Healthy Psychology Determine the Quality of Life

With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards and rapid development of the human health level, health is no longer limited to physical health. People begin to realize the true meaning of health which is a physical, psychological and social coordination state.

According to study from pathologist, in real life, mental health and physical health are always interrelated, interaction. Mental health will affect the person’s physical health at all times. For example, with high tension for a long-term depression due to its internal hormone secretion and change in the degree of muscle tension, immune system can’t work in the best condition, then people’s immunity drops, this is precisely why people with bad mood are susceptible to infectious diseases, why people with a long time of tense mood is likely to suffer from cancer, why obese people are subjected to heart disease.

As the personality is directly related to mental state, and therefore closely associated with physical health. In general, temperament eccentric and small-minded people often have a number of physical diseases because of their emotional state in an unstable state, on the contrary, cheerful and optimistic person are healthier than pessimistic person. So, in daily life, we should pay attention to nutritional intake and physical activity, what’s more, we must cultivate own sentiment to avoid continuous emotional stress. If you feel unpleasant for a long time, we should go to the psychological clinic or counseling center for psychological therapy as soon as possible to ensure our health on both mental and physical.

Mental health is an important part of human health, how can we maintain a healthy body and mind then? Experts point out that we must firstly establish a clear goal in life, people’s lives become enriched with a clear goal to pursue and thus effectively excluding a variety of negative emotions and negative interference from outside. Regular life style and energetic body are the most important spiritual force to ensure a healthy life. In addition, healthy psychology is formed from good habits. Modern scientific research has proven that human’s activity is carried out under strict control in the biological clock. If you obey it and follow it, you will feel better, otherwise, you will feel tied.

Online Degree In Health Psychology

Psychology can be explained in very few and simple words. It is the study of human mind and behavior. But psychology has been classified into many branches such as health , clinical , school , forensic psychology.

It is predicted by the Bureau of Labor Statistic that the demand for Psychologist will increase rapidly by 2014.

You can get your major online degree in any of them and specialize accordingly. It will open many career opportunities for you once you have gotten your online degrees in psychology from a top accredited school.

Psychology is found in almost every field whether its crime, health, counseling or school. There is always a high demand for psychologist which ever field you choose. Therefore after gaining your degree in psychology from a a top accredited online university you will not go through any career problems.

About Online Degree in Heath Psychology:

If you are interested in studying biology or health then you should get your major online degree in Health Psychology. Because it is concerned with the changes in humans health due to the psychological problems. We can state this in easier words by saying that when you will be studying for your Online Degree in Health Psychology from a top accredited online college or university than you will be taught the science between psychology and health. That is to say how one thing affects the other thing.

You can get your Master or PhD degree in Health psychology from any top accredited university but this is only possible once you have earned your online bachelors degree in psychology from a top accredited online university.

There are many top accredited online universities which are offering online degrees in Health psychology and you can choose any of them depending solely upon your choice but it advisable that you choose a top accredited online university instead of any random university as a good online university degree will hold more value in compare to others.

Some of the top accredited schools which are offering online degrees are:

- Walden University

- Capella University

- Grand Canyon University

As awareness regarding health is increasing with that the scope of students who have gotten their online degree in health psychology is rising as well.

After getting your online degree in health psychology from any top accredited university of your choice you can start working as a psychologist either for any healthcare center or you can even run your own clinic.

Being a health psychologist you will get to deal will patients who are having bad health due to some incident that took place in their life like a death of some one close or someone who have a deadly disease and is having a hard time accepting the truth.

The average salary for a psychologist, is roughly around $64,000 to $85,000 per annum depending upon the your qualification and experience.

Cynthia James is an educationists and SEO-based Content Writer who works as an e-marketer. She enjoys writing content for websites and slogans for advertisements. She attained her major degree in psychology and counseling and manages her own websites

Careers in Health Psychology

Psychological health has gained recognition in the last fifteen years or so after stress and mental illness rates have reportedly been on the rise. Public awareness of mental health is also increasing as people are taking an interest in the psychological aspects of how the mind reacts to coping with stress or illness. Health psychology, a relatively new field, has gained momentum as patients are looking to gain insight into the way their mind works, and how it affects their body systems. Stress is known to cause physical symptoms such as high-blood pressure and digestive upset and is a leading contributor to heart disease.

Health psychologists work with patients to reduce stress and increase well-being using a variety of methods. Health psychologists differ from other psychologists in the sense that they use the bio-psychosocial model to focus on addressing how biology, psychological issues and social issues influence health.

Clinical psychologists mainly focus on preventing psychological distress; cognitive psychologists are aimed at understanding mental processes; developmental psychologists study psychological changes over a lifetime; and social psychologists focus on how behaviors are influenced by other people. Health psychologists take into account all of the above, but also take into consideration disease prevention, the mind-body connection and even issues pertaining to why patients sometimes make self -destructive choices.

Becoming a health psychologist requires an education in psychology, combined with knowledge of the body and health in general. If a student is interested in pursuing a career in health psychology, it is first necessary to go to a regionally accredited college to earn a bachelor’s degree. Majoring in psychology is recommended, and it is useful to take elective courses such as abnormal psychology, social psychology, behavioral therapy, and community psychology in combination with an internship or work experience in a psychological or health setting.

Obtaining a master’s degree is also recommended as it furthers the level of expertise in health psychology. While pursuing health psychology in graduate school, numerous opportunities are available to gain knowledge and professionalism through practicum, internship and supervised research endeavors.

Health psychologists usually work in a variety of medical environments including clinics, hospitals, private practice, schools, universities, rehabilitation centers and more. Salaries vary and depend on several factors such as work setting, degree and position held.

Getting the academic training that is needed to pursue health psychology can be a challenging but worthwhile process. With excellent academic skills, interest in research and a love of people, health psychology may be a rewarding experience.

Argosy University offers a wide selection of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs in a variety of psychology concentrations at 19 locations across the nation.

5 Calorie Burners To Add To Your List

The more calories you burn, the trimmer you become. Fact: to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you take in! Here are 5 ways to do just that and launch you onto the pathway for a slimmer, fitter you.

1. Eat less and more often.
If you eat between small amounts every 2 – 3 hours, your metabolism is stimulated and works harder at burning of calories than when you eat 3 large meals a day. Your body is constantly working at digesting all day and your body is not triggered into fight or flight mode by lack of food and therefore doesn’t hang onto the fat for dear life!

2. Shake your booty!
What I mean is you must be more physically active. This is supremely important, not just for weight loss but for your health and heart health too. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift, walk to corner cafe instead of driving. Park as far from the mall entrance as possible and pace up and down while you’re on the phone. Every little helps.

3. Eat healthy fats
Are you mad, you’re thinking? Our bodies need healthy fats in order to work properly, so try to add in some healthy fats in the form of avocados, salmon, flaxseed oil, nuts and seeds to your diet.

4. Drink cold water
There is an indication that your body may burn calories trying to raise the temperature of cold water to match your body temperature. Nevertheless, drinking more water ships nutrients more successfully to around your body, keeps you hydrated and keeps your cells nice and plump and functioning in an optimum environment. dehydrated cells don’t perform well!

5. Start weight training
Doing a small weight routine each day stimulates and boosts your metabolism too while getting you nice and toned on the outside. Start with low weights and give it a go. There are plenty of fitness channels with short weight training workouts if you prefer not to hit the gym.