Benefits of Garlic by

on 2015-05-19

Benefits of Garlic!! A more detailed account of what garlic does for various organs in the human body: If garlic had been created in the laboratory instead of by nature, it would probably be a high-priced prescription drug. A Common Saying everyone knows..That's just how good it really is... Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and it's been credited with fighting heart disease, lowering blood pressure and helping to fight off colds. In fact, garlic has been used medicinally ...
  • Category: Health

Meningitis and Encephalitis

on 2015-05-12

"Meningitis" and "encephalitis" are two words that pop onto most people's radar screens from time to time, and usually in some scary context, like hearing of a cluster of cases in their child's school, or reading media reports of epidemics occurring nationally or internationally. While most people understand that these words mean there is some sort of infection of the nervous system, other distinctions and implications are often left unstated and, as a result, can be vague or confusing. The ...
  • Category: Health

Practical Aromatherapy - the Antiviral Effects of Essential Oils

on 2015-05-05

b>Antiviral Activity of Essential Oils The body of evidence regarding the effectiveness of natural botanicals against a great variety of viruses is growing. Over twenty years ago, German scientists found extracts of more than 100 species of the Lamiaceae family to have antiviral effects. This discovery lead to and increase in the examination of essential oils in Europe for the treatment of viral infections. Essential oils from many plant families have now been demonstrated to have antiviral ...
  • Category: Health

Cancer - The Missing Point

on 2015-04-20

If one were to judge by television advertising and news reports, it would seem that the "war on cancer" is all but won. What are the weapons being heralded? Drugs, research, tests and exams. They miss the point. "Prevention" is promoted as meaning catching the disease early. Really. That also misses the point. Is it "prevention" if you call 911 when you come home and see smoke billowing from all your windows? Do we just live with a carpe diem philosophy and wait for the doctor to tell us we ...
  • Category: Health

Lumbar Puncture

on 2015-04-19

I couldn't resist the title's corny riff on the name of the rock band and their movie, but the kind of spinal tap featured in this article was a spinal tap before Spinal Tap was Spinal Tap. (Does that make any sense?) Known more formally as a lumbar puncture, this kind of spinal tap is a valuable medical test with an interesting history. In 1891 Heinrich Quincke, of Kiel, Germany, introduced this procedure as we know it today. His original intent was to help babies suffering from hydrocephalus ...
  • Category: Health

Reduce Cholesterol With Celery

on 2015-03-30

REQUIREMENTS FOR REPRINT: You have permission to publish this article free of charge in your e-zine, newsletter, ebook, print publication or on your website ONLY if it remains unchanged and you include the copyright and author information (Resource Box) at the end. You may not use this article in any unsolicited commercial email (spam). You may retrieve this article by: Autoresponder: Website: Words: 298 Copyright: 2005 ...
  • Category: Health

Are Antibiotics Killing You?

on 2015-03-13

Are Antibiotics Killing You? by John Bremner Thank god for doctors and for antibiotics. They save millions of lives every year, but there is a dark side to the use of antibiotics that is not quite so well known. For example, did you know that there is a commonly used antibiotic that can kill, like ecstasy, on the very first dose you take? The trouble with antibiotics is that they are just so good at what they do, that we start begging for antibiotics as soon as we get ill, and doctors who are ...
  • Category: Health

Medical Tests

on 2015-03-09

We have a marvelous array of medical tests available to us. Many of them—typically blood-tests—even come with results expressed in numbers signifying the exact quantity of something that was measured. On laboratory reports these measured quantities are often accompanied by a "normal range" for what the laboratory apparently thinks the value should have been, showing a lower number and a higher number. So if you had a laboratory test, what does it mean when your measurement falls inside or ...
  • Category: Health

Cushing's Syndrome - Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

on 2015-02-24

Cushing's syndrome is a rare endocrine disorder caused by high levels of cortisol in the blood. Sometimes called "hypercortisolism. It is relatively rare and most commonly affects person aged 20 to 50. An estimated 10 to15 of every million people are affected each year. Cushing's syndrome occurs when the body's tissues are exposed to excessive levels of cortisol for long periods of time. Many people suffer the symptoms of Cushing's syndrome because they take glucocorticoid hormones such as ...
  • Category: Health

