حلب - الاتارب : تقرير عن تل الاتارب الاثري Alep - al-Atarib : état des lieux à Tell al-Atarib
حلب - الاتارب : تقرير عن تل الاتارب الاثري Alep - al-Atarib : état des lieux à Tell al-Atarib
حلب - الاتارب : تقرير عن تل الاتارب الاثري Alep - al-Atarib : état des lieux à Tell al-Atarib
تصوير ابو المثنى الاتاربيAssociation for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology - Website : https://www.apsa2011.com جمعية حماية الآثار السورية https://www.facebook.com/apsa2011
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
Demonstrasi membela Rasulullah saw Atas kartun penghinaaan nabi di Paris ( Atarib Suriah )
Demonstrasi membela Rasulullah saw Atas kartun penghinaaan nabi di Paris ( Atarib Suriah )
Demonstrasi membela Rasulullah saw Atas kartun penghinaaan nabi di Paris ( Atarib Suriah )
16 \ 1 \ 2015 Carli hebdo
Situs resmi dari Kantor Informasi Hizbut Tahrir mandat Suriah:
Halaman Media Kantor Hizbut Tahrir - mandat website Suriah-resmi di Facebook:
Halaman Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Facebook:
Halaman situs resmi Media Office Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Twitter:
Halaman situs resmi Media Office Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Google Plus:
Situs Prof. Ahmed Abdel Wahab, Kepala Kantor Informasi Hizbut Tahrir mandat Suriah:
https: //www.face
Syria: Ghost town of Atarib in ruins after shelling by Assad forces
Syria: Ghost town of Atarib in ruins after shelling by Assad forces
Syria: Ghost town of Atarib in ruins after shelling by Assad forces
Buildings have been left in ruins in the Syrian town of Atarib, on the outskirts of Aleppo, as government forces clash with rebels.
(03-29-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) Officers Confess to Looting & Killing Civilians
(03-29-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) Officers Confess to Looting & Killing Civilians
(03-29-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) Officers Confess to Looting & Killing Civilians
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (2) الاتارب
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (2) الاتارب
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (2) الاتارب
Die syrische Luftwaffen zerstörte mehrere Fahrzeuge bei einem Luftangriff in der Stadt Atarib (westlich von Aleppo). Es dürfte sich im um ein Hauptquartier oder Nachschublager der Rebellen handeln (man beachte die Flaggen auf der Mauer des Geländes im ersten Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqo0utwhC_A !).
Karte: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de⪫=36.137875&lon;=36.827030&z;=13&m;=b
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (3) الاتارب
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (3) الاتارب
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (3) الاتارب
Abtransport von Verwundeten und Löschung von brennenden Fahrzeugen. Die syrische Luftwaffen zerstörte mehrere Fahrzeuge bei einem Luftangriff in der Stadt At...
(11-18-12) Al Atarib Aleppo | FSA Battles Regime Forces, Defectors Join FSA
(11-18-12) Al Atarib Aleppo | FSA Battles Regime Forces, Defectors Join FSA
(11-18-12) Al Atarib Aleppo | FSA Battles Regime Forces, Defectors Join FSA
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
(04-24-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Assad Tanks Move Through Streets
(04-24-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Assad Tanks Move Through Streets
(04-24-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Assad Tanks Move Through Streets
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
11 2 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , انشقاق عناصر من قوى الامن الداخلي من على الحاجز
11 2 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , انشقاق عناصر من قوى الامن الداخلي من على الحاجز
11 2 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , انشقاق عناصر من قوى الامن الداخلي من على الحاجز
11 10 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , انشقاق عساكر من الفوج 46 لواء شهداء الأتارب كتيبة أحباب الله ج2
11 10 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , انشقاق عساكر من الفوج 46 لواء شهداء الأتارب كتيبة أحباب الله ج2
11 10 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , انشقاق عساكر من الفوج 46 لواء شهداء الأتارب كتيبة أحباب الله ج2
11 10 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , لواء شهداء الأتارب حصار الفوج 46 ج3
11 10 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , لواء شهداء الأتارب حصار الفوج 46 ج3
11 10 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , لواء شهداء الأتارب حصار الفوج 46 ج3
15 2 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , تفجير سيارات الأمن من قبل الجيش الحر
15 2 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , تفجير سيارات الأمن من قبل الجيش الحر
15 2 Al Atarib Aleppo أوغاريت الاتارب حلب , تفجير سيارات الأمن من قبل الجيش الحر
Syria,al atarib
Syria,al atarib
Syria,al atarib
We have further travelled in the town Al Atarib, it lies in approx. 20 km from the Turkish margin. Here one could see the destruction of houses and streets, ...
(09-05-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | A Young Boy Cries for his Martyred Brother, Issa Mohammad Obayd
(09-05-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | A Young Boy Cries for his Martyred Brother, Issa Mohammad Obayd
(09-05-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | A Young Boy Cries for his Martyred Brother, Issa Mohammad Obayd
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
Syria - Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8-April-12
Syria - Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8-April-12
Syria - Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8-April-12
Syria - Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8-April-12 ============ Saturday Drew to an End in Syria with 71 Martyrs Poste...
