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Ataque a concesionaria en Buenos Aires (Argentina)

September 9th, 2015

Nos intentan obligar a una existencia sumisa y cobarde en el nombre del progreso tecnológico el control social y una mayor inclusión en lo que a pertenencia al sistema se refiere.

¡Pero nosotros no queremos ningún progreso, atacamos su control y rechazamos de manera consciente su inclusión!

Elegimos vivir la vida por el filo del abismo y no por los senderos de la muchedumbre mansa que se arrastra mendigando al poder las propias cadenas que los amarran. Nuestras motivaciones siempre serán en primera instancia la dignidad, la coherencia entre lo que decimos y hacemos, ese goce de
comprobarnos coherentes con lo que creemos. También nos motiva la sed de venganza, una venganza que sentimos tenemos que cobrar prácticamente desde niñxs cuando nos encierran en sus centros de domesticación y luego a lo largo de toda la vida encerradxs en fabricas, cárceles, manicomios… bibliotecas “anarquistas”…

¡Despreciamos toda esa mierda! ¡Hay otros caminos lejos de esa porquería monótona y anuladora del individuo!

En este andar mayormente solitario pero constante es que el 4 de septiembre pasado colocamos un artefacto incendiario en la concesionaria de motos y cuatriciclos ubicada en la Avenida Entre Ríos esquina Rondeau, el cual lamentablemente no funciono como lo esperábamos. ¡Pero continuaremos, siempre continuaremos!

Nuestra intención es clara: fomentar y propagar el ataque a todos los símbolos (físicos y edilicios) que representan ese entramado difuso que es el enemigo.

Objetivos a atacar… sobran… depende de nuestra voluntad, de nuestra decisión.

A generar todo el caos posible ante la mierda electoral que se avecina y su competencia entre candidatxs por ver quien saca mas policías a las calles y quien gestiona mejor la miseria.

Fuerza a Sol Vergara, valiente compañera encerrada en las prisiones chilenas. Fuerza a lxs demás compañerxs anarquistas, antiautoritarixs, nihilistas y subversivxs encerradxs por el Estado en Chile, México, Grecia, Italia, España…

Con nuestrxs muertxs en la memoria…


Célula Nihilista del Ocaso de Fuego.

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‘Concerning the New Memorandum and the Elections of 20 September’ by Nikos Maziois of R.O.- Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

September 9th, 2015

The 3rd Memorandum signed by the SYRIZA government marks the complete political bankruptcy of the left regime and the chimerical aspirations for a more “humane” capitalism. After taking office last January, this marks the collapse of the attempted Syriza management of the defeat of the popular social movements from the period 2010-2012. For those who had no illusions, this whole period until the adoption of the 3rd Memorandum represents simply a waiting period for the predicted backtracking, where the campaign promises to repeal or renegotiate the Memorandum and partial cancelling of the debt along with a parallel policy for the relief of the poor was first followed by the agreement of February 20 which extended the second memorandum, and then came (despite the disapproval of 62% of the voters in the referendum of July 5 rejecting the proposals of lenders) the third memorandum which is much worse than the measures rejected in the referendum.

Within a few months, Syriza crossed over its “red lines” in complete retreat and acceptance of the creditors’ demands, towards the acceptance of a Memorandum far more brutal than that which was voted by the previous Samaras government.

“First time left” [note: πρώτε φορά αριστερά- a popular Syriza slogan claiming that they were for the first time a left government in Greece’s history, as if they were somehow different from PASOK] and the total humiliation of the will of the social majority to get rid of Memorandum policies that make them serfs of the markets is unprecedented. Read the rest of this entry »

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Evi Statiri to commence hunger strike on September 14th, 2015 (Greece)

September 9th, 2015

Evi Statiri, held hostage by the Greek state at Korydallos Prison for no other reason than being the life companion of imprisoned Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) member Gerasimos Tsakalos, has announced that she will commence a hunger strike on September 14th.

The announcement came not long after Evi’s latest appeal to be released was rejected by the judicial council.

