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Ringkasan Penjelasan Ilmu Tasawwuf - Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid
Ceramah Tasawwuf Bersama KH Said Aqil Siradj
Ust Azhar Idrus- Ahli Tarekat & Tasawwuf
Tasawwuf : Zikir Nafas ? "Tuan Guru Hj. Jahid Sidek Al-khalidi"
Tasawwuf, Shaykhs & Tariqa - Hamza Yusuf
Tasawwuf Ki Haqeeqat--Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (D.B)
Bicara Sufi (Tasawwuf) : TG Dr. Jahid Sidek, Nur (Cahaya) Didalam Hati, HQ
Imran N. Hosein - Tasawwuf (Islamic Spirituality)- The Forgotten Path
SYIAH: Pengaruh Syi'ah Dalam Tasawwuf Dan Tariqat
Tasawwuf, Tariqa, and Ihsan
Masjid Al-Hana: Kuliah Tasawwuf 21-10-14
World of Spirituality, Tasawwuf, Sufis & Shaykhs - Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari [HD]
Eine Einführung in den Tasawwuf
Islamic Spirituality: Tasawwuf, Sufism and Tazkiya (Part 1) 1/3 HD
Tasawwuf Bersama KH Said Aqil Siradj Subscribe Channel kami:
[Gagak Putih] (#D)
Seminar Tasawwuf & Tareqat Sesi Soal-Jawab Date : 21-06-2012 Disampaikan Oleh : Prof Dr. Hj. Jahid Bin Hj. Sidek Al-khalidi Anda boleh mendapatkan Kuliah Tas...
Tasawwuf, Shaykhs & Tariqa - Hamza Yusuf.
Tasawwuf Ki Haqeeqat--Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (D.B) Join facebook page:
Bicara Sufi (Tasawwuf) : Tuan Guru Dr. Jahid Sidek Al Kholidi. Kuliah Maghrib di Surau Al Kauthar, Wangsa Melawati. K.L pada 7/7/2011 . Tajuk : Nur / Cahaya Dalam Hati. (Kitab Hikam Ibnu Athoillah al-Sakandari). High Quality File Name : 20110707195942
Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best-selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA. He was the Imam, for sometime, at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Jumu'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the headquarters of the United Nations Organization in Manhattan, New York, once monthly for ten years continuously. He is a former Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of Research of the World Muslim Congress in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of the Islamic Institute for Education and Research in Miami, Florida, and Director of D'awah for Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America. He has traveled continuously and extensively around the world on Islamic lecture-tours since graduating from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971 at age 29. And he has also written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect. Indeed, Jerusalem in the Qur'an - An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem has become a best seller and has been translated and published in several languages. Prof. Dr. Malik Badri, Dean of the International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, wrote the Foreword to the book. Imran's first book, entitled Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World was written when he was just 29 and still remains the only book on the subject by a Muslim scholar. That book won high praise from such eminent scholars as Vice Chancellor of University of Karachi and renowned historian, Dr. Ishtiaq Husain Quraishi, eminent Pakistani jurist and philosopher, A. K. Brohi, and eminent Muslim sociologist, Dr. Basharat Ali. Maulana Dr. Fazlur Rahman Ansari, an outstanding scholar of Islam of the modern age, wrote the Foreword to that book. Imran Hosein's three new books, published in 2007, on 'Surah al-Kahf' of the Qur'an and on the subject of 'Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age', offer rare insights into interpretation of the Qur'an and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad insofar as they explain the modern age. Pengaruh Syiah Dalam Tasawwuf Dan Tariqat - Pembentangan Oleh Maulana Muhd 'Asri Yusuf di Kolej Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Ismail Petra, ...
Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Husayni An Ninowy answers questions from guests after a suhba in Little Rock, Ar, January 10, 2014. May Allah subhana wa t'ala r...