(07-14-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Destruction from Regime Shelling on City
(07-14-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Destruction from Regime Shelling on City
(07-14-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Destruction from Regime Shelling on City
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
A child was shot by Al-Assad in Al-Atarib-Aleppo-Syria 20.02.2012.mp4
A child was shot by Al-Assad in Al-Atarib-Aleppo-Syria 20.02.2012.mp4
A child was shot by Al-Assad in Al-Atarib-Aleppo-Syria 20.02.2012.mp4
(05-22-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Takes Regime Tank
(05-22-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Takes Regime Tank
(05-22-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Takes Regime Tank
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
[153] Aleppo, Al Atarib, The Death of Hamdou Al Juwaini in Custody 14 3 [EN,FR,RU]
[153] Aleppo, Al Atarib, The Death of Hamdou Al Juwaini in Custody 14 3 [EN,FR,RU]
[153] Aleppo, Al Atarib, The Death of Hamdou Al Juwaini in Custody 14 3 [EN,FR,RU]
فريق الترجمة info.from.syria@gmail.com الفيديو مترجم لعدة لغات ,, اضغط على CC لرؤية اللغات Video is translated to many languages,, Press on CC to see the lan...
(07-12-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Prepare to Respond to Baath Forces
(07-12-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Prepare to Respond to Baath Forces
(07-12-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Prepare to Respond to Baath Forces
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
حلب - الاتارب : تقرير عن تل الاتارب الاثري Alep - al-Atarib : état des lieux à Tell al-Atarib
تصوير ابو المثنى الاتاربيAssociation for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology - Website : https://www.apsa2011.com جمعية حماية الآثار السورية https://www.facebook.com/apsa2011
wn.com/حلب الاتارب تقرير عن تل الاتارب الاثري Alep Al Atarib État Des Lieux À Tell Al Atarib
تصوير ابو المثنى الاتاربيAssociation for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology - Website : https://www.apsa2011.com جمعية حماية الآثار السورية https://www.facebook.com/apsa2011
- published: 07 Jan 2015
- views: 48
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
wn.com/Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24 04 2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
- published: 24 Apr 2014
- views: 50
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
wn.com/Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24 04 2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 24
Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24/04/2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
wn.com/Atarib, Syria. Missile Attack 24 04 2014
Atarib in Southern Syria was hit by a missile in its busy market. The aftermath is devastating. Bashar Al Assad has been sending missiles on a daily basis in the region as punishment for their will to stand up to his tyranny.
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 20
Demonstrasi membela Rasulullah saw Atas kartun penghinaaan nabi di Paris ( Atarib Suriah )
16 \ 1 \ 2015 Carli hebdo
Situs resmi dari Kantor Informasi Hizbut Tahrir mandat Suriah:
Halaman Media Kantor Hizbut Tahrir - mandat website Suriah-resmi di Facebook:
Halaman Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Facebook:
Halaman situs resmi Media Office Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Twitter:
Halaman situs resmi Media Office Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Google Plus:
Situs Prof. Ahmed Abdel Wahab, Kepala Kantor Informasi Hizbut Tahrir mandat Suriah:
https: //www.facebook.com/ahmadabdalwa ...
E-mail untuk berkomunikasi
wn.com/Demonstrasi Membela Rasulullah Saw Atas Kartun Penghinaaan Nabi Di Paris ( Atarib Suriah )
16 \ 1 \ 2015 Carli hebdo
Situs resmi dari Kantor Informasi Hizbut Tahrir mandat Suriah:
Halaman Media Kantor Hizbut Tahrir - mandat website Suriah-resmi di Facebook:
Halaman Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Facebook:
Halaman situs resmi Media Office Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Twitter:
Halaman situs resmi Media Office Hizbut Tahrir - negara Suriah di Google Plus:
Situs Prof. Ahmed Abdel Wahab, Kepala Kantor Informasi Hizbut Tahrir mandat Suriah:
https: //www.facebook.com/ahmadabdalwa ...
E-mail untuk berkomunikasi
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 1
Syria: Ghost town of Atarib in ruins after shelling by Assad forces
Buildings have been left in ruins in the Syrian town of Atarib, on the outskirts of Aleppo, as government forces clash with rebels.
wn.com/Syria Ghost Town Of Atarib In Ruins After Shelling By Assad Forces
Buildings have been left in ruins in the Syrian town of Atarib, on the outskirts of Aleppo, as government forces clash with rebels.
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (2) الاتارب
Die syrische Luftwaffen zerstörte mehrere Fahrzeuge bei einem Luftangriff in der Stadt Atarib (westlich von Aleppo). Es dürfte sich im um ein Hauptquartier oder Nachschublager der Rebellen handeln (man beachte die Flaggen auf der Mauer des Geländes im ersten Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqo0utwhC_A !).
Karte: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de⪫=36.137875&lon;=36.827030&z;=13&m;=b
wn.com/2014 05 27 Nach Einem Syrischen Luftangriff Auf Ein Rebellenhauptquartier In Atarib (2) الاتارب
Die syrische Luftwaffen zerstörte mehrere Fahrzeuge bei einem Luftangriff in der Stadt Atarib (westlich von Aleppo). Es dürfte sich im um ein Hauptquartier oder Nachschublager der Rebellen handeln (man beachte die Flaggen auf der Mauer des Geländes im ersten Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqo0utwhC_A !).
