
WordPress Planet

September 05, 2015

Post Status: Using React with WordPress — Draft podcast

Welcome to the Post Status Draft podcast, which you can find on iTunes and via RSS for your favorite podcatcher. Brian and his co-host, Joe Hoyle, a co-founder and the CTO of Human Made, discuss some of today’s hottest, current WordPress news.

Listen now:


Direct download

Stories discussed:


by Katie Richards at September 05, 2015 02:19 PM under Everyone

September 04, 2015

WPTavern: Help Me Add Comment Approval Notifications to WordPress

Since enabling comment moderation on the Tavern, I’ve discovered that WordPress does not notify commenters when their comments are approved.

On the Tavern, I’m using the Comment Approved plugin by Niels van Renselaar. It allows me to create a custom notification message that is sent when a comment is approved. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s working. Please let me know if you’ve received any comment approval emails from the Tavern.

I strongly believe this feature should be in core. I’ve started the process by creating a feature request ticket on WordPress trac. Let’s discuss the pros and cons or why you think it shouldn’t be in core. Please give me your feedback in the comments or within the ticket.

by Jeff Chandler at September 04, 2015 07:30 PM under notifications

WPTavern: How Chris Klosowski’s Lifestyle Changed by Writing One WordPress Plugin

Chris Klosowski, co-lead developer of Easy Digital Downloads, explains how writing one plugin changed his lifestyle. He left his corporate job to be a full-time distributed worker and being a distributed worker comes with its own set of challenges.

My truest challenge in this new lifestyle is knowing when it’s time to ignore Slack, shut off email, take off the Pebble, and just spend time with my family. It’s a challenge I’m learning to face, and the hardest part is admitting to myself that it’s a problem.

It’s come up in conversation a couple times with my wife, and every time, she lets me know when I’m failing. Honesty here is the key. Not guilt, not anger, just brutal honesty of when I’m not being the best husband and dad because I’m putting work before them.

One of the greatest challenges a distributed worker faces is figuring out the balance between work, family, and personal life. If you’re struggling to find balance, I encourage you to read this post and the nearly 100 comments that follow.

The comments are from people in similar positions trying to figure out how to balance work, life, and family. After nearly three years of being a distributed worker, I’m still trying to figure it out.

by Jeff Chandler at September 04, 2015 04:43 PM under easy digital downloads

WPTavern: A Bug in Chrome 45 Causes WordPress Admin Menu to Break

Within the last five weeks, several people have reported an issue in Chrome that breaks the WordPress admin menu. If you hover the mouse cursor over menu items in the sidebar, they’ll occasionally fall out-of-place.

Chrome WordPress Admin Menu Using Chrome 45.0.2454.85, I’m able to inconsistently reproduce the behaviour reported in the ticket. Through the process of elimination, users discovered Chrome is the software at fault and not WordPress.

The source of the problem stems from Slimming Paint which is enabled by default in Chrome 45. Disabling slimming paint fixes the issue.

To disable this feature, visit chrome://flags/#disable-slimming-paint in Chrome and Enable the Disable slimming paint option, and make sure the other two Enable options are disabled because they will override the Disable option.

If this sounds confusing, please refer to the following screenshot provided by Samuel Wood.

Disable Slimming Paint OptionsDisable Slimming Paint Options

Chrome’s development team is aware of the issue and is working towards a solution that is marked for release in Chrome 47. Until then, users are encouraged to disable Slimming Paint until Chrome fixes the issue.

by Jeff Chandler at September 04, 2015 03:49 PM under chrome

WPTavern: A Dashboard Widget That Displays New Registered Users

If you run a WordPress site with user registration enabled and want to see recently registered accounts from the dashboard, check out the New User Dashboard Widget plugin by Swadeshswain. After installing and activating the plugin, a new registered user widget appears on the dashboard.

New Registered User WidgetNew Registered User Widget

The widget tells you a user’s registration date, name, and role. If you don’t see the widget after activating the plugin, click on the Screen Options tab and make sure the box next to New User is checked. New User Dashboard Widget is the type of plugin that does one thing only and does it well. There’s nothing to configure and it works out-of-the-box with WordPress 4.3.

by Jeff Chandler at September 04, 2015 12:02 AM under users

September 03, 2015

WPTavern: Proposal to Overhaul the Shortcode API in WordPress Goes Back to the Drawing Board

Robert Chapin, who contributes to WordPress core, published the first draft of a roadmap that explains how the Shortcode API could be overhauled. “The decision to create this roadmap arose from specific needs that are not met by the old code,” Chapin said.

The proposal has an aggressive timeline with development starting in WordPress 4.4 and ending in WordPress 4.7. In WordPress 4.4, a new syntax would be introduced that provides opportunities to make significant changes to the API.

Here are a few examples of shortcodes that use the new syntax.
Self-Closing: [{{shortcode}}]

Attributes: [{{shortcode attr1=”value1″ attr2=’value2′ “value3” ‘value4’ value5}}]

Enclosing: [{{shortcode}$] HTML [${shortcode}}]

Multiple Enclosures: [{{shortcode}$] HTML [${encl2}$] HTML [${encl3}$] HTML [${shortcode}}]

Escaped Code: [!{{shortcode}}]

In the WordPress 4.5 development cycle, the focus would be to deprecate the old syntax, “Plugins that register shortcodes without declaring support for new features will raise debugging errors to alert developers that support for the old shortcode syntax is ending,” Chapin said. Posts using the old syntax would  continue to work.

During the WordPress 4.6 update process, shortcodes using the old syntax would be converted to use the new syntax. The Shortcode API would continue to provide deprecated support for the old syntax to provide a smooth transition.

An important point to note is that the new syntax does not support HTML inside of shortcode attributes. This leaves the potential for many sites to break as shortcodes may not perform the same way prior to WordPress 4.6

The transition process ends with WordPress 4.7 where support for the old syntax is eliminated. Shortcodes and plugins that use the old syntax would stop working. During the WordPress 4.7 update process, a second attempt would be made to upgrade old content to use the new syntax.

The Proposal Raises Concerns

The proposal has drawn constructive criticism from several members of the WordPress community. Nick Haskins, founder of Aesop Interactive, voiced his concern saying the syntax isn’t easier for authors to use and will affect a large number of sites.

Mika Epstein, who voluntarily moderates the WordPress.org support forums and interacts with users on a daily basis, sums up a list of concerns that many developers agree with.

