The Arawaks
An animation which showcases the lifestyle and cultures of the Arawaks.
Arawaks - City down
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
Arawaks - Abre os olhos
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
Letra simples mas com muita mensagem..
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Chá de historinhas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz ( UNIDADE 76 ) Video edição por ...
We visit an Arawak indian settlement and speak with some women; tribal chief Daniel Gomez!
In this December 18, 2008, video recording, we visit an Arawak indian settlement in the jungles of Venezuela's southern Bolivar State and speak with some ind...
La face cachée de Christophe Colomb
Christophe Colomb compte parmi les grandes figures des XVème et XVIème siècles...
Tipeee (financement participatif): http://goo.gl/ankkFM
Youtube : http://goo.gl/wYUcEf
Facebook : http://goo.gl/M0J6R4
Twitter : http://goo.gl/H7HrgL
Site Officiel : http://goo.gl/UhCTHN
Collectif "La vidéothèque d'Alexandrie" : http://goo.gl/I2eh0w
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Promessas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz Unidade 76 Video edição por Rafael Paz Cu...
Western Special - Arawaks
Track # 1 incluido en su disco Hot Jamaican Mixture 2000 Francia Visita nuestra pagina y únete para descargar excelente musica!!!! https://www.facebook.com/P...
For Love or Money: Christopher Columbus and the Arawaks
A history day project explaining the conflict and compromise of the interations between native Arawak Indians and Columbus. Conflict also occurred when the I...
1° video clip do arawaks.
Arawaks - somente jah
Uma das melhores .!
Arawaks - rockers
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
Film créé en 2006, ici la Première partie, explications sur les Arawaks, à la fois sur Saint Martin (caraïbes), mais aussi leur parcours dans la mer des cara...
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
KGN20 Mixtape fwding November 30th
Columbus and the Arawaks Jamaica part 1.flv
The deception of Christopher Columbus with His expedition to Jamaica. The Arawak Indians knew the creator Gods before Christianity.
The Arawaks/Tainos
Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/ . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free to...
Silencing of the Tongues: Arawak/Lokono (Final Edit)
The video pursues the last remaining speakers of the Lokono language, otherwise known as Arawak, in Guyana. I does so on the Essequibo Coast in the area of M...
241. Arawaks - Dearest - Soca/calypso Classic
First generation Soca classic. Dedicated to all who know good tune!!
Abinaya - Arawaks
Song of the French band Abinaya, from their 2014 album "Beauté Païenne" Lyrics are in French : "Pierre après Pierre Ils ont cerné vos terres Ont caché la lum...
----Arawak Official Music video----
("A wha we ah wait for" - A.Puglia)
Editing video: Mario Di MAso
Audio Mix&Edit;: Paolo Baldini
Mastering: Squillario Simone (DudTheDemonStudio)
Camera Operator: Laura Francesconi
Parkour Crew: PFRS (Graziano Simula, Matteo Marongiu, Andrea Simula)
Many thanks to: OUTLAW STORE and OUTLAW FAMILY, Officine Musicali Sassari, Zanna's st
Arawak - Accadde A.......
Arawak - Accadde A....... (1970)
1. Accadde A Harlem 00:00 - 02:34
2. Accadde A Cuzco 02:35 - 05:47
3. Accadde A Bali 05:48 - 08:15
4. Accadde A Bahia 08:16 - 11:38
5. Accadde A Belfast 11:39 - 13:50
6. Accadde A Tutti Noi 13:51 - 16:05
7. Accadde A Las Vegas 16:06 - 18:37
8. Accadde In Biafra 18:38 - 21:03
9. Accadde A Yellow Park 21:04 - 23:38
10. Accadde A Lima 23:39 - 25:51
11. Accadde A
The Arawaks
An animation which showcases the lifestyle and cultures of the Arawaks....
An animation which showcases the lifestyle and cultures of the Arawaks.
wn.com/The Arawaks
An animation which showcases the lifestyle and cultures of the Arawaks.
Arawaks - City down
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati......
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
wn.com/Arawaks City Down
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
- published: 19 Nov 2010
- views: 16887
author: Luís Lovato
Arawaks - Abre os olhos
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati......
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
wn.com/Arawaks Abre Os Olhos
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
- published: 19 Nov 2010
- views: 14789
author: Luís Lovato
Letra simples mas com muita mensagem.....
