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Readers: Please contact us with your testimonies.


Why I read Mathaba

Mathaba Truth vs media lies

Thanks for your news updates, nice to have some truth among all the media lies. -- Ra Mi, Latvia

True Journalism

I did write to some news sources to let them know that copying and parroting news articles was not true journalism. What happened to Who, What, Where, When, Why? -- and facts rather than repeat repeat the slander and lies if they are not witness to it. What happened to True Journalism. That is why I come to Mathaba... Mostly open minded articles and opinions to make your own conclusions, and I like that. -- C. Daless, Canada

Outstanding Reporting!

Keep up the great and courageous work. We are dependent on source like you, for our news media in the U.S. has been completely silent on this (outbreak of diseases) so far. -- Paul, USA

Real News

With so much diversion and distraction going on it's hard to keep track with the REAL news of the day. I can do that with Mathaba.-- Bryan, Louisville, USA

Essential Information

Mathaba is magnificent and vitally important as a major source of essential information on key topics. -- Stephen Lendman, Chicago, USA

Stay Informed

I read Mathaba articles because they are kept brief, well written and to the point. I am informed of world events which are not reported in the main stream media which are slanted towards a right wing political point of view. -- Naval P., Sydney, Australia

Serious, Thorough, Timely

Mathaba information is serious, thorough and timely, especially about Latin America. I continue to consult it to stay informed daily about its opinions and analysis. -- M.P., Colombia

Brilliant Journalism

Mathaba, for all the reasons it promotes itself, and much more, behind the scenes with brilliant journalism, without fear or favour, is the "real" key to its success. Naturally, I personally do not agree with everything I read, but that is the beauty of such a web site reporting daily on world affairs, that again I stress is difficult to find anywhere with the same quality. I am an Australian Indigenous Artist and through my art, I try to "inform and and educate" those who do not understand our culture. TOLERANCE,in my view, is the greatest asset one can possess to bring PEACE to our volatile world. Another great asset, is Mathaba, bringing such information to its global readers. -- Thomas Smith, Artist and Author, Australia

Crucial Other Side

Your articles show us the other side of history, and everything crucial going on, on a daily basis... -- Miguel G., Canada

One of the Best Sites

One of the best sites for the "inquiring" mind in the political arena. -- 1970's USAF pilot of 17 MiGs, 320 Combat missions. "Flying Cross (3 clusters), F-104C Starfighter was my ride."

Best News Feeds

"Check out @mathaba's RSS feeds @ They are the best in alternative news." - @widerlensmedia

Important Subjects

Thank you for reporting subjects that are important and that the main stream media does not report. Excellent work. -- Azadeh Madani

Why I like Mathaba Daily Briefing

For many, many years now I have not bought a newspaper or magazine with the intention of seeking "News" from around the world. It was after I found out about Mathaba, I started gaining interest on what's going on around the world because I feel I am getting the real news that I could not get from any other source.

I enjoy Mathaba News every day. I have learned many things about what's really going on in the world and where we are heading when it comes to politics, the environment, war, and how people are reacting as these events are taking place.

I feel that I am getting the best content from the right sources when I read Mathaba News, I love the daily briefing news.

Thank you, a loyal reader, M. Anderson (USA)

Mathaba is Not Politically Correct

Mathaba is one of the few online news sources that doesn't bend to political correctness or what they think their readership "wants to hear." I can think of so many times that I've read my Mathaba Special Briefing and loved one article and agreed 100% and another time been in such vehement opposition to the position of the author that I wanted to write an angry comment... If I did I know Mathaba would have published it.

You see, Mathaba isn't about reporting good news, or bad news, left-wing news or right-wing news... Mathaba is just about reporting what is happening in the world and allowing those of all different backgrounds share their opinions and perspectives for the world to see. Mathaba isn't fancy logos, sexy news anchors or offensive advertising - Mathaba is Meeting And Talking, Helping All Become Aware and they accomplish this better than any other news agency out there!

If you believe in honest and diverse reporting, support - see - and if you are on Facebook, join the Group at and if you are on Twitter, follow at

Scott, Australia

Sharp Critical Mind

What attracted me to Mathaba from the very first day many years ago was the sharp critical mind. I loved it then and I admire you now more after reading The Truth About WikiLeaks. I love the sharp analytical thinking and the many good points you have raised.

Hamar, London

Kuala Lumpur Peace Conference Coverage

Dear Mathaba News Team,

Really appreciate your efforts in helping to bring the truth to light around all the dirty deeds that are happening out there in the world. Your coverage cuts through the lies of other mainstream media like a supreme sword of truth. It is so refreshing to get some unbiased analysis of important events and it makes one understand what is going on and from that make better judgements. I believe there is something inherent in all of us that recognises the truth and rejoices when we hear it. Thank you so much for helping others live close to this truth. Every good wish from the bottom of my heart to you all at Mathaba for your great and important work of bringing light to the world. Please keep going.

Peter (England)

Brilliant journalism!

U.S. - Israeli Complicity in Terror Plots Exposed, FBI, Media Cover-Up Flight 253 Plot

Brilliant journalism! Sure beat the BBC’s "send us your pics + video" propaganda.

You are Simply The Best! -- Marcia V., Italy

En Francais

Vouloir est un verbe du futur. Faire est le verbe du present. fait sortir les verités que d'autres vous recelent. -- Gabriela, Argentine

Mathaba Puts BBC to Shame

O Mathaba you are our messengers from heaven! Without your purity of truth and vision I cannot continue with my work, it puts all the other media sources to shame; News of the World - News of Filth and Corruption, like most of these media mandarins in London including the BBC. -- Arthur Thompson, England

Other View of the World

Thank you Mathaba for this website and for your writers. I get a whole other view of the world coming here as compared to what I get at ABC, CBS, NBC network news. -- "Truthseeker", USA

One of Best Sources in World Community

I'm glad to have discovered:"MATHABA". It's one of the best sources of fact based information websites in the world community... MATHABA, keep up the GREAT work! -- "Socialite", USA

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