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Sex sites off limits, public service love rats warned

Public Service Commissioner John Lloyd has laid down the law on the use of Commonwealth government email addresses to create accounts on the cheating site.

Noel Towell   Marriage vows are one thing, but the public service Code of Conduct, that's serious.

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Undersea cable would connect Sunshine Coast directly to internet

A plan would bring Australia's sixth undersea communications cable to the Sunshine Coast.

Tony Moore   A plan to make the Sunshine Coast a vital internet gateway is luring Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull to the area on Friday to view the proposal in person.

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Human Services' computers keep disabled out of work

A screenshot of one user's attempt to login to the MyGov online portal, which has left clients blocked from the system for up to two weeks.

Noel Towell   Disabled workers are caught in bureaucratic limbo by problematic computer systems.

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Infratech sees solar raft of benefits

The $12 million bank of floating solar panels installed by Infratech Industries near Jamestown in northern South Australia.

Claire Connelly   An Australian start-up is helping rural communities get off the grid using floating solar rafts in that sit atop water reservoirs.

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iiNet CEO David Buckingham leaves company

David Buckingham.

Ben Grubb   CEO of Perth-based internet service provider iiNet, David Buckingham, has left the company, according to multiple sources.

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Uber hires car hacking engineers

An in-car screen of a Jeep Cherokee shows Chris Miller, left, and Chris Valasek, who are demonstrating their ability to remotely control the vehicle's computer system.

MIKE ISAAC and NICOLE PERLROTH   One remote hacking of an Uber vehicle could spell disaster for the ride-hailing company.

The NBN satellite Malcolm Turnbull never wanted prepares for liftoff

Another view of the NBN satellite being built.

Hannah Francis   In 34 days and counting down, Australia is set to blast a satellite weighing as much as an elephant one-tenth of the way to the moon.

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Kaspersky threatened to 'rub out' rival

Eugene Kaspersky, chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab.

Joseph Menn, Gerry Shih and Alina Selyukh   Eugene Kaspersky told some of his lieutenants that they should attack rival anti-virus software maker AVG, email shows.

Apple boss exposed by 5am email

Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Brian X Chen   He was trying to calm nerves over 'China fears'. Instead Tim Cook opened a can of worms.

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Myki scam costs Victoria $4.2 million

Julian Burnside QC says a pedestrian paid a myki fine on-the-spot even though he hadn't been using public transport.

Fraudsters have used stolen credit card details to top up myki travel passes before selling them on the black market in a scam that has cost Public Transport Victoria (PTV) $4.2 million.

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Warning over push to make web traffic 'neutral'

Timothy J. Brennan.

Andrew Colley   Australian consumers could suffer if regulators introduce rules to force carriers to provide access to internet content on an unbiased basis, a prominent US economist has warned.


Aussie start-up Employme wants to kill the resume as we know it

Employme managing director Joseph Buccheri .

Beverley Head   Australian start-up Employme is offering the selfie generation a chance to spruik themselves to potential employers in the way they know best

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Facebook dodged a bullet in not aquiring Snapchat

Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel.

Brian Fung   Evan Spiegel could have walked away with $3 billion for his start-up in 2013, instead he turned Facebook down and is now managing a struggling business hemorrhaging money.

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Leaked presentation reveal Uber's plans for stellar growth

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick.

Shu Zhang and Gerry Shih   Uber Technologies Inc's global bookings are projected to rise nearly threefold to $US10.84 billion this year and reach $US26.12 billion the next.


In Google limelight, XYZ domain owner rules out sale

Daniel Negari, founder and CEO of XYZ.

Noor Zainab Hussain   ICANN's youngest registry operator, who owns the rights to the .xyz top level domain, has seen a huge uptick in business following Google's Alphabet announcement.

Halton smashed AFP's Israeli dreams

Jane Halton.

Noel Towell   Police walk away from deal with contractor, conceding numerous issues have put project beyond rescue.


Memo to Australia Post: Sendle has arrived

James Chin Moody, founder of Sendle, a delivery company that owns no vans.

Hannah Francis   From aspiring spaceship builder to CSIRO bigwig, James Chin Moody has taken an unlikely route to creating a parcel delivery start-up.

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Bezos denies Amazon is a soulless, dystopian workplace

Responded to critical article ... Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

Jodi Kantor, David Streitfeld   Amazon boss responds to criticism of the online retailer's workplace culture.

Big flaw kept secret for two years

A Maserati Quattroporte GTS. The 3.8-liter twin-turbo V-8 engine has 523 horsepower and 479 pound-feet of torque.

Olivia Solon   Thousands of cars have spent years at risk of car-hacking, according to research that Volkswagen has spent two years trying to suppress in the courts.


Kaspersky faked malware to harm rivals, ex-employees claim

Eugene Kaspersky, chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab.

Joseph Menn   Beginning more than a decade ago, one of the largest security companies in the world tried to damage rivals in the marketplace by tricking their antivirus software programs into classifying benign files as malicious, according to two former employees.

Office culture

Inside Amazon's brutal corporate culture

Chris Clare and his dog, Crosby, greet receptionist Andrea Kraus on Amazon's pet-friendly campus in Seattle.

JODI KANTOR and DAVID STREITFELD   The ever-expanding online retailer practises a uncompromising form of corporate Darwinism where only the tough survive.