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Climate Change: Time to Act!

Soon, we are going to change the way we live.
We will use the infinite energy sources which are available: the wind, the sun and the tides, rather than seeking out ever more polluting fossil fuels. We will preserve our resources, not waste energy, stop discarding a third of the world’s food supply. With ever more people on this planet, we won’t have any other option.

But when we do, it might be too late. Already the greenhouse gases produced by human activities are warming the planet and destabilising our climate. We can see the impacts now – we really don’t want to find out what 4 degrees of warming looks like.

We have the technology we need. All we are lacking is the political will, and if we act together we can change that. Let’s face reality and make the changes we need right now.

It's Time to Act on Climate Change! 

Find out more.

Want to help us?

Find out what’s going on – you can do that from this website, but why not sign up to our email alerts? You can receive our monthly email newsletter and/or notices about individual events (see box on the left for events coming up soon). You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Join us as a paying member - from as little as £2 per month you can help our campaign grow and rise to the urgency of the climate crisis. Join here.

Climate action in your local area - Check to see if there’s a local group near you, or drop us a line at if you would be interested in setting one up. We also want to strengthen alliances between existing groups working on climate change and support their work.

Volunteer with us - the Campaign against Climate Change depends on volunteers – whether you can spare a few hours to hand out flyers, be a steward at an event, help out in the office, or work on tasks such as internet research at home, we’d like to hear from you!

Got five minutes?

Spare a few minutes to show your support for some of the following ongoing campaigns!

  • Sign The Guardian's petition here asking The Wellcome Trust and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to divest their assets from fossil fuel reserves.
  • Have your say in preventing this government's attacks on green, clean energy methods here.
  • Help save onshore wind farms by signing this petition by 38 Degrees.
  • The anti-fracking fight is not over - here is a petition asking the government to respect Lancashire's decision not to frack.
  • Here is an anti-coal mining campaign, where you can sign this petition to put an end to open-cast coal mining in Wales. The deadline for this is 5th August - hurry!
  • Send an email to the CEO Antony Jenkins of Barclays, asking them to cease their fracking plans in North Yorkshire.
  • Tell BP and Shell it's time to face up to climate responsibility by signing this petition by ShareAction.
  • Join the campaign against plans for a new third runway at Heathrow by signing this petition here.



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