Letra simples mas com muita mensagem..
wn.com/Arawaks À Vontade
Letra simples mas com muita mensagem..
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Chá de historinhas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz ( UNIDADE 76 ) Video edição por ......
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Chá de historinhas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz ( UNIDADE 76 ) Video edição por ...
wn.com/Arawaks Reggae Raiz Cha De Historinhas High Quality
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Chá de historinhas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz ( UNIDADE 76 ) Video edição por ...
We visit an Arawak indian settlement and speak with some women; tribal chief Daniel Gomez!
In this December 18, 2008, video recording, we visit an Arawak indian settlement in the jungles of Venezuela's southern Bolivar State and speak with some ind......
In this December 18, 2008, video recording, we visit an Arawak indian settlement in the jungles of Venezuela's southern Bolivar State and speak with some ind...
wn.com/We Visit An Arawak Indian Settlement And Speak With Some Women Tribal Chief Daniel Gomez
In this December 18, 2008, video recording, we visit an Arawak indian settlement in the jungles of Venezuela's southern Bolivar State and speak with some ind...
- published: 07 Jan 2009
- views: 72536
author: vheadline
La face cachée de Christophe Colomb
Christophe Colomb compte parmi les grandes figures des XVème et XVIème siècles...
Tipeee (financement...
Christophe Colomb compte parmi les grandes figures des XVème et XVIème siècles...
Tipeee (financement participatif): http://goo.gl/ankkFM
Youtube : http://goo.gl/wYUcEf
Facebook : http://goo.gl/M0J6R4
Twitter : http://goo.gl/H7HrgL
Site Officiel : http://goo.gl/UhCTHN
Collectif "La vidéothèque d'Alexandrie" : http://goo.gl/I2eh0w
Ben (Nota Bene) : http://goo.gl/3pf4uF
Christophe Colomb compte parmi les grandes figures des XVème et XVIème siècles. Navigateur hors pair et explorateur intrépide, il est le premier Européen de l’histoire moderne à découvrir le continent américain.
Pourtant, derrière le mythe du téméraire aventurier se cache une réalité bien plus controversée, celle d’un être sanguinaire, assoiffé de richesses et de pouvoir.
Mais commençons par le commencement et laissons Nota Bene nous compter le premier acte de la véritable histoire de celui que l’on nommait l’Amiral de la Mer Océane.
Et bien voilà. Tout débute en Août 1492 alors que Christophe Colomb quitte l’Espagne à la tête d’une petite expédition de trois navires. Il s’est fixé pour objectif de découvrir une nouvelle voie de navigation vers les Indes Orientales - un projet de longue date qui, s’il se concrétise, fera de lui l’un des hommes les plus riches et influents de son temps.
Après deux longs mois de navigation à travers l’océan atlantique, une île apparait enfin à l’horizon. Les explorateurs ne le savent bien évidemment pas encore mais ils viennent de découvrir les Bahamas. En y débarquant, ils sont accueillis par des Amérindiens Arawaks pacifistes dont l’hospitalité frappe immédiatement Christophe Colomb.
Ce dernier écrira d’ailleurs dans son journal : « Ils ne portent aucune arme et ne les connaissent pas. Quand je leur ai montré une épée, ils l’ont saisie par la lame et se sont coupés par ignorance. Ils feraient de bons serviteurs. Avec cinquante hommes nous pourrions les subjuguer et leur faire faire ce que bon nous semble. ». Ces quelques mots devaient marquer le début de ce qui allait être une véritable extermination des peuplades Arawaks des Antilles.
Constatant que leurs hôtes portent des bijoux en or, les Espagnols les forcent rapidement à leur révéler les emplacements de leurs filons. Une nouvelle expédition est alors organisée qui conduira Colomb et ses hommes de Cuba et à Haïti.
Mais les gisements découverts s’avèrent très décevants et, de retour en Espagne, l’Amiral est obligé de mentir afin de pouvoir financer un second voyage. L’entourloupe fonctionne et cette fois-ci il appareille pour le Nouveau Monde à la tête de 13 navires et 1200 hommes.
En 1495, les Espagnols sont de retour aux Antilles. Dès leur arrivée, Colomb fait capturer des milliers d’Indiens. Une partie d’entre eux est envoyée par bateau en Europe, pour y servir en tant qu’esclaves, et les autres sont condamnés aux travaux forcés dans les mines d’or de la région. Dès l’âge de 14 ans, ils doivent assurer un quota d’extraction sous peine de se voir couper les deux mains avant d’être abandonnés à une mort certaine.