  • All the plugins and themes on the planet we will break (because we will, they won’t read or test). We have to degrade them as gracefully as humanly possibly. Continuing to say “Well the developers were notified and should have updated” now that we’re as big as we are is not sustainable.
  • All the very (legitimately) angry end users who are broken because they didn’t upgrade plugins and themes (or the themes/plugins didn’t get updated). People were rightly angry last time. It’s the end users, not the developers, who will be hardest hit by this change.
  • Communicating clearly to the users that it’s now {{gallery}}. That’s going to be very hard. Incredibly hard. Updating their old posts (keeping in mind Justin’s Markdown caveat and those who use them as an aside – I know I know) is easier than making sure everyone knows what to do. At best we can keep tabs on the ones built into WP and perhaps use the logic we have in the visual editor NOW to convert them, but we have to figure out how to make sure everyone knows. This is nothing like the move of Menus to customizer. That was confusing, but the users could see what happened. This is a legit change, your old way is no longer going to work. That is huge.
  • The number of users who have premium themes and plugins that do not get update alerts. These people are simply not going to know they need to update and this is not their fault. We should never be breaking them if there’s possibly any alternative.
  • Users will be upgraded by their hosts vis-a-vis one-click installs and managed hosting so they will have up to date WP and out of date plugins/themes. So yes, many users will be on 4.7 and then a theme from 2014. It sucks, it’s the reality, we know it’s the reality, we cannot stick our heads in the sand.
  • Plugins that are already using {{template}} tags in their code. Yeah, I’ve seen it. Most of them use it for search/replace within their own code, but we’ll want to make sure we check for everyone in the repo who might be doing it on their own.

The best argument against using the new shortcode syntax is made by Stefano Agiletti. Agiletti says Italian keyboards don’t have keys that create curly braces.

Maybe English people don’t know that { and } are not present in all keyboards directly as the [ and ] are. On Italian keyboards [ and ] are generated using ALT-GR+è or ALT-GR++ and keyboards show ALT-GR basic sign like €@## and [ ].

To get { and } you need to type ALT-GR+SHIFT+è and ALT-GR+SHIFT++. Most people don’t know about this combination (I think only those who write code do) and the parentheses are not written on any key.

Back to the Drawing Board

After a considerable amount of feedback and concerns shared by developers, the proposal is heading back to the drawing board. In a comment summarizing the feedback, Andrew Nacin confirms that the new shortcode syntax does not fit the core team’s vision of being easy and intuitive for non-technical authors to use.

At the same time, he cautions that the team needs to do something, “The proposed syntax significantly clashes with the proposed vision and given all of your feedback, we’re clearly going to have to go back to the drawing board. Please note that we still need to do something, but maybe we can think further outside the box.”

I highly encourage you to read the proposal and the comments that follow it. It’s a great read that highlights how difficult it will be to make changes to the Shortcode API that don’t end up causing a lot of sites to break.

by Jeff Chandler at September 03, 2015 09:16 PM under shortcodes

WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 206 – Stream Reverts to its Old Ways

In this week’s episode of WordPress Weekly, Marcus Couch and I discuss the news of the week including, Envato’s new item support policy, Twenty Sixteen available on GitHub, and BuddyPress 2.3.3. We also discuss Stream 3 which returns to hosting activity logs on the local server. We end the show with Marcus’ plugin picks up the week.

Stories Discussed:

Envato Implements Item Support Policy for ThemeForest and CodeCanyon
Twenty Sixteen Now Available on GitHub and the WordPress Theme Directory
BuddyPress 2.3.3 Patches Security Vulnerabilities in BuddyPress Messages Component
WordPress Community Summit Set for December 2-3, 2015
Stream Is Shutting Down Its Cloud Data Storage October 1st

Plugins Picked By Marcus:

New User Dashboard Widget is a dashboard widget that shows new registered members.

Facebook Secret Meta adds the necessary secret codes to your site, so when someone shares a link to your site on Facebook, they’ll see the site’s information and the new Author By data.

BuddyPress Automatic Friends automatically creates and accepts friendships for specified users upon new user registration.

WPWeekly Meta:

Next Episode: Wednesday, September 9th 9:30 P.M. Eastern

Subscribe To WPWeekly Via Itunes: Click here to subscribe

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Subscribe To WPWeekly Via Stitcher Radio: Click here to subscribe

Listen To Episode #206:

by Jeff Chandler at September 03, 2015 08:21 AM under themeforest

WPTavern: The WP Tavern Comment Moderation Policy

Those of you who regularly comment on the Tavern may have noticed that your comments don’t show up immediately after submitting them. That’s because about four weeks ago, for the first time in the Tavern’s history, comment moderation for all comments was enabled. I enabled moderation to address concerns raised by members of the community and to sleep better at night.

At the request of a few readers and to be more transparent, I’ve created a comment moderation policy. With the help of at least a dozen people, I’ve crafted a policy that is easy to read and more importantly, easy to follow. It explains our expectations, has a few tips on writing better comments, and lists possible reasons a comment may be deleted.

The policy is CC0 licensed which is the least restrictive license offered by Creative Commons. Feel free to copy and modify it for your own use.

WP Tavern Comment Moderation Policy

We strive to create a fun, friendly, and inviting atmosphere. The ground rules for commenting on WP Tavern are simple. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Try to understand someone else’s perspective and if you disagree, respectfully explain why.

Text is a difficult medium to decipher context. Emoticons and emoji help, but it doesn’t solve the problem. Take a deep breath and assume the commenter has the best of intentions before responding and approach discussions with open minds.

We welcome different perspectives and viewpoints but we all need to clearly communicate them without tearing the opposition down in the process.

Stay on point using concise language. If your comment is more than a few paragraphs long, consider publishing it on your own site instead.

Your comment may be deleted if it matches any of the following criteria:

  • Advocates an illegal practice
  • Uses vulgar, profane, or unnecessarily harsh language
  • Is spam or appears to be written primarily to post a link or advertise
  • Is written anonymously
  • Contains copyrighted material not licensed for distribution on the site
  • Impersonates another user
  • Contains an affiliate link
  • Personal insults, including those using racist or sexist terms.

These guidelines are not meant to be an exhaustive list. The deletion of comments is wholly within the discretion of the moderators at WP Tavern and we will err on the side of maintaining a safe and friendly community.

How Do I Report Comments?

If you believe a comment published on WP Tavern violates any of the listed guidelines or that you feel needs special attention, contact us. Please do not publicly report comments using social media such as Facebook or Twitter.

Form submissions are sent to authors with comment moderation capabilities. Include a link to the comment in your email with a short explanation as to why it needs our attention.

The Goal

The goal is to reestablish the comment section as a place where people feel welcome to voice their opinions without the fear of being ripped apart. We encourage criticism, disagreements, and open conversation but it needs to take place in a respectful manner.

by Jeff Chandler at September 03, 2015 06:36 AM under policy

September 02, 2015

Post Status: A Day of REST — a conference devoted to the WordPress REST API

A Day of REST will be the first ever event dedicated to the WordPress REST API. It’ll happen on January 28th 2016, with a follow-on hack day on the 29th, and will be held at Bishopsgate Institute in London, UK.

The event is aimed at developers who want to learn how to interact with the new WordPress REST API. From WordPress developers to Javascript developers, to application developers, A Day of REST promises to provide in-depth information that covers every aspect of the WordPress REST API.

This is exactly the kind of event I’ve been hoping to see in the WordPress community. Sessions will vary from an introduction to the WordPress REST API to in-depth case studies and guides on utilizing it in the real world.

It will be an incredible and rare opportunity to learn from the people making the API and those extending it further than anyone else. A niche event to be sure, A Day of REST  is a big bet on the WordPress REST API — which is not yet slated for core, but is widely expected to make it to core in the next few releases.

