The roots of sexual violence
Sandra Bloodworth examines the widespread sexual violence in our society: from intimate partner abuse, to paedophile priests, to attacks on the elderly, the disabled, the mentally ill and children in institutions which supposedly “care” for the oppressed and vulnerable.
Australian unions and the fight for equal pay for women
Katie Wood draws together a rich history of working class struggle for equal pay for women. Unlike some historians who present equal pay as a "feminist" issue won by women's mobilisations against men's resistance, she shows that it has been a union issue since the nineteenth century. To read this article purchase this issue here.
Radical Chinese labour in Australian history
Liam Ward has assembled a remarkable history of struggle by Chinese workers in Australia which has mostly been ignored or misrepresented. To read this article purchase this issue here.
Indonesian independence and Australian imperialism
Sam Pietch looks at the response of Australian governments, both Liberal and Labor, to the challenge of Indonesian independence in what they regard as their "backyard". To read this article purchase this issue here.
US imperialism and the war for the Middle East
Corey Oakley analyses the counter-revolutions which have swept across the Arab world since the mass revolts of 2011.
The hidden history of Islamophobia
Vashti Kenway argues that Australia has a long history of discrimination against Muslims, culminating in the rabid Islamophobia promoted by both Liberal and Labor governments to justify Australia’s involvement in a series of wars in the Middle East.
How World War One led to class war
World War I began with only tiny numbers opposing Australia’s involvement, but by 1916 a mass anti-conscription campaign split the Labor party. By Mick Armstrong.