
2014-05-31 – Saturday – 21:34:53

Back to Hobart, then out the next morning and south-east to the historic settlement of Port Arthur. Above, the chimney of what was once the Broad Arrow Cafe, now deconstructed as a memorial site.

state of mind

2014-04-29 – Tuesday – 23:38:16
state of mind

Back to updates after being away! Now I've got some serious catching up to do and ever more photos to post. Let's see if I can pick up the pace!

Outside the cave and further back along the dirt track was a thermal spring in the forest, where warm water bubbles up into the cooler creek. If you were quiet and patient, we were told, you might see platypuses here. We were both, but didn't. A few days later in Latrobe, with more quiet patience, we were rewarded with sightings of the shy animals in a lazy river outside town.


2014-02-23 – Sunday – 15:19:20

More stalactites, this time further up. Because of the low light levels I didn't get good photos of the most spectacular formations, dense inverted forests of dolomite. In places the entire ceiling was a carpet of delicate spikes and baggy columns.

the mountain breathing

2014-02-09 – Sunday – 14:37:06
the mountain breathing

Stalactites in one of the lower chambers.


2014-02-03 – Monday – 22:59:08

A dark and long descent through step craggy passage, steel underfoot, into the expansive vault and perpetual nine degrees of the Newdegate Cave.


2014-01-26 – Sunday – 02:29:22

Hastings Caves. Tracking south and into dense forest via dirt road, this setting reminiscent of Norwegian horror films, but without the snow. Spend the night in this hut? No thanks.


2014-01-06 – Monday – 02:04:27
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