Here are some roughly translated excerpts from a text by Evi announcing her hunger strike that was posted on Athens Indymedia website…

“The latest refusal from the judicial council in consideration of my release has only confirmed what I already knew from the first day that I found myself in the cells of counter-terrorism. My imprisonment is not just a personal matter. My imprisonment is the reflection of an overall repressive strategy aiming to dominate via fear and to satisfy the vengeful fury of law enforcement against political prisoners and all those whose values are not consistent with the culture of power.”

“I still find myself in prison for the unique ‘incriminating’ element that I am the wife of political prisoner and member of the CCF, Gerasimos Tsakalos. I am still in prison because I refused to sign their ‘certificate of social conscience’ and refuse to disown my partner and our relationship.”

“Anybody standing beside political prisoners may find themselves in the adjacent cell… Anybody who refuses to bow their head, silence their voice or lower their gaze towards the idols of power can be dragged in handcuffs and detained by the courts and their investigation offices. But the solidarity actions carried out last week showed that fear can rule, but it cannot reign in the hearts and minds of free men and women. I send a big thank you to all those who by their actions expose the dictatorship of lies and hypocrisy of justice that keeps me locked in it’s cells. Now a new battle begins… The dismissive ultimatum of the judges leaves me only one answer – the last resort of the captive human – a hunger strike for my release.”

“Monday September 14 I begin a HUNGER STRIKE against fear and injustice.”



Below are excerpts from a letter titled “From the Country of The Forgotten; Against Oblivion” which was recently written by CCF member Olga Ekonomidou as a contribution to Tamara Sol Farías Vergara and Natalia “Tato” Collado, compañeras imprisoned in Chile, as well as a gesture of solidarity with captive Evi Statiri (the full text is being translated from Greek into Spanish):

« For the domination, the extension of Evi’s detention is of double significance. On the one hand, the endurances of urban guerrillas and the tolerances of solidarians are being put to the test, and on the other hand the broader tactic of criminalising family relations is thus being legitimised. It is the psychological game of Power that, among other things, invades the consciences as a battering ram. It aims at the minds of relatives so as to wear them down, dismay them, make them feel frustrated and eventually turn them against us, corrupting the relationship of trust we have with them because they find themselves paying the price of our own choices. And if in the path of every personal history some comrades, friends or close ones stayed by our side and others gave up on us, this is because one easily stands next to people when they succeed in doing something, but hardly in their difficult times. However, the domination has not won this game. They placed a bet on the weakening of emotional ties and their conversion, a bet they lost already. Because, even six months later, the persons who are close to us, either from inside the prison or from the restrictive, delimited areas where they find themselves due to judicial orders, continue to give us smiles of patience and trust while maintaining their own dignity.

So, the wager is ours to make, of every anarchist cell and individuality that promotes the continuous attack, the insurgency, to prove that there will be no truce with the enemy, neither now nor ever. Especially amid repressive operations, one does not back down, but instead reignites the outbreaks of attack so as to become truly dangerous; to remain a threat as an internal enemy of the heart of the system. Because everything that rolls downhill can only be stopped when a barrier is erected in front of it, otherwise it will continue to do so indefinitely by continuously increasing speed, sweeping away anything that’s inferior to the proportions. It is a live wager, without end but with duration, advance and tension, having only one direction… liberation, anarchy.

“I do not need, nor do I want your discipline. With regards to my experiences, I want to have them for myself. It is from them, and not from you, that I will draw my rules of conduct. I want to live my own life. Slaves and lackeys terrify me. I hate those who dominate, and those who let themselves be dominated sicken me. He who bends before the whip is worth no more than he who wields it. I love danger, and the unknown, the uncertain, seduces me. I’m filled with a desire for adventure, and I don’t give a damn for success. I hate your society of bureaucrats and administrators, millionaires and beggars. I don’t want to adapt to your hypocritical customs nor to your false courtesies. I want to live out my enthusiasms in the pure, fresh air of freedom. . . . I’m going to follow my own path, according to my passions, changing myself ceaselessly, and I don’t want to be the same tomorrow as I am today. I stroll along and I don’t let my wings be clipped by the scissors of any one person. . . . I hate every chain, every hindrance; I love to walk along, nude, letting my flesh be caressed by the rays of the voluptuous sun. And, oh, old man! I will care so very little when your society breaks into a thousand pieces and I can finally live my life.
— Who are you, little girl, fascinating like a mystery and savage-like instinct?
— I am Anarchy.”

