John Passant

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The 99 Passant
I am about half through compiling the first volume of my most read (readers’ view) or most interesting (my view) articles from this blog.  Keep an eye out for Volume I of the 99 Passant when it is published later this year. I’ll keep you updated. (0)

More threats
As some of you may know I have been censoring the posts of a serial pest who makes anti-Muslim and racist comments and has in the past threatened me. He has posted again saying that the next time he is in my area – he names my street – he’ll ‘drop in to say g’day’. Clearly this is an attempt to further intimidate me. If anything happens to me or my family here are his details to provide to police.  jack  He has a druid name email at txc. (0)

Doctors and other bruises
I am having various tests and analysis done with a range of doctors over the coming weeks so may not be as communicative as normal on this blog. Bear with me. Hopefully I will be back in the New Year fighting fit. (4)

Marxism and women's liberation
Sharon Smith from the US International Socialist Organization talks about Marxism and women’s liberation in a very interesting video from Socialism 2012 in the US. (0)

Digital disruption and tax
Me in The Conversation today, with my second piece on the likes of Google and other highly mobile digital companies not paying much tax in Australia. Digital disruption is eroding Australia’s tax base (0)

Giant profits, tiny tax bills
It might well be a case of a stopped clock being right twice a day, but on the very day I had an article in The Conversation called Giant profits, tiny tax bills: time to close loopholes on corporate tax avoidance dealing with multinationals like Google et al and the inadequacies and problems with 20th century tax models for 21st century tax arrangements, Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury appointed the head of the revenue Group in Treasury, Rob Heferen, to develop a scoping paper to ‘set out the risks to the sustainability of Australia’s corporate tax base and look at the potential solutions.’ (0)

Turnover Time and Marx's Law of the Tendential Fall in the Rate of Profit
From Canberra comrade Peter Jones a very interesting paper: Abstract: This paper develops a method for quantifying the influence of four factors on the average rate of profit (ROP): the organic composition of capital (OCC), prices of constant capital, the rate of surplus value, and the average turnover time of variable capital. This is applied to data for the US from 1947-2011. The OCC is the largest influence on the ROP, and outside of periods of crisis, it rises consistently. But during 1947-1966 and 1980-97 the ROP was nevertheless able to rise, mainly due to shortening turnover times and cheapening constant capital. During periods of falling profitability these two counter-tendencies were absent or were reversed, leading to the crises of the mid-1970s and recently. This suggests that Marx correctly predicted the main direction of influence of the tendency and each counter-tendency, but that for the ROP to actually fall, capital cheapening and improvements in turnover time generally have to cease. (0)

Quote from Chomsky
I recently posted a supposed quote from Chomsky about Gaza which I checked before publication and which had been run in Salem-news, giving it some authenticity. The quote is in fact an amalgam of something Chris Hedges said in 2009 and something Chomsky said in 2004. Ceasefire has the details here. Given it is misquote I have removed it. My apologies to my readers and to Noam Chomsky. (0)

The politics of George Orwell
In Canberra Socialist Alternative’s next public meeting is on the Politics of George Orwell. As John Pilger reminds us, ‘Orwell is almost our litmus test. Some of his satirical writing looks like reality these days.’ This talk reclaims Orwell for the left. 6 pm Thursday 8 November Room G 8 Moran building ANU (0)

Labor's tax trickery
The Gillard government refuses to take on the business lobby, John Passant writes (0)



Right-wing terror in Norway

Alan Maass reports in the US magazine Socialist Worker on the murderous rampage in Norway by a far-right sympathizer–and the media’s rush to blame an all-too-familiar scapegoat.

CLOSE TO 100 people died in Norway at the hands of a far-right fanatic whose connections to the organized racists and Islamophobes extend to the anti-Muslim bigots in the U.S.

Anders Behring Breivik is accused of setting a car bomb in downtown Oslo. At least seven people died in the blast in front of the Oil Ministry, but which also apparently targeted a 17-story office tower that contained the offices of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, leader of the governing Labor Party.