Après avoir ainsi assassiné près de 10 000 esclaves, Christophe Colomb réalise que les îles qu’il exploite n’abritent peut-être pas autant d’or qu’il l’avait imaginé. Il ordonne alors que les Arawaks soient envoyés dans les différentes propriétés coloniales en développement pour y travailler toujours plus durement. Ceux qui se rebellent ont immédiatement le nez et les oreilles coupés ou sont tout simplement exécutés.
Mais le pire reste la façon dont l’Amiral traite les femmes et les enfants. Il distribue en effet régulièrement des esclaves sexuelles à ses lieutenants et tolère le viol de masse dans les colonies qu’il administre. Femme ou fillette, le navigateur ne fait aucune distinction : l’essentiel est de satisfaire la libido des hommes qui l’accompagne. Cerise sur le gâteau, les bébés amérindiens deviennent rapidement un moyen pratique et peu coûteux de nourrir les chiens de guerre des conquistadors.
Christophe Colomb finit par être arrêté et renvoyé en Espagne en raison de son incapacité à gérer correctement ses colonies. Mais les horreurs du Nouveau Monde se prolongeront bien après son retour définitif en Europe. Sur les 500 000 Arawaks peuplant les Antilles, il n’en reste plus que 15 000 en 1515, 600 en 1531 et plus aucun en 1650.
Kevin MacLeod - http://goo.gl/T7GGwK
wn.com/La Face Cachée De Christophe Colomb
Christophe Colomb compte parmi les grandes figures des XVème et XVIème siècles...
Tipeee (financement participatif): http://goo.gl/ankkFM
Youtube : http://goo.gl/wYUcEf
Facebook : http://goo.gl/M0J6R4
Twitter : http://goo.gl/H7HrgL
Site Officiel : http://goo.gl/UhCTHN
Collectif "La vidéothèque d'Alexandrie" : http://goo.gl/I2eh0w
Ben (Nota Bene) : http://goo.gl/3pf4uF
Christophe Colomb compte parmi les grandes figures des XVème et XVIème siècles. Navigateur hors pair et explorateur intrépide, il est le premier Européen de l’histoire moderne à découvrir le continent américain.
Pourtant, derrière le mythe du téméraire aventurier se cache une réalité bien plus controversée, celle d’un être sanguinaire, assoiffé de richesses et de pouvoir.
Mais commençons par le commencement et laissons Nota Bene nous compter le premier acte de la véritable histoire de celui que l’on nommait l’Amiral de la Mer Océane.
Et bien voilà. Tout débute en Août 1492 alors que Christophe Colomb quitte l’Espagne à la tête d’une petite expédition de trois navires. Il s’est fixé pour objectif de découvrir une nouvelle voie de navigation vers les Indes Orientales - un projet de longue date qui, s’il se concrétise, fera de lui l’un des hommes les plus riches et influents de son temps.
Après deux longs mois de navigation à travers l’océan atlantique, une île apparait enfin à l’horizon. Les explorateurs ne le savent bien évidemment pas encore mais ils viennent de découvrir les Bahamas. En y débarquant, ils sont accueillis par des Amérindiens Arawaks pacifistes dont l’hospitalité frappe immédiatement Christophe Colomb.
Ce dernier écrira d’ailleurs dans son journal : « Ils ne portent aucune arme et ne les connaissent pas. Quand je leur ai montré une épée, ils l’ont saisie par la lame et se sont coupés par ignorance. Ils feraient de bons serviteurs. Avec cinquante hommes nous pourrions les subjuguer et leur faire faire ce que bon nous semble. ». Ces quelques mots devaient marquer le début de ce qui allait être une véritable extermination des peuplades Arawaks des Antilles.
Constatant que leurs hôtes portent des bijoux en or, les Espagnols les forcent rapidement à leur révéler les emplacements de leurs filons. Une nouvelle expédition est alors organisée qui conduira Colomb et ses hommes de Cuba et à Haïti.
Mais les gisements découverts s’avèrent très décevants et, de retour en Espagne, l’Amiral est obligé de mentir afin de pouvoir financer un second voyage. L’entourloupe fonctionne et cette fois-ci il appareille pour le Nouveau Monde à la tête de 13 navires et 1200 hommes.