(Émile Armand, French individualist anarchist)

Olga Ekonomidou

member of the C.C.F.-F.A.I.
Koridallos women’s prison »


via insurrection news & contra info.

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Ataque a circulo de suboficiales de la policia federal en Buenos Aires (Argentina)

September 9th, 2015

El día jueves 24 de agosto a eso de las 2 am colocamos un artefacto explosivo de fabricación casera compuesto por una botella plástica de medio litro rellena de pólvora negra , mechas detonantes y de iniciación. Adheridas a un cigarrillo que sirvió como retardo, todo únido a dos camping gas (gas butano) en la entrada de una de las sedes del circulo de suboficiales de la policía federal argentina ubicada en Alberti entre Chile y Mexico del barrio porteño de Balvanera. A pesar de que las cámaras sigan nuestros pasos, contamos con buenos amigxs y la determinación e imaginación creativa para evadir la seguridad de esta paz social.

Con este gesto nos solidarizamos con las y los compañeros anarquistas fugados y encarcelados en distintas partes del mundo. Que son ejemplos de lucha y convicción!

El poder es quien ejerce el monopolio de la violencia, la jurídicamente justificable, no solo la policial (la económica, la mediática, la social, el discurso democrático).

Por eso ESTAMOS con los amotinadxs, con los fugadxs, con los pibes y las pibas encerradas en los penales y psiquiátricos de argentina (y el mundo) “comunes” y anónimos que se rebelan, con los “suicidados” asesinados por el servicio penitenciario.


Hagamos practica la libertad, enfrentemos la resignación. Exaltemos la vida!

Saludos y ánimos.

Algunos anarquistas y nihilistas

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“Beyond right and wrong” by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF (Greece)

September 8th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

I don’t believe in the right. Life, which is all a manifestation of incoherent forces, unknown and unknowable, rejects the human artificiality of the right. Right was born when life was taken away from us. Indeed, originally, humanity had no right. It lived and that was everything. Today, instead, there are thousands of rights; one could accurately say that everything which we have lost we call right. I know that I live and that I desire to live. It is most difficult to put this desire into action. I am surrounded by a humanity that wants what everyone else wants. My isolated affirmation is a most serious crime. Laws and morals, in competition, intimidate and persuade me. The “blonde rabbi” [I.e., Christ or Christian values.-translator] has triumphed. One prays, one implores, one curses, but one does not dare. Cowardice, caressed by Christianity, creates morality, and this justifies baseness and begets renunciation. […] “Society, on the other hand, modest and clean in appearance, but horribly infected with gangrene throughout its body, makes me vomit, fills me with horror and loathing, kills me.” How I envy the great Bonnot! “Il me faut vivre ma vie!” (“It is necessary that I live my life” — from the known “defense” of the French illegalist Jules Bonnot)
Bruno Filippi

(Italian anarcho-nihilist who was charged with several armed attacks and was killed by a bomb he carried, on September 7th, 1919, when trying to place it to the “Nobles Club”, headquarters of the wealthiest Italian businessmen)

Beyond the right and the wrong…

For Anarchy
The most important and nicest things are spoken in the simplest way. Today, though, the reality of our lives is far from simple. So, we often note that the most complicated (and boring, at the same time) words the political delivery “specialists” and the “revolutionary” rhetoric alchemists use, the most uninvited their oversimplifications are. The theorists “rebels” construe the world through the tyranny of their “obvious truths”. Their whole rhetorical calcification and their wooden words, that lulls to sleep through their undeviating dogmatism, comes to transfer “social revolution” to a oversimplified version of the eternal fight between the “good” people and the “bad” state, between the “right” and the “wrong” fairytale.

But if things were that simple, why hasn’t this fairytale, for centuries, come to an end, with the triumph of the “good” and for all of us to “live happily ever after”?

Especially today, when power is not centralist and abstracted to the king’s throne, however, it is spread inside the transparent social factory, both our anarchist words and our actions ought to deepen more and tear the “religious” missals and the aphorisms of the “good” and “bad” and “right” and “wrong” lack of depth.