Rakaman Kuliah Tasawwuf Ust Abid Hashim dgn kitab: Penawar Bagi Hati. Tajuk: 10 Perlakuan Yang Dicela Allah
World of Spirituality, Tasawwuf, Sufis & Shaykhs - Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari Related:
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The idea of spirituality in Islam has become one of the most debated, discussed issues in recent times. Covered with discussions without Scholarly guidance, ...
Tasawwuf Kay 4 Silsilay | What is Tasawwuf? 4 Chains of tasawwuf by Mufti Tariq Masood mufti tariq masood bayan,mufti tariq,mufti tariq question answer,mufti...
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Kuliah mengenai tasawuf oleh TG Nik Abd Aziz
Dr Israr Ahmed Criticizes Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab regarding "Tasawwuf", "Emotionalism", "a person who went out of his way" & ETC...
This Series of Lectures about Muslim Movements was recorded in Australia in January 2014. The Visit and Lectures were Organized by Al-Mawrid Australia. == Al...
Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook: TAG : aquida,aqida ash'ari, ash'arites, salaf salih, ibn taymiyya, tawil, arabie saoudite, cro...
Title: Important Questions on Purification of the Heart and Tasawwuf This question and answer session was conducted after the course at UCLAN on Imam Ghazali...
Mr Ozcakil, who is the head of the Konya Turkish Tasawwuf Music Ensemble, participated in his first ...
TheNational 2014-12-17KARACHI: ... I inherited [its love] from my father, particularly the love of poetry, music and tasawwuf ... googletag. cmd.
Dawn 2014-12-07and this is the usage mostly found among the people of tasawwuf [sufis], who take "nafs" as the ...
The Siasat Daily 2014-11-06Dr Kusum Gopal ... I have made a gift of them to my friends ... Integral to understanding Hindustani/Urdu is tasawwuf or Sufism ... . .
Kashmir Observer 2014-06-30Tweet. null ... King is not the only insult the US is heaping on the Russians ... Doolittle ... Tasawwuf or Sufism provides the opening:
Newstrack India 2013-12-20Hyderabad, December 14: ... Dr. Sabiha Nasreen will express views on "Quran and Tasawwuf" ... For further details contact: phone no.
The Siasat Daily 2013-12-15And then at the tender age of 16, Faridi said he found his tasawwuf and his pir, Sheikh Leban ...
Dawn 2013-12-15Hyderabad, October 10: ... On Saturday night, after Isha prayer Tasawwuf conference will also be held at Dargah Yousufain ... Hzt ... D.
The Siasat Daily 2013-10-11Bangalore, June 18: ... P. R ... Bhalachandra Nakod ... matteres of Tasawwuf from her Murshad Hazrat Akhtar Ali Shah of Saigaon Latur.
The Siasat Daily 2013-06-19Bangalore, June 18: ... P. R ... Bhalachandra Nakod ... matteres of Tasawwuf from her Murshad Hazrat Akhtar Ali Shah of Saigaon Latur.
The Siasat Daily 2013-06-18In tasawwuf or Sufism we learn and practice self-control as the first hard step to achieving greater spiritual joy.
Jakarta Post 2013-03-16Sufism, or tasawwuf, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or ...
Huffington Post 2013-02-26Sufism, or tasawwuf, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or ...
Huffington Post 2012-12-04Sufism or taṣawwuf (Arabic: تصوّف) is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a ṣūfī (صُوفِيّ).
Classical Sufi scholars have defined Sufism as "a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God". Alternatively, in the words of the Darqawi Sufi teacher Ahmad ibn Ajiba, "a science through which one can know how to travel into the presence of the Divine, purify one's inner self from filth, and beautify it with a variety of praiseworthy traits".