The conference is being organized to supply a clear demand for more information, resources, and education on the subject. At most WordCamps, REST API sessions seem to be some of the most crowded, with the most engaged and curious audiences. A Day of REST will be like those sessions, but much bigger, as the entire day will be dedicated to the single topic.

Who is speaking at A Day of REST


The speaker roster consists of people who are building the WordPress REST API, and those who are already using it for production applications and websites. The speakers are:

  • Ryan McCue –  WordPress REST API co-lead
  • Joe Hoyle – WordPress REST API team
  • Daniel Bachhuber – WordPress REST API team
  • Kathleen Vignos – Director of Engineering, WIRED
  • K. Adam White – Open Web Engineer, Bocoup
  • Jack Lenox – Design Engineer, Automattic
  • Scott Taylor – Senior Engineer, New York Times
  • Nikolay Bachiyski – Meta Engineer, Automattic

Post Status will be an official partner

I’m really pleased that Post Status will be the official content partner for A Day of REST. That means I’ll be attending the event, and I’ll offer a number of in-depth posts related to the WordPress REST API, the sessions, interviews, and more.

I’ll also manage content for some of the larger event announcements, like this one. I’ve known the organizers for a long time, and they are big supporters of Post Status. A Day of REST offers a really great opportunity for me to work with them and offer my readers some unique privileges and exclusive content for a subject that’s of interest to most of my audience.

So who is organizing?


A Day of REST is organized by Human Made, who’ve brought on board Siobhan McKeown to lead the charge putting the event together.

Human Made uses the API in a good bit of their services and product work, are really interested to see more adoption of the API, and are eager to provide education resources so that can happen. Those of you who pay close attention may know that two of Human Made’s own are actually part of the team of four that does much of the REST API development.

Ryan McCue is the project co-lead, and is generally steering the ship; the API started as his GSoC (Google Summer of Code) project years ago. Joe Hoyle is in day to day conversations for project direction and also commits a lot of code to the API; he is a co-founder of Human Made.

Hack Day

On 29th January 2016, there will be a WordPress REST API hack day. This event is being hosted by Mozilla Spaces in London. Space for the hack day is limited but the team would love for anyone interested to come along and help make the WordPress REST API. Bring a laptop and expect to get hacking. This event will be for building the REST API specifically, and not geared toward other projects.

Ticket details

Tickets are available from the website. They’re £125 (+ VAT & booking fees) — which ends up being around $235 US — and the price includes all of the usual conference goodies: presentations, lunch, swag, and an informal afterparty.

Confirmed sponsors

A Day of REST is excited to already have some awesome sponsors on board.

The team is also looking for more sponsors to get involved and help make this unique event happen. If you’d like to sponsor, send an email to events@humanmade.co.uk.

More information

Depending on the content, you can get updates either from this blog, or from the A Day of REST website, feelingrestful.com. You should also follow @feelingrestful on Twitter for live updates. I’ll have in-depth content and broader event information and the event site will have more general announcements, news, and event updates.

London is quite accessible from much of the world, so I am hopeful and confident that there will be a diverse audience in attendance. I certainly look forward to visiting; and I was pleasantly surprised that it doesn’t get as cold there as I thought; January temperatures (lows and highs) stay around the 40s (F, or 5-9° C) — which is likely warmer than it’ll be where I live in January.

A Day of REST is an exciting development in the WordPress conference ecosystem and I’m confident it’s going to be a huge success.

by Brian Krogsgard at September 02, 2015 01:36 PM under Developers

WPTavern: Envato Implements Item Support Policy for ThemeForest and CodeCanyon

In August of 2014, Envato announced a new initiative that would allow sellers on CodeCanyon and ThemeForest to inform buyers whether or not an item is supported. Earlier today, Envato implemented an Item Support Policy for sellers on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon.

When browsing items on ThemeForest or CodeCanyon, a blue badge indicates the seller provides support. There’s also a badge and text that informs potential buyers if an item is not supported.

This Item is SupportedThis Item is Supported

According to the policy, buyers automatically receive six months of support from the date of purchase. If you need support for an entire year, you can buy an extension for a nominal upgrade fee. Envato takes 30% and gives 70% of the purchase to authors.

The price of a 6-month support extension for a Regular License is calculated as:

  1. 37.5% of the item price (30% of the list price) when purchased at the same time as the license;
  2. 62.5% of the item price (50% of the list price) when purchased during the support period; and
  3. 87.5% of the item price (70% of the list price) when purchased after the support period has ended.

Andrew Freeman, product manager for Envato, says the changes provide a standardized definition of support, “Buyers will know exactly what to expect from all purchases on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon.”

Buyers who purchased supported items before the new policy went into effect have six months of free tech support starting on September 1st.

Disgruntled Authors

In a forum thread with over 165 responses, sellers discussed the pros and cons of the policy while some expressed anger. Jonathan Atkinson, founder of Cr3ativ, who sells several items on ThemeForest, thinks the policy is not as good as alternatives offered outside of the marketplaces because of its confusing complexity for both authors and buyers,

I’m not sure why Envato chose this solution when we already have a well established support/upgrade system in place within most of the WordPress community where 12 months of support is included in the purchase and customers receive a 50% discount to continue receiving support and updates.

The policy is a work in progress, “We will be monitoring the impacts of this change very closely and will be tweaking, improving and enhancing the support tools over coming weeks and months,” Freeman said.

If you’re a buyer or seller on ThemeForest or CodeCanyon, let us know what you think of the support policy in the comments.

by Jeff Chandler at September 02, 2015 12:52 AM under themeforest

September 01, 2015

Matt: On VentureBeat Podcast

I was on VentureBeat’s podcast with Dylan Tweeney, talking a bit about how WordPress came to be and geeking out on some of the tech behind our approach.

by Matt at September 01, 2015 02:23 AM under press

August 31, 2015

WPTavern: Twenty Sixteen Now Available on GitHub and the WordPress Theme Directory

Twenty Sixteen, the default theme scheduled to ship with WordPress 4.4, is available for download on GitHub and the WordPress theme directory. According to Tammie Lister, Twenty Sixteen will be developed as if it were a feature plugin and will merge into WordPress core later this year.

As development takes place on GitHub, changes will regularly sync up to the WordPress theme directory. By installing and activating Twenty Sixteen from the theme directory, users can easily update to new versions as they become available.

So far, Twenty Sixteen has 23 issues and 27 pull requests on GitHub. Many of the issues such as, introducing automated Travis CI build testing into Twenty Sixteen, are up for discussion.

Here is what the top half of the Tavern looks like with Twenty Sixteen activated.

Twenty Sixteen on the TavernTwenty Sixteen on the Tavern

Here is what the content section looks like. Notice the block of code that displays instead of an image.

