Chinese vs. US currency

China is in the process of displacing the monopoly of the US dollar. They are dropping US Treasury bonds, stockpiling gold reserves, and opening regional distribution banks for their own national currency.


The Azov battalion supported by its Western partners is not only involved in para-military operations in Donbass, it is also running a Summer Camp military training project for young children.


Below is a timeline ranging from 1992-2015 with related articles to the war in Syria, ISIS and geopolitical events that tie them all together.


Since the end of World War II the CIA has been a major force in US and foreign news media, exerting considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads on a regular basis.

Selected Articles: Rwandan Genocide, Rebooting Hillary, Canadian Gunboat Diplomacy By Global Research News, September 09, 2015
Interns or Workers? China’s Student Labor Regime By Prof. Mark Selden, Jenny Chan, and Pun Ngai, September 09, 2015
The War on Syria and “The Death of Civilization”: The Assassination of Dr Khaled al-Assad, Guardian of Palmyra. By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 09, 2015
Why Did Nazi Germany Fail to Create a Ukrainian Puppet State In 1939? The Role of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) By Alexander Dyukov, September 09, 2015
How Prime Minister Hotoyama Can Stop The "Japan Bashing"
Japan’s Controversial Militarization and National Security Legislation: Student Movement Slams Prime Minister Abe’s Assault on Constitution By Jeff Kingston, September 09, 2015
Foreknowledge of 9/11 by Western Intelligence Agencies
Inside the 9/11 Hearings: Uncovering Deception, Demanding the Truth By Michael Welch, David Ray Griffin, Lance deHaven-Smith, and Kevin Ryan, September 09, 2015
© Nikola Solic / Reuters
Who is Protecting the Drug Trade? Afghan Officials Blame NATO after Eleven anti-Drug Police Officers Killed in Airstrike By RT, September 09, 2015
Cuba-US Relations and Freedom of the Press By Arnold August, September 09, 2015
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Humanity’s Big Fight: The Corporate Ownership of Food and Water By Christina Sarich, September 09, 2015
Refugee Crisis in Europe: Popular Support for Migrants Confronts Official Inhumanity By Ulrich Rippert, September 09, 2015
A Syrian refugee child sits at an abandoned school in the Wady Khaled area, northern Lebanon
Refugee Crisis Straight Talk By Stephen Lendman, September 09, 2015
The Smear Campaign against Vladimir Putin. Portrayed by the West as a “Power Hungry Dictator” By Ingemar Wärnström, September 09, 2015
Yemen Map of War. Military Escalation By South Front, September 09, 2015
Summer of Summits and Russia’s Grand Geo-Economic Strategy. “All Roads Lead Through Russia” By Andrew Korybko, September 09, 2015
Washington Seeks Invasion and Occupation as US and Coalition Fighters Flood Syria By Tony Cartalucci, September 09, 2015
Australia’s Syrian Refugee Solution: “Turning Back the Boats” By Binoy Kampmark, September 09, 2015
Britain’s Extra Judicial Assassinations Bring Democracy Into Question By Graham Vanbergen, September 09, 2015
“Silent Invasion”: The US and the Militarization of Latin America By Eric Draitser, September 09, 2015
drone us
Is Extra-judicial Killing by Drone – Israeli/US Style – Just Plain Murder? By Anthony Bellchambers, September 09, 2015
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Who Was Behind the Rwandan Genocide? Debunking the “Hutu Extremist” Myth By Guillaume Kress, September 09, 2015
Les « caprices » de Benjamin Netanyahu
An Arrest Warrant for Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu When He Arrives in London on September 9 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 08, 2015
Unsettled Markets and “Financial Exhaustion”: What Happens when you Raise Interest Rates on a Wobbly Creditor System? By Bill Holter, September 08, 2015
The 2015 Global Housing Market Crash, Capitalism’s Two Faces, US-NATO & Israeli War Crimes By Global Research News, September 08, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. © Ammar Awad / Reuters
Netanyahu Rejects Syrian Refugees. ­ ‘We are not a European country!’ By Anthony Bellchambers, September 08, 2015
Some of the millions of people who have fled Syria. Photo credit: The UN Refugee Agency / G. Gubaeva
At Heart of Humanitarian Crisis, Israel Building “Security Fence” to Keep Syrian Refugees Out By Sarah Lazare, September 08, 2015
