John Passant

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The 99 Passant
I am about half through compiling the first volume of my most read (readers’ view) or most interesting (my view) articles from this blog.  Keep an eye out for Volume I of the 99 Passant when it is published later this year. I’ll keep you updated. (0)

More threats
As some of you may know I have been censoring the posts of a serial pest who makes anti-Muslim and racist comments and has in the past threatened me. He has posted again saying that the next time he is in my area – he names my street – he’ll ‘drop in to say g’day’. Clearly this is an attempt to further intimidate me. If anything happens to me or my family here are his details to provide to police.  jack  He has a druid name email at txc. (0)

Doctors and other bruises
I am having various tests and analysis done with a range of doctors over the coming weeks so may not be as communicative as normal on this blog. Bear with me. Hopefully I will be back in the New Year fighting fit. (4)

Marxism and women's liberation
Sharon Smith from the US International Socialist Organization talks about Marxism and women’s liberation in a very interesting video from Socialism 2012 in the US. (0)

Digital disruption and tax
Me in The Conversation today, with my second piece on the likes of Google and other highly mobile digital companies not paying much tax in Australia. Digital disruption is eroding Australia’s tax base (0)

Giant profits, tiny tax bills
It might well be a case of a stopped clock being right twice a day, but on the very day I had an article in The Conversation called Giant profits, tiny tax bills: time to close loopholes on corporate tax avoidance dealing with multinationals like Google et al and the inadequacies and problems with 20th century tax models for 21st century tax arrangements, Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury appointed the head of the revenue Group in Treasury, Rob Heferen, to develop a scoping paper to ‘set out the risks to the sustainability of Australia’s corporate tax base and look at the potential solutions.’ (0)

Turnover Time and Marx's Law of the Tendential Fall in the Rate of Profit
From Canberra comrade Peter Jones a very interesting paper: Abstract: This paper develops a method for quantifying the influence of four factors on the average rate of profit (ROP): the organic composition of capital (OCC), prices of constant capital, the rate of surplus value, and the average turnover time of variable capital. This is applied to data for the US from 1947-2011. The OCC is the largest influence on the ROP, and outside of periods of crisis, it rises consistently. But during 1947-1966 and 1980-97 the ROP was nevertheless able to rise, mainly due to shortening turnover times and cheapening constant capital. During periods of falling profitability these two counter-tendencies were absent or were reversed, leading to the crises of the mid-1970s and recently. This suggests that Marx correctly predicted the main direction of influence of the tendency and each counter-tendency, but that for the ROP to actually fall, capital cheapening and improvements in turnover time generally have to cease. (0)

Quote from Chomsky
I recently posted a supposed quote from Chomsky about Gaza which I checked before publication and which had been run in Salem-news, giving it some authenticity. The quote is in fact an amalgam of something Chris Hedges said in 2009 and something Chomsky said in 2004. Ceasefire has the details here. Given it is misquote I have removed it. My apologies to my readers and to Noam Chomsky. (0)

The politics of George Orwell
In Canberra Socialist Alternative’s next public meeting is on the Politics of George Orwell. As John Pilger reminds us, ‘Orwell is almost our litmus test. Some of his satirical writing looks like reality these days.’ This talk reclaims Orwell for the left. 6 pm Thursday 8 November Room G 8 Moran building ANU (0)

Labor's tax trickery
The Gillard government refuses to take on the business lobby, John Passant writes (0)



Single mothers protest against poverty

From Helen Said, single mother activist

 Single mothers are being singled out for poverty.

The Council of Single Mothers and their Children’s Action Group is planning a Protest Against Poverty at 11 am on Thursday 6th May in the Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne, beside the “big (empty!) purse”. The protest coincides with Mothers Day shopping madness and participants can dress for the theme “Mothers Day breakfast in bed.” Some single mothers plan to shake the empty breakfast tray and bang pots and pans outside exclusive Bourke Street department stores.

Welfare to Work legislation and changes to the Child Support Payment formula, introduced by the Howard Government in 2006, have impoverished many single mother families. Under Welfare to Work, women who separated from their partners after July 2006 are put on New Start rather than Parenting Payment and classed as “Job Seekers with a part time work requirement”. New Start is a lesser payment with a lower earning threshold before payments start being reduced.

As “Job Seekers”, single mothers are forced to either work or search for work 52 weeks of the year, even if they satisfy Centrelink work requirements. There are no aftercare or holiday programs for secondary school children, which means that children as young as eleven are being forced to fend for themselves whilst Mum is pressured to work, under threat of losing her benefits. If a single mother doesn’t find a permanent job with paid holiday breaks it is technically illegal for her to take a holiday with her children.  Some Centrelink officials even tell mothers to apply for jobs in country towns from their camping tents!

