Nate's blog

Militant reformism and the prospects for reforming capitalism

fair wages now

Article that appeared in the book The End of the World as We Know It?

Predictable friction in the IWW

gears and shit

Socialist electoralism and the capitalist state

occupy the ballot?

This blog post raises some questions posed by the election of Kshama Sawant to Seattle City Council and related developments, questions for people who are pro- and who are anti- this kind of electoral effort.

Scaling the wall: what to do if you get stuck while reading Marx’s Capital

Lots of people who start Karl Marx's Capital get stuck somewhere in the early chapters of volume 1. In this post, I make some suggestions about how to get unstuck and read the whole book.

Venture syndicalism: fanning and dousing the flames of discontent

99% needs a raise

Article from the Industrial Worker newspaper on fast food strikes in the U.S.

"No politics in the union"? Come off it


This blog post argues that "No politics" is a bad idea and an inaccurate description of the IWW.

Review of The Soul at Work by Franco Berardi

Book review about Franco Berardi's The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy

Occupy vs eviction: radicals, reform, and dispossession

Blog post about anti-foreclosure and eviction struggles, and reformism and radicals in mass movements more generally.

No more double-edged swords

In this post I argue that we should build organizations that can't be used as instruments for enforcing capitalist social relationships.

Hypotheses on reform and repression in the United States

Speculative remarks on political trends in the present U.S.

Capitalism and planning

Blog post about the idea that planning and capitalism are different things.

Sometimes it feels like


Blog post about lacking vocabulary to talk about important economic changes we've experienced, and how that lack of vocabulary hurts us.

Navigating negotiations


Nate Hawthorne takes a look at how labor-capital structures of negotiation have changed in response to worker militancy and the state changing how it deals with what capitalists do. Along the way he gets into Joe Burns' new book, the ILWU-EGT conflict, the Occupy movement and 'direct unionism'.

Making our languages for politics

tower of babel

Nate Hawthorne on the libertarian communist milieu and the language we use.

After the next storm passes


Article speculating on possible outcomes in Occupy, current anti-austerity struggles, and radical involvement.

Armed struggles metaphors and a right-wing structure of feeling

Mad Tea Party

Article on political metaphors and imagery

Marx's models and actual capitalism

Best possible world

Blog post about Marx's Capital, what it is and isn't, partially in reply to Joseph Kay.

Struggle changes people

This article discusses the idea that the experience of struggle and direct action transforms people.

Occupy Everything, and Everything for Everyone

Blog post about Occupy Wall Street, deportation, and demands.

Reform is possible and reformism is guaranteed

An article by Nate Hawthorne responding to 'Is reform possible?' on whether significant reform is possible in contemporary capitalism, how it could happen and why it is important to consider the question.