Karte: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de⪫=36.137875&lon;=36.827030&z;=13&m;=b
- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 13
2014-05-27 Nach einem syrischen Luftangriff auf ein Rebellenhauptquartier in Atarib (3) الاتارب
Abtransport von Verwundeten und Löschung von brennenden Fahrzeugen. Die syrische Luftwaffen zerstörte mehrere Fahrzeuge bei einem Luftangriff in der Stadt At...
wn.com/2014 05 27 Nach Einem Syrischen Luftangriff Auf Ein Rebellenhauptquartier In Atarib (3) الاتارب
Abtransport von Verwundeten und Löschung von brennenden Fahrzeugen. Die syrische Luftwaffen zerstörte mehrere Fahrzeuge bei einem Luftangriff in der Stadt At...
(11-18-12) Al Atarib Aleppo | FSA Battles Regime Forces, Defectors Join FSA
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
wn.com/(11 18 12) Al Atarib Aleppo | Fsa Battles Regime Forces, Defectors Join Fsa
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 4651
(04-24-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Assad Tanks Move Through Streets
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
wn.com/(04 24 12) Al Atarib | Aleppo | Assad Tanks Move Through Streets
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
Syria,al atarib
We have further travelled in the town Al Atarib, it lies in approx. 20 km from the Turkish margin. Here one could see the destruction of houses and streets, ...
wn.com/Syria,Al Atarib
We have further travelled in the town Al Atarib, it lies in approx. 20 km from the Turkish margin. Here one could see the destruction of houses and streets, ...
(09-05-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | A Young Boy Cries for his Martyred Brother, Issa Mohammad Obayd
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
wn.com/(09 05 12) Al Atarib | Aleppo | A Young Boy Cries For His Martyred Brother, Issa Mohammad Obayd
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
- published: 05 Sep 2012
- views: 215
Syria - Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8-April-12
Syria - Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8-April-12 ============ Saturday Drew to an End in Syria with 71 Martyrs Poste...
wn.com/Syria Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8 April 12
Syria - Atarib Residents Rally Against Assad After Dictator's Army Leaves Town 8-April-12 ============ Saturday Drew to an End in Syria with 71 Martyrs Poste...
(07-14-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | Destruction from Regime Shelling on City
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
wn.com/(07 14 12) Al Atarib | Aleppo | Destruction From Regime Shelling On City
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
(05-22-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Takes Regime Tank
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
wn.com/(05 22 12) Al Atarib | Aleppo | Fsa Takes Regime Tank
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
[153] Aleppo, Al Atarib, The Death of Hamdou Al Juwaini in Custody 14 3 [EN,FR,RU]
فريق الترجمة info.from.syria@gmail.com الفيديو مترجم لعدة لغات ,, اضغط على CC لرؤية اللغات Video is translated to many languages,, Press on CC to see the lan...
wn.com/153 Aleppo, Al Atarib, The Death Of Hamdou Al Juwaini In Custody 14 3 En,Fr,Ru
فريق الترجمة info.from.syria@gmail.com الفيديو مترجم لعدة لغات ,, اضغط على CC لرؤية اللغات Video is translated to many languages,, Press on CC to see the lan...
(07-12-12) Al-Atarib | Aleppo | FSA Prepare to Respond to Baath Forces
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
wn.com/(07 12 12) Al Atarib | Aleppo | Fsa Prepare To Respond To Baath Forces
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
A Day in the Life: Za'atari - Episode 1: Welcome to Za'atari
A Day in the Life: Za'atari - Episode 1: Welcome to Za'atari
A Day in the Life: Za'atari - Episode 1: Welcome to Za'atari
"Who would travel for two weeks through the desert to live in a refugee camp if there was any other choice?" A steady stream of refugees pours over the borde...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Atari Easter Egg
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Atari Easter Egg
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Atari Easter Egg
Ray and Geoff show you how to find the Atari Easter Egg in the Nuketown 2025 map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for the Xbox 360.
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 1 of 2)
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 1 of 2)
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 1 of 2)
Played By: Georgc3
Emulator Used: Project Tempest v0.95
Alright, I generally do not like 1st person shooter games. Why I did it? Many of my friends wanted me to do this. Schlauchi also likes to see this game as well. This is my first time playing this game. I wasn't that great at 1st person shooting games so I had to use walkthrough guides online and walkthrough videos on the internet to complete the entire game. This is the only 1st person shooting game you will ever see me doing as a longplay. You won't see anymore games like this from me.
I did a playthrough with all 3 characters: the alien, predator, and the
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 2 of 2)
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 2 of 2)
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 2 of 2)
http://www.longplays.org/ Played By: Georgc3 Emulator Used: Project Tempest v0.95 Alright, I generally do not like 1st person shooter games. Why I did it? Ma...
E.T. Atari 2600 Carts Found in New Mexico Landfill
E.T. Atari 2600 Carts Found in New Mexico Landfill
E.T. Atari 2600 Carts Found in New Mexico Landfill
Turns out it was quite true after all, hell they even found some other games in there from Atari no less http://kotaku.com/awesome-photos-from-the-atari-land...
If Pac Man for the Atari 2600 Was Released Today
If Pac Man for the Atari 2600 Was Released Today
If Pac Man for the Atari 2600 Was Released Today
Video games *makes huge fart sound with mouth*
Adventure (Atari 2600) Level 1 play through
Adventure (Atari 2600) Level 1 play through
Adventure (Atari 2600) Level 1 play through
The player's goal is simply to find the enchanted chalice and return it to the gold castle. The player character, represented by a square, explores a multi-s...