Classical Sufis were characterised by their attachment to dhikr (a practice of repeating the names of God) and asceticism. Sufism gained adherents among a number of Muslims as a reaction against the worldliness of the early Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 CE). Sufis have spanned several continents and cultures over a millennium, at first expressed through Arabic, then through Persian, Turkish and a dozen other languages. "Orders" (ṭuruq), which are either Sunnī or Shī'ī or mixed in doctrine, trace many of their original precepts from the Islamic Prophet Muhammad through his cousin 'Alī, with the notable exception of the Naqshbandi who trace their origins through the first Caliph, Abu Bakr. Other exclusive schools of Sufism describe themselves as distinctly Sufi. Modern Sufis often perform dhikr after the conclusion of prayers.
Hamza Yusuf Hanson is an American Islamic scholar, and (with Zaid Shakir and Hatem Bazian) is co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California, United States. He is a convert to Islam, and is one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding. He has described the 9/11 attacks as "an act of 'mass murder, pure and simple'". Condemning the attacks, he has also stated "Islam was hijacked ... on that plane as an innocent victim".The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom reported that he "is arguably the west's most influential Islamic scholar" and added that "many Muslims find his views hard to stomach."
Hamza Yusuf was born to two academics in Washington State and raised in Northern California. In 1977, he became Muslim and subsequently traveled to the Muslim world and studied for ten years in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, as well as North and West Africa. Hamza Yusuf spent four years studying in the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere in the Middle East. Later he traveled to West Africa and studied in Mauritania, Medina, Algeria, and Morocco under such scholars as Murabit al Haaj; Baya bin Salik, head of the Islamic court in Al-'Ain, United Arab Emirates; Muhammad Shaybani, Mufti of Abu Dhabi; Hamad al-Wali; and Muhammad al-Fatrati of Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.[citation needed] After more than a decade abroad, he returned to the United States and earned degrees in nursing from Imperial Valley College and religious studies at San José State University.[citation needed]
Zulfiqar Ahmad (born 28 February, 1979) is a PhD scholar (Islamic Studies) at Minhaj University in Lahore, Pakistan. He has authored several books on social, religious, socio-political and economic aspects. As a student of human studies he rubbed shoulders with those who are at the forefront of propagating and spoiling the humanities. He is a renowned teacher of O-Level Islamiat in Lahore. compiled 2 books for O-Level students as a co-author. He teaches CIE classes in different institutions in Lahore. PhD Islamic studies is in progress from Minhaj University, Lahore. He has worked on different social and International topics and his books are published from LAP academic publishing, Germany.
Yo 1, 2, 1, 2
The Clef is back with some adjustments
Refugee camp
(Turn it up! Turn it up! Turn it up!)
Yo, you see them Refugees right there, they goin in the car
Keys they goin in the trunk
Fiends they don't give a uh
And Flex couldn't save you even if he dropped a bomb in this
You still gon be found in a ditch
My name should be Robin Banks the way I be robbin banks
I'm a fiend for the S-500 I want it
Used to stay high and blunted, but all that had to stop
Chick like me be chasin after cops
And they don't stop at my block after the Diallo shootin
Soldiers in waitin, marksmen recruitin
Salutin, thug confederates, rhyme and reason
Time and treatin, Air Force One we leavin
Panama red, holdin 52 hands for ransom
My man Johnny Handsome, itchin to cancel 'em
I'm like hold up, wait a minute, let's get down to buisness
We could shoot up everything soon as the deal is finished
Blah, blah, I got two hours to kill
We want like 5 mil in a private jet so peel
Supreme C been after mean figures, ask my lil nigga
Since back in the days, before he was raised
Aint nobody puttin fear in my heart, who need a jumpstart
My art sharp, shoot your posse apart
Nigga take you on one by one, gun by gun
Son by son, done by done
Whoever come murder fest, one of the best
I'm gettin assets, collect ass bets, squat by your address
I come to kick it wit you, walk beans stickin wit you
Why try to hide from accomplice vibe
Yo we break bread, break heads, my people shake feds
Gamble and scramble, F what your man do
It's all about this husltin game, muscle and fame
Tussels in rain, take aim, blush you with game
My language is unexplainable, switch, changeable
And I stay remaindable, with bigger guns aimed at you
I run up in Da Cypha heavily armed with endless bars of metaphoric harm
A python with poisonous charm, extending my arm
Pushing figures way to the back
Out of your reach, excessive like Fatal Attract
Freeze, a renegade bar stroke, an ace of spades
I'll kiss you wit a blade when I think I'm gettin played
Made woman, you never in bed with the same woman
You say you want it, you don't wanna see the omen
When my sixth sense start flowin I bless like holy water
I don't wanna die cuz I'm my daddy's only daughter
But yo, sometimes I see the writin on the wall
You know the ghetto testaments, the shootouts, the brawls
Close frames in the hall, will you stand or will you fall
Your whole click is on the run now would you tell it all
About the night shifters, me, I'ma cypher drifter
My sixteen bars is up so peace to the mixes
October 31st I was standing by the sour
These thugs don't wanna talk they want these Pumas I just bought
Fresh outta school, picked on cuz I'm bilingual
I barely spoke English but the gun language was universal
Ran in the grocery store, spoke to Gabriel
He said, you have problems, here's a feezy from Israel
Ran back outside, just before I could say... another homicide
Threw the biscuit in the bushes runnin like Jesse Owens
Police showed up, but I was nowhere in existence
Back in the crib thinkin bout what I just did
I'ma police of defense but I'm bound to catch this bid
My hypothesis was right, they knocked the door, homie
Like a super in the projects wantin rent money
Just when I thought I get my life straight in the states
Is when I found myself climbin down the fire escape
Bodies found in Virginia under the dumpsters, no
18 shell cases in front of the grocery sto'
Flee the scene of the crime before y'all kick the door
No your honor that must be some old rhyme that I wrote
And lyrics sometime man they misinterpretate it
For example when I say gun I mean my pen and paper
And everytime I wave and spit the crowd jump
Cuz I'm still Digital Underground like "humpty hump"
Feel the funk comin through your elephant trunks
I aint even *Kriss Kross* my clothes yet
And yet y'all wanna "Jump, Jump" in Da Cypha, "Jump, Jump"
You in Da Cypha
Stay in the house when you hear
It means the murder's outside you hear
Where the real killers at you hear
Honey who chill with the gats you hear
Yo don't talk crap man
Just cuz your girl's wit you man
Cuz both o y'all gon go man
To a place where no man knows man
Femme fatale, Hope
Supreme C, kinda dope
Marie Antoinette in the back with the techs
Y'all know the flavor Refugee Camp...
I fucked up with a guy called Bill
I owed him money he supplied the pills
He said, You'll never know yourself, you'll never try
You'll never know yourself, you'll never try
I fucked up with a dude called Ray
I never thought I'd feel this way
He said, You'll never know yourself, you'll never try
You'll never know yourself, you'll never try
Deceive me
But I will never let you go
Deceive me
I messed up with a guy called Joe
Being high and nowhere to go
He said, You'll never know yourself, you'll never try
You'll never know yourself, you'll never try
Deceive me
But I will never let you go
Deceive me
You'll never know, you'll never know
Deceive me
But I will never let you go
Deceive me
I'm- I'm too sexy check my worth
Boy don't get your feelings hurt
Chasing skirts to converse
Try'na get this Dairy Queen to serve
Got that yummy Blizzard, Blizzard
You heard mine's is more expensive
Getting Ninja in my Benz's
I see you with all your friends's
And I can see it in your eyes that you missed us
Talking SWV not you and me
Boys drop pass when I say I missed us
Guess Cupid kinda skipped us
I'm so low gettin flipped up
Singging Do Ya, Do Ya, Do Ya
I'ma do me so watch it Boo Ya
(Verse 1)
I'm feeling myself
I know I'm fly
I'm done with the pain, doing better thangs
I'm moving on
I'm going out
I got plans, I got places to be
You lost the best thing ever happened to you
I'm the best thing ever happened
My love was took for granted now you see
I'm the best thing ever happened
When you're with your brand new girlfriend
Really do you think she's better?
