
Another shoe strike in the Pearl River Delta: Lide, Guangzhou

lide strike gz 2014

Translation of a brief report on a strike of 2,500 workers at a shoe factory in Guangzhou that began today. As with the strike of about 50,000 workers at another company's shoe factories in the Pearl River Delta several months ago, one focus of this strike is on the company's non-payment of social security, along with factory relocation.

We carry our failures: working with people in a dehumanizing system - Scott Nappalos

Vicious Care – sketch by Monica Kostas

Scott Nappalos writes about the challenges of salvaging human interactions and compassion while working in a profiteering healthcare system that renders impotent patients and healthcare workers alike.

Capital Mafia: fascists, politicians, cooperatives and the Roman mob

Massimo Carminati.

An excellent in-depth analysis on recent revelations in Italy about the connections in Rome between the Mafia, the far-right and local politicians, both left and right-wing.

280 people occupy building in Bologna

A large building in Bologna, immediately in front of the Municipality’s offices, has just been occupied by 280 people. Many have been living on the streets or in the train station after losing their jobs and homes during the crisis.

On Bluffing - Phinneas Gage

Rage – contribution by M. Kostas

An article by Phinneas Gage, in which he analyzes three instances in different organizing scenarios where bluffing, whether premeditated or spontaneous, helped leverage reactions that would not have otherwise happened.

The UN climate talks - a series of last chances

"Politicians Discuss Global Warming", sculpture by Issac Cordal, Berlin

A brief primer on the ongoing UN climate talks, as delegates meet in Lima.

Victimised reps forced to lobby their union in fight for support

PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka holding a megaphone

Two union reps sacked by their employer for their trade union activities are lobbying the National Executive Committee of the PCS union tomorrow. In two very similar cases of union busting and victimisation, the union has failed to offer adequate support in quite different ways.

“Every action was done collectively”: An interview with newly unionised TEFL workers

Faced with an attack on their working conditions, TEFL workers in Dublin formed a union, threatened to strike, and beat back a pay cut!

"From Ayotzinapa to Ferguson, the state is our enemy"

So much could be said of yesterday's large, boisterous, self-organized ‪#‎ShutItDownForMikeBrown‬ disruption of downtown San Francisco during the evening hours of Black Friday.

'Asphyxiating for a breath of freedom': Wave of Hunger Strikes in Greece

Nikos Romanos at the hospital window

A number of hunger strikes are ongoing with imprisoned anarchist Nikos Romanos in his third week of action.

Resisting the Bedroom Tax in Newcastle: Eviction of Disabled Tenant Adjourned For 42 Days

A brief report from today's action in Newcastle Upon Tyne to resist the eviction of a disabled tenant due to rent arrears incurred from the Bedroom Tax

Eyes on the Prize: Solidarity from the Streets of Portland

Here is a detailed look at the recent Mike Brown Solidarity Action in Portland, Oregon, and how it can play into long-term organizing and housing justice.

Racist attack on political asylum seekers’ centre in Rome and new project for Italian right

"No immigrants, take them home"; "There will be war, prepare yourselves"

Groups of Italian residents, with fascist involvement, have attacked a centre housing dozens of political asylum seekers on the outskirts of Rome.

Sold on promises: China's intra-working class exploitation

An interview recorded from memory. This blog is about the upsurges that occur, the cracks that appear in China’s system. But sometimes the picture we give out of a China in revolt is rosy in a way that misses the very deep scarring in this society—the kind of fracturing of trust within the working class, between friends and family, in the relationships that underlie organization.

Increasingly, if you want to stay, home in San Francisco = resistance

There is a noticeable and necessary sea change in “solidarity not charity” eviction defense in San Francisco, as evidenced by the November 18, 2014, rally outside yet another endangered home, this time in Hayes Valley at 194 Gough Street. That shift isn’t accidental; it’s due, in particular, to the tenants themselves, who carefully curated their own “Save Our Homes” public plea.

Tackling the UK's “freelance” TEFL scandal

There's good news for UK language teachers: all of us should be on directly-employed contracts.

The political economy of hunger

Why is there hunger? It’s nothing to do with a lack of food.

Clashes in the Greek universities

Riot police attacked protesters trying to enter university buildings in the run up to the commemoration of the 1973 student uprising.

“A perfect money making machine”: Life as a language teacher in Slovenia

management training meme

An account from a German language teacher about working in Slovenia focusing on, in particular, the perils of so-called “freelance” contracts.

The margins and the centre: for a new history of the Cultural Revolution

Second Shanghai Riot

Repost of an informative reflection on the lessons to be learned from China's "Cultural Revolution" in light of China's grim political situation circa 2014, centered on a review of Yiching's Wu's pathbreaking new book, Cultural Revolution at the Margins.