Magical Thinking is Time Standing Still

Well now we have an explaination thanks to my sister who forwarded this to me. I’ve worked hard to get better on this. Time has always been problematic for me. It is true that I consistently underestimate the amount of time it will take me to do even the most mundane task. This is the reason why if you look carefully around my house you can see a clock in nearly every room. And 5 minutes ahead for good measure.


I’m Not Really Late,
I’m Just Indulging
In Magical Thinking

Wall Street Journal,

November 13, 2007; Page B1

The problem with lateness is that it’s more contagious than punctuality.

When James Connelly worked on a public-utilities commission, one of the five commissioners would be late, invariably triggering others to make phone calls and sharpen pencils while they waited. “What started as four out of five [attending], and then briefly became five, had dwindled to three,” he says. “It was like some kind of Marx Brothers skit.”

He tried to reform it by starting the meeting anyway. But he found that attendees would recap the issues for the tardy person, thereby erasing the penalty. He never succeeded in reforming the chronic laggards.



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