Paul Mattick Jr.

More Business As Usual with Paul Mattick

The following interview was conducted in December 2013 at Paul Mattick Jr’s home in Brooklyn, NY. Paul Mattick Jr. (born 1944) is a Marxist theorist and philosopher. This is the third in a series of interviews conducted with participants from the Global Uprisings conference, that occurred during the weekend of November 15-17th, 2013. View more videos online at

The transcript of this interview was done by Nick Terpolilli.

Business as usual: The economic crisis and the failure of capitalism - Paul Mattick Jr.

The recent global economic downturn has affected nearly everyone in every corner of the globe.

An interview with Paul Mattick, Jr. in New York, 1991

An interview conducted in New York on November 17, 1991, by Hannu Reime with Paul Mattick Jr about his father, Paul Mattick Snr and his ideas on council communism and the Bolsheviks against the background of the demise of the Soviet Union.

Stupid regulators and greedy financiers or business as usual? - Chris Wright

Occupation of Zuccotti Park - New York, 2011

As the occupy movement in the US this week shifts its attention from the shiny crystallisations of high finance to the hubs of material circulation, Chris Wright reviews Paul Mattick Jr.'s book, Business as Usual, and asks: what is missed by shouting down only one aspect of capitalism?

A view on the crisis: an interview with Paul Mattick Jnr

The Marxist economist and author Paul Mattick Jnr talks to Stuart Watkins about his views on Marx, the economic crisis, and the prospects for socialism

Paul Mattick, Jr., "The Economic Crisis in Fact and Fiction"

Paul Mattick, Jr.’s most recent book, Business as Usual: The Economic Crisis and the Future of Capitalism, was just published by Reaktion Books. In late April, he sat down with John Clegg and Aaron Benanav of the journal Endnotes

On, Wisconsin - Paul Mattick Jr.

In the aftermath of the recent struggle in Wisconsin, Paul Mattick Jr. analyses the historical background to the rise and the current curtailing of the unions in the US and the attacks on the working and living conditions that are happening alongside this.

Capitalism's Dismal Future - Paul Mattick

An essay about the current crisis of capitalism adapted from Paul Mattick's book Business as Usual: The Economic Crisis and the Failure of Capitalism.

Social knowledge - An essay on the limits of social science - Paul Mattick, Jr.

Mattick Jr - 'Social Knowledge' cover

"This book deals with a fundamental question of social science - how is scientific knowledge of social life possible? And with a related problem - why does such knowledge still seem impossible, despite 200 years of intellectual effort?

Old left, new left, what's left? - Root and Branch

The Weathermen.

Paul Mattick Jr. takes a look at the 'New Left' and student movement at the end of the 1960s.