
Dark, spooky and filled with exposition!
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
wn.com/New Vegas Obscurum Pandemic 1
Dark, spooky and filled with exposition!
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 23802
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 4
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
wn.com/New Vegas Obscurum Pandemic 4
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 19174
New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic - 5
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
wn.com/New Vegas Obscurum Pandemic 5
Obscurum - Pandemic by Thumblesteen and RJ
Hitman's 1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul
My Load Order
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 10690
Impending Doom [1] Pandemic Board Game Night
Welcome to Board Game Night! Where Shenryyr2 plays Pandemic with Quill18, Marbozir, Aavak, and MadDjinn
Quill18: youtube.com/quill18
Aavak: youtube.com/aavak
Marbozir: youtube.com/marbozir
MadDjinn: youtube.com/sbfmaddjinn
Marbozir and I have never played this before, but it doesn't really matter, the flow of the game is pretty easy to follow. Our goal is to cure all four diseases before any number of calamities befall us!
If you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the Like button, it helps the channel grow by affecting search results on YouTube.
Make sure to subscribe to the channel so you stay up to date on new releases!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=shenryyr2
This series is best watched from the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLllkIMDdgSNGTMkRFUsJH1-r6EjxrfY13
We are playing on the VASSAL engine which can be found here: www.vassalengine.org
Pandemic © 2008 Z-Man Games www.zmangames.com
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/shenplays
Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/shenryyr
wn.com/Impending Doom 1 Pandemic Board Game Night
Welcome to Board Game Night! Where Shenryyr2 plays Pandemic with Quill18, Marbozir, Aavak, and MadDjinn
Quill18: youtube.com/quill18
Aavak: youtube.com/aavak
Marbozir: youtube.com/marbozir
MadDjinn: youtube.com/sbfmaddjinn
Marbozir and I have never played this before, but it doesn't really matter, the flow of the game is pretty easy to follow. Our goal is to cure all four diseases before any number of calamities befall us!
If you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the Like button, it helps the channel grow by affecting search results on YouTube.
Make sure to subscribe to the channel so you stay up to date on new releases!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=shenryyr2
This series is best watched from the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLllkIMDdgSNGTMkRFUsJH1-r6EjxrfY13
We are playing on the VASSAL engine which can be found here: www.vassalengine.org
Pandemic © 2008 Z-Man Games www.zmangames.com
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/shenplays
Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/shenryyr
- published: 07 Oct 2015
- views: 6006
Pandemic Review - with Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at the second edition of Pandemic Buy great games at http://www.funagain.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com.
wn.com/Pandemic Review With Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at the second edition of Pandemic Buy great games at http://www.funagain.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com.
Official music video for Accept "Pandemic" from Blood Of The Nations SUBSCRIBE to ACCEPT YouTube: http://bit.ly/subs-acept-yt SUBSCRIBE to Nuclear Blast YouT...
wn.com/Accept Pandemic (Official Music Video)
Official music video for Accept "Pandemic" from Blood Of The Nations SUBSCRIBE to ACCEPT YouTube: http://bit.ly/subs-acept-yt SUBSCRIBE to Nuclear Blast YouT...
Online Video Tutorial Series: Pandemic
Video description of how to play Pandemic. 0:00 Intro 0:22 Overview 0:53 Setup 3:16 Actions 5:57 After you have completed your actions. 7:00 Epidemic cards 8...
wn.com/Online Video Tutorial Series Pandemic
Video description of how to play Pandemic. 0:00 Intro 0:22 Overview 0:53 Setup 3:16 Actions 5:57 After you have completed your actions. 7:00 Epidemic cards 8...
Black Dawn The Next Pandemic 2006
BLACK DAWN takes you inside the nightmare scenario that governments and public health officials around the world are desperately preparing themselves for: a mass dying that might kill exponentially more than died at the height of the bubonic plague or the Spanish flu. BLACK DAWN employs all the tools of documentary and drama to paint a starkly realistic picture of life during a pandemic.
