Strong sport performers

Employer: Michelle Plane, CEO of Netball Victoria

VU sport and exercise science graduates are strong performers in the sports industry due to all their practical experience, says Netball Victoria CEO, Michelle Plane.  

"VU Students have a leg up when it comes to making a career in the very competitive sports industry. The facilities in VU's College of Sport and Exercise Science are second to none and they have leading sports researchers teaching there. They also have the opportunity to complete placements with professional organisations where they get practical hands-on experience as well as networking opportunities – opportunities that people who graduate from other universities just won't have.

At Netball Victoria, we're proud to have a number of VU graduates working with us – including one of our General Managers and one of our Senior Managers. Having practical experience has helped them be very strong performers in our industry. We find that people who come through programs such as VU's, which places a high emphasis on practical learning, are ready to work, willing to work and know how to work. They're go-getters right from the start, and that's the kind of person we're looking for."

Industry snapshot

Overweight and obesity rates in Australia are rising along with the risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes (Australian Government). As a leading sport university, VU is focused on teaching and research that helps to build stronger, healthier communities through physical activity and sport participation.

What you can do

Bachelor of Sport Science (Human Movement) / Bachelor of Sport Management

Bachelor of Exercise Science (Sport Practice)

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Sport Administration)

Find more sport courses at VU

Graduate success story

Shaun Hargreaves used his VU degree to cement a career in sports management.