Power is not just unfair, bad and malicious, that the most we denounce, even violently, will draw back for the rebels’ right to come off.

Power is a social relation, a social hierarchical organization model, a way of life management.

In addition to its directorates and its officials, it owes its own preachers, its mentors, its advisers, its jesters, its armed defendants of course, its loyal followers, even its inside objectors – usurpers… Read the rest of this entry »

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Multiple hits of anarchist sabotage and attack in various cities – June to Sept 2015 (Italy)

September 8th, 2015


2nd of September, MODENA – Anonymous claim: “2nd of September, Saliceta street – Some cables of a Wind phone mast are set on fire. Let’s sabotage the infrastructures complicit with the cop control. Freedom for Pippo, Tommy and Andrea accused of having set the house of a fascist on fire. Solidarity with the comrades hit by the requests of special surveillance in Trentino and Sardegna. Fire to the gears of ordinary repression”.

31st of August, PISA
- A 28 years old guy threw a molotov to the entrance of a building that was hosting – in the past – a Lega Nord (xenophobic party) headquarters. Arrested by the Carabinieri [paramilitary police] thanks to the cooperation of citizens who witnessed the scene. He declared to be anarchist and to have attacked the Lega Nord because it’s a fascist party. He’s now held in the jail of Pisa.

19th of August CREMONA – A phone mast is set on fire and a spraypainted message is left on the place: “Revenge for Emilio”. Emilio is a comrade from Cremona who fell into a coma after a fight with the Nazis of Casa Pound and is now slowly recovering. The people from the communist social centre CSA Dordoni in which Emilio is involved, immediately took distance from the action declaring that “Antifascism is a serious issue that we need to address urgently. To set a phone mast on fire doesn’t go in this direction”. In the same night also the car of Gianluca Galli, the boss of Casapound Cremona, goes on fire and is completely destroyed.

29th of July PARMA - During the night a sabotage hits the TAV (high speed line) railway between Bologna and Milano. Around 4 am the cables in the manholes between Fidenza and Fontanellato were set on fire, causing troubles to the circulation. No claim of the action was released.

July GENOVA – A telecommunications mast was set on fire in a village close to Genova, an anonymous claim is released on the 13th of July:

Without any doubt we could describe present society as a technocratic system in which, at a global level, reckless science and the products it launches in the market dominate and regulate life. Since their very existence, the corporations keep their dominion over the Planet thanks to the States and international institutions (ONU, UE, FMI, BCE).

The hyper-technological society is the perfect society to fulfill the two main necessities of the Power: profit and social control. Thanks to science and technology, promoted as modern deities, profit doesn’t know any more limit: from military devices to the incredible quantity of useless products put on the market. Also social and life control cannot but spread even more every day, from the simple cameras to the use of nanotechnologies. People, already deprived of any autonomy and own will, are introduced to the fabulous world of science through a partial and fictitious access to technology.
With the fantasy of improving the quality of life, the only real effects are a reckless production, the wasting of the minds and of our own abilities, the erasing of real emotions, therefore of life itself.
All of this happens while in front of our eyes nature gets devastated to build huge projects that will allow to move these goods even faster and to trace them even more easily. All of this happens while television, in the general indifference, broadcasts images of populations wiped out and starved to exploit the available resources to increase the production of these goods.

For once we simply decided to elude control and threaten the profit of the technocratic society.

We set fire to the power source cables of a telecommunications mast property of Italsite Spa, a company specialized in this sector in Italy and Europe.


11th of July MODENA – Anonymous claim: “11th of July – Cabins and cables of a phone mast are set on fire against repression and telematic control. From Baltimora to Frankfurt, from Milano to Cremona, the State is the one who devastes and plunders. Revenge for Emilio! Ciao Soledad”. The phone mast was so damaged by the fire that it had to be cut down and removed.

10th of July PADOVA – Fifteen trucks loaded with GMO animal feed, property of the company Mangimi Veronesi, are set on fire and are completely destroyed. Incendiary bottles are found under the trucks, and a spraypainted writing that says: “No GMO, no farming”. The Coordinamento Zero OGM which has run since 2014 a campaign against this company for its use of GMO animal feed immediately dissociated itself from the action.