Pakistan Railway Engine Brings Samjhauta Express (Atari - Lahore) to Atari Railway Station
Pakistan Railway Engine Brings Samjhauta Express (Atari - Lahore) to Atari Railway Station
Pakistan Railway Engine Brings Samjhauta Express (Atari - Lahore) to Atari Railway Station
Atari 7800 - Fatal Run
Atari 7800 - Fatal Run
Atari 7800 - Fatal Run
old atari game.
YOUTUBE POOP: Bath Warriors for Atari 9000
YOUTUBE POOP: Bath Warriors for Atari 9000
YOUTUBE POOP: Bath Warriors for Atari 9000
And after that, BACK TO MAKINE GMOD VIDEOS!!! C:
IHey I do make YouTube Poops too, y'know
#960 GOLDEN TEE GOLF 2005 & Atari ASTEROIDS Combo Video! TNT Amusements
#960 GOLDEN TEE GOLF 2005 & Atari ASTEROIDS Combo Video! TNT Amusements
#960 GOLDEN TEE GOLF 2005 & Atari ASTEROIDS Combo Video! TNT Amusements
My lovely wife PAM makes an appearance as we show you a Golden Tee Golf 2005 and our 152nd Atari ASTEROIDS we have sold...along with a look at what's coming--a Cyclone, Heavy Metal Meltdown, and a very rare STRIKLE ZONE arcade game!
Atari 720 Degrees Soundtrack: Music & More
Atari 720 Degrees Soundtrack: Music & More
Atari 720 Degrees Soundtrack: Music & More
Track List (Click Times):
01 -- 0:17 -- Intro
02 -- 0:49 -- Park (Skate City) #1
03 -- 1:13 -- Park (Skate City) #2
04 -- 1:31 -- Park (Skate City) #3
05 -- 2:30 -- Park (Skate City) #4
06 -- 3:03 -- Park (Skate City) #5
07 -- 3:34 -- Park (Skate City) #6
08 -- 4:21 -- Park (Skate City) #7
09 -- 4:46 -- Park (Skate City) #8
10 -- 5:34 -- Park (Skate City) #9
11 -- 6:01 -- Ramp Park
12 -- 6:37 -- Downhill Park
13 -- 8:35 -- Jump Park
14 -- 10:09 -- Slalom Park
15 -- 11:32 -- Finale
Vlog: The Atari Dig
Vlog: The Atari Dig
Vlog: The Atari Dig
Behind-the-scenes of my time down in New Mexico... looking for aliens.
Atari Lynx - Pac-Land
Atari Lynx - Pac-Land
Atari Lynx - Pac-Land
Old Atari game.
720 Zone: Pole Position Gameplay
720 Zone: Pole Position Gameplay
720 Zone: Pole Position Gameplay
I decided to head out to the garage this morning and try some Pole Position.
Richie Knuckles Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zarY1FyKqIw
John Jacobsen Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCj5scpxe8w
Have You Played Atari Today?
Have You Played Atari Today?
Have You Played Atari Today?
http://go.tagjag.com/atariflashback and http://go.tagjag.com/110 - Travel back in time with me, to a time when games where simple, and tons of fun! You can w...
20 Mysterious Photos That Should Not Exist
20 Mysterious Photos That Should Not Exist
20 Mysterious Photos That Should Not Exist
From ocean fireballs, to mythical apes and ghosts that only show up on film, these are 20 photos so mysterious, so impossible that it's often said they shoul...
Atari Quantum Arcade - 186,860
Atari Quantum Arcade - 186,860
Atari Quantum Arcade - 186,860
Atari Quantum arcade game scoring run - Feb 16, 2014 - 186,860.
Captain Blood (Atari ST) Intro et début du jeu
Captain Blood (Atari ST) Intro et début du jeu
Captain Blood (Atari ST) Intro et début du jeu
Jeu culte. Mélange d'exploration, de simulation de vol (simpliste) et d'aventure dans une ambiance space opéra. L'univers est extrêmement riche, terminer ce ...
'E T ' found in New Mexico LandFill | Atari 2600 Video Games Found in New Mexico
'E T ' found in New Mexico LandFill | Atari 2600 Video Games Found in New Mexico
'E T ' found in New Mexico LandFill | Atari 2600 Video Games Found in New Mexico
ET: The Extra-Terrestrial's Atari 2600 video games found in New Mexico landfill
Hundreds of Atari's infamous E.T. game cartridges in New Mexico landfill found
A documentary film production company has found buried in a New Mexico landfill hundreds of the Atari "E.T." game cartridges that some call the worst video game ever made.
Film director Zak Penn showed one "E.T." cartridge retrieved from the site and said that hundreds more were found in the mounds of trash and dirt scooped by a backhoe.
About 200 residents and game enthusiasts gathered early Saturday in southeastern New Mexico to watch backhoes and bulldozers dig through the concret
1990 Retro Interview about Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Atari Lynx & TurboGrafx from my cable access show!
1990 Retro Interview about Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Atari Lynx & TurboGrafx from my cable access show!
1990 Retro Interview about Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Atari Lynx & TurboGrafx from my cable access show!
This is an interview I shot for my cable access TV show called "30/30" back in January of 1990 - right after the 1989 holiday season. I was 13 years old. Thi...
Amritsar (India) to Lahore (Pakistan) By Road (Attari Wagha Boarder).
Amritsar (India) to Lahore (Pakistan) By Road (Attari Wagha Boarder).
Amritsar (India) to Lahore (Pakistan) By Road (Attari Wagha Boarder).