Release Date: 11 January 2006 (Canada)
wn.com/Black Dawn The Next Pandemic 2006
BLACK DAWN takes you inside the nightmare scenario that governments and public health officials around the world are desperately preparing themselves for: a mass dying that might kill exponentially more than died at the height of the bubonic plague or the Spanish flu. BLACK DAWN employs all the tools of documentary and drama to paint a starkly realistic picture of life during a pandemic.
Release Date: 11 January 2006 (Canada)
- published: 12 Apr 2015
- views: 10
Miami Dice, Episode 182 - Pandemic Legacy (Final Look)
Tom and Sam (with guests Zee and Jason) discuss the journey and conclusion of their Pandemic Legacy campaign.
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
wn.com/Miami Dice, Episode 182 Pandemic Legacy (Final Look)
Tom and Sam (with guests Zee and Jason) discuss the journey and conclusion of their Pandemic Legacy campaign.
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 1143
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 1 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Welcome to Pandemic Board Game Night with Marbozir, Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr and MadDjinn! We're playing Pandemic using Vassal engine. Links to everyone's channels below!
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinMarbozir
Pandemic Board Game Night Playlist ► http://bit.ly/PandemicBoard
Quill18 ► http://youtube.com/Quill18
Aavak ► http://youtube.com/Aavak
Shenryyr ► http://youtube.com/Shenryyr2
MadDjinn ► http://youtube.com/SBFMadDjinn
Marbozir ► http://youtube.com/Marbozir
You can also support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/Marbozir
Marbozir - Links:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Marbozir
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Marbozir
Steam Curator: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/4450023/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Marbozir
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Marbozir
wn.com/Pandemic Board Game Night Ep. 1 (Ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, Maddjinn)
Welcome to Pandemic Board Game Night with Marbozir, Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr and MadDjinn! We're playing Pandemic using Vassal engine. Links to everyone's channels below!
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinMarbozir
Pandemic Board Game Night Playlist ► http://bit.ly/PandemicBoard
Quill18 ► http://youtube.com/Quill18
Aavak ► http://youtube.com/Aavak
Shenryyr ► http://youtube.com/Shenryyr2
MadDjinn ► http://youtube.com/SBFMadDjinn
Marbozir ► http://youtube.com/Marbozir
You can also support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/Marbozir
Marbozir - Links:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Marbozir
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Marbozir
Steam Curator: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/4450023/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Marbozir
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Marbozir
- published: 07 Oct 2015
- views: 4537
Pandemic Board Game Night - Ep. 2 (ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, MadDjinn)
Welcome to Pandemic Board Game Night with Marbozir, Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr and MadDjinn! We're playing Pandemic using Vassal engine. Links to everyone's channels below!
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinMarbozir
Pandemic Board Game Night Playlist ► http://bit.ly/PandemicBoard
Quill18 ► http://youtube.com/Quill18
Aavak ► http://youtube.com/Aavak
Shenryyr ► http://youtube.com/Shenryyr2
MadDjinn ► http://youtube.com/SBFMadDjinn
Marbozir ► http://youtube.com/Marbozir
You can also support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/Marbozir
Marbozir - Links:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Marbozir
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Marbozir
Steam Curator: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/4450023/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Marbozir
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Marbozir
wn.com/Pandemic Board Game Night Ep. 2 (Ft. Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr, Maddjinn)
Welcome to Pandemic Board Game Night with Marbozir, Quill18, Aavak, Shenryyr and MadDjinn! We're playing Pandemic using Vassal engine. Links to everyone's channels below!
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinMarbozir
Pandemic Board Game Night Playlist ► http://bit.ly/PandemicBoard
Quill18 ► http://youtube.com/Quill18
Aavak ► http://youtube.com/Aavak
Shenryyr ► http://youtube.com/Shenryyr2
MadDjinn ► http://youtube.com/SBFMadDjinn
Marbozir ► http://youtube.com/Marbozir
You can also support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/Marbozir
Marbozir - Links:
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- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 1787
Boardgame Night: Pandemic - 1. World-flu
Boardgame Night is an opportunity for a few friends to gather around a boardgame for some friendly, though not always cooperative... possibly involving drink, almost certainly involving shenanigans ;)
This time we're playing the Pandemic boardgame, where humanity is on the brink of destruction as sickness sweeps across the globe. This is a purely cooperative boardgame, where we'll all be working together to try and contain, treat, and ultimately cure the infection!