Menopause and Bioidentical Hormones

on 2015-02-23

Can menopause symptoms be safely comforted with bioidentical hormones? Recent research suggests that menopause can be treated with bioidentical hormones, a natural replacement for a woman's body, with no reported side effects. In the past, menopause has been treated like a disease - primarily with Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT (including Premarin, which is made from pregnant mare’s urine, Prempro and Provera), which meant ingesting synthetic chemicals on a regular basis. Now we know ...
  • Category: Health


on 2015-02-17

Copyright 2005 NaProTechnology is a new reproductive science uses the physician's medical and surgical energies in a way that works cooperatively with a woman's natural reproductive function. Created at the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction in Omaha, Nebraska, it is touted as a revolutionary breakthrough for helping couples who desire to achieve a pregnancy naturally. This article is a review of information from a new DVD called New Hope For Infertility ...
  • Category: Health

Are Cell Phones Causing Cancer?

on 2015-02-15

In 1993, a man filed a lawsuit against the cell phone industry, claiming that his wife died from a brain tumor caused by her repeated use of the cell phone. The tumor was on the same side of the head where she held her cell phone and was shaped like the cell phone antenna. The case got widespread media attention and was featured in CNN's Larry King show. Although the claim was dismissed by the court due to lack of sufficient evidence, it was a public relations nightmare for the wireless ...
  • Category: Health

Dr. Raymond Rife and His Miracle Machine

on 2015-02-13

I'm willing to take a chance here and bet my next paycheck that you've never heard of Dr. Raymond Rife, nor of his amazing machines. Did I win? I thought so. Would you be surprised to learn that Dr. Rife developed a system, more than 70 years ago, which safely and quickly kills viruses, bacteria, Candida, fungus, parasites, and even cancer, with no side effects, and no toxicity? This remarkable technology was invented by a humble man, with no formal medical training, who not only realized that ...
  • Category: Health

Orthodox cancer treatment

on 2015-02-11

Diagnosis is a strength of Western scientific medicine because of its dependence on analytical procedures and processes of elimination. Modern technology has given us many ways to see into the body for effective diagnosis of dis-ease. Nowhere is scientific Western medicine so advanced than in the fields of diagnosis. Although the philosophy of Western medicine often comes in for criticism, modern science has produced many ways in which we can examine and image organisms internally and ...
  • Category: Health


on 2015-02-08

The skin is the largest and most visible organ of the body. It reflects the health of the body and acts as a barrier against injury and bacteria. Sadly, at one time or another, nearly everyone has some type of skin disease that only a skin doctor can absolutely give the scientific explanation for those skin problems. Dermatologist is a medical doctor specializing on the study of the skin, diseases of the skin and the relationship of cutaneous lesions to systemic disease. Dermatologist is ...
  • Category: Health

Synvisc Treatment Can Be Legally Imported from Canada.

on 2015-02-07

Montreal, Quebec (AffordableDrugs) December 11, 2004 – Synvisc, the popular treatment for osteoarthritis, can be legally imported from Canada. The common belief in the United States is that Synvisc falls under the same category as prescription drugs and cannot be legally imported. However this is not true as under FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulations Synvisc is classified differently and can be imported legally. Synvisc is a popular treatment that can only be given by a trained ...
  • Category: Health

Health Plan For Tx, Ga, Ok, Ca ONLY!!!!

on 2015-02-06

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present AmeriPlan Health™ to you. With the rising cost of health care, we feel our health benefits program will be extremely beneficial to you or you and your family. AmeriPlan Health™ is true Consumer Driven Health Care. It was created to help its members enjoy good health and save money on health care too. Our medical care program will save you from 50% to 80% off all care. We have no waiting periods, no exclusions on pre-existing conditions, no ...
  • Category: Health

Communicating With Your Doctor - A Guide to Doing It Right

on 2015-02-05

Have you ever come home from a visit to your doctor wondering if you really understood your medical problem or how to take your medications? In the past, doctors were in charge of your care and you were to "follow orders." These days, patients and doctors have an equal responsibility for care. You have a right to information about your condition and treatment and the doctor has a right to an accurate accounting of your history and symptoms. According to the National Institute on Aging, here is ...
  • Category: Health

