Pages API

Publish and send content as a Page. Manage Facebook Pages from your app.

Getting Started
Set up your first page and post from it with the API.

Publishing as a Page
Post content such as videos, images and links as a Page.

Page Access Tokens

Access tokens and permissions for the Pages API.

Managing Pages

Getting and updating page information and settings. Managing page posts.

Page Tabs

Add related apps to your Page.

Page Object

The Page object in the Graph API.

Posting as a Page

People using your app can post content such as text, links, images and videos using the Page's identity. For more information, see Publishing as a Page.

Page Tabs

You can add Page Tabs to a page and under a tab you can provide related applications or custom content for your page.

Custom Page tabs enable you to create a much richer experience on Facebook and control content your visitors and followers see on your page. See Using Page Tabs.


Page Insights help people understand audiences are engaging with a Page. With Page Insights, you can:

  • View metrics about your Page's performance
  • Learn which posts have the most engagement
  • See data about when your audience is on Facebook

For more information, see Page Insights.

Additional Resources

Learn more about Facebook Pages:

Next Steps

Create Page