
UnOccupy the Prisons: Challenging Wells Fargo's Investment in Private Prisons [VIDEO]

Video from a 2011 joint action between Occupy Wallstreet and Take Back the Land to target Wells Fargo's investment in the private prison system.

Uncovering the little-known life of Frank Little

A review by Juan Conatz of Always on Strike: Frank Little and the Western Wobblies.

The Hague, Netherlands: the heat is on

Riot cops charge in the Schilderswijk

The police killing of Mitch Henriquez has led to three nights of protest and anti-police resistance in The Hague, Several hundreds of young people were out on the hot streets, confronting the cops

Hawaii: class militancy or cultural patriotism?

ILWU Hawaii mural

An examination of the reactionary aspects of some of the cultural politics in Hawaii.

20 June: the beginning of what?

Marchers in London standing behind a banner saying 'End Austerity Now'

Saturday 20 June saw up to 250,000 people march in London under the banner ‘End Austerity Now.’ But four years on from the first ‘March for the Alternative’ back in 2011, how far have we actually travelled?

Why We Fight II: Anarchism vs. Fascism

With recent tragic event bringing the threat of fascist ideas and organizations into front view, we look back on anarchism as a direct challenge to these ideas.

Concerning the irrelevance of Dolezal and the continuing relevance of the racist “war on drugs”

Six days after the media frenzy began, Rachel Dolezal is still making headlines; a brief look into what is and what is not being discussed in the media.

Warehouse-spotting! Short Reports from AngryWorkers Northern Tour…

Four reports from short visits at different warehouses in Manchester, Leeds, Bradford area.

Fully automated luxury communism: a utopian critique

A critique of the Fully Automated Luxury Communism argument, suggesting that it doesn't go far enough in envisioning a utopian transformation of social relations.

Protests over workers' deaths met by police and fascist repression

Riot police protecting the Golden Dawn office in Aspropyrgos

A fire at the Hellenic Petroleum(EL.PE) refinery cost the lives of four workers back in May. Since then protests against this industrial 'accident' targeting the second richest family in Greece have been meet by joint police and fascist repression.

Why we fight I: What is the real threat of fascist organizing?

As the far right begins to rise in the United States, what is the real threat that they hold?

6 ways to fight climate chaos

Steam from power plant cooling towers

What can we do about a problem as big as climate change? Here are six ideas.

Durruti was a revolutionary unionist (and don't you forget it!)

Durruti wasn’t about reformist unionism, comrade..

A response by Juan Conatz to a blog that criticizes the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

The Curzon Cinemas struggle: A snapshot

Curzon Workers Party

An unfinished essay-interview with workplace activists at the Curzon Cinemas covering their living wage fight, their union recognition agreement, and changes to their terms and working conditions.

Organising as the AF; our politics and what the group actually does

London AF Banner

I was reluctantly asked to introduce the Anarchist Federation (AF) some months ago at an open workshop and this is the expanded and edited notes derived from this event. It should be noted from the outset; these are entirely personal and may not be endorsed by the group in their entirety.

Futures, by John Barker

An expertly crafted crime novel exploring cocaine trafficking in Thatcherite London, Futures also serves as a parable of neoliberalism with considerably broader resonance.

Response to Lucror

This post is intended as a response to an anarcho-capitalist on this website who claimed that homeowners were responsible of the economic collapse of 2007-2008.

Should we care about the EU referendum?

Part of a WSM poster for the campaign against the Lisbon Treaty

UK citizens get to vote on the UK's membership of the European Union (EU), should we give a shit?

Limits to Reformism

Responding to the new Tory strike laws

Business secretary Sajid Javid standing outside 10 Downing Street

The Queen's Speech recently confirmed that the Tory government's intent to bring in new laws further restricting strikes. The unions have reacted with fury - but will they really do anything about it?