Amritsar (India) to Lahore (Pakistan) By Road (Attari Wagha Boarder).
Arcade Hack! - Atari Quantum - Circle Trick - Point Press
Arcade Hack! - Atari Quantum - Circle Trick - Point Press
Arcade Hack! - Atari Quantum - Circle Trick - Point Press
A demonstration of the 'Circle Trick" on the Atari Quantum arcade game.
A Day in the Life: Za'atari - Episode 1: Welcome to Za'atari
"Who would travel for two weeks through the desert to live in a refugee camp if there was any other choice?" A steady stream of refugees pours over the borde...
wn.com/A Day In The Life Za'Atari Episode 1 Welcome To Za'Atari
"Who would travel for two weeks through the desert to live in a refugee camp if there was any other choice?" A steady stream of refugees pours over the borde...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Atari Easter Egg
Ray and Geoff show you how to find the Atari Easter Egg in the Nuketown 2025 map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for the Xbox 360.
wn.com/Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Atari Easter Egg
Ray and Geoff show you how to find the Atari Easter Egg in the Nuketown 2025 map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for the Xbox 360.
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 1 of 2)
Played By: Georgc3
Emulator Used: Project Tempest v0.95
Alright, I generally do not like 1st person shooter games. Why I did it? Many of my friends wanted me to do this. Schlauchi also likes to see this game as well. This is my first time playing this game. I wasn't that great at 1st person shooting games so I had to use walkthrough guides online and walkthrough videos on the internet to complete the entire game. This is the only 1st person shooting game you will ever see me doing as a longplay. You won't see anymore games like this from me.
I did a playthrough with all 3 characters: the alien, predator, and the marine campaign. The intro begins at 0:32. Alien Playthrough begins at 2.03 and it ending at 40:40. The Predator playthrough at begins at 42:21 and its ending at 1:49:38. The marine playthrough at begins at 1:52:05 and its ending at 4:06:17.
For the Alien Playthrough, you are going to die a lot; the alien cannot take food or medkits to replenish its health. Instead, you have to cocoon your enemies which only work on marines not on predators. You press claw, tail, and claw, and walk over the marines to successfully cocoon them. When you die, a cocoon is hatched and you are the new alien. Aliens cannot use elevators but can use air ducts. The predator, you can get food or medkits. You can use it later when you use it. If you need to use it, press the num 5 on your keyboard or 5 on gamepad if you're playing this on a real Atari Jaguar console.
With the predator playthrough, it was damn hard on the first level. It has an open area filled with ton of marines you have to get pass. I used the thermal vision to make myself invincible so marines cannot see you just like seen in the movie. But if you get too close to them, then they will see you and tries to kill you. You must kill enemies while you're visible to earn points, which unlocks weapons. Invisibility does not work on aliens as they will always see you whether or not you're invincible. Predators cannot use air ducts but can use elevators to advance to the next level. I did not die as much here just like the marine campaign, but I still had to use save my game and load the saved game. According to the strategy guide, when I load my saved game, the enemies and the items get regenerated so it's best to save your game in elevators or inside the air locks just before the air pressure. A predator does not pick up ammo like the marine. They always have it as they recharge their ammo by letting it fill up by itself and letting time go by to do it.
Elevators and inside the air locks are the safest locations to save your game. If you save your game outside of these, the enemies you've killed gets regenerated so does the health items you pick up.
With the marine campaign, I've died a whole bunch of times. I had to save/reload a whole bunch of times. In some parts of the video, there will be a jump on the amount of ammo, and health, reason is when I load my saved game, I'd played the same level several times which I had to off-screen or you're going to see me playing the same level all over again and again and gets boring if I did since I reset the game many times when I'm not satisfied with the results. Since the enemies and the health items gets regenerated when I load a saved game, it gets harder so I had save and reload the saved game many times by playing the same level many times in order to get my health and amount of ammo for each weapon fully recharged before advancing to the next level when using the elevator. It took me so long to do this. The marines can use either the air ducts or elevators when traveling to different locations where the elevator cannot get you to.
Note: Regarding the marine campaign, for some reason, I'm unable to use the Automap system (including the one in the predator campaign) when I move through game or using the motion tracking device. If I did, it will create a major graphically glitch that I am never be able to get rid of it.
This walkthrough guide really helped:
wn.com/Atari Jaguar Longplay 02 Aliens Vs Predator (Part 1 Of 2)
Played By: Georgc3
Emulator Used: Project Tempest v0.95
Alright, I generally do not like 1st person shooter games. Why I did it? Many of my friends wanted me to do this. Schlauchi also likes to see this game as well. This is my first time playing this game. I wasn't that great at 1st person shooting games so I had to use walkthrough guides online and walkthrough videos on the internet to complete the entire game. This is the only 1st person shooting game you will ever see me doing as a longplay. You won't see anymore games like this from me.
I did a playthrough with all 3 characters: the alien, predator, and the marine campaign. The intro begins at 0:32. Alien Playthrough begins at 2.03 and it ending at 40:40. The Predator playthrough at begins at 42:21 and its ending at 1:49:38. The marine playthrough at begins at 1:52:05 and its ending at 4:06:17.
For the Alien Playthrough, you are going to die a lot; the alien cannot take food or medkits to replenish its health. Instead, you have to cocoon your enemies which only work on marines not on predators. You press claw, tail, and claw, and walk over the marines to successfully cocoon them. When you die, a cocoon is hatched and you are the new alien. Aliens cannot use elevators but can use air ducts. The predator, you can get food or medkits. You can use it later when you use it. If you need to use it, press the num 5 on your keyboard or 5 on gamepad if you're playing this on a real Atari Jaguar console.
