David Schwimmer has responded after a picture of a suspected thief bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Friends star went viral. Police in Blackpool posted an image on Facebook asking for witnesses to identify the man, who was pictured leaving a restaurant in Blackpool carrying what appeared to be a crate of cans ... On Wednesday, Schwimmer posted his own response – showing him ‘stealing’ his own crate of cans – writing ... View photos ... More....
The world's longest sea bridge is now officially open for traffic in China, but many Hong Kong residents aren’t celebrating, CBSNews reports. It took almost a decade to build the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–MacauBridge (HZMB), which spans 34 miles connecting Hong Kong and Macau to mainland China ...The project cost $20 billion and Hong Kong taxpayers were stuck with 60 percent of the bill for a bridge that many of them will never use....
The United Nations humanitarian chief said the situation in Yemen had deteriorated after an initial warning last month that the poorest country in the Middle East was facing a "massive loss of life" through famine, according to National Public Radio. "The toll is unbearably high," Mark Lowcock told the U.N.Security Council on Tuesday ... ... "The time, surely, has come for all the parties to heed these warnings." ... -WN.com, Maureen Foody....
Article by WN.Com Correspondent Dallas DarlingFor good reason P.T. BarnumBailey claimed “There’s a sucker born every minute.” He was, after all, in America. A renowned showman, politician, and business man, he promoted hoaxes and founded the traveling Barnum and Bailey Circus... Easily Mislead, Managed And SuppressedThe same can be said about the presidential election in 2016. It too was a hoax ... He is a correspondent for www.WN.com ... 176 ... ....
(CNN)Donald Trump fixed reporters with a hard gaze and declared. "I'm a very nonpolitical person, and that's why I got elected President." ... Read More. "I'm not worried about anything," he said ... So he just manufactured a moment to add more fuel to the rhetorical blaze he has ignited over immigration ... Tom Carper, a DelawareDemocrat who had effectively been held captive after a photo-op to sign a water infrastructure bill ... ....
HurricaneWilla slammed into MexicoPacific coast on Tuesday evening, bringing winds of up to 120 mph (195 kph) that brought power outages after it made landfall 50 miles (80 kilometers) southeast of Mazatlan, according to The Vallarta Daily. The Category 3 hurricane arrived in the state of Sinaloa to bring torrential rainfall on top of the powerful winds as it moved north-northeast at 10 mph (17 kph) ... “There’s no electricity.” ... ....
Even though the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and those around you from the influenza virus, the Food and Drug Administration announced it was approving the first new antiviral flu treatment in nearly 20 years on Friday, according to CNBC... Genentech is a subsidiary of Roche, which is the manufacturer of Tamiflu, a common flu treatment ... Scott Gottlieb said in a statement ... -WN.com, Maureen Foody....