But the much more terrible death toll came from a shooting spree at an island summer camp for young members of the Labor Party.

Breivik, dressed as a police officer, reportedly claimed he was on the island of Utoya, northwest of Oslo, for a “security check.” After gathering campers together, he opened fire–and proceeded to hunt down and kill dozens more after the initial bloodbath. He continued murdering until police finally made it to the island–and then gave himself up.

According to lawyer Geir Lippestad, Breivik confessed to the killings and said he “went to Utoya to give the Labor Party a warning that ‘doomsday would be imminent’ unless the party changed its policies.”

The media instantly blamed “Islamic terrorism” for the killings, but Breivik is the exact opposite–a former member of the youth wing of Norway’s far-right Progress Party, with “a history of anti-Muslim commentary and an affection for Muslim-hating blogs such as Pam Geller’s Atlas Shrugged, Daniel Pipes, and Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch,” as’s Glenn Greenwald reported.

To judge from his messages on Facebook and other websites, Brievek saw himself as a warrior against immigrants–especially Muslim immigrants, who he blamed for “[transforming] my beloved Oslo into a multicultural shithole.” In one post, according to a rough translation from Norwegian, Breivik declared:

The essence is that Muslim boys learn pride in their own religion, culture and cultural conservative values at home, while Norwegian men have been feminized and taught excessive tolerance. This makes them totally unprepared for what awaits them…

The curriculum at school now also largely consists of the demonization of our ancestors (evil imperialists, big farmers who raped maids, bloodthirsty Crusaders who invaded the peaceful Muslims), while it gives a victim role to Muslims. The result is that Norwegian girls aged 12-18 are particularly vulnerable and often oppressed.

Breivik saw himself as an organizer–and expressed admiration for the English Defense League, the Islamophobic and thuggish group that has become a serious force in Britain. Breivik wrote:

I must say I am very impressed with how quickly they have grown, but this has to do with smart tactical choice by management…Creating a Norwegian EDL should be number three on the agenda after we have started up a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution.

The agenda of the Norwegian cultural conservative movement over the next five years is therefore:

1. Newspaper with national distribution
2. Working for the control of several NGOs
3. Norwegian EDL

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -

FROM THE moment news broke about the explosion in Oslo, though, the international media had their eyes on a different culprit: Muslims.

The headline on Rupert Murdoch’s vile Sun newspaper in Britain blared: “‘Al-Qaeda’ Massacre: Norway’s 9/11.” Ironically, the right-wingers that Breivik admired joined in, too. Stop Islamization of America founder Pamela Geller lectured: “You can ignore jihad, but you cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad.”

But the less openly partisan media and pundits were no less quick to conclude that al-Qaeda was to blame. As Shiva Balaghi wrote on the Jadaliyya website:

I read a story in the New York Times that squarely pointed to jihadi groups angered at the war in Afghanistan. The expert the Times cited was Will McCants. I checked in on his Twitter feed throughout the day, as he allegedly translated an alleged website by the alleged terrorists responsible for the attacks in Norway. Throughout the day, he translated Arabic phrases from a forum about the type of explosives used, car chases through Oslo and arrests, etc….

The Financial Times was no better. From the start, it reported allegations of Islamic terrorism, continuing with this view well into its evening reporting, by which time an arrest had already been made in the case…Judy Woodruff’s interview with a Norwegian journalist that aired on PBS’s Newshour followed a similar scenario.

Even after it became undeniable that a white, Christian, Norwegian man was responsible for the rampage, the media still seemed determined to blame Muslims. A New York Times article that reported on Breivik’s arrest in its opening paragraph nevertheless quoted “terrorism specialists” who claimed that:

even if the authorities ultimately ruled out terrorism as the cause of Friday’s assaults, other kinds of groups or individuals were mimicking al-Qaeda’s signature brutality and multiple attacks.