Country Living... Help For Attention Deficit Disorder?

on 2015-02-02

Country Living... Help For Attention Deficit Disorder? Scientists don't understand why Attention Deficit Disorder is increasing so quickly. (News) Scientists don't understand why Attention Deficit Disorder is increasing so quickly. One reason may be that more and more people are living in congested, overcrowded situations. A hundred years ago when most of us lived on farms or in small towns with a lot of rural space around us...ADD ADHD wasn't even recognized by the medical community. ...
  • Category: Health

The Cancer Research Industry

on 2015-02-01

Many volunteers world-wide commit themselves to raising funds for cancer research and cancer charities. Many hundreds of thousands more work in the industry as carers, or researching, prescribing, diagnosing and manufacturing drugs. Huge companies spend fortunes on cancer research. After so long and so many billions spent what exactly has cancer research revealed? There have been regular breakthroughs in our understanding of cancer, but little progress in its treatment. Modern research into ...
  • Category: Health

Can Mexican Pharmacy Purchases Be Trusted?

on 2015-01-31

Purchasing drugs from a Mexican pharmacy is, for the most part, a very safe and inexpensive way of getting the medical supplies that you require. Since the laws in Mexico are very different than in the US, as most drugs are readily available without a prescription (except for some controlled substances and all narcotics), purchasing drugs from a Mexican pharmacy should be a fairly painless process. However, there are some risks associated with purchasing drugs from a Mexican pharmacy – but ...
  • Category: Health

Herbal Medicine has been used for thousands of years to

on 2015-01-30

Herbs or medicinal plants have a long history in treating disease and health disorders. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, the written history of herbal medicine goes back over 2000 years and herbalists in the West have used •weeds” equally long to treat that which ails us. We are all familiar with the virtues of Garlic, Chamomile, Peppermint, Lavender, and other common herbs. Interest in medicinal herbs is on the rise again and the interest is primarily from the ...
  • Category: Health

Pharmacy Jobs

on 2015-01-29

The whole world is facing a severe and problematic shortage of qualified laboratory and medical personnel. Third world countries are suffering because their doctors and medical staff are immigrating to meet excess demand for high-paid medical positions in Europe. It is more difficult for medical professionals to come to America, however, and the United States is facing the same challenges of a shrinking medical community. According to the American Society for Clinical Pathology, over half of ...
  • Category: Health

Transitioning from EP Diagnostic to Therapeutics

on 2015-01-28

When hospitals make the decision to expand the cath lab to perform electrophysiology (EP) procedures, it is important to look into the impact it will have on the total cardiology program. Traditionally, hospitals have looked to recognized medical specialist societies to provide insight and direction regarding clinical policy and process. This is no different for EP procedures, which have been routinely conducted in the cardiac catheterization lab setting. When looking for guidance and/or ...
  • Category: Health

CPT Codes; What are you Getting Billed for?

on 2015-01-25

All of us visit some sort of medical office from time to time and some of us make the visit a routine. No matter how many times we go in for a checkup or treatment we usually end up paying a relatively inexpensive co-pay for the services rendered to us. So who makes up the difference and how do they pay it? Obviously, the doctors and nurses that we visit are not making a living off of our co-pay; so how do they obtain the additional money from our heath care provider? In this article, I will ...
  • Category: Health

The History And Usefulness Of Coenzyme Q10

on 2015-01-25

Throughout my childhood I was aware of the importance of eating well and taking my vitamins. But the science of dietary supplements has come a long way since those days. And one of the stars in this scientific progression is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is not a drug. It is a vitamin-like substance that is found in small amounts in a variety of foods and is synthesized within our body tissues. Enzymes are compounds in the body that are absolutely essential for the many processes necessary to ...
  • Category: Health

Surviving in the Hospital (Available medical technology to help

on 2015-01-25

More than having a comfortable, temporary residence in the hospital, it is important that one not only survive but come out of the hospital, alive and whole. According to a study, medical errors in hospitals cause more deaths each year than vehicle accidents, cancer or even AIDS. A recent study reported that there are up to 100,000 deaths each year caused by medical mistakes. Hence, medical mistakes are reported as the eighth leading cause of death among Americans. The causes of medical ...
  • Category: Health