Cizre cries for help: “Turkey’s Kobane” under siege

Thumbnail image for Cizre cries for help: “Turkey’s Kobane” under siege by Joris Leverink September 11, 2015 Actions

As the conflict in Turkey spirals out of control, dozens of people have reportedly been killed in Cizre and the army shows no signs of lifting the siege.

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The refugee crisis: beware the drums of war

Thumbnail image for The refugee crisis: beware the drums of war by Jelle Bruinsma September 10, 2015 Capitalism & Crisis

While the refugee crisis is being debated, pundits have used the crisis to plead for and justify new wars, and war plans are already being announced.

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Building autonomy in Turkey and Kurdistan: the DAF

Thumbnail image for Building autonomy in Turkey and Kurdistan: the DAF by Corporate Watch September 3, 2015 Actions

In this interview the DAF discusses the history of anarchism in Turkey, their initiatives in the anti-capitalist struggle and the Kurdish freedom movement.

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Dodging potholes in New Orleans: 10 years after Katrina

Thumbnail image for Dodging potholes in New Orleans: 10 years after Katrina by Hannah Bonner August 31, 2015 Capitalism & Crisis

While the richer parts of New Orleans have mostly recovered, the Lower Ninth Ward is still in disrepair and has lost more than half of its residents.

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Palestinian activist leader: “they tried to kill me”

Thumbnail image for Palestinian activist leader: “they tried to kill me” by Iyad Burnat August 31, 2015 Actions

Iyad Burnat’s chilling account of the torture and beatings suffered at the hands of Israeli soldiers after being detained at the weekly protests in Bil’in.

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Cop Watch: protecting neighborhoods from the police

Thumbnail image for Cop Watch: protecting neighborhoods from the police by Jelle Bruinsma August 29, 2015 Actions

To protect their neighborhoods against police violence, Cop Watch groups in the U.S. patrol and document police activity, hoping to abate the harassment.

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US deal with Turkey shows its disregard for Kurds

Thumbnail image for US deal with Turkey shows its disregard for Kurds by Joris Leverink August 28, 2015 People & Power

In its choice of allies in the battle against IS, the US is showing that defeating the jihadists might in fact not be its number one priority.

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US Empire: drone strikes, torture and prison industries

Thumbnail image for US Empire: drone strikes, torture and prison industries by Mehlab Jameel August 27, 2015 Culture & Critique

Torture and abuse of American prisoners at home and abroad are not the acts of a few bad apples, but examples of systemic, state-sanctioned violence.

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“We’ll die for this land”: when slum dwellers revolt

Thumbnail image for “We’ll die for this land”: when slum dwellers revolt by Jared Sacks August 24, 2015 Development & Dependency

South African media often depict poor black protesters as angry and irrational. Supporting their struggle requires challenging this discursive trope.

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From genocide to resistance: Yazidi women fight back

Thumbnail image for From genocide to resistance: Yazidi women fight back by Dilar Dirik August 23, 2015 People & Power

Having suffered a traumatic genocide, Yazidi women on Mount Sinjar mobilize their autonomous armed and political resistance with the PKK’s philosophy.

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