I can't find my account from the "Find Your Account" page.

If you're having trouble logging into your account from the Find Your Account page, try these tips:

  • Ask one of your Facebook friends to look at the About section of your profile and send you the email address listed in the Contact Information section.
  • Try entering every email address or mobile number you've owned (one at a time). You may have added an email address or mobile number to your account and forgotten about it.
  • Enter your username. Your username is your personalized Facebook URL:

    If you don't know your username, ask a friend to go to your profile and send you the username in the URL.
  • Try entering variations of your name, just in case you signed up using a nickname.
  • If you're asked to enter a friend's name, try a variety of friends if the first friend you try doesn't locate an account. Remember to enter your friend's full name, not just their first name.

If you think your account was taken over by someone else, get help.

Last edited about 11 months ago
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