California Speaking Tour of David Sheen, Oct. 21-31, 2015

Note: There is some interest in broadening this tour more generally to the US west coast.  We will try to accommodate everyone if we can.

The ISM Support Group in Northern California announces:

 Bring journalist David Sheen to your city!
The Bullet, the Ballot, & the Boycott: Racism in Israel Today


Oct. 21-31, 2015, independent Canadian-Israeli journalist and filmmaker David Sheen will present the Bullet, the Ballot & the Boycott at venues throughout California.  The presentation will cover Israeli incitement to racist violence, the focus of David’s on-the-ground reporting for the past five years.

Palestinian lawyers went on hunger strike in solidarity with Mohammed Allan and to protest against administrative detenti

International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil Team |Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Last Tuesday Palestinian lawyers went on a hunger strike. Hatem Shahin, vice-president of the Palestinian Bar Association for lawyers, explains why thirteen of the Association’s members decided to take this radical step: “The main goals are to break the isolation of the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike as well as to send a message to the entire world. Palestinian voices need to be heard”. Therefore the Palestinian lawyers gathered in central Hebron to carry out their action.


The lawyers form a human chain around the poster of Mohammed Allan

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Another Palestinian Youth Killed by Israeli Troops

Israeli soldiers, on Monday, shot dead a Palestinian at Za’tara military checkpoint to the south of Nablus, according to the Red Cross.


According to WAFA correspondence, Red Crescent said that the soldiers shot 26-year-old Mohammed Bassam al-Atrash for allegedly attempting to stab an Israeli soldier. Israeli forces reportedly denied medical teams access to him, leaving him to bleed to death.

Al-Atrash is from the Jenin town of Kufr Ra’i.

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Palestinians demonstrate against the sale of the Presbyterian church and new settlements near Beit El Baraka

15 August 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Beit el Baraka, Occupied Palestine


Since two months concerned Palestinians demonstrate against the sale of the Presbyterian church in Beit el Baraka to right-wing activist Aryeh King. Beit el Baraka is a site on the road connecting al-Khalil/Hebron to al-Quds/Jerusalem and near Al Arroub refugee camp. Aryeh King is said to refurbish the church and the surrounding area in order to establish a new illegal settlement.


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Allan Enters 59th Day of Hunger Strike, in Critical Condition

Thursday August 13, 2015 20:19author by IMEMC News & Agencies Report post

A lawyer representing hunger-striker Muhammad Allan lodged an urgent request to Israeli authorities on Thursday, urging them to consider his release due to his deteriorating health, a prisoners’ committee said.

(AFP/Jack Guez)
(AFP/Jack Guez)

Abir Bakir’s request said that Allan’s health was reaching a critical condition including the loss of sight and hearing, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Committee said.

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Israeli soldiers open fire on 13 year-old boy in Gaza

11th August 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza Team | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

Maher Shitat, 13 years old, was shot in the leg on Friday night by the occupation forces.

Hi’s father sent him to bring his brother from a relative’s home and on the way there the soldiers shot him without previous advice. He was shot in El Zeraa area, in Beit Hanoun, at 8pm. He was walking at 500m from the fence when he was shot, on a frequently used road.

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Nightraids in the Souk: Israeli Soldiers Terrorize Old City of Hebron

August 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Al Khalil, Occupied Palestine
At around 11:00 PM on the night of August 1st, a fire began in souk of Hebron’s Old City.
The fire was coming from a building that overhangs into the souk from the illegal settlement of Beit Hadassah. The Israeli military came and immediately began detaining Palestinians, saying that the cause of the fire was from a Molotov.

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18-Month-Old Baby Burnt To Death As Israeli Extremists Attack Palestinian Home Near Nablus

Friday July 31, 2015 08:52 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies

Right-wing Jewish extremist settlers near Nablus firebombed a Palestinian home on Thursday night, starting a fire which destroyed the house and burned a baby to death, as well as severely burning the baby’s four-year-old brother, mother and father.


The baby who was killed in the attack was about 18 months old. He was identified as Ali Saad Dawabsha.

The attack took place at about 2:30 in the morning, in the village of Douma, in the northern part of the West Bank near the city of Nablus.

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