Check out my companion's channels at:
Quill18 - https://www.youtube.com/user/quill18
Shenryyr - https://www.youtube.com/user/shenryyr2
Marbozir - https://www.youtube.com/user/Marbozir
MadDjinn - https://www.youtube.com/user/SBFMadDjinn
Boardgame Night: Pandemic - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGe_S5n7MjT1IL5jElIyqeqv7gXswZN8g
Where to Download:
Vassal is a free, open-source boardgame engine, and it and all the modules you'll see us use can be downloaded from their website - http://www.vassalengine.org/
Videos are commentary & transformative in nature, as defined under the 'Fair Use' policy of copyright.
Keep in touch via:
Twitter: http://ow.ly/uUgrC
Twitch: http://ow.ly/uUgxf
Steam: http://ow.ly/uUgEj
Check the about page for additional information, and my e-mail address :)
wn.com/Boardgame Night Pandemic 1. World Flu
Boardgame Night is an opportunity for a few friends to gather around a boardgame for some friendly, though not always cooperative... possibly involving drink, almost certainly involving shenanigans ;)
This time we're playing the Pandemic boardgame, where humanity is on the brink of destruction as sickness sweeps across the globe. This is a purely cooperative boardgame, where we'll all be working together to try and contain, treat, and ultimately cure the infection!
Check out my companion's channels at:
Quill18 - https://www.youtube.com/user/quill18
Shenryyr - https://www.youtube.com/user/shenryyr2
Marbozir - https://www.youtube.com/user/Marbozir
MadDjinn - https://www.youtube.com/user/SBFMadDjinn
Boardgame Night: Pandemic - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGe_S5n7MjT1IL5jElIyqeqv7gXswZN8g
Where to Download:
Vassal is a free, open-source boardgame engine, and it and all the modules you'll see us use can be downloaded from their website - http://www.vassalengine.org/
Videos are commentary & transformative in nature, as defined under the 'Fair Use' policy of copyright.
Keep in touch via:
Twitter: http://ow.ly/uUgrC
Twitch: http://ow.ly/uUgxf
Steam: http://ow.ly/uUgEj
Check the about page for additional information, and my e-mail address :)
- published: 07 Oct 2015
- views: 2263
Pandemic Gameplay Runthrough
A video outlining gameplay for the boardgame Pandemic & its expansion In the Lab. For more game info, http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/30549/pandemic P...
wn.com/Pandemic Gameplay Runthrough
A video outlining gameplay for the boardgame Pandemic & its expansion In the Lab. For more game info, http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/30549/pandemic P...
- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 6279
ReallySlowMotion - "Pandemic"
Company: Really Slow Motion
Composers: Anton Novoseltsev and Alex Sokolov
Purchase at http://www.cdbaby.com/m/cd/reallyslowmotion and all digital stores like iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.
Please, write to contact@reallyslowmotion.com for licensing information
Website: http://www.reallyslowmotion.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReallySlowMotion
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSMmusicSound
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/reallyslowmotion
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/reallyslowmotion
wn.com/Reallyslowmotion Pandemic
Company: Really Slow Motion
Composers: Anton Novoseltsev and Alex Sokolov
Purchase at http://www.cdbaby.com/m/cd/reallyslowmotion and all digital stores like iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.
Please, write to contact@reallyslowmotion.com for licensing information
Website: http://www.reallyslowmotion.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReallySlowMotion
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSMmusicSound
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/reallyslowmotion
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/reallyslowmotion
- published: 17 Aug 2014
- views: 1549
Pandemic: In the Lab Review - with the Game Boy Geek
Dan examines this latest expansion for Pandemic from Z-man Games Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.di...
wn.com/Pandemic In The Lab Review With The Game Boy Geek
Dan examines this latest expansion for Pandemic from Z-man Games Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.di...