
Comments on Plan C Leeds text: "On social strikes and directional demands"

Contribution to the debate about social/transnational strikes and the question of demands

The making of a politicized prisoner

The third installment in Recomposition's 'How I was radicalized' series comes from Okwute Ekwensu. His powerful account describes the experience of leading a criminal life that led to incarceration, followed by his radicalization in prison.

Wreck of Amtrak #188: talking points from RWU

Fix the hazards; dont blame the victims

On May 12, 2015, an Amtrak Northeast Regional train bound for New York City from Washington DC derailed and crashed on the Northeast Corridor in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Eight were killed and over 200 injured, 11 critically. The train was traveling at 102 mph (164 km/h) on a curved track in a 50 mph (80 km/h) zone when it derailed. Below are talking points from RWU.

The future is kids' stuff

Thinking climate futures through the image of the child and reproduction smuggles conservative assumptions into our understanding and forecloses utopian possibilities.

Standing Together: Reporting from the Portland Renter Assemblies

The Renter's Assemblies are just beginning in Portland, but already they are showing to have the potential to revive a real tenants movement.

Growing up during the ‘War on Terror’

The second part of Recomposition's ‘How were you radicalized?’ series brings us to the 2000s. Starting with his family roots in the South African anti-apartheid and American civil rights movements, the author takes us through the post-9/11 and Iraq War era, a time when many of us found the radical left.

Fighting for #Justice4JohnPearson

Former PCS rep with a placard reading 'why won't PCS support victimised reps?'

Next week, the PCS union holds its annual delegate conference in Brighton. One of the most important issues on the agenda is that of whether the union will support its reps when they face victimisation. Unfortunately, the answer to that question remains uncertain.

Post-election reflections: how the Tories wrecked the economy and why Labour couldn’t take advantage


Now the election is over, it seems time to take stock of the last 5 years. A lot has been written about the horrific social reforms of the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government, on tuition fees, workfare, sanctions, privatisations and cuts - but the mainstream analysis, and public opinion, seems to be that for all that the Tories were at least competent from a macroeconomic perspective. This couldn't be further from the truth.

A Spoonful of Sugar: Childcare, Work and #Budget2015

An analysis of the changes to childcare and paid parental leave in the 2015 Australian Federal Budget

So, the government got in…

The election results are in. The Tories can form a majority government to rule for the next five years. Now what?

Brief response to '4 reasons working-class radicals should vote Labour’ on Novara

A brief response to the issues raised by AWL member, Daniel Randall, in his article (4 Reasons Working Class Radicals Should Vote Labour) that was recently posted on the Novara Media website….

Solidarity in spring: challenging racist violence at Portland’s May Day 2015

A look at where the violence of the police took the stage at 2015's May Day event.

From the right-wing to the revolutionary left - Tom Wetzel

A new series from Recompositon called 'How I was radicalized'. This first part is by Tom Wetzel, and takes us briefly though the 1960s.

The nation versus human dignity

A brief observation provoked by the latest royal birth and the frenzy surrounding it.

Racist/abhorrent Baltimore tweets

These aren't white moderates, they are just savage racists plain and simple. Feel free to add more in the comments below.

Owen Jones’s dangerous illusion

A response to ‘A cruel society is being built. Voting Labour begins the fightback’ by Owen Jones.

Not with a bang but a whimper: The end of the mining boom and the next budget

With the Federal Government's Plans pretty much stall what can we expect from the upcoming budget?

Border controls continue to kill

Some thoughts on the recent tragedy off the coast of Libya and how it ties into political rhetoric on immigration and the received wisdom of border controls as a social necessity.

Portland demands a raise: PDX joins the Fight for Fifteen global day of action

230 cities around the world joined together for April 15th's Global Day of Action for Fight for Fifteen, and Portland has a unique place in this movement as it joined the mobilization.

Continuing hunger strike of political prisoners

Anarchist banner on the steps of parliament

For more than a month now political prisoners in Greece have been on hunger strike demanding the removal of various repressive and anti-terror structures. The hunger strike and its solidarity campaign have so far been the first major political opposition to the coalition government led by Syriza.