“If it does turn out to be someone with more political motivations, it shows these groups are learning from what they see from al-Qaeda,” said Brian Fishman, a counterterrorism researcher at the New America Foundation in Washington. “One lesson I take away from this is that attacks, especially in the West, are going to move to automatic weapons.”

In other words, as Greenwald observed, “Al-Qaeda is always to blame, even when it isn’t, even when it’s allegedly the work of a Nordic, Muslim-hating, right-wing European nationalist.”

And who can take seriously the idea that “brutality” and “multiple attacks” are somehow the innovative “signature” of al-Qaeda alone–especially with information emerging that Breivik used ammonium nitrate fertilizer for his car bomb, just like right-winger Timothy McVeigh when he demolished the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995?

According to European Union officials, in 2009, there were 294 attempted terrorist attacks, successful and not, in six European countries. The EU report concluded that Islamist groups were responsible for exactly one. “Yes, one,” wrote Canadian journalist Dan Gardner. “Out of 294 attacks. In a population of half a billion people. To put that in perspective, the same number of attacks was committed by the Comité d’Action Viticole, a French group that wants to stop the importation of foreign wine.”

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -

NOW THAT the media are focusing on Breivik and his right-wing views, he is being portrayed as a lone crackpot, complete with a 1,517-page self-published manifesto allegedly copied in part from the Unabomber.

But Breivik’s diatribes against Muslims and multiculturalism are very much a part of political debate in Europe, as in America–a direct result of the rightward shift in mainstream politics and the frightening successes of the far right that have only accelerated during a period of economic crisis.

Thus, while Germany’s conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed that Breivik’s assault went against “freedom, respect and the belief in peaceful coexistence,” she herself recently joined fellow right-wing heads of state Nicolas Sarkozy of France and David Cameron of Britain in campaigning against “multiculturalism” so hated by Breivik.

“Multiculturalism” has become a favorite target for conventional conservatives and far-right sympathizers alike–they use this shorthand phrase to refer to liberal immigration policies and tolerance for the rights of religious and ethnic minorities.

Last year, for example, Sarkozy attempted to rebound from dropping support in opinion polls by carrying out a mass deportation of Roma immigrants and championing legislation to ban full facial veils worn by some Muslim women in public spaces. Merkel, too, is attempting to exploit anti-Muslim sentiment to shore up support for her Christian Democratic Union.

This rhetoric is characteristic of the last 20 years since the end of the Cold War–and the creation of new scapegoats to replace Communism: Islam and immigration.

But it is also further evidence of how ideas once confined to the far right have permeated mainstream politics–thanks not only to attempts by mainstream conservatives to co-opt the support of far-right groups, but of the capitulation of one-time social-democratic parties like Britain’s Labour on immigration and other questions.

Europe’s far right has enjoyed more than ideological success. Its parties have made electoral gains that would have seemed unimaginable a few decades ago, including in northern European countries like Norway once known as havens of social democracy.

Norway’s right-wing populist Progress Party, for example, is the second-largest party in parliament, with 23 percent of the vote in September 2009 elections. In Finland, a similar populist formation, True Finns, is third among the country’s political parties. In Sweden, the far-right Sweden Democrats won seats in parliament for the first time after winning 5.7 percent of the vote in elections last year.

Also nearby is the Netherlands, where the Party of Freedom won 15.5 percent of the national vote last year on a virulently anti-immigrant platform–the party’s founder Geert Wilders is notorious for having compared the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

As British socialist Richard Seymour wrote at his Lenin’s Tomb blog:

[T]he ideas that led Breivik to fascism are not at all marginal. The Islamophobia that has been energetically disseminated by the belligerents of the “war on terror,” the view seriously entertained by many that Europe’s Muslim minority constitutes a threat meriting legal supervision and restriction at the very least, has provided the intellectual and moral basis for the mass murder of Norwegian children.