Content on the Tavern with Twenty Sixteen Content on the Tavern with Twenty Sixteen Activated

Testers are encouraged to open issues and pull requests on GitHub. If you’re not familiar with how GitHub works, this guide explains how to contribute to the Twenty Sixteen project. Keep in mind that Twenty Sixteen is a work in progress and should not be used in a production environment.

by Jeff Chandler at August 31, 2015 08:05 PM under twenty sixteen

August 29, 2015

Matt: Rigamortis Cover

Great jazz cover of one of my favorite Kendrick Lamar songs, Rigamortis, which of course is inspired by the great jazz song The Thorn by Willie Jones III.

by Matt at August 29, 2015 03:33 AM under Asides

August 28, 2015

Post Status: Our WordPress 4.4 wishlist — Draft podcast

Welcome to the Post Status Draft podcast, which you can find on iTunes and via RSS for your favorite podcatcher. Brian and his co-host, Joe Hoyle, a co-founder and the CTO of Human Made, discuss some of today’s hottest, current WordPress news.

Listen now:


Direct Download

Stories discussed:

by Katie Richards at August 28, 2015 01:45 PM under Everyone

WPTavern: WordPress.com Unveils the Action Bar

WordPress.com has unveiled a new user interface called the Action Bar. It’s a bar that shows up in the bottom right corner of the screen for logged in users and is accessible from any device. The bar performs multiple tasks depending on the page you’re on.

WordPress Action BarWordPress Action Bar

When on a WordPress.com powered site that you’re not following, the bar turns into a Follow button. Clicking the follow button will notify you of new posts published on the site.

Action Bar Follow ButtonAction Bar Follow Button

If you click the three dots to the right, you’ll see a variety of options depending upon the page you’re viewing. If it’s the homepage, you’ll see links to download the theme the site uses, report the content, or manage the sites you follow.

If you’re browsing a specific post on a WordPress.com site, you’ll see an additional link to copy a shortlink for quick and easy sharing.

Easily Share PostsEasily Share Posts

If you have a site on WordPress.com and are logged in, the Follow button turns into a Customize button. This link provides a quick way to enter the Customizer. There’s also an Edit link if you’re browsing a published post.

Edit and Customize LinksEdit and Customize Links

If the action bar is too big and you want to minimize it, click the three dots and select the option to Collapse the bar. It will shrink the bar into squares and get out of your way.

My User Experience

One of the best features of the action bar is the ability to quickly see and download a theme used on a WordPress.com site. However, it doesn’t work for WordPress.com specific sites like The Daily Post.

What annoys me about the action bar is that it disappears when I scroll down. I caught myself scrolling down to read a post and when I looked for the edit button to fix a typo, the action bar was gone. I think it should stay on the screen at all times.

I’d also like to see the Edit link in the action bar open a front-end editor. It’s time WordPress.com step up its game and stop forcing users through a backend interface to edit published content.

I like the experimental action bar but at the same time, I question the reasoning for adding yet another user interface element to mimic actions already supported by other buttons and links.

For example, between the admin bar, dashboard, the edit link underneath a post, and the action bar, there are now four different ways to edit a post. How many roads are necessary to reach the same destination?

If you have a site on WordPress.com, let me know what you think of the action bar.

by Jeff Chandler at August 28, 2015 07:43 AM under wordpress.com

Matt: Frequent Flyer Syndrome

It turns out not everything about traveling all the time is roses. (Posted from 38k feet.)

by Matt at August 28, 2015 07:17 AM under Asides

WPTavern: BuddyPress 2.3.3 Patches Security Vulnerabilities in BuddyPress Messages Component

BuddyPress Featured ImageBuddyPress 2.3.3 is available and users are encouraged to update as soon as possible. A few security vulnerabilities were discovered in BuddyPress Messages, a core component that allows users to send and receive private messages.

A vulnerability was responsibly disclosed to the BuddyPress team that could allow members to manipulate a failed private outbound message and inject unexpected output to the browser. The vulnerability was reported by Krzysztof Katowicz-Kowalewski.

In addition to the first vulnerability, the BuddyPress core development team independently discovered and fixed related vulnerabilities with the messages component that could allow for carefully crafted private message content to be rendered incorrectly to the browser.

BuddyPress 2.3.3 also fixes a couple of bugs in the 2.3 codebase and improves support for backend changes made in WordPress 4.3. To protect your sites from these vulnerabilities, you should perform a full backup and update BuddyPress as soon as possible.

by Jeff Chandler at August 28, 2015 06:27 AM under security

WPTavern: Theme Review Team Begins Phasing Out Favicon Support

One of the main features in WordPress 4.3 are Site Icons. A Site Icon is an image that represents a website across multiple platforms and replaces Favicons. With Site Icons in WordPress core, the WordPress Theme Review team is phasing out the feature in existing themes hosted in the theme directory.

Site Icons in The CustomizerSite Icons in The Customizer

Justin Tadlock, a theme review admin, published a tutorial that explains how to provide a backwards compatible experience.

According to Tadlock, the easiest method is to check if the has_site_icon() function exists. This tells you if the user is running WordPress 4.3 and has the site icon feature available.

You can also check if the user has set up a new icon using the core WordPress feature by using the has_site_icon() conditional tag which returns either TRUE or FALSE.

Here’s some example code from the tutorial you can use to handle the check:

if ( ! function_exists( 'has_site_icon' ) || ! has_site_icon() ) {

    // Output old, custom favicon feature.

For additional information, I encourage you to read Stephen Cronin’s post which goes into more detail.

The Theme Review Team enforces a guideline where features added to core are phased out of themes within two major releases. By the time WordPress 4.5 is released, theme authors will be able to remove legacy code without disrupting the user experience.

by Jeff Chandler at August 28, 2015 05:05 AM under theme review team

August 27, 2015

WPTavern: WordPress Community Summit Set for December 2-3, 2015

The WordPress community summit will take place on December 2-3, 2015, in Philadelphia, PA two days before WordCamp US. The summit will be held at Impact Hub Philadelphia, a co-working space where freelancers, entrepreneurs, and social innovators work together, share ideas, and build networks.

inside Impact HubInside Impact HubImpact Hub is spacious and has dedicated meeting and conference rooms. According to the announcement, the summit is invite only similar to last year’s event at WordCamp San Francisco:

The WordPress Community Summit is a smaller, invite-only event for active members and contributors on the many teams that work to improve WordPress: Core, Design, Mobile, Accessibility, Support, Polygots, Documentation, Themes, Plugins, Community, Meta, Training, Flow and TV .

A survey or application form will soon be published which will result in a pool from which the attendees will be invited.

The summit is a rare opportunity for members of various contributor teams to focus and work together in the same physical location.

Annual WordPress Survey

If you use, build, or make a living with WordPress, please take the annual survey. Results will be shared during Matt Mullenweg’s State of the Word presentation at WordCamp US. The more people who fill out the survey, the more representative the data will be.

Watch Mullenweg’s State of the Word presentation from 2014 to see results from the previous survey.

by Jeff Chandler at August 27, 2015 09:07 PM under wordcamp us

WPTavern: Stream Is Shutting Down Its Cloud Data Storage October 1st

Stream 3 is available for download and includes some significant improvements. Stream is a WordPress plugin that tracks changes to a site similar to an audit trail. When version two was released nearly a year ago, it morphed from a plugin to a service. Activity logs were stored in the cloud which lessened the amount of resources used on local webservers.

Version three will no longer store data in the cloud. Instead, it will store activity logs locally. The cloud service provided by Stream 2 is closing on October 1st. This gives users a little more than a month to migrate data from the cloud to their local webserver.