6th of July UDINE – The local headquarters of the fascist group Casa Pound are stained and spraypainted with messages like “You’ll burn”, “Dirty fascists”, etc.

24th of June FIRENZE – Anonymous claim: “Florence, in the night between 24th and 25th of June we set on fire a Fiat 500 of the carsharing service of ENI, Frecciarossa and Vodafone in via del Bisarno. Solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists”.

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ABC Belarus on the release of official political prisoners and the upcoming elections (A-Radio)

September 7th, 2015

On August 22, the Belarusian president Lukashenko signed papers to release all official political prisoners in the country. This includes the three anarchists that were still imprisoned. As Anarchist Radio Berlin, we talked with Anarchist Black Cross Belarus about their release and the upcoming elections among other things.

For security reasons, this interview has been re-recorded using our own voices.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 5:18 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

London: Prison visits for International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners (UK)

September 7th, 2015

International anarchist prisoner week: London Solidarity

To mark International Anarchist prisoner week last Saturday London ABC & friends visited two prisons in north London Holloway & Pentonville.





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Solidarity with Dariusz ‘Jus’ Brzeski – Hambach Forest Struggle (Germany)

September 7th, 2015

6 weeks ago our comrade Jus got taken from us at the eviction of Remi’s Tower, a huge barricade built in honour of Remi Fraisse, who got killed by the freakin cops.

The first 3 weeks Jus was on hunger strike and as a reaction to that the cops told him he did not have a lawyer registered (which he had) and put him in a isolation cell, where it is hard to sleep because they check every 15 minutes if you are not dead yet by turning the lights on and off. All the letters he receives now get checked and it takes about 2 to 4 weeks for them to get to him. He is in prison for 6 weeks and only had two visits. It is extremely difficult to arrange visits, because there has to be an interpreter at all times, and they want audio-visual surveillance. Also his phone privileges are restricted to only his lawyer (even though everyone else can call whoever the fuck they want) and even about that they are being assholes. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Critique of the Socialists defending Islam’ by Serkan Engin (Turkey)

September 5th, 2015

”The criticism of religion is the prerequisite of all critique.” Karl Marx

To take sides with Islamists in the name of democracy, to support the existence of Islamic sharia is to maintain its objectives to organize, strengthen and take power which, in case it succeeds, due to its intrinsic structure, due to the theology of Islam, will take all of your freedom from you, hang, imprison and exile. Just like what happened after the ”Islamic Revolution”.

Islam in itself is the enemy of democracy and freedom. You can see the concrete examples in countless incidents happening everyday in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somali and Nigeria. Never be deceived by the ignorant persons who tell you that ”It’s not what Islam really is”, because Islam is precisely that. The Islamic law sees stoning to death, homophobia, cutting off hands as punishment, pedophilia, women who have been taken prisoners as war booty being sex slaves, woman being a second rate person who solely exists to serve her husband as a commodity, necrophilia being legitimized based on Muhammad’s ”lying next to one of his wives” which implies that he raped the corpse, defending the right to have sexual intercourse within 6 hours from the moment of death based on the acts of Muhammad considered as ”tradition”, to kill the ones who it labels as ”heretic”, rape their women, extort their property and land as it’s right and duty; so anyway you cut it, Islam is a crime against humanity. And crime has nothing to do with freedom. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

HPG: 43 soldiers and 6 police killed in actions by guerrillas (Kurdistan, Turkey)

September 4th, 2015

Guerrillas affiliated to HPG (People’s Defense Forces) and YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) continue their actions in response to the ongoing attacks and operations by Turkish military forces.

Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 5:00 PM

Guerrillas affiliated to HPG (People’s Defense Forces) and YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) continue their actions in response to the ongoing attacks and operations by Turkish military forces.

HPG Press Office reported that a total of 43 soldiers and 6 police were killed in actions by guerrillas.

According to the statement, guerrillas hold the road between Hakkari’s Yüksekova district and Geliyê Doskî area and the one between Mergê Zerê- Şıtaza and Oremar guard post since August 10.

