Shape, Texture and Pattern Fashions With Bratz

If you are a fashion savvy person, it is not surprising that you indulge yourself into a collection of fashion wardrobe and accessories. Figure-flattering gowns and skirts become your ultimate must-haves to project your sexy curves while denim jeans are part of your high street fashion. While you crave to know the hottest fashion news and advice, wanting to follow the latest fashion trends, you can appreciate the art of fashion more by learning shape, texture and patterns. Who do you think can best teach you these basics? The most fashionable and fabulous Bratz at the dressing up games. Love fashion not only by following it but by being a trendsetter!

Most often, you will not get lost with fashion styles and cuts when you know the names of the styles. This is for the reason that certain fashion clothes are named based on the shape, texture or the pattern of the fashion clothing. Here are some of the few which you could find in the dressing up games wardrobe.

The A-line. As the name suggest, the A-line is a set of fashion clothing that adopts the shape of the letter A. this was first introduced by Christian Dior, one of the infamous French couture designers. The silhouette if the A-line is imitated by having a funnel like shape where the fabric flares out from the top and goes fitted at the neck and shoulders. There is no shaping or seaming at the waist and the fabric goes wide to the bottom. A good example of an A-line dress is the satin sleeveless dress in purple at the dressing up games.

The fabulous ball gown. The ball gown is one of the most prominent styles of gowns that you could find at the dressing up games. This is for the reason that this cut is the most recognized formal style for special events and occasion. Most often the ball gown is made of luxurious and soft fabrics that has been trimmed delicately and worn with a shawl. While the early centuries have been noted with wrist length sleeves, the present trend goes with the gown cut off the shoulder. This is then designed and made further elegant with beads, sequins, appliqués and ruffles.

The cigarette pipe trousers. These trousers do not mean that the pants were made out of cigarette material. Since we are talking about shapes and styles, this means that it is likely compared to a cigarette in these terms. Also known as the slim fit pants or the skinny jeans thus started from 1950s and now back into fashion in the recent years. The pants have snug fit on the legs and ends with a small hole or opening. Spandex is sometimes using to make the jeans stretchable and allow super slim fit.

There is still other fashion clothing that you could find with dressing up games. Play with texture, style and shapes and see the arts in fashion.

News Trading (Part I)

Financial and capital markets react violently to the release of economic news. The release of the NFP figures, the housing sales figures, the GDP figures or other socioeconomic and political news mostly makes the currency markets nervous, volatile and jittery with huge spikes within a few moments of the news release. This volatility is what makes forex markets so attractive only if you know how to harness it.

One of the popular strategies of trading forex is news trading. This type of trading provides the possibility of instant gratification. This strategy is intriguing to many traders. You enter the trade minutes before the expected news release. Your heart pumps. You are nervous when the clock ticks within 60 seconds of the number coming out.

When the news does come out, either you feel an instant sense of elation, a trading high that you had the right instincts or an instant sense of frustration when the market behaves in a totally unpredictable fashion. News trading is great for those traders who like a lot of action within a short period of time.

News trading is based on the fact that when an economic number deviates significantly from the consensus forecast, there is usually a knee jerk reaction in the markets accompanied by a decent follow through. There are many ways to trade the news. However, if done incorrectly, it can lead to more losers than winners.

Trading the news means attempting to capture the volatility in the currency markets created by a news release. This volatility creates the breakout trade as the prices smashes through the support or resistance. However, please note that a news trade is not a trade that is placed just before the news is released or is placed just after the news is released.

Many traders follow the adage, “Buy the rumor and sell on the news”. Many traders trade the news. You must know news trading is a risky business. There are several forms of risks unique to news trading. You should understand the risks involved in news trading.

Spread: Many forex brokers charge more spread for a trade just after news is released. The spread charged by most forex brokers may jump sometimes up to 15 pips from 2-4 pips right after the release of the NFP Figures.

Most brokers are flooded by thousands of orders in just a few seconds moments before the announcement of economic news. They find it difficult to enter your order just right after a news release. Your trade could be entered many pips away from where you had wanted. This means that your order may take longer to process by the forex broker. 