The Cloud is Expensive

Luke Carbis, lead developer of Stream, says the time frame was chosen based on a number of factors, “We chose a 6 week migration window as a balance between bleeding cash and doing the right thing by our users.

“It’s also helpful to remember that the vast majority of our users are on a Free plan, which only includes 12 weeks of storage. We are monitoring the accounts of each of our paid users and I’m personally making sure that every one of them has migrated,” Carbis told the Tavern.

The move away from the cloud is largely based on cost. The majority of Stream’s customers signed up to the free plan with a significant lack of interest in the Pro Subscription. Server costs were also higher than expected.

XWP to The Rescue

With a lack of income from Stream 2 and acquisition talks failing, Carbis was contracted to do outside work leaving Frankie Jarrett the only person working on the project. Stream’s investor decided to pull the plug on the project at the same time Jarrett decided to resign from the company.

“When I heard that Frankie had resigned I gave him a call. We reminisced on our achievements, and threw around some of our ideas on what could have been. That conversation renewed my inspiration. I jotted down some notes, and that’s when things started to turn around,” Carbis said.

Members from XWP stepped in to lend a helping hand and the project is now officially under the XWP umbrella. This allows Stream to remain free and open source. The partnership will also facilitate add-on, connectors, and adapters

What’s New in Stream 3

Stream 3 is rewritten from the ground up. Activity logs use half the space in the database compared to Stream 2. It supports multisite through the use of Network Admin and uses a dependency injection model to be more extendable and efficient.

Although Stream 3 includes a variety of improvements two notable features have been removed, Notifications and Reports. If you depend on these features, please review the following FAQ.

A New Direction

Carbis and XWP are taking Stream into a new direction. Stream’s proposed roadmap is available on GitHub and Carbis encourages users to not only review it, but to contribute to the project’s future, “I’d like to see Stream’s users contribute more to its direction. Contribution isn’t limited to ideas either. If you can design, develop, or translate, please consider contributing to the Stream project,” he said.

It will be interesting to see if Stream can regain the momentum it lost after transitioning to a cloud based system to store data. Now that Stream stores activity logs locally again, those in the EU should be able to use it without breaking privacy laws. Stream is available for free on the WordPress plugin directory.

by Jeff Chandler at August 27, 2015 08:17 PM under xwp

Akismet: Quantifying Reddit Bigotry

Update (2015-08-30): It looks like the team who created the tool decided to retire it due to some reported accuracy concerns.

We never pass on the opportunity to mix in a little bit of humor with our passion for web content moderation.

One of our engineers, Dan Walmsley, participated in Cultivated Wit’s Comedy Hack Day in Los Angeles last weekend, and his team’s resulting project has since surfaced on Motherboard and Engadget.

Free Reddit Check, created by Dan’s team and crowned with the day’s top prize, is a site which attempts to quantify the terribleness of Reddit users based on their public comment content and subreddit participation. While perfectly suited for a hack day which pairs developers and comedians, there is certainly usefulness in determining the respectability of a potential online acquaintance. Or just knowing who to ignore.

And being obsessed with content analysis, community moderation, and keeping the web’s underbelly in check, we can’t help but think it’s a nifty idea.

by Anthony Bubel at August 27, 2015 11:43 AM under News

WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 205 – Interview With Miriam Schwab

In this episode of WordPress Weekly, I’m joined by Miriam Schwab, founder and CEO of Illuminea, a web development company based in Israel. She’s also on the Steering Board of Digital Eve Israel, one of the leading communities for professional women in Israel to help empower women economically.

Schwab explains her WordPress origin story, what it’s like to live in Israel, and how active the WordPress community is in her area. She shares her thoughts on the future of WordPress and warns that if it doesn’t improve the user experience, it will drive users away to competing platforms. At the end of the interview, she tells us her favorite plugins that she installs on most of her client sites.

Stories Discussed:

First Look at the Twenty Sixteen Default WordPress Theme
Sessions From BuddyCamp Brighton, UK Now Available to Watch on WordPress.tv
OSTraining Makes Pods Framework Video Training Series Available for Free

WPWeekly Meta:

Next Episode: Wednesday, September 2nd 9:30 P.M. Eastern

Subscribe To WPWeekly Via Itunes: Click here to subscribe

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Listen To Episode #205:

by Jeff Chandler at August 27, 2015 04:24 AM under wpgarage

August 26, 2015

WPTavern: First Look at the Twenty Sixteen Default WordPress Theme

WordPress 4.4 is the last scheduled major release of the year and with it will come a new default theme to replace Twenty Fifteen. On the Make WordPress Core site, Tammie Lister published an image gallery that shows off the design of Twenty Sixteen.

According to Lister, the process of determining the new default theme has taken months, “Lots of themes were considered, eventually settling on the one you see below. It’s a perfect fit,” she said.

Twenty SixteenTwenty Sixteen

Twenty Sixteen is designed by Takashi Irie, who also designed the Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Fifteen default themes. Irie describes Twenty Sixteen as:

A modernized approach of an ever-popular layout — a horizontal masthead and an optional right sidebar that works well with both blogs and websites. It has custom color options that allow you to make your own Twenty Sixteen. The theme was designed on a harmonious fluid grid with a mobile first approach. This means it looks great on any device.

The new theme has hints of Twenty Fourteen but is different enough to stand on its own as a unique design. It doesn’t look as modern as Twenty Fifteen out-of-the box but the design could change during the 4.4 development cycle.

If you want to help Twenty Sixteen be the best it can be, please join the weekly meetings held every Monday and Friday at 16:00 UTC in the #core-themes channel on SlackHQ. The meetings are a half hour-long and start once the theme is initially added to WordPress core.

What do you think of Twenty Sixteen?

by Jeff Chandler at August 26, 2015 01:20 AM under wordpress 4.4

WPTavern: Sessions From BuddyCamp Brighton, UK Now Available to Watch on WordPress.tv

Earlier this month, the first BuddyCamp Brighton, UK successfully took place. Six speakers presented their sessions from within the venue while four participated remotely. Here’s a break down of the attendees:

  • 13 Sponsors.
  • 8 Sessions.
  • 7 Volunteers.
  • 6 Speakers plus another 4 via video message.
  • 33 Attendees.

The conference featured sessions on the origin of BuddyPress, a fireside chat with Paul Gibbs, and messages from BuddyPress contributors.

Photographs of the event are available on the official BuddyCamp Brighton website. In addition to photographs, sessions were recorded and are available to watch for free on WordPress.tv.

In the following video, Gibbs explains the origins of BuddyPress.

If you attended BuddyCamp Brighton, UK please share your experience in the comments.

by Jeff Chandler at August 26, 2015 01:11 AM under BuddyPress

August 24, 2015

WPTavern: OSTraining Makes Pods Framework Video Training Series Available for Free

podsOSTraining, a site that offers video training for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and other technologies announced their Pods Framework video training series is now available for free. Steve Burge, founder of OSTraining.com, says offering the video series for free is the result of a partnership with the Pods Framework project.

“This project came about because the OSTraining and Pods teams bumped into each other on a regular basis. I often ran into Jim True and Josh Pollock from Pods. We met at WordCamps and WordPress meetups in Tampa, Orlando, and Miami, FL.

