
The App Dashboard supports localization of the information about your app you enter in the App Details tab, such as the name you give it, the descriptions you provide, and so on. Using the App Dashboard localization tool described here can help people find and use your app in locales other than the one where you originally created it.

Note that this guide doesn't tell you how to localize your app itself and translate its text into one of the many languages supported by Facebook. See More about Facebook localization tools to learn where to go to learn about that.

This guide tells you how to do that. It covers the following:

Select a Primary Language

Go to the App Dashboard, select the app you want to localize, and click Edit App. Then click App Details in the left-hand column. Under App Info, click the button next to Primary Language, and select the language you want to be the primary language for your app.

People using your app will see text strings in the primary language selected on the App Details tab if you haven't translated your app detail page into their language.

If you have defined Custom Open Graph actions, your primary language must be set to English (US) and you should provide English content. You can still add additional languages so people other than native English speakers can read information about your app in the language of their own local Facebook version.

Choose Additional Languages

In the App Dashboard, click the Localize tab, then click Select a Language to Begin, and select a target language. You will be shown recommended languages based on where your app is popular. If you don't see the language you want, click All Languages in the left column and you'll be able to choose from any language Facebook supports.

Provide translated content

You will see grayed out placeholder text from your primary language. Click it to select the text, and provide translations for tagline, description and detailed description. If you are requesting extended permissions and have entered an explanation for this in your primary language, you also need to translate it for each additional language. Display name and publisher are optional.

People viewing your app details in the App Center and across Facebook will see the translated text strings if using the relevant locale. Please note that if you translate your app information but not your app itself, you are required to list the supported languages in your app's detailed description.

The Localize tab also lets you upload localized icons, banners and screenshots. By default each new language that you add will inherit the images you added to the original version of your app in its primary language. These inherited images will be displayed as grayed out, to indicate that they are associated with your app's primary language. Any changes made to your primary language will also be carried over in all additional languages you have configured, and displayed in App Center accordingly.

To override this behavior, upload language specific images in the Localize tab. These new images will be displayed in full color (not grayed out), indicating that they are localized versions. Changes made to images in the app created in your primary language will override localized images. To remove a localized image and return to inheriting images from the primary language version of your app, delete the localized image from the Localize tab.

Save and Submit

Once you’re done, click Save. From the Selected Language drop down, continue adding languages until you have provided translations for all languages you wish to support.

Finally, navigate to the App Details tab and click Submit. Translated content will be reviewed before an app is listed in an App Center category to ensure that it meets Facebook guidelines.

Where Your App Appears

As the App Center becomes available internationally, people using App Center will see popular apps in the country where they're using it, based on their IP addresses. People can override this behavior and see apps from any country they choose via the App Center.

App Center displays app detail pages in the locale people select by default. If information about your app hasn't been translated into someone's chosen locale, the App Center falls back to showing text in the primary language version.

Note: that non-English app detail pages aren't shown to users browsing the site in English.

More About Facebook Localization Tools

This guide describes only how to localize information about your app for display in App Center in different locales other than the primary locale you created your app for. You may still need to translate text from your app into the languages for those locales. To learn about Facebook tools you can use to help translate your app, see Facebook Localization Tools.

Your app details have been localized for new locales, you also need to Translate them.