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= Social security and welfare programs =China’s social security system can be defined as a system of government and large state enterprises that provide health care and welfare benefits at the work unit level. The system has been in a state of continuing development and reform since its conception during the Deng Xiaoping Era. Deng chose to model the system in a way that best fit the Chinese people’s needs. As a result, China’s social security system can be characterized as similar to those in the Western Bloc, but with “unique characteristics to the Chinese.”Recent ObservationsChina’s social security system is under pressure due to an aging population and a declining workforce. Several subject matter experts on China's social security system are engaged in longitudinal studies dealing with the country's continually evolving policies and reforms as it attempts to develop solutions that are uniquely Chinese. Among the experts prominently published in the West are Beardson, Tselichtchev, Vogel, and Xiaoping, although other authors, scholars, and institutes are actively conducting research and contributing to the subject.China's social security system suffers from being unbalance and lacking and equilibrium. As such, the system is not benefiting as many of the people in China's remote provinces as it could. China's people commonly complain the growing wealth of the country is not being equality shared or distributed across all of the people within its rural and urban centers. This is a critical failing of the system.Model CitiesCurrently, only a select group of "model" cities are receiving increased attention. In these cities benefit coverage, access, facilities, and participation in the social security system is increasing. The model cities focus on increasing the proportion of the population that is participating in retirement income, welfare, and health benefits. Beijing and Shanghai are two cities where new social security reform benefits are beginning to be delivered to satisfactory proportions of the public as viewed by the Chinese government.


The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty—the years 1420 to 1912. It is located in the centre of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace Museum. It served as the home of emperors and their households as well as the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government for almost 500 years.Built in 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 buildings and covers 72ha. The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.Since 1925, the Forbidden City has been under the charge of the Palace Museum, whose extensive collection of artwork and artefacts were built upon the imperial collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Part of the museum's former collection is now located in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Both museums descend from the same institution, but were split after the Chinese Civil War.NameThe common English name, "the Forbidden City", is a translation of the Chinese name Zijin Cheng. Another English name of similar origin is "Forbidden Palace".The name "Zijin Cheng" is a name with significance on many levels. Zi, or "Purple", refers to the North Star, which in ancient China was called the Ziwei Star, and in traditional Chinese astrology was the heavenly abode of the Celestial Emperor. The surrounding celestial region, the Ziwei Enclosure, was the realm of the Celestial Emperor and his family. The Forbidden City, as the residence of the terrestrial emperor, was its earthly counterpart. Jin, or "Forbidden", referred to the fact that no one could enter or leave the palace without the emperor's permission. Cheng means a city.


Sanlitun is an area of the Chaoyang District, Beijing containing many popular bar streets and international stores.The area has been under almost constant regeneration since the late 20th century as part of a city-wide project of economic regrowth. It currently houses many bars and clubs popular with both expatriates and locals as well as international brand-name stores such as American Apparel, Apple Inc. and Adidas. It is notable for housing the largest Adidas store in the world. In recent years, the Sanlitun Village shopping mall has become a popular destination for both expatriates and young Chinese.HistoryPrior to 1949, the Beijing Legation Quarter was the center of diplomatic activity in the capital. After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, the government wanted to move the diplomatic district outside the inner city. Sanlitun was chosen as the area where foreign legations and embassies to be reallocated in the late 1950s. The area was called Sanlitun to designate its location from Dongzhimen gate. With tun means 'locality', san li means 'three li' (a li is 0.5 km), the name is translated as 1.5 km away (from Dongzhimen Gate).Sanlitun began to grow when, along with the economic reforms of the late 1970s and early 1980s, bars serving expatriates and later locals began to open. International hotels introduced the first bars, but in the 1990s, standalone establishments appeared. Accounts differ over which was the first bar in Sanlitun, with one author crediting the Cat Cafe in 1995 while another names Frank's Place, which opened in 1990.