US-Media Misinformation on Russian-Syrian Military Cooperation. Russia is Not Involved in Combat Operations By Stephen Lendman, September 08, 2015
Netanyahu obama israel
Netanyahu Aims His WMD at Obama By Jonathan Cook, September 08, 2015
The G20 Economic Summit: A Spectacle of Political Bankruptcy By Nick Beams, September 08, 2015
NATO Powers Move to Exploit Refugee Crisis to Intensify Bombing of Syria By Alex Lantier, September 08, 2015
With Schools Starved of Funds, Christians Question Their Future in Israel By Jonathan Cook, September 08, 2015
(Image Source: Salem News)
Is Dropping More Bombs on Syria the Way to Solve the Refugee Crisis? By Kevin Ovenden, September 08, 2015
Syrian refugees
How Neocons Destabilized Europe. The Prescription of “Endless Regime Change” Now Spreads Chaos in Europe By Robert Parry, September 08, 2015
The G20 Summit: A Spectacle of Political Bankruptcy By Nick Beams, September 08, 2015
Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex: Class Warfare from Above By Michael Parenti, September 08, 2015
Global Financial Conflagration: The World of Fiat Money is Buckling under the Pressure of Unpayable Debts
The Myth of a Moral Capitalism By Richard Becker, September 08, 2015
Italian navy rescue asylum seekers
Refugee Crisis to Justify “Humanitarian” Military Intervention and the Creation of “Safe Havens” in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, September 08, 2015
Sanity Prevails: Scotland to Ban the Cultivation of GMO Crops By Steven MacMillan, September 08, 2015
Human Rights Watch Is Not about Human Rights By Dave Alpert, September 08, 2015
Ground War Intensifies in Yemen as Scores of Saudi and UAE Troops Are Killed By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 08, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. © Ammar Awad / Reuters
From Nuremberg to Gaza – Can Netanyahu Be Prosecuted For War Crimes? By Inder Comar, September 08, 2015
Housing Prices Have Fallen More than During the Great Depression
The 2015 Global Housing Market Crash. Property Prices Plummet Worldwide By Graham Vanbergen, September 08, 2015
Over 100,000 Brits Want Netanyahu Arrested. He is Scheduled to Arrive in London on September 9 By Stephen Lendman, September 07, 2015
Why Teachers Unions Matter
Work Overload: Time for a Union Strategy By Michael Hurley and Prof. Sam Gindin, September 07, 2015
Israeli Crimes against Humanity: Palestinian Mother Dies from Israeli Settler Inflicted Immolation By Stephen Lendman, September 07, 2015
U.S. Dropped Fleas With Bubonic Plague on North Korea By David Swanson, September 07, 2015
unemployment jobs needed
African American Jobless Rate Remains High By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 07, 2015
Cameron’s Refugee Gesture: Dancing Before The Image of Death By Binoy Kampmark, September 07, 2015
The Clinton Plan for Haiti. America’s Neo-Colonial Mandate By Dady Chery, September 07, 2015
The US-led Coalition’s Human Rights Record in Iraq (2010-2015). Extensive War Crimes By Harmeet Sooden, September 07, 2015
Russian Navy
Russian Marines Arrive in Syria to Train and Protect Their Regional Assets, “Not engaged in Direct Combat” By Leith Fadel, September 07, 2015
No One Mentions the F Word, Fukushima: The Die-Off of Marine and Animal Life in the North Pacific Ocean. Scientists Refuse to Admit it By Kelly Ann Thomas, September 07, 2015
Israel Hopes ‘Lost Tribes’ Can Boost Jewish Numbers By Jonathan Cook, September 07, 2015
European Finance Ministers Delay Loan, Press Greece for Deeper Cuts
Greece: Has The New Government Already Sold-Out Before New Elections on 20 September? By Peter Koenig, September 07, 2015
The Two Faces of Capitalism and Left Options By Prof. James Petras, September 07, 2015
The Refugee Crisis and the Genocidal Nature of US-NATO Interventions By Kieran Kelly, September 07, 2015
Latin America: The Counter-Offensive against US Imperialism By Marco Consolo, September 07, 2015
Photo: Russian International Affairs Council
Western Sanctions Could Lead To Russia-Japan Currency Swaps By RT, September 07, 2015
America Drops Bombs, The EU Gets Refugees and Blame. This is Insane By Eric Zuesse, September 07, 2015
Destroying Biodiversity: The US Department of Agriculture Says Yes to GMO “Terminator Seed” Technology By Rural Advancement Foundation International, September 06, 2015
How the US and the WTO Crushed India’s Subsidies for Solar Energy By Charles Pierson, September 06, 2015
Israel Initiates Construction of “Security Fence” along the Occupied Palestine-Jordan Border By The Palestinian Information Center, September 06, 2015