En 1495, les Espagnols sont de retour aux Antilles. Dès leur arrivée, Colomb fait capturer des milliers d’Indiens. Une partie d’entre eux est envoyée par bateau en Europe, pour y servir en tant qu’esclaves, et les autres sont condamnés aux travaux forcés dans les mines d’or de la région. Dès l’âge de 14 ans, ils doivent assurer un quota d’extraction sous peine de se voir couper les deux mains avant d’être abandonnés à une mort certaine.
Après avoir ainsi assassiné près de 10 000 esclaves, Christophe Colomb réalise que les îles qu’il exploite n’abritent peut-être pas autant d’or qu’il l’avait imaginé. Il ordonne alors que les Arawaks soient envoyés dans les différentes propriétés coloniales en développement pour y travailler toujours plus durement. Ceux qui se rebellent ont immédiatement le nez et les oreilles coupés ou sont tout simplement exécutés.
Mais le pire reste la façon dont l’Amiral traite les femmes et les enfants. Il distribue en effet régulièrement des esclaves sexuelles à ses lieutenants et tolère le viol de masse dans les colonies qu’il administre. Femme ou fillette, le navigateur ne fait aucune distinction : l’essentiel est de satisfaire la libido des hommes qui l’accompagne. Cerise sur le gâteau, les bébés amérindiens deviennent rapidement un moyen pratique et peu coûteux de nourrir les chiens de guerre des conquistadors.
Christophe Colomb finit par être arrêté et renvoyé en Espagne en raison de son incapacité à gérer correctement ses colonies. Mais les horreurs du Nouveau Monde se prolongeront bien après son retour définitif en Europe. Sur les 500 000 Arawaks peuplant les Antilles, il n’en reste plus que 15 000 en 1515, 600 en 1531 et plus aucun en 1650.
Kevin MacLeod - http://goo.gl/T7GGwK
- published: 14 Feb 2015
- views: 301
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Promessas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz Unidade 76 Video edição por Rafael Paz Cu......
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Promessas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz Unidade 76 Video edição por Rafael Paz Cu...
wn.com/Arawaks Reggae Raiz Promessas High Quality.Mov
Banda Arawaks Reggae Raiz Música Promessas Pirenópolis - GO 2011 Áudio editado, mixado e masterizado por Rafael Paz Unidade 76 Video edição por Rafael Paz Cu...
Western Special - Arawaks
Track # 1 incluido en su disco Hot Jamaican Mixture 2000 Francia Visita nuestra pagina y únete para descargar excelente musica!!!! https://www.facebook.com/P......
Track # 1 incluido en su disco Hot Jamaican Mixture 2000 Francia Visita nuestra pagina y únete para descargar excelente musica!!!! https://www.facebook.com/P...
wn.com/Western Special Arawaks
Track # 1 incluido en su disco Hot Jamaican Mixture 2000 Francia Visita nuestra pagina y únete para descargar excelente musica!!!! https://www.facebook.com/P...
For Love or Money: Christopher Columbus and the Arawaks
A history day project explaining the conflict and compromise of the interations between native Arawak Indians and Columbus. Conflict also occurred when the I......
A history day project explaining the conflict and compromise of the interations between native Arawak Indians and Columbus. Conflict also occurred when the I...
wn.com/For Love Or Money Christopher Columbus And The Arawaks
A history day project explaining the conflict and compromise of the interations between native Arawak Indians and Columbus. Conflict also occurred when the I...
1° video clip do arawaks....
1° video clip do arawaks.
1° video clip do arawaks.
- published: 23 Sep 2006
- views: 28886
author: arawakspiri
Arawaks - rockers
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati......
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
wn.com/Arawaks Rockers
Formada no ano 1999, na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO a Banda ARAWAKS vêm desenvolvendo as raízes do reggae com militância e originalidade, com apresentações cati...
Film créé en 2006, ici la Première partie, explications sur les Arawaks, à la fois sur Saint Martin (caraïbes), mais aussi leur parcours dans la mer des cara......
Film créé en 2006, ici la Première partie, explications sur les Arawaks, à la fois sur Saint Martin (caraïbes), mais aussi leur parcours dans la mer des cara...
wn.com/Sur La Piste Des Arawaks...
Film créé en 2006, ici la Première partie, explications sur les Arawaks, à la fois sur Saint Martin (caraïbes), mais aussi leur parcours dