
With a long and proud history of vocational education and training, Victoria University Institute of Technology (VUIT) offers an expansive range of apprenticeships as well as pre-apprenticeship programs.

These sought after courses provide foundation and generic skills, along with the practical hands-on experience valued by employers. Whether you want to become a bricklayer, a business owner or an engineer, we make it easier for you to achieve your goal.

Our apprenticeship programs support the growth of industry, which is critical to our economy and employment within the community. We also deliver flexible training to upskill or reskill existing employees to meet the challenging needs of industry.

Our apprentices work to the highest industry standards, with some recognised for their achievements. In 2015 Daniela Lopez-Granada was named Female Apprentice of the Year and apprentice plumber Dylan Di Martino won silver at the Oceania WorldSkills competition.

On this page

How to get an apprenticeship/traineeship

  1. Find an employer in your chosen trade who will employ you as an apprentice
    - employers often prefer to take on apprentices with pre-apprenticeship qualifications.
  2. Your employer will need to contact an Australian Apprencticeship Centre and sign a training contract to register you as an apprentice.
  3. Nominate Victoria University as your preferred registered training organisation (RTO).

Within six to eight weeks after successfully completing this process your classroom training will commence.


Fabian Guseli completed a Joinery apprenticeship at VU.

We offer apprenticeships for the following courses:

Except for the plumbing and eletrotechnology certificates, these courses can all be undertaken as a standard qualification (not as an apprenticeship).

Please note that employers may prefer you to have the hands-on experience of an apprenticeship, in which case finding work may be more difficult if you choose classroom-only training. We recommend that you check with potential employers before applying.


Traineeships are undertaken as on-the-job training.

We offer traineeships in the following areas and courses:

These courses can all be undertaken as a standard qualification (not as a traineeship).

Please note that employers may prefer you to have the hands-on experience of an traineeship, in which case finding work may be more difficult if you choose classroom-only training. We recommend that you check with potential employers before applying.


Pre-apprenticeships are a training pathway that prepare you for entry into an apprenticeship.

For school-aged people who would like to be an apprentice, there are VET programs offered at secondary school level or pre-apprenticeship programs at TAFE colleges.

Our pre-apprenticeship programs help prepare you to be job ready. Employers often prefer to take on apprentices with pre-apprenticeship qualifications and experience.

Secondary school students in part-time employment may be able to start an Australian School-based Apprenticeship.


Find out how much your course will cost, including whether or not you need to pay material or amenities fees.

For details on how to pay your fees, login to MYVU Portal to view your Statement of Account (Tax Invoice). You must be an enrolled student to access MYVU Portal.

Skills recognition

You may be able to complete your qualification sooner through formal recognition of your existing skills. This is known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

To receive RPL, we assess your previous work, education and life experiences against recognised qualifications. Applications for RPL & credit transfer can be made prior to enrolling.

Call us on +61 3 9919 6100 to discuss RPL options with the course manager.

Contact us

Apprenticeship Support Unit
Phone: +61 3 9919 7300