Turkish army airdropped soldiers in Çelareşkê area at 10:00 on September 2 and started an operation in the area.

Responding to the military activity of Turkish troops, guerrillas hit from five sides the soldiers that attempted to enter Geliyê Doskî from Çelareşkê in three groups.

The action by guerrillas killed 10 soldiers in the first group, 5 in the second group and three in the third group. Read the rest of this entry »

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“Our Day Will Come” : In solidarity with Evi Statiri and CCF – Imprisoned Members Cell (Book)

September 2nd, 2015

This booklet is being re-edited to correct numerous errors in grammar and spelling. New version coming soon…

Attending to the solidarity call to Evi Statiri we share with you a book which speaks about what was triggered after the arrest of the fugitive Christos Xiros, the discovery of an escape plan by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell; the subsequent manhunt against comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulo and her detention with relatives and friends of CCF comrades, and finally, the hunger strike for over 30 days in which they put their lives at risk.

This book also contains a prologue by CCF- Imprisoned Members Cell.

We are interested that the experiences of CCF`s escape attempt and subsequent hunger strike could be transmitted as an expression of anarchic ability to build our offense in an autonomous way, as a part of our defense and dissemination of every indomitable and antagonist attitude against Power.

The most of the text were taken from the related anarchic webs.
Also, this book has a Spanish version, with translations made by us and other comrades.

Comrades interested in the edition of this book on their own territories, could write to our e-mail.

Without another word, we share this book with you.

Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras
, núcleo de agitación antiautoritaria.

Chile/ Septiembre 2015.

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Kuala Lumpur: Police raid anarchist space Rumah Api (Malaysia)

September 2nd, 2015

On 28th August (Friday), over a dozen police with automatic weapons and K-9 unit attacked Rumah Api (social center/house project in Kuala Lumpur) during a concert on that night. The police raided the house project and raid everybody during the concert and also trashed the living space of people who live there without any warrant or solid reason for the raid.

We all believe the raid were conducted due to the connection of Bersih 4 Rally which happen on the next days (29 and 30th) which is totally insane since the organizer of the concert, participants, and Rumah Api have little interest to join or even support the rally, due to our political stance on the issue of election and voting system.

The state use Rumah Api as the scapegoat of recent event of attack on banks and multinational corporations in KL for the past 2 years. So far, they found nothing to link us with that events. The police seize all the musical equipment at the concert hall, seize 2 computers of people who live there, one smart phone, artwork, and books belonging to people who live there. The police said they search the building for any weapons or explosives that can link us to terrorism. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Bristol: Direct action against estate agents – CJA trashed (UK)

September 2nd, 2015

Award giving in recognition of services to landlords and their rights.

We proudly presented bricks through windows of CJA estate agents in Southville on the night of 31st August. All windows smashed and the international squatter symbol painted on their wall. Because despite the ban on squatting houses everyone should have a decent home.

CJA have showed real resilience and single mindedness to make a stand for maximum profit regardless of the tough conditions faced by tenants everywhere. In a letter to Bristol landlords in March this year they encouraged landlords to hike their rents and cynically take advantage of the housing crisis. Because the crisis is for landlords and property developers another business opportunity. They then arrogantly ignored a campaign by a local community union to hold them to account. So we found another way to encourage them to see the costs of their actions. Thousands of us are trapped in overcrowded, over priced and chronically undermaintained and decaying rented houses. We constantly struggle to pay the rent under the ever present threat of eviction and homelessness. Gentrification and colonisation of our areas pushes rents ever higher and forces us further out. This is social cleansing and it is a very profitable business. For greedy landlords and estate agents like CJA, decent, affordable homes don’t come into their sums. It’s all about investment opportunities and ruthless profiteering. Meanwhile, there is a huge increase in homelessness and the hostels are full to bursting. We don’t have to take this.

Let’s fight for a world without landlords, where people’s homes are not for the profit of the rich.

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ATM Sabotage in Torreón for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (México)

September 2nd, 2015

From Contra-Info [+ pics] via It’s Going Down:

On August 30th, we sabotaged with paint an ATM bank, “Bancomer,” in response to the “International Week in solidarity with anarchist prisoners”, and also to commemorate the black memory of our comrade Sebastián Oversluij (Pelao angry). This act was performed also to the surprised looks of passers-by; before the futility of “the bodies of order.” This street is the most guarded by dogs of the state, not only by the steady pace of patrols from both police and military, but also from the presence of security guards from ITESM.

Ever so rabidly do we act; an act that demonstrates our hatred for their money, their economy, their social order … to their civilization. This act was not to protest any “improvement” for the “people.” This action was carried out by anarchic individuals in anti-social solidarity and complicity with our comrades in affinity who are kidnapped by the state; to bring the anarchic idea to it’s ultimate conclusion. Forward comrades, destroy all prisons! We will burn your civilization!

A strong embrace of solidarity to the companion Tamara Farias, vengeance arrived!

Comrade Sebastian Oversluij presente …!

Freedom for all anarchist prisoners

The ongoing war …

For anarchy!

Incendiary Cell for Earth Liberation – FAI/FRI

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Volos: Banner about the case of Evi Statiri (Greece)

September 2nd, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

In the morning of 02/09, we did the least we could do by hanging two banners in the city streets, seeking to send a sign of solidarity to the imprisoned Evi Statiri but also a sign of complicity in the face of the impending struggle about her release in case the six-month pre-trial detention is extended by the Court of Appeals on 03/09.

Evi Statiri is held hostage for six months now, accused of being a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire only because of her relationship with G.Tsakalos and the emotional blow her imprisonment can inflict on CCF’s morale, which was not bent from the discovery of the escape plan and the arrest of anarchist A.Spyropoulou, trying to make them repent. The vengeful fury of the judicial mechanisms and particularly of the appellate magistrate E.Nikopoulos, who constantly rejects the bail applications of Evi despite the provision passed after the recent hunger strike of the CCF, does not stop there, as even after her release, the mother of G. and Ch.Tsakalos, A.Tsakalou, who was arrested along with Evi, finds herself in a special form of exile in Salamina, from where she is not allowed to leave.

Strength to E.Statiri, A.Tsakalou, the comrades of the Cell of imprisoned members of CCF and A.Spyropoulou

Zero tolerance for the judicial mafia and every form of authority

The war rages on…

Until the total destruction of every prison

Until total liberation

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Call in solidarity with Evi Statiri (Greece)

August 31st, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

On September 3, the Judicial Council is going to decide on the extension of the pre-trial detention of Evi Statiri.

In the context of the nationwide call for action and solidarity which has been organized by comrades for the 2nd of September, we invite all anarchist individualities, direct action cells and comrades to sabotage normality and to destroy the clock of power. To brake the silence with counter-info actions (posters, flyers, banners, slogans) and to end the immobility of passivity with actions and sabotage.

On September 2, let us challenge the world of organized apathy with hostile gestures of insubordination.





individualities tending towards chaos

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Attack against Turkish general consulate in Zurich (Switzerland)

August 31st, 2015

In the night of the 25.8. to the 26.8.2015, we attacked a car on the terrain of the Turkish general consulate at the Weinbergstrasse 65 in Zurich with an explosive device after the Turkish state launched a massive attack against progressive forces in the region with cover from the USA, NATO and the Barzani clan in Iraq in the past weeks. We are in solidarity with the struggle for a free Rojava and the struggle of the revolutionary movement in Turkey!

After a long period of a strategy of tension and the massacre in Suruc on July 20th (where more than 30 comrades from different political tendencies died and dozens were injured), the Turkish state has launched an open attack against the progressive movement. On the one hand, this represents continuity in the collaboration of the AKP with the “Islamic State” and in the struggle of the AKP against progressive forces. Since the city of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border was massively attacked by the “IS” in the fall of last year and the military contention around Kobane and the liberation of the city became international focal points for the revolutionary process, it has been shown time and time again how the Turkish state aids the gangs of “IS” while those fighting with the YPG/J are hindered. This was shown exemplary in the treatment of the wounded from Syria. While those supporting “IS” could be transported to Turkey withouth hindrance and didn’t have much to fear, fighters of the YPG/J had to be smuggled across the border and had to fear being arrested while in the hospital bed. Recently, six YPG/J fighters were even extradited to the Al-Nusra-Front by Turkey! Other examples are the refusal of a humanitarian corridor to Kobane for medicine or food, the documented shipments of weapons by the Turkish secret service MIT to the “IS” or the obvious acceptance of recruitment centres of the “IS” in Turkey. In this sense, the attack in Suruc on July 20th (while Kobane was attacked in parallel with car bombs) which was only possible with the support of the MIT and other security institutions of the Turkish state in this city was only the consistent continuation of AKP-politics against the movement.

