From the TUC

Former BIS secretary Vince Cable attacks ‘vindictive’ trade union bill

Alex Rossiter

10 Sep 2015, by in Politics

Former Business Secretary Vince Cable has today branded the government’s Trade Union Bill as “vindictive” and a threat to “civil liberties”. Speaking to the BBC Vince Cable warned that the Trade Union Bill would worsen industrial relations and make disputes harder to resolve: “I think it’s ideologically driven and I think its potentially vindictive and…

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Britain in the red: Households with problem debt up by more than a quarter since 2012

Damon Gibbons

08 Sep 2015, by in Economics

Today saw the first release of findings by the Centre for Responsible Credit (CfRC) from the joint TUC and Unison commissioned ‘Britain in the Red’ project. The project is looking at available aggregate and household survey data to track the extent of household over-indebtedness: assessing the economic impacts of consumer credit borrowing and student loan…

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More bad news on UK manufacturing

Geoff Tily

07 Sep 2015, by in Economics

Today the EEF (Engineering Employers’ Federation) affirmed the weakness of the UK manufacturing sector, halving their forecast for manufacturing growth in 2015 to 0.7 per cent. The chart below of ONS figures shows manufacturing proceeding since the 1990s in a series of fits and starts. Over the past decade, the very brutal collapse in the…

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ONS show just how hard ‘well-being’ is hit by low incomes and wealth

Geoff Tily

04 Sep 2015, by in Economics

The ONS report ‘Relationship between Wealth, Income and Personal Well-being, July 2011 to June 2012’ may not be hugely surprising , but vividly shows the how dependent personal well-being is on a decent standard of living. For the ONS, well being has four aspects, ‘life satisfaction’, ‘sense of worth’, ‘happiness’ and ‘anxiety’. The following charts…

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Cameron’s EU workplace rights strategy pleasing no one

Owen Tudor

01 Sep 2015, by in International

The Financial Times reported last night that David Cameron had dropped plans to demand widespread exemptions from European Union workplace rights. The TUC has been warning that those demands were on his agenda for months (often pooh-poohed by ‘experts’), and we have been arguing that such a strategy would make it less likely working people…

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Chancellor discarding £33bn solar power industry?

Philip Pearson

01 Sep 2015, by in Environment

Over 100 organisations have appealed to the Prime Minister over  the Chancellor’s plans to cut support for the solar power industry. The government, strangely shy about the employment impact of hazarding a £33bn industry. All DECC will admit to in its consultation paper  is: “There is likely to be a negative impact on existing jobs…

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