Michael Jingozian Candidate for US President
Michael Jingozian Candidate for US President
Michael Jingozian Candidate for US President
Speech from July 12, 2007 Green Party National Convention in Reading, PA.
Missouri Viewpoints--Michael Jingozian
Missouri Viewpoints--Michael Jingozian
Missouri Viewpoints--Michael Jingozian
Michael Jingozian, candidate for the Libertarian Party's Presidential nomination, interviewed by Mike Ferguson at the Heartland Libertarian Conference April ...
Part 1 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 1 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 1 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
2009 Missouri Libertarian Party State Convention. Michael Jingozian - Libertarian Party National Committee Vice Chair Part 1.
Part 2 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 2 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 2 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
2009 Missouri Libertarian Party State Convention. Michael Jingozian - Libertarian Party National Committee Vice Chair Part 2.
Part 3 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 3 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 3 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
2009 Missouri Libertarian Party State Convention. Michael Jingozian - Libertarian Party National Committee Vice Chair Part 3.
Part 4 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 4 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 4 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
2009 Missouri Libertarian Party State Convention. Michael Jingozian - Libertarian Party National Committee Vice Chair Part 4.
Part 5 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 5 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
Part 5 - Michael Jingozian - MOLP State Convention
2009 Missouri Libertarian Party State Convention. Michael Jingozian - Libertarian Party National Committee Vice Chair Part 5.
A New Moon with Michael Jingozian (2).wmv
A New Moon with Michael Jingozian (2).wmv
A New Moon with Michael Jingozian (2).wmv
A New Moon with Michael Jingozian
A New Moon with Michael Jingozian
A New Moon with Michael Jingozian
Jingozian addresses Libertarians at the World Trade Center
Jingozian addresses Libertarians at the World Trade Center
Jingozian addresses Libertarians at the World Trade Center
http://www.resetamerica.com On March 9, Michael Jingozian, Libertarian Candidate for President, addressed Libertarians, Ron Paul Supporters and others at the...
Ron Paul Supporters Addressed by Jingozian
Ron Paul Supporters Addressed by Jingozian
Ron Paul Supporters Addressed by Jingozian
http://www.resetamerica.com Michael Jingozian, Libertarian Candidate for President, addressed a group of Ron Paul supporters at the PA State Convention on Ma...
Jingozian Nominates Mike Gravel
Jingozian Nominates Mike Gravel
Jingozian Nominates Mike Gravel
C-SPAN: In an historic event, Michael Jingozian nominates Mike Gravel - a political opponent for President of the United States.
Jingozian Speaks out at the Washington Libertarian Debate
Jingozian Speaks out at the Washington Libertarian Debate
Jingozian Speaks out at the Washington Libertarian Debate
Hear Michael Jingozian speak at the Washington Libertarian State Convention. On April 19, 2008, Jingozian addressed members of the Washington State Libertari...
Jingozian and why he's seeking the Libertarian Nomination
Jingozian and why he's seeking the Libertarian Nomination
Jingozian and why he's seeking the Libertarian Nomination
http://www.resetamerica.com Michael Jingozian, Libertarian Candidate for President, explains why he's so passionate about abolishing our destructive 2 party ...
Green Party 2007 annual meeting - M. Jingozian, president
Green Party 2007 annual meeting - M. Jingozian, president
Green Party 2007 annual meeting - M. Jingozian, president
Michael "Jingo" Jingozian seeks 2008 Green presidential nomination. Speaking on plenary panel to delegates of 2007 annual national meeting of the Green Party...
LP Convention: Jingozian Concedes, Endorses Gravel
LP Convention: Jingozian Concedes, Endorses Gravel
LP Convention: Jingozian Concedes, Endorses Gravel
Mike Jingozian concedes at the 2008 Libertarian convention and endorses former US Sen. Mike Gravel.
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 1
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 1
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 1
On April 5th 2008, the Heartland Libertarian Conference hosted a debate in Kansas City, Missouri between the libertarian presidential candidates. The candida...
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 2
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 2
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 2
On April 5th 2008, the Heartland Libertarian Conference hosted a debate in Kansas City, Missouri between the libertarian presidential candidates. The candida...
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 3
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 3
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 3
On April 5th 2008, the Heartland Libertarian Conference hosted a debate in Kansas City, Missouri between the libertarian presidential candidates. The candida...
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 4
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 4
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 4
On April 5th 2008, the Heartland Libertarian Conference hosted a debate in Kansas City, Missouri between the libertarian presidential candidates. The candida...
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 7
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 7
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 7
On April 5th 2008, the Heartland Libertarian Conference hosted a debate in Kansas City, Missouri between the libertarian presidential candidates. The candida...
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 9
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 9
Heartland Libertarian Presidential Debate Part 9
On April 5th 2008, the Heartland Libertarian Conference hosted a debate in Kansas City, Missouri between the libertarian presidential candidates. The candida...
How America is Destroying Democracy!
How America is Destroying Democracy!
How America is Destroying Democracy!
http://www.resetamerica.com Ballot Access Laws are eroding our Democracy and threatening our Freedom! Join Michael P. Jingozian, Libertarian for President, o...