Baby, do ya? Do ya? Do ya?
Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?
Do you miss my kisses on your lips
Is it better than your new girl?
Baby, do ya? Do ya? Do ya?
Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?
(Verse 2)
I'm good right now
I wish a n**** would right now
Boy I ain't got no time, I'ma do me
I'ma dance with him
You had your chance, you slipped
I'm a ten so go to your three
All my ladies in the front, all my ladies in the front
All my ladies in the back, all my ladies in the back
Got yo hair done? Yea!
You got yo nails done? Yea!
Won't you clap it like this?
Break it down like this -this -this- this
Boys you'll feel alone when you do her wrong
What you need your game?
Find it in another girl
Karma is a mother
When you find a lover, hold on to her
(Chorus) x2
You saw us
Tried to blow my house down
But theses 3 lil pigs got these dollars around the frown
If you not a playa hata yes let me see you rock
If you not a playa hata then why your gun cocked?
Ready to do it ????? cause I'm tryin to do right
You rigidified well nigga tonight's the night
Where this liquors goin ?????
Its goin way down
Straight to Salem's lot
So watch as I get you now
Nigga I blessed
As what I might do
Cause I fear for my life
Like I was Colin Powell put in his shoes
Open the morning paper
Don't read rapper dead
Over some jealous punks that have me misled
Thinking of fingers pointing
As the God Above
Only Thing I'm Supportin is my multi love
For my family, my dollas, and my friends
And for the ones who ain't down
God Bless the bullet I sin
Never try to deceive me
Never try to deceive me
Never try to deceive me
Never try to deceive me
I'm coming at you like a cool breeze
I'm watchen you emcee's freeze in fact furring the dope's on the real and come off of the blunt please
I can't lose Imma winner
I saw your bitch and stuck my dick in her
Call me a flip skinner
There ain't no time for all of you silly hoes point blank
And that's just how the story goes
I desecrate the souls that live within
Cannot relate my mind states just flips and spins and spins
I smoke weed to relax myself
Deep trains of thought leaving your mind screaming for help
A stealth bomber
My crew can bring you mad drama
Consider your ass now you fuckin with house
My cousin Matt has got my back
We leavin no tracks
Flipin a sack
Creatin Money stacks as a matter of fact
I got a problem with my cheese
Fuck you and leave
Before ?????? sleeve
How could you deceive?
Never try to deceive me
Never try to deceive me
Never try to deceive me
Never try to deceive me
(Mr. Bones)
I hit you with the infrared
Laser tag I got you
I got the long brown hair
And crossbow like I'm Chewbacca
I care glockas
Shit talkaz, shit yous binaca
To freshen the breath off playa hatas
Wack rhyme sayas thinking they be in our league
But then we go and pull another trick form up the sleeve
Believe in Jesus prodigal son
Wearin adidas
I kick my thesis
Leavin compotation in pieces
Spittin lyrics like a millimeter
Tongue is the clip
Got a pocket full of rubbers to cover my dipstick
Can ya feel me?
See my shit is fat
I Neva eva pull the wrap from my baseball cap
I pull the 40 oz. Brew from the brown bag (brown bag)
My hand in my pocket to retrieve my zigzags
Big bags equal much smoke take a toke
Bet you dime or dollar that you gone to choke
Out of site like a shooting star
You know who I are
It's the brother sippin gin in the back of the bar
And I regulate rhymes like I got big game
I got a couple more dinero's then what his name?
Stashed off in my sock like some old food stamps
Stand clear set trips for perpetrators, and tramps
I got much more bounce to the ounce in fact
Turn the Volume up to 10 and watch your window crack
Step back you better believe me, don't ever try to be me, you can't see me
Habéis visto lo que he visto?, Habéis estado donde yo?,
Habéis roto con lo previsto?, Habéis sangrado por amor?,
Habéis vencido a la suerte?, Habéis jugado al ajedrez contra la muerte?,
Y aguantado hasta quedar inconscientes?.