With the predator playthrough, it was damn hard on the first level. It has an open area filled with ton of marines you have to get pass. I used the thermal vision to make myself invincible so marines cannot see you just like seen in the movie. But if you get too close to them, then they will see you and tries to kill you. You must kill enemies while you're visible to earn points, which unlocks weapons. Invisibility does not work on aliens as they will always see you whether or not you're invincible. Predators cannot use air ducts but can use elevators to advance to the next level. I did not die as much here just like the marine campaign, but I still had to use save my game and load the saved game. According to the strategy guide, when I load my saved game, the enemies and the items get regenerated so it's best to save your game in elevators or inside the air locks just before the air pressure. A predator does not pick up ammo like the marine. They always have it as they recharge their ammo by letting it fill up by itself and letting time go by to do it.
Elevators and inside the air locks are the safest locations to save your game. If you save your game outside of these, the enemies you've killed gets regenerated so does the health items you pick up.
With the marine campaign, I've died a whole bunch of times. I had to save/reload a whole bunch of times. In some parts of the video, there will be a jump on the amount of ammo, and health, reason is when I load my saved game, I'd played the same level several times which I had to off-screen or you're going to see me playing the same level all over again and again and gets boring if I did since I reset the game many times when I'm not satisfied with the results. Since the enemies and the health items gets regenerated when I load a saved game, it gets harder so I had save and reload the saved game many times by playing the same level many times in order to get my health and amount of ammo for each weapon fully recharged before advancing to the next level when using the elevator. It took me so long to do this. The marines can use either the air ducts or elevators when traveling to different locations where the elevator cannot get you to.
Note: Regarding the marine campaign, for some reason, I'm unable to use the Automap system (including the one in the predator campaign) when I move through game or using the motion tracking device. If I did, it will create a major graphically glitch that I am never be able to get rid of it.
This walkthrough guide really helped:
- published: 15 Jan 2012
- views: 82549
Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Aliens Vs Predator (Part 2 of 2)
http://www.longplays.org/ Played By: Georgc3 Emulator Used: Project Tempest v0.95 Alright, I generally do not like 1st person shooter games. Why I did it? Ma...
wn.com/Atari Jaguar Longplay 02 Aliens Vs Predator (Part 2 Of 2)
http://www.longplays.org/ Played By: Georgc3 Emulator Used: Project Tempest v0.95 Alright, I generally do not like 1st person shooter games. Why I did it? Ma...
E.T. Atari 2600 Carts Found in New Mexico Landfill
Turns out it was quite true after all, hell they even found some other games in there from Atari no less http://kotaku.com/awesome-photos-from-the-atari-land...
wn.com/E.T. Atari 2600 Carts Found In New Mexico Landfill
Turns out it was quite true after all, hell they even found some other games in there from Atari no less http://kotaku.com/awesome-photos-from-the-atari-land...
Adventure (Atari 2600) Level 1 play through
The player's goal is simply to find the enchanted chalice and return it to the gold castle. The player character, represented by a square, explores a multi-s...
wn.com/Adventure (Atari 2600) Level 1 Play Through
The player's goal is simply to find the enchanted chalice and return it to the gold castle. The player character, represented by a square, explores a multi-s...
YOUTUBE POOP: Bath Warriors for Atari 9000
And after that, BACK TO MAKINE GMOD VIDEOS!!! C:
IHey I do make YouTube Poops too, y'know
wn.com/Youtube Poop Bath Warriors For Atari 9000
And after that, BACK TO MAKINE GMOD VIDEOS!!! C:
IHey I do make YouTube Poops too, y'know
- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 1275
#960 GOLDEN TEE GOLF 2005 & Atari ASTEROIDS Combo Video! TNT Amusements
My lovely wife PAM makes an appearance as we show you a Golden Tee Golf 2005 and our 152nd Atari ASTEROIDS we have sold...along with a look at what's coming--a Cyclone, Heavy Metal Meltdown, and a very rare STRIKLE ZONE arcade game!
wn.com/960 Golden Tee Golf 2005 Atari Asteroids Combo Video Tnt Amusements
My lovely wife PAM makes an appearance as we show you a Golden Tee Golf 2005 and our 152nd Atari ASTEROIDS we have sold...along with a look at what's coming--a Cyclone, Heavy Metal Meltdown, and a very rare STRIKLE ZONE arcade game!