No one who is not prepared to countenance this can have anything morally serious or even creditable to say about this slaughter. And anyone who starts from the idea of blaming Islam is placing themselves in a contemptible affinity with the perpetrator.

No part of the political mainstream–neither conservative nor liberal [JP - reformist] parties–is blameless in the crusade against immigrants and Muslims that shaped Anders Behring Breivik.

But this has also produced revulsion among millions of people horrified by the return of the far right and its ideology–whether in the form of openly fascist parties in Europe or the Islamophobic fanatics who gravitate to the Tea Party movement in the U.S. or the “respectable” politicians on both continents who seek to exploit anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Turning that revulsion into active opposition is the best way to present an alternative to the hatred and violence of the far right.



Comment from Magpie
Time July 25, 2011 at 9:59 pm

This report reflects the same omissions present in most of the media (with the partial exception of today’s SMH and The Guardian): it doesn’t mention that Breivik deliberately targeted the Norwegian Labour Party summer camp as part of his strategy to fight what he considers to be cause of all European problems: the “cultural” Marxists, who for some reason are behind what he calls the Muslim colonization of Europe.

It fails to mention that Breivik suggests that initially a group of so-called Justiciar Templars are supposedly charged to target some of these “cultural” Marxists and he himself signed his Facebook message as commander of the Justiciar Templars.

It also fails to acknowledge that Breivik, in his YouTube video, claims that his group (supposedly founded in 2002, in London) had 12 other founding members, from 10 European countries.

From my blog:

“It (Breivik’s video) also expresses with regret:

‘ No executions, persecutions or mass deportations of Marxists to the Soviet Union was (sic) ever initiated in Europe, which has proven, in retrospect to be fatal for our continent.’

“In its Part 4 the video proposes to correct this situation, before starting their crusade against Islam:

‘ Before we can start our Crusade… we must do our duty by decimating cultural Marxism’.

“It is in this context that the ruthless murder of 92 innocent people (mostly kids) must be seen.

“Are these just the ramblings and doings of an isolated madman, as suggested by the media?

“It’s possible. I sincerely hope the media is right on this.

“However, the video also states in its Part 4:

‘ The Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, referred to as the Knights Templar, was re-founded in April 2002 in London (…) KT acts as a War Crimes Tribunal through its independent and self-sustaining single-cell network of Justiciar Templars whose purpose is to target category A and category B multiculturalist/cultural Marxist traitors (…) 12 conservative revolutionary delegates from 10 European countries, France, the UK (England), Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Greece, Spain, Russia and Serbia attended the founding meeting.”

Muslims are the long term target, but according to Breivik’s video, cultural Marxists (whatever he means by that) are first in line.

And it doesn’t acknowledge that regardless of whether Breivik’s action was an isolated event, or part of a coordinated plan, his feelings are echoed by a considerable portion of the population, including Australia.

Maybe you should search the YouTube video and the PDF manifesto.

Comment from John
Time July 26, 2011 at 3:58 am

And you don’t acknowledge the role that the social democratic parties play in the development of Islamophobia which is the breeding ground for these attacks and the growth of the fascists. That and the economic crisis.

Comment from John
Time July 26, 2011 at 4:17 am

And of course it doesn’t mention Australia’s role in this since it is a piece for a US magazine. Did you actually read the first paragraph?

Comment from Magpie
Time July 26, 2011 at 5:13 am


You don’t get the point: at this moment ANYONE this people considers “cultural” Marxist is a target. And “cultural” Marxism is anything those terrorists want it to be.

A “cultural” Marxist could be a priest or social worker who works with migrants, a migration lawyer, a journalist.

This is not a matter of socialdemocracy or the role they played in Islamophobia: it’s a matter of people going around and being killed because they feel safe as they are not Muslims.

Or, let me put it this way, hoping the message reaches home: for all we know, you could be a “cultural” Marxist.

I was asking is for people to be careful; now I am asking for you to get past that obsessive social democracy fixation.