The stop order placed by you needs to be touched by the price before its triggered. However, sometimes after the release of fundamental news, the markets can become highly volatile and jump several pips all of a sudden.

For example on the EUR/USD currency pair, all of a sudden on the release of the news the price may suddenly jump from 1.3249 to 1.3255. Suppose you had the stop loss order placed at 1.3250. The price jumped from 1.3249 to 1.325 without ever touching 1.3250 price levels.

Your stop loss order was not triggered as the price never touched 1.3250; you did not get stopped out. You are still in the market and exposed to potentially unlimited losses.

Unlikely Style Icon – Teenage Fashion Blogger – Tavi Gevinson

Tavi Gevinson, otherwise known as ‘Style Rookie’, made the cover of fashion bible Pop mag in August and Love in September, where she was also interviewed by Pixie Geldolf.

Her fashion blog attracts half a million hits a month and she is taken so seriously by the industry that she earned front row seats at all the biggest shows during New York Fashion Week, where editors and celebrities could be seen respectfully watching over her shoulder.

Given the fascination with this unique and engaging fashion writer, it’s rather surprising to discover that Tavi is a 13-year-old blogger from suburban Chicago.

The ‘Style Rookie’ blog was created in 2008 when Tavi was just 11, and her writing illustrates such an understanding of her favoured subject that it was initially assumed to be a fake created by fashion insiders. It has a professional feel and features analysis of magazines and photographs of her quirky daily outfits.

Kate and Laura Mulleavy, the sisters behind the award-winning fashion label Rodarte, contacted Tavi after coming across her blog just eight months after she began it, and she has since become their muse, helping to present their line.

“Tavi makes you think about things differently,” said Kate Mulleavy, “She makes you see things differently.”
Indeed, Tavi Gevinson appears to be quite a phenomenon.

Her first experience of paid journalism was for Pop’s website, giving her thoughts on New York Fashion Week. “For one week I was in a utopia full of people who can recognise that my jacket is Luella and appreciate that I stuck an upside-down doll in its chest pocket,” she wrote.

“Tavi’s amazing,” says Charlie Porter, deputy editor of the style journal Fantastic Man. “She’s so inquisitive, with such a sharp, curious eye,”

While a sense of fashion and style is a matter of opinion, this extract from ‘the new girl in town’s Bat Mitzvah speech is a good example of why people hope that we continue to hear more from the teenager who won over the fashion industry.

“As I said earlier, the Nazarites wore just enough to keep them warm, believing that that was the wish of God. Over this past year I have become increasingly interested in clothing, and have developed a clearer understanding of the idea that clothing can be art… Rei Kawakubo, who many regard as the first conceptual designer and whose clothes can often inspire uncomfortable thoughts or feelings in people, is my favourite designer in the world… Using fashion as self-expression can go beyond wearing a shirt with a slogan, as clothing has the ability to evoke an entire feel, or atmosphere, or emotion, or world.”

Fashion TV -Why Free Fashion TV Online Is Set To Grow

Fashion video and TV will become huge online in the coming years. Here you will find out why fashion TV and video online is set for huge growth online in the coming years

So, why are websites providing fashion TV and videos online for free?

Quite simply it appeals to everyone.

Both men and women have an interest and it helps websites sell by capturing a captive audience.

Today, fashion is a huge business and we are all more conscious of our appearance than ever before.

We live in the age of the celebrity, of looking good and youthful.

Fashion TV provides escapism, fun.

For the viewer on one side and on the other side advertisers know that everyone wants to watch it, so advertising revenue is big, so it makes sense to provide it free.

1. Women

We all know woman love fashion. They can keep up with the latest trends and tips. No surprises here.

2. Men

Men love fashion TV if it’s just to look at some stunning models!

Today, men are becoming just as image conscious as women and the huge gay community is the most image conscious group and they have money.

Getting a captive audience

Advertisers know that fashion sells a look and a lifestyle we all aspire to.

Fashion TV set to music is a great way to keep people on their websites.

It’s easy on the eye, with beautiful people and a lifestyle most people aspire to.

Add in some music and its fun escapist entertainment.

Expect to see a huge increase in fashion and lifestyle TV and video streamed live on the internet as advertisers exploit its popularity.

Which of course is good news for viewers as well.