La experiencia mi maestra, yo fui su mejor discípulo,
Nunca dejé en blanco capítulos.
Creéis tener testículos, jugais a ser Dios,
Y solo hacéis el ridículo, cuando diréis adiós?.
Yo vivo entre millones que se buscan unos a otros,
A ver decirme, a quienes buscáis vosotros?,
Voy combatiendo monstruos, batalla humana y urbana
Ciudad de restos, ciudad sin rostros,
Porque el 091 puede ser el 666, porque USA a veces es el KKK
Porque el sonido del tic-tac luege puede hacer Big Bang
Y mientras unos hacen "chin", otros hacen "clack-clack".
Es solo un flashbback, uno de tantos,
Es mi batalla de Lepanto en la que caigo contra mc`s y me levanto
Dicen que ando del revés, y aquí me ves
Con la cabeza bien alta y el mundo bajo mis pies
El Hip-Hop es mío, el Don es mío
El Tiempo es mío, el Reto es mío
El asfalto es mío, el Juego es mío
El Mundo es mío...
Muchos me miraron como a un héroe, yo era solo un aprendiz
Conviviendo con Los Chicos Del Maíz.
Sin dejar que me entre polvo en la nariz voy a por todas,
Sintiendo cada segundo como un momento Kodak,
Nadie me puso alas pero aprendí a volar,
No detuve vuestras balas pero aprendí a esquivar,
Me quisisteis evitar y eliminar,
Dejadme solo como a un naufrago en la imansidad del mar.
Yo haré del rap Huracán, si me roban sere un Doberman,
Lograré que en su discman repitan cada refrán,
Que me oigan desde el barrio de San Blas al Yucatán
Mientras yo escribo tranquilo y me rulo otro Macmardigan,
Y es que escuchar tu mierda es como comer pan con pan
Yo hago de mi micro un garfio como Candyman,
Traigo el dolo como Method Man, intoxico,
Entre asfalto y alquitrán puse mi hocico,
Jefe mi chico, yo te dedico mi poesía mezclada en tu melodía,
Seremos como Bonnie and Clyde algún día.
Mi amigo el libro, mi signo Libra, mi estilo libre,
Y no hay balanza que equilibre palabras de este calibre
A las que echaís mal de ojo, pareceís brujas,
lo clavo en hojas como agujas desde mi brubuja,
Dicen que ando del revés, y aquí me ves
Con la cabeza bien alta y el mundo bajo mis pies
El Hip-Hop es mío, el Don es mío
El Tiempo es mío, el Reto es mío
El asfalto es mío, el Juego es mío
El Mundo es mío...
El mundo es mío, esta en mi mano
El mundo es frío y mi rap butano traerá el verano
A aquellos que busquen paz y quieran despertar temprano
A los que digan la verdad aunque después lo paguen caro,
Mirad es los prados de asfalto, me encontrareis,
Ir mas allá de murallas, me veréis,
Buscad en las cumbres del Himalaya Si queréis,
Tocad el himno del canalla, desapareciréis,
Jamas entenderéis la esencia de la rima eterna,
Si vuestra mente enferma sigue andando entre tabernas
Si vuestra mente enferma sigue aislada en las cavernas,
Mamando la entrepierna del gran mal que nos gobierna,
Yo vi la belleza en las cabezas de las bestias
Y sentí la tristeza entre las luces mas intensas,
Yo, me encontré con la muerte y la bese,
Viaje a traves del universo y ya regresé,
Ahora todos dicen Nacho eres gran poeta,
Eres quien mejor nos muestra la vida oscura e inquieta del planeta
Gran poeta, gran poeta, ese es Nacho
Nuestra gran arma secreta.
