
Lessons from the History and Struggle of the Black Panther Party

Written by John Peterson Thursday, 09 July 2015

black-panthers-4The #BlackLivesMatter movement clearly shows that, despite the civil rights struggles of the past, inequality and racism are still thriving in America. Many young people in particular are looking for answers and a way to solve the problems facing society. As Marxists we stand on the front lines in the struggle against discrimination in all its forms. We believe that to be successful, this must be combined with the united working class’s struggle against capitalism and for socialism. We take this opportunity to look back at and learn from the successes and failures of one of the most inspiring experiences of our movement.


Greek Civil War: The 1944-45 Dekemvriana and the lessons for today

Written by Nina Christou Wednesday, 17 June 2015

EAM-National-Liberation-Front-Unity-makes-strenghtWhile Greece is faced with one of the biggest crises in its history, Greek bourgeois historians and politicians are trying to re-write history with their main focus on events that took place before and after Nazi occupation. These years were marked by massive poverty, hunger and oppression that led to a great wave of militancy amongst the Greek workers, peasants and youth.


Malcolm X: "You show me a capitalist, I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”

Written by In Defence of Marxism Monday, 23 February 2015

mxFifty years ago Malcolm X was brutally asassinated and thus one of the loudest voices against injustice was removed. In the last period of his life he was evolving towards a class understanding of society. As he said, "we are today seeing a global rebellion of the oppressed against the oppressor, the exploited against the exploiter.” We republish here an article about the man and his ideas. (Click here)


Our Cherished Freedom of Speech Myth

Written by Daniel Morley Friday, 20 February 2015

freedom-of-speech-megaphone2On February 17th Peter Oborne, one of the UK's most respected journalists, resigned from the Daily Telegraph and publicly condemned its practice of placing advertisers interests above those of the truth. As a conservative liberal, Peter Oborne is concerned that our famed and cherished 'freedom of speech' is being undermined by business interests. Freedom of expression is routinely and uncritically heralded as our society's proudest achievement to be defended at all costs. It is always assumed that, essentially, we possess this freedom, and it is only necessary to preserve it in one way or another. In truth, under capitalism there is no such thing as free expression nor a free press, for capital decides everything.


A comment on Howard Zinn's "Terrorism and War"

Written by Christopher Hill Monday, 10 November 2014

douglas brown - Howard Zinn - thumbBarack Obama has declared his intention to return to open intervention in the Middle East, but the antiwar movement remains too paralyzed to make sense of the situation. It may seem odd to be reviewing a book that is now past its twelfth birthday, but the content of this book is incredibly relevant to today’s world, and a proper understanding of its virtues and failings may prove useful in light of recent events. Author Howard Zinn was widely respected as a revolutionary scholar and friend of the oppressed. This reputation is well deserved, but Zinn was never a Marxist, and his analysis of war and terrorism is based more on bourgeois morality than on a real understanding of the class struggle.


On the Program of the Black Panther Party: Which Way Forward for Black Workers and Youth? - Part two

Written by John Peterson Thursday, 02 October 2014

Iblack-panthers-4n the final part of his article, John Peterson analyses the programme of the Panthers, highlighting its strong points as well as its weaknesses.


On the Program of the Black Panther Party: Which Way Forward for Black Workers and Youth? - Part one

Written by John Peterson Wednesday, 01 October 2014

black-panthers-4Nearly twice a week in the USA, a black person is killed by a white cop. In Ferguson, Missouri, the death of yet another young black man at the hands of the police was one too many. Necessity expressed itself through accident, and the murder of Mike Brown unleashed a wave of pent-up outrage and indignation across the country. The daily protests and nightly confrontations with the police, state troopers, and National Guard flooded the media with scenes reminiscent of modern day Gaza, Iraq—or the US in the 1950s and 1960s.


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