“The Pods team explained that they were working on improving their documentation. They started a YouTube series, wrote tutorials, and started the Friends of Pods initiative to support their efforts. Making the videos free is our way of contributing to the Pods project,” Burge told the Tavern.

Burge recorded the series after using Pods to create the Appalachian Trail website. The series provides an introduction to Pods, templates, creating a custom taxonomy, and more. Those interested can view the series on OSTraining.com or YouTube.

Here’s a look at the first video in the series which introduces viewers to the Pods Framework.

Although it was created in 2014, the series contains great insight into the project and provides an educational foundation for learning Pods 3.0.

by Jeff Chandler at August 24, 2015 09:20 PM under pods

Alex King: Request: Alex King Rememberances

Dear WordPress community,

My apologies for the selfish and personal nature of this post. I hope you will forgive me given the circumstances. As most of you know, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2013.

One of the things my wife and I are trying to do is put together some information about my career that will hopefully give my 6 year-old daughter a better sense of who I was as an adult. She knows me as “dad”, but when she gets older she’ll be curious about who I was to my peers and colleagues.

I’ve spent more than a decade in the WordPress community and I’d like to request that you to share a few thoughts or remembrances about me that we can compile and share with her when the time is right.

If we have crossed paths or if I have managed to do something that you found helpful, I’d love it if you would take a few minutes to write it down and send it to me or my wife: heatherkingcom@gmail.com. If you’re willing to have the story shared publicly, please indicate that accordingly. By default, we will keep everything confidential.

This post is part of the thread: Cancer – an ongoing story on this site. View the thread timeline for more context on this post.

by Alex at August 24, 2015 09:01 PM under WordPress

WPTavern: Step Up Your Game: How to Work With Successful WordPress Clients

Mario Y. PeshevThis post was contributed by Mario Peshev. Mario is the founder and WordPress Architect at DevriX building and maintaining large WordPress-driven platforms. With over 10,000 hours of consulting and training, Mario’s Yin and Yang is his Open Source advocacy and business growth strategy.

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning – Benjamin Franklin

Step up your game featured imagephoto credit: Stairwell(license)

I’ve been a learnaholic for as long as I can remember and when I read the aforementioned quote, it resonates strongly with me. My prelude to WordPress years ago was one of the steps toward improvement and success and I’ve developed a special love-hate relationship with WordPress.

Utmost admiration about its influence over the world in terms of Open Source and opportunities for various people in different niches, and its plague of being diminished and depreciated by professional developers and successful businesses.

There are ways to solve these issues as long as the inner circle works towards the same goal.

Note: If you are happy building lego type websites with random ThemeForest themes and you see that as your future, this post is not for you. If you love doing the same repeatedly for mom and pop shops, this may not resonate with you. This is applicable to people who want to get better at what they do, be more professional, and make some impact by solving complex problems for larger customers.

WordPress For a Better Future

In May, I presented at a conference focused on kids and teenagers to motivate them, prepare them for the adult life, and nurture their creativity. Kids these days hardly think about their future, between their teenage emotional dramas and boring homework assignments. If you think about it, how can they be passionate about becoming someone if they have no real idea what they need to know and do on a daily basis?

I used WordPress as an example of a platform that children can use, one that provides them with the opportunity to develop a talent or passion.

Using WordPress for homework and general notes (or a diary) could indicate interest in several areas:

  • Young bloggers can potentially do creative writing or copywriting.
  • Constantly switching themes and playing with colors might open the room to design.
  • Adding plugins and trying to implement complex combinations is the first step to programming.
  • Sharing posts, looking at analytics and comparing different titles or photos is the way to marketing.

There are other potential areas of course, but as long as kids can associate with an activity, become passionate about it, and start digging into it, they can save years of slacking, not to mention tens of thousands of dollars on college degrees for specialties they couldn’t care less about.

This is one of the reasons why more and more people join the WordPress industry and switch boring jobs in order to make a living off of WordPress.

What Types Of WordPress Services Exist?

The amount of opportunities for WordPress work is incredible but the vast pool of WordPress jobs is so vague and blurry, that hiring and educating talent is out of control.

I keep an eye on dozens of job boards, portals, and freelance networks. Clients look for Virtual Assistants to get their websites built. They look for expert WordPress developers to apply content changes to their site or web designers to develop complex plugins.

On a weekly basis I see references to WordPress administrators, programmers, developers, designers, marketers, digital artists, webmasters, VAs, and plenty of other job titles used improperly. As a matter of fact, I’m now fascinated when I see a WordPress related job post or an offer looking for the right type of candidate.

The great news is that you can do anything with WordPress. The caveat here is that WordPress itself is not a skill. You don’t ask for an Internet expert nowadays and you don’t go to the same doctor when you have a headache or you’ve injured your leg.

The wide industry of innocent clients and amateur service providers have made it nearly impossible to tell a developer from a marketer, or from a general user who has installed WordPress with an auto-installer twice.

The Indecent World of WordPress Experts

Job Titles Featured Imagephoto credit: I love ’84(license)

I’ve read a lot about impostor syndrome in several reputable WordPress blogs, and people keep identifying themselves in the comments. In my opinion, this is a problem so insignificant as compared to the ever-growing pool of people claiming to be WordPress Experts.

In the last several years, I’ve interacted with people all around the world working with WordPress. From freelancers to successful business owners at conferences, and from beginner virtual assistants to full-stack consultants in social media, blogs and job networks.

The largest group of service providers that I’ve found is the one of WordPress experts. You can easily substitute expert with specialist, guru, master, ninja and rockstar. Just open a new tab and do a few quick searches in Google, job networks, social media and view the large number of results.

Next on the list are WordPress developers. A WordPress developer is often described as people who install plugins. There are various possible scenarios, but this is rarely the definition of an actual developer proficient in WordPress.

Some boards or blogs list specific skills that let you filter by programming language or a separate tool. My latest research with 200 contractors with WordPress developer titles led to 170 people who rate themselves with 4 or 5 out of 5 stars in PHP proficiency, and 30 with 3 stars.

Out of the 170 people in the first group, 150 were college students, Internet marketers, VAs, and people who have substituted strings in WordPress themes thanks to support forums or help from the Codex. Not a single line of code was written from scratch, let alone building anything, and 4 out of 5 or higher self-assessed their level of PHP experience.

Tom McFarlin published a post on the difference between a developer and implementer and I wrote an overview defining various technical skills in the WordPress context. Due to the lack of proper training, any official educational resource or meaningful set of skills per role, both finding talent and improving one’s skills is being challenged.

I challenge you to interview several successful clients around you who looked for skillful WordPress folks. They either happened to know the right people, were recommended someone, ended up with several freelancers who messed up big time, went AWOL and suddenly took the cash and disappeared, couldn’t deliver, or they did and the site is incredibly slow and/or got hacked soon thereafter.

That’s sending serious businesses away and I won’t touch the topic of under pricing services and products which brings the quality and support way down.