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 310
Atari 720 Degrees Soundtrack: Music & More
Track List (Click Times):
01 -- 0:17 -- Intro
02 -- 0:49 -- Park (Skate City) #1
03 -- 1:13 -- Park (Skate City) #2
04 -- 1:31 -- Park (Skate City) #3
05 -- 2:30 -- Park (Skate City) #4
06 -- 3:03 -- Park (Skate City) #5
07 -- 3:34 -- Park (Skate City) #6
08 -- 4:21 -- Park (Skate City) #7
09 -- 4:46 -- Park (Skate City) #8
10 -- 5:34 -- Park (Skate City) #9
11 -- 6:01 -- Ramp Park
12 -- 6:37 -- Downhill Park
13 -- 8:35 -- Jump Park
14 -- 10:09 -- Slalom Park
15 -- 11:32 -- Finale
wn.com/Atari 720 Degrees Soundtrack Music More
Track List (Click Times):
01 -- 0:17 -- Intro
02 -- 0:49 -- Park (Skate City) #1
03 -- 1:13 -- Park (Skate City) #2
04 -- 1:31 -- Park (Skate City) #3
05 -- 2:30 -- Park (Skate City) #4
06 -- 3:03 -- Park (Skate City) #5
07 -- 3:34 -- Park (Skate City) #6
08 -- 4:21 -- Park (Skate City) #7
09 -- 4:46 -- Park (Skate City) #8
10 -- 5:34 -- Park (Skate City) #9
11 -- 6:01 -- Ramp Park
12 -- 6:37 -- Downhill Park
13 -- 8:35 -- Jump Park
14 -- 10:09 -- Slalom Park
15 -- 11:32 -- Finale
- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 127
Vlog: The Atari Dig
Behind-the-scenes of my time down in New Mexico... looking for aliens.
wn.com/Vlog The Atari Dig
Behind-the-scenes of my time down in New Mexico... looking for aliens.
- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 14908
Naomi Kyle
720 Zone: Pole Position Gameplay
I decided to head out to the garage this morning and try some Pole Position.
Richie Knuckles Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zarY1FyKqIw
John Jacobsen Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCj5scpxe8w
wn.com/720 Zone Pole Position Gameplay
I decided to head out to the garage this morning and try some Pole Position.
Richie Knuckles Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zarY1FyKqIw
John Jacobsen Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCj5scpxe8w
- published: 31 May 2015
- views: 22
Have You Played Atari Today?
http://go.tagjag.com/atariflashback and http://go.tagjag.com/110 - Travel back in time with me, to a time when games where simple, and tons of fun! You can w...
wn.com/Have You Played Atari Today
http://go.tagjag.com/atariflashback and http://go.tagjag.com/110 - Travel back in time with me, to a time when games where simple, and tons of fun! You can w...
20 Mysterious Photos That Should Not Exist
From ocean fireballs, to mythical apes and ghosts that only show up on film, these are 20 photos so mysterious, so impossible that it's often said they shoul...
wn.com/20 Mysterious Photos That Should Not Exist
From ocean fireballs, to mythical apes and ghosts that only show up on film, these are 20 photos so mysterious, so impossible that it's often said they shoul...
Atari Quantum Arcade - 186,860
Atari Quantum arcade game scoring run - Feb 16, 2014 - 186,860.
wn.com/Atari Quantum Arcade 186,860
Atari Quantum arcade game scoring run - Feb 16, 2014 - 186,860.
- published: 16 Feb 2014
- views: 111
Captain Blood (Atari ST) Intro et début du jeu
Jeu culte. Mélange d'exploration, de simulation de vol (simpliste) et d'aventure dans une ambiance space opéra. L'univers est extrêmement riche, terminer ce ...
wn.com/Captain Blood (Atari St) Intro Et Début Du Jeu
Jeu culte. Mélange d'exploration, de simulation de vol (simpliste) et d'aventure dans une ambiance space opéra. L'univers est extrêmement riche, terminer ce ...
- published: 23 May 2010
- views: 8828
'E T ' found in New Mexico LandFill | Atari 2600 Video Games Found in New Mexico
ET: The Extra-Terrestrial's Atari 2600 video games found in New Mexico landfill
Hundreds of Atari's infamous E.T. game cartridges in New Mexico landfill found
A documentary film production company has found buried in a New Mexico landfill hundreds of the Atari "E.T." game cartridges that some call the worst video game ever made.
Film director Zak Penn showed one "E.T." cartridge retrieved from the site and said that hundreds more were found in the mounds of trash and dirt scooped by a backhoe.
About 200 residents and game enthusiasts gathered early Saturday in southeastern New Mexico to watch backhoes and bulldozers dig through the concrete-covered landfill in search of up to a million discarded copies of "E.T. The Extraterrestrial" that the game's maker wanted to hide forever.
"I feel pretty relieved and psyched that they actually got to see something," said Penn as members of the production team sifted through the mounds of trash, pulling out boxes, games and other Atari products.
Most of the crowd left the landfill before the discovery, turned away by strong winds that kicked up massive clouds of dust mingled with garbage. By the time the games were found, only a few dozen people remained. Some were playing the infamous game in a make-shift gaming den with a T.V. and an 1980's game console in the back of a van, while others took selfies beside a life-size E.T. doll inside a DeLorean car like the one that was turned into a time machine in the "Back To The Future" movies.
Among the watchers was Armando Ortega, a city official who back in 1983 got a tip from a landfill employee about the massive dump of games.
"It was pitch dark here that night, but we came with our flashlights and found dozens of games," he said. They braved the darkness, coyotes and snakes of the desert landfill and had to sneak past the security guard. But it paid off.
He says they found dozens of crushed cartridges that they took home and were still playable in their game consoles.
The game and its contribution to the demise of Atari have been the source of fascination for video game enthusiasts for 30 years. The search for the cartridges will be featured in an upcoming documentary about the biggest video game company of the early '80s.
Xbox Entertainment Studios is one of the companies developing the film, which is expected to be released later this year on Microsoft's Xbox game consoles.
Whether — and most importantly, why — Atari decided to bury thousands or millions of copies of the failed game is part of the urban legend and much speculation on Internet blog posts and forums.