On the other hand, this attack was of course also an escalation, a qualitative change in the attack against the revolutionary movement in the region. It wasn’t the first attack by “IS” against progressive forces in Turkey within the context of a strategy of tension (for example the bombs against events of the legal HDP or the sneaky attack against Kobane on June 25th from Turkish soil), but in it’s quality and goals targeting the solidarity explicitly, this attack was different to previous ones. This is also shown in the subsequent actions of the AKP government after this attack. The massacre of Suruc was the kick-off to a broad attack of the Turkish state against all revolutionary forces (prior to this attack, the state attacked the movement via “IS”, now it attacks openly).

This broad attack is presumably driven by (at least) two motivations. On the one hand, Erdogans speculates that in a climate of war and fear the AKP will gain the votes necessary to introduce a presidential system of their liking. On the other hand, it is certainly also the case that a chance was seen to try to halt the revolutionary process in the region. Beside the geo-strategisch importance of the region as it is, where it is in the interest of imperialist forces to have forces in power that favor them (like the Barzani clan in northern Iraq), the struggle for Kobane and then Rojava has reached a political dimension which must be a pain for those in power. Because the struggle there shows that a perspective is possible which stands outside of capitalist or imperial logic. It is important to not neglect this dimension when trying to evaluate the current situation.

In this sense, it is only consistent when the USA and the NATO approves of the airstrikes by Turkey against Qandil or the attacks by the police and military against cities and neighborhoods with a strong presence of revolutionary forces. Not only because they were allowed the use of the airfield Incirlik in Turkey, but also because it would fit their agenda if Rojava were governed by forces like the Barzani clan, who have proven in their history to be loyal to imperialist forces.

Despite or maybe even because of the growing complexity of the conflict in the region, the fundamentals shall not be forgotten. The movement in Rojava is an emancipatory moment with an incredible power, it is not the time to stand aside but to support this path in solidarity. The same is valid for the revolutionary forces in Turkey whose strengthening has been helped by the experiences in the struggle around Gezi-Park and now by the inspiration from Rojava. Confronted with the attacks against them by the Turkish state which also consist of executing militants, we must of course support them.

International solidarity is practical and not dependent on seasonal fluctuation but driven by the necessity of actions because of political reference points and principals. We don’t stand here today and there tomorrow, but at the side of the revolutionary forces fighting for a society with socialist elements. There exist different forms of international solidarity, one was the support of the defense of Kobane through massive pressure from the streets of Europe, others are the support of the military struggle (as in the context of the International Freedom Brigade) or in the reconstruction of the destroyed cities (as was the campaign targeted on July 20th in Suruc, carried by the federation of socialist youth groups and bringing together different forces). Finally it can be a contribution to push forward the revolutionary process here and connect it to the revolutionary process there to advance together.

Solidarity and power to all fighters for a free Rojava!
Solidarity and power to all fighting for a revolutionary perspective!

For a revolutionary perspective

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Melbourne: Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (Australia)

August 31st, 2015

Melbourne, Australia: In the early hours of Sunday, August 30th we attached a banner to a fence outside the Richmond railway station in inner-city Melbourne as a minimum expression of our participation in this year’s International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.


- some anarchists

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Banner in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Poland)

August 28th, 2015

Inter Arma received:

Call for international solidarity with anarchist prisoners of war!

Fire to the prisons!

Honor to the Prison Cells!

Honor for all anarchistic freedom fighters in custody!

For the world without cages for all living beings!

Freedom is an revolutionary act! Act of strike!

Long live Black Praxis!

Kielce, Poland 27.08.2015

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