What motivates people to use a reliable resource in order to grow? The WordPress Foundation, nor any of the big players provide official training curriculum, and a definition for formal roles. There is no WordPress certification program (I won’t get into that to avoid unnecessary discussions), and there are no clear paths for requirements.

The WordPress Community is Filled with Amateurs

As a result, our community is a large group mostly composed of amateurs who started using WordPress one way or another. These people started earning money and reached a point where they don’t know where they stand, what they’re proficient in, if they’re doing fine, whether they’re experts, impostors, or somewhere in the middle, and what would be helpful to them?

We still use FTP and work with PHP 5.2-supported hosts. The most popular theme marketplaces provide products with broken and inconsistent code. The WordPress.org plugin repository accepts plenty of plugins with suspicious consistency and compatibility.

None of these issues are recognized publicly in the WordPress community. Some hosts prohibit SSH and allow solely FTP. PHP 5.2 will be supported by Core for a while, which doesn’t motivate hosts to upgrade. Marketplaces earn millions from their top sellers, so they’re not interested in quickly bringing up quality as long as poorly coded themes sell well. There’s also no formal constantly reviewed plugin repository for high quality plugins and no one is actively backing this idea up.

If you read the last paragraph as a rant, it’s because it is. It’s meant to be a “wake up call” to clients who don’t know better and service providers who want to become better. While the WordPress Core itself is incredibly stable and flexible, the rest of the infrastructure is mostly poorly coded due to under pricing, lack of skills, and lack of more successful clients interested in backing up WordPress teams and consultants.

There are different kinds of people and plenty of applications of WordPress. Whatever you do, it’s your professional duty to offer the right type of service instead of misleading your clients, and be aware of the other pertinent verticals. Moreover, it’s the only way forward working with reputable organizations and large profitable corporations.

What is a Successful Client?

Success Featured Imagephoto credit: seeveeaarcc

Prestige Conference happened a few weeks ago, and Shane Pearlman from Modern Tribe shared his experience in a presentation entitled, Land the Big Fish: Strategies Acquiring Larger Clients. It’s a motivational talk that outlines different strategies on negotiating and landing larger customers.

During the Q&A at the end of the session, Pearlman is asked, “What’s in it for me to go through all of that headache to procure bigger brand names?”

As I stated at the beginning, working with successful clients is not for everyone. Some people are afraid to leave their comfort zone. Others are too lazy to learn new skills or sometimes doing the same thing repeatedly may be their perfect job. For every other entrepreneur or business player, successful clients are exciting.

Each small change is magnified when working with successful clients. Usually, they have a lot of employees, a solid budget for marketing and advertising, a lot of traffic, and various complex requirements that help them attract more leads or automate their processes. T

hey are often respectable and have access to more capital. This allows them to invest more since their return of investment is worth it; while taking a risk due to saving a few bucks could very well ruin their reputation and harm their business. There are several examples of products or companies in the WordPress community that were hacked or where updates caused major issues.

Working with successful clients is extremely rewarding and exciting, but getting there requires ace skills and solid experience, as well as the right mindset.

How to Target Successful Clients

Based on my experience with banks, telecoms, automotive, airline brands, large educational institutions and media outlets over the last 12 years as a developer and a technical lead, there are several specific areas where courageous WordPress freelancers and small business owners can focus on if they are aiming for growth and successful clients, but aren’t there yet.

I have identified some steps for moving from a freelancer to a successful company. Here is what we should focus on in the WordPress context in order to step up our game, understand our industry better, and start acting professionally if we want to be taken seriously.

WordPress is a Vague Term

Being a WordPress Expert says nothing. You may be a lead developer of WordPress or someone who can memorize the order of all submenus under Settings in the admin dashboard. Both are classified as WordPress experts and that’s what many people don’t realize.

Specialize in a given niche and polish your skills. Focus on a specific group of projects – membership websites, eCommerce stores, multisite installs. Become a know-it-all professional for an extensible plugin such as, BuddyPress, Gravity Forms, or Easy Digital Downloads.

Understand the value you are providing and what it corresponds to. Be respectful to the broad community of professionals in your area, learn from them, ask them to be your mentors. Even the best athletes and CEOs have coaches, business mentors, and boards of directors. Find out what it is that you do whether it’s design, development, marketing, or something else and learn the skill inside and out.

WordPress Installments Don’t Matter

Plenty of people offer WordPress services as an add-on to their portfolio of other services without realizing the impact it has on the business. While WordPress is used for plenty of purposes, it’s still a technical platform that comes with its own specific set of requirements.

Imagine what will happen if:

  • You set up a vulnerable plugin that is exploited and your client’s password is stolen, along with their private details.
  • You forget to protect the media uploader and the client uploads sensitive data. Scanned images of contracts and ID cards end up in the public space.
  • Your sitemap plugin indexes protected data since you used a plugin that doesn’t work.
  • You set up a site and sell it to a client, and due to the terrible choice of plugins, the site crashes miserably and kills the server during a demonstration in front of their big clients.

Its a small list of what ifs, but they happen all the time. If you don’t possess the skills or offer the wrong service, this could damage your client’s business. Upping your game and providing solutions instead of websites allows you to take care of the infrastructure, maintenance work, support, development, security, marketing of the project.

At the very least, be aware of the consequences and partner up with other agencies and consultants. Complete packages are what successful clients look for and inexperienced people often mess up what others have built.

WordPress Expert Skills Won’t Cut It

Successful clients look for professional skills. They have real problems that can’t be solved with yet another plugin, and they are smart enough to know that.

If you are in the business of configuring themes and installing a few plugins for clients, that won’t do it for successful customers. You need to specialize in code, design, user experience, marketing, or something else that brings real value to them.

Large clients are looking for state of the art designs, performant and secure code, brilliant marketing skills, and growth hacking strategy. Large clients are successful because they are outstanding at what they do, the services they offer, and they appreciate high quality.

Context-Specific WordPress Solutions

Large organizations take their marketing presence and technical stack seriously. They carefully delegate based on multiple factors. Being in a meeting with a large client typically means discussing a use case together with several people such as, a creative director, VP of marketing, network engineer, and project manager.

In addition to being skillful in your niche and ready to provide value, you have to learn the business processes of your target client. Your idea of a solution may be applicable for small sites, but it may very well be a bad fit based on the company policy or the variety of services used by the team.

As an example, a creative director may require you to prepare your theme to be ADA Section 508 compliant, which is an accessibility standard required by certain organizations. The VP of marketing may ask for a Hubspot integration with Cvent within your website for proper CRM and meeting request management.

The network engineer could outline that they need to host the solution on-site, and set up a specific set of web application firewalls and internal web server security rules restricting certain process callbacks. The project manager might share a complicated timeline based on the organization load, holiday schedule, decision maker’s availability, conferences, and various deliverables that need to be presented by different people and other third-parties.

All of the above are things that we’ve been asked for over the past few months. If you are used to working with a specific host using Apache, prepare for writing documentation and shipping to a restricted server running HHVM. If you use a framework that isn’t accessible, you will need to step back, explore the Section 508 standards, and build something compatible.

Generic solutions are often not the right fit for large clients. But if you’re determined to learn more and become a better professional, that’s the perfect challenge for you.

