Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat

In many ways J. Sakai's Settlers was a groundbreaking book for that sliver of the North American left that one may term "revolutionary". People from all strains of the radical left took notice of its analysis. It was promoted by the Love & Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, the Maoist International Movement and various radical feminist, anti-imperialist and anti-racist organizations. The book is still being debated, interpreted, and re-interpreted today.

This page is meant to provide references and links to reviews of Settlers. If you have any comments please don't hesitate to email me. I also hope to scan sections of the book here, so that people can get a taste of what it's all about.

Several years ago, J. Sakai agreed to be interviewed by Solidarity Publishing and Distribution, a prisoner-support project based here in Montreal. The text of this interview is available alongside Kuwasi Balagoon's The Continuing Appeal of Anti-Imperialism in the booklet When Race Burns Class, published and distributed by Kersplebedeb. The text of the interview, along ith Balagoon's review, are both aprovided here, so you can read them online.


Excerpts from Settlers


Note that Settlers has been scanned in and is also available as a PDF free online at

Settlers Discussed and Debated

If you have any other serious reviews of Settlers, please email me and let me know of them. I am even willing to scan them in to my computer or type them manually if they are not yet available online.

More by J. Sakai