Dicen que ando del revés, y aquí me ves
Con la cabeza bien alta y el mundo bajo mis pies
El Hip-Hop es mío, el Don es mío
El Tiempo es mío, el Reto es mío
El asfalto es mío, el Juego es mío
El Mundo es mío...
Ya sabéis, nací para esto, crecí con esto, viví por esto
Son muy pocos los que me ganan a esto
Mi historia hoy es un rap que hará historia
POESIA DIFUSA 2003, el mundo es mío
Ese es el desafío, Nach...
Escalofrios recorren todo mi ser
Mis manos se empapan en sudor
Me desvelo, me detengo, desespero.
El frio del miedo congelo
En mis suenos toda aquella magia
Que reemplaza solo por dolor.
Nacen los dias y convierten con su luz
Mis angustias en valor.
Me marea su resplandor.
Me marea su resplandor.
Caigo abatida en la confusion.
Desafio al mas cruel de mis suenos:
Ven ante mi!
Me sumerjo en lo incierto.
Me mantengo.
La fuerza que llevo en mi interior
Me dara la calida victoria
Que ya yace en mi imaginacion.
El miedo no podra
Causar ni siquiera un asomo
De debilidad dentro de mi.
Me mantengo
Caminando en la delgada cuerda
Que sostiene los cimientos de mi libertad
No, no habre de caer
Yo lo superare
Si ha de haber un final
Es el quien morira.
Tu tambien sabras hallar
Ese centro de valor
El miedo no podra
Causar ni siquiera un asomo
De debilidad dentro de mi
Me mantengo
Caminando en la delgada cuerda
Que sostiene los cimientos de mi libertad
No, no habre de caer
Yo lo superare
Si ha de haber un final
and I thought it was safe to say I need you
but I guess in this case it pays to be careful
and all I can say is how I'm left waiting for love
and I can't wait to save you
and I just wish things were different
as it stands, I'm falling for the touch of your hand
and I noticed the way you left this evening
with a look on your face that's grown so familiar
all I can say is how I'm left waiting for love
and I can't wait to save you
and I just wish things were different
as it stands, I'm falling for the touch of your hand
I'll be the medicine keeping you alive to save us
if what you said was true then there's nothing left to
I can't wait to be there with you
even when you left and we're not at our best
There you are, in your mind's all the faces of days less abrasive, rewind
There you go, all you know all you show is a blow I follow behind
Here you are, are your arms strong enough now to carry the weight of my love love love
And you are with your face in a puddle, holding your breath until love comes
Beautiful, you're flower in the making, never cease to exist
Cynical, for you belittle invention anything mentioned about you
And you are with your head in a puddle, holding your breath until love comes
This is your highly unlikely love song
Oh, this is your highly unlikely love song
Oh, this is your highly unlikely love song
Here we are, all reflection is dead for the mouth that we fed is now gone
Beautiful, you're a flower for the taking, God's great creation undone, done, done, done, done
Still you are with your head in a puddle, holding your breath til love comes
Here we are, all your fear and emotion, one big explosion against me
This is your highly unlikely love song
Oh, this is your highly unlikely love song
Oh, this is your highly unlikely love song
The right hand grips, the left hand slides. The pennies drop,
the boxes glide. It never stops. She worked the line
blind. Folded, pushed, . . . A pirhouette. No thought, no joy,
no regrets. A cigarette was hanging from a cord and
every thousand boxes she'd suck her reward and find
her island. But the siren howled. The whip cracked
anda pre-packed mountain pressed her neck. She'd
switch to frantic, automatic. Clear the decks. Turn on,
tune in--machine was humming omm. Neon. Flashing
laser blade was scratching OBEY! No rest, no play.
No time. She worked the line. The pay was fine.
She'd find her island in July and find a rock to
sit on quietly humming ommmm. The pay was fine. She
worked the line. She'd find her island in July and