The only way a single mother on income support can take a break from the part time work/jobsearch treadmill, for her own health and wellbeing, is to apply for an exemption, usually by getting a doctor to declare that she is suffering from an anxiety related medical condition. My own observation as an activist, witnessing the increased pressures on single mothers, is that the “happy housewife pills” of the 1960’s are set to become the “post-separation medication” of the new century.

New Child Support rules reduce the amount of money single mothers receive from their children’s fathers if the children spend increased time with Dad.  This has led to a rash of vindictive court cases where disinterested and even violent fathers vie for increased contact with their children to reduce their Child Support bills, even if they don’t contribute to child rearing expenses.

Worse still, the court process now favours granting increased access to fathers, through regarding the safety of the child, and the right of the child to spend time with both parents, as equally paramount. Thus Family Court mediators and psychologists often pressure women to grant more access to fathers rather than making the child’s safety absolutely paramount. One Anglo-Australian child psychologist even brushed aside an Islamic divorcee’s concerns about sending her children to their violent father by quoting from the Koran, in her report to the Family Court, to excuse a man who beats his wife. There are now penalties for mothers who cannot prove assertions of violence against their former partners. Government reports indicate that this system has left more children at risk, but there is unlikely to be any legislative changes before the next election.

All of these changes have increased the amount of litigation and Centrelink harassment newly separated single mothers face, placed our children at risk and drastically lowered our living standards. I estimate that my own family is $1000 per month worse off because of this Howard Government legislation, the “Work Choices” for single mothers. ACOSS now describes single mothers and our children as “Australia’s poorest families” and estimates that half of all single mother families seek assistance in paying utilities bills. Since the introduction of Welfare to Work, The Council of Single Mothers and their Children has noted a sharp increase in demand for food vouchers, assistance with back to school expenses and shelter for homeless families.

Welfare to Work treats single mothers as a reserve army of labour, forcing us to take up menial jobs during labour shortages and granting us “retraining opportunities” when times are tough. Through classifying single mothers as Job Seekers, the nexus between single mother benefits and pension status has been all but broken, hence the government’s decision to deny single mothers the last pension increase in favour of these elusive “retraining opportunities”.

My own experience of such “retraining”, after spending ten years at home with a special needs child, was a seven week “taster course” in teachers aide training accompanied by an empty promise of a traineeship, when in fact underfunded schools are forced to advertise that “junior wages apply” and reject older applicants. After lobbying from unemployed students, the “taster course” was then followed by the offer of a free Cert III course from the Australian Education Industry Centre, which itself received no government funding, and consequently went into receivership half way through our course. This left many single mothers, older job seekers, disabled job seekers and new immigrants in limbo, back at the mercy of the Centrelink sausage machine.

As the Rudd Government has retained this punitive legislation, and hasn’t addressed our retraining needs, single mothers are now in a desperate financial situation. We have been left with no choice but to take to the streets and protest against this government’s policies during an election year.



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Time April 22, 2010 at 10:10 pm

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by John Passant. John Passant said: En Passant » SINGLE MOTHERS PROTEST AGAINST POVERTY [...]

Comment from Kerry
Time April 22, 2010 at 11:16 pm

Inspiring Helen. I’m bringing my rolling pins and frying pans!!!!

Pingback from 155 Flood Ave, San Francisco, CA 94131 | MLS# 369466 | San Francisco County CA Real Estate
Time April 22, 2010 at 11:20 pm


Time April 23, 2010 at 1:36 am

[...] En Passant » SINGLE MOTHERS PROTEST AGAINST POVERTY Romania says poverty reduction is 'impossible target …Election issues: poverty in Tower Hamlets | EastlondonlinesThree student clubs hold elections for 2010-11 « Bulletin TodayClimate change increasing poverty and vulnerability in Ethiopia …Chris Hedges to Poverty Scholars: US Government Lacks Legitimacy …WaterAid News: Bottom billions miss out on life-saving aidIslamophobia Watch – Documenting anti Muslim bigotry – Miami-Dade …Melbourne Storm | Club Sea Breeze TVWriting out the storm | Stanford DailyThe Ultimate Melbourne Storm guide. View the Contact Powered by Terms [...]

Comment from spog
Time April 23, 2010 at 2:08 pm

Reads well, but mostly it’s bollocks.

Comment from Arjay
Time April 23, 2010 at 10:26 pm

The secret to allieviating poverty is no globalistion, currency soverignty,small govt,and giving people the freedom to determine their own destinies.

Too many of our elites both corporate and Govt think that they know best,hence the world is in a mess.

Comment from PAUL WALTER
Time April 24, 2010 at 10:17 pm

“Reads well but mostly its bollocks”- spog.
Well you’re probably right spog, just the same I’d have liked to read something in the way of reasoned argument backed by verifiable data; eg where John could be mistaken in his assessment.
Kerry, you go for it. Whack a neolib mole for me, while you are at it