Solving More Complex Problems

In addition to being able to adjust to different environments, working with large clients means solving more complex problems.

If a mom and pop shop is somewhat broken or down, it’s probably not a big deal if their site receives 100 visits per month. But for a project with tens of millions of views a month and thousands of concurrent users, it is unacceptable.

Working on larger and heavy platforms often means dealing with a lot of data, complex relationships, and solid traffic. This means that every single line of your code and business decision will inevitably impact the entire system in a way visible to hundreds of thousands of people.

In order to be able to cope with these, you should study your specialty in detail and understand what the impact is of every single change. These skills increase your value and let you face similar challenges and solve problems that the majority of beginners can’t even imagine.

You will learn a lot about the entire stack, and get to know hundreds of different rules. At some point you will voluntarily violate those rules, being aware of the fact that some design patterns and best practices don’t solve specific problems. It’s better to denormalize a database or minify a compression algorithm in order to solve a business problem for a large platform.

It’s just as they say at a music college – you learn the music theory for three years, and then you throw everything away and start playing jazz. You need to know the entire architecture and strategy first in order to decide how to optimize it in the best possible manner, whether it’s using a best practice or violating one for a specific purpose.

Teaming Up

If you have worked solo or in a small team, you will eventually need to partner up or grow. Either way, large projects are time consuming and require different expertise, and it’s unthinkable for one to know it all. Therefore, you will work with other professionals from more industries, team up and solve more complex problems together, and learn more about their challenges.

If you have thought about mastering a single skill, teaming up with the right people will add a few more skills as an extra perk, which will increase the potential of your main skill as well. Working with financial analysts on a project for a bank helped me to understand the entire model of loans and mortgages, as well as the internal banking policy.

This allowed me to learn how loans and interests work in different cases and get acquainted with standardized security regulations at companies in the financial field.

Security Concerns

Hello Security Featured Imagephoto credit: Two Locks(license)

Data privacy and security are important topics that people often misjudge. Working with large clients means more responsibility and higher impact in case of a problem. In the process of building a solution or consulting a reputable organization, you will most likely have to comply with various security policies.

While some of them may seem unnecessary, there is a reason they exist. The more familiar you are with them, the better it is for you, your clients, and future endeavors. If you’re not using VPNs, SSH keys, two-factor authentication, or voice recognition IDS, this may be a good lesson for you. Why are they needed, what problems do they solve, and how can you apply them to your personal data and existing set of clients?

Organization and Accountability


In order to be helpful to large businesses as a consultant, or an agency, you need to be reliable. This may be a result of a number of testimonials, successful track record at previous companies or a good portfolio. It’s always challenging to start with large customers, so improving your skills and working hard in order to become valuable is important.

Being organized and process-oriented is essential to most reputable organizations. The majority of them are more conservative and operate slowly, since a minor mistake could cost them millions or more.

They rely on detailed specifications, scope of work documents, use case diagrams, UX mockups/wireframes, E/R diagrams, and a large list of documents. They include every single detail in their planning – from holidays for each member of their team, to different dependencies from other service providers and third-party members.

Successful clients have managed to build a process and scale it in a way that grows their revenue in a predictable way. In order to be able to handle large projects, you need to treat them as a small project that takes longer to complete.

Learn how to use a project management system and version control properly, define your pricing strategy, make sure to predict all of the delays for both communication and payments. Learn how large organizations operate and do your due diligence upfront in order to avoid surprises.

Don’t take anything for granted and don’t assume anything. The more confident you are, the higher the possibility of making a major mistake. There are always new automatic deployment strategies or a DevOps service you haven’t heard of, another massive CSS3 grid, or a growth hacking strategy that you haven’t explored.

The more challenges you face, the more you’ll learn, and be able to solve complex problems.

by Jeff Chandler at August 24, 2015 06:42 PM under guest post

August 22, 2015

Alex King: Personal WordPress Theme

I’ve forked the FavePersonal theme to release a few changes that I’ve made to it for my own site.

  1. An improved Gallery feature, including support for WordPress shortcode galleries. If you’re uploading photos directly to your gallery post, you can use drag and drop to set the order for them now.
  2. The Post Formats admin UI is now responsive and works great on mobile devices.
  3. Remove the Social plugin from the theme (requested by WP.org) – it can still be installed separately.
  4. Make tons of misc. code changes to match new coding standards vs. previous coding standards (and pass the theme check).


I was originally hoping to have the modified theme hosted on WordPress.org but after weeks of waiting for review, they responded that features of the theme like choosing colors and post formats should be done in separate plugins instead. This makes no sense to me as these are core features of the theme, but happily there are great places like GitHub that will host the project for us.

The Personal theme is quite assuredly mobile-friendly, which makes it a great fit for the importance Google’s is placing on mobile-friendly sites lately.

You can download from the releases page on GitHub or, for you technically minded, grab the reop with git. Just make sure to also grab the submodules.

git clone git@github.com:alexkingorg/wp-personal.git
cd wp-personal
git submodule update --init --recursive

This post is part of the project: Personal Theme. View the project timeline for more context on this post.

by Alex at August 22, 2015 07:11 PM under WordPress

August 20, 2015

WPTavern: WordCampus a Conference Devoted to Using WordPress in Higher Education

Higher education is a subject that some WordCamps have tackled over the years, but what if there was an event entirely devoted to it? That’s the idea Rachel Carden is proposing with WordCampus. The idea started off as a tweet but quickly gained momentum with others in the community.

WordCampus is an event that would cover topics such as, how to manage a large-scale network of faculty blogs, abiding by FERPA regulations, or how to best implement single sign-on that integrates with Active Directory.

Carden outlines her idea in detail on Post Status and says that even though camp is in the event’s name, it doesn’t imply that it would be an official WordCamp event. She’s also open to organizing an event not affiliated with the WordPress Foundation.

If you’re interested in speaking, sponsoring, or attending WordCampus, please fill out the survey and help spread the word. The more interest Carden generates, the more likely it is that the WordPress Foundation will back the event.

by Jeff Chandler at August 20, 2015 07:40 PM under wordcampus

WPTavern: What Do You Want to See in WordPress 4.4?

Scott Taylor, who is leading the development cycle for WordPress 4.4, published a post on the Make WordPress Core site asking people what they’d like to see in WordPress 4.4. The post has generated a number of comments from the community. Some of the most popular suggestions include:

  • Fields API
  • Term Meta
  • Shortcake UI
  • Ticket 31467 Images should default to not linking
  • RICG Responsive Images
  • Posts 2 Posts

Most of the items suggested are at various stages of development and there’s no guarantee any of them will make it into WordPress 4.4. However, the comments provide insight into what a lot of developers want in WordPress.

If there’s a ticket, feature, or plugin you’d like to see in WordPress 4.4, please leave a comment on the post.

by Jeff Chandler at August 20, 2015 06:16 PM under wordpress 4.4

WordPress Planet

This is an aggregation of blogs talking about WordPress from around the world. If you think your blog should be part of this send an email to Matt.

Official Blog

For official WP news, check out the WordPress Dev Blog.


Last updated:

September 07, 2015 10:30 PM
All times are UTC.