Graph API v1.0 Deprecation

Starting April 30th 2015, Facebook is migrating all apps to v2.0 of the Graph API with the goal of giving people more control over the information they share with apps.

Developers should expect apps calling API v1.0 to be migrated at any time after April 30th, 2015. The migration will extend to all apps over the course of a few weeks.

What does this migration mean for my app?

At F8 in 2014 we announced Graph API v2.0 and our plans to deprecate v1.0 one year later on April 30th, 2015. Starting April 30th, we'll begin to:

  • Default all unversioned calls to v2.0. If your app makes a call to Graph API without the version specified, it will behave as a v2.0 call to the same endpoint.

  • Require Login Review for all apps that use Facebook Login and ask people for permissions other than email, public_profile or user_friends. Any permissions that haven't been reviewed and approved will no longer show in the Login dialog and apps can't access, ask for, or be granted them.

  • People can decline permissions in the Login Dialog. Your app needs to handle the cases when people choose to decline one or more permissions.

Does this change affect my app?

Action is required if your app:

Asks for extended permissions

If your app uses Facebook Login and asks for more than public_profile, email or user_friends your app must go through Login Review.

Makes manual Graph API calls that are unversioned

Your app must be upgraded to make calls to v2.0 or greater.

Includes versions of the Mobile SDKs for iOS and Android less than 3.14

Starting with version 3.14, the SDKs use v2.0 by default.

Uses the SDK for PHP less than 4.0.0

Version 4.0.0 uses v2.0 by default.

Uses APIs that are no longer available in v2.0.

See our Changelog and Upgrade Guide for the full list of changes.

Uses the old path for the JavaScript SDK

If your JavaScript include path includes all.js instead of sdk.js and your FB.init() method doesn't include a version you need to upgrade your JavaScript SDK. See our changelog for more information.

How do I know if my app has been migrated?

This migration is rolling out to all apps over the course of a few weeks. You can check the minimum version of the API your app can access in the App Dashboard. Apps still able to call v1.0 will be migrated soon after April 30th, so be sure to upgrade your app and submit for Login Review if necessary.

The API version in the App Dashboard doesn't reflect the version used in all calls, just the oldest version your app is able to call. Your app already may be using versions later than v2.0 if you're using a newer version of the SDK in your mobile app, or if you've set the minimum version to something more than v2.0 when initializing the JS SDK or PHP SDK.

My app is ready now. Can I force it to migrate?

Yes. We've supplied two switches in your app's migrations settings that allow you to immediately enable what Facebook is rolling out to apps in the weeks after April 30th, 2015:

  • Force all people using your app to use v2.0 for unversioned Graph API calls. People logging into your app will also get the v2.0 Login Dialog.
  • Require Login Review for any requested permissions. If your app asks for unapproved permissions, they will not be shown to users and can't be granted to your app.