
Review: “Lines of work” shares workers’ experiences, invites us to share ours

A review of Lines of Work: Stories of Jobs and Resistance by Peter Moore.

The New Brazil - Raúl Zibechi: reviewed by Levi Gahman

Brazil is now the poster child for neoliberal capitalism. Within its borders, vast inequities in wealth and access to social services still exist - in his latest work, Raúl Zibechi explains how and why this is the case...

The tortured dilemma - Haim Bresheeth

Dov Yermiya, Israeli war veteran and author of 'My War Diary'.

Review of two books summing up left-wing zionism's approach to Israeli war.

Trade unions under occupation - 'Adel Samara

Book review by 'Adel Samara of Workers in Struggle: Palestinian Trade Unions in the occupied West Bank by Simon Taggart.

A history of modern Iran - Azar Tabari

AMONGST THE myriad of books about Iran which have appeared over the past few years, one work stands out as a unique contribution to modern Iranian history: Ervand Abrahamian, Iran: Between Two Revolutions (Princeton University Press, 1982, 562 pages, cloth £31.80, paper £10.30).

Iran's incomprehensible revolution - AzarTabari

Critical reviews of two books on the Iranian revolution by Iranian feminist Azar Tabari.

Beirut, Frontline Story - Daniel Machover (book review)

Critical book review by Daniel Machover of Selim Nassib and Caroline Tisdall's Beirut, Frontline Story.

Israel in Lebanon - Daniel Machover (book review)

Seán MacBride, 1984.

Book review by Daniel Machover of Seán MacBride et al.'s Israel in Lebanon.

The best brick you’ll ever read: why Wobblies should read “Capital”

A short review by Lou Rinaldi of Capital, which he advocates for Wobblies and the like-minded to read.