Kristen Keller, a spokeswoman at Atari, said "nobody here has any idea what that's about." The company has no "corporate knowledge" about the Alamogordo burial. Atari has changed hands many times over the years, and Keller said, "We're just watching like everybody else."
Atari currently manages about 200 classic titles such as Centipede and Asteroids. It was sold to a French company by Hasbro in 2001.
A New York Times article from Sept. 28, 1983, says 14 truckloads of discarded game cartridges and computer equipment were dumped on the site. An Atari spokesman quoted in the story said the games came from its plant in El Paso, Texas, some 80 miles south of Alamogordo.
Local news reports from the time said that the landfill employees were throwing cartridges there and running a bulldozer over them before covering them with dirt and trash.
The city of Alamogordo agreed to give the documentarians 250 cartridges or 10 percent of the cartridges found, whichever is greater.
Alamogordo Mayor Susie Galea said finding something in the landfill might bring more tourists to this city in southeastern New Mexico that is home to an Air Force base and White Sands National Monument. "Lots of people just pass through, unfortunately," she said.
The "E.T." game is among the factors blamed for the decline of Atari and the collapse in the U.S. of a multi-million dollar video game industry that didn't bounce back for several years.
wn.com/'E T ' Found In New Mexico Landfill | Atari 2600 Video Games Found In New Mexico
ET: The Extra-Terrestrial's Atari 2600 video games found in New Mexico landfill
Hundreds of Atari's infamous E.T. game cartridges in New Mexico landfill found
A documentary film production company has found buried in a New Mexico landfill hundreds of the Atari "E.T." game cartridges that some call the worst video game ever made.
Film director Zak Penn showed one "E.T." cartridge retrieved from the site and said that hundreds more were found in the mounds of trash and dirt scooped by a backhoe.
About 200 residents and game enthusiasts gathered early Saturday in southeastern New Mexico to watch backhoes and bulldozers dig through the concrete-covered landfill in search of up to a million discarded copies of "E.T. The Extraterrestrial" that the game's maker wanted to hide forever.
"I feel pretty relieved and psyched that they actually got to see something," said Penn as members of the production team sifted through the mounds of trash, pulling out boxes, games and other Atari products.
Most of the crowd left the landfill before the discovery, turned away by strong winds that kicked up massive clouds of dust mingled with garbage. By the time the games were found, only a few dozen people remained. Some were playing the infamous game in a make-shift gaming den with a T.V. and an 1980's game console in the back of a van, while others took selfies beside a life-size E.T. doll inside a DeLorean car like the one that was turned into a time machine in the "Back To The Future" movies.
Among the watchers was Armando Ortega, a city official who back in 1983 got a tip from a landfill employee about the massive dump of games.
"It was pitch dark here that night, but we came with our flashlights and found dozens of games," he said. They braved the darkness, coyotes and snakes of the desert landfill and had to sneak past the security guard. But it paid off.
He says they found dozens of crushed cartridges that they took home and were still playable in their game consoles.
The game and its contribution to the demise of Atari have been the source of fascination for video game enthusiasts for 30 years. The search for the cartridges will be featured in an upcoming documentary about the biggest video game company of the early '80s.
Xbox Entertainment Studios is one of the companies developing the film, which is expected to be released later this year on Microsoft's Xbox game consoles.
Whether — and most importantly, why — Atari decided to bury thousands or millions of copies of the failed game is part of the urban legend and much speculation on Internet blog posts and forums.
Kristen Keller, a spokeswoman at Atari, said "nobody here has any idea what that's about." The company has no "corporate knowledge" about the Alamogordo burial. Atari has changed hands many times over the years, and Keller said, "We're just watching like everybody else."
Atari currently manages about 200 classic titles such as Centipede and Asteroids. It was sold to a French company by Hasbro in 2001.
A New York Times article from Sept. 28, 1983, says 14 truckloads of discarded game cartridges and computer equipment were dumped on the site. An Atari spokesman quoted in the story said the games came from its plant in El Paso, Texas, some 80 miles south of Alamogordo.
Local news reports from the time said that the landfill employees were throwing cartridges there and running a bulldozer over them before covering them with dirt and trash.
The city of Alamogordo agreed to give the documentarians 250 cartridges or 10 percent of the cartridges found, whichever is greater.
Alamogordo Mayor Susie Galea said finding something in the landfill might bring more tourists to this city in southeastern New Mexico that is home to an Air Force base and White Sands National Monument. "Lots of people just pass through, unfortunately," she said.
The "E.T." game is among the factors blamed for the decline of Atari and the collapse in the U.S. of a multi-million dollar video game industry that didn't bounce back for several years.
- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 730
1990 Retro Interview about Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Atari Lynx & TurboGrafx from my cable access show!
This is an interview I shot for my cable access TV show called "30/30" back in January of 1990 - right after the 1989 holiday season. I was 13 years old. Thi...
wn.com/1990 Retro Interview About Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Atari Lynx Turbografx From My Cable Access Show
This is an interview I shot for my cable access TV show called "30/30" back in January of 1990 - right after the 1989 holiday season. I was 13 years old. Thi...
Arcade Hack! - Atari Quantum - Circle Trick - Point Press
A demonstration of the 'Circle Trick" on the Atari Quantum arcade game.
wn.com/Arcade Hack Atari Quantum Circle Trick Point Press
A demonstration of the 'Circle Trick" on the Atari Quantum arcade game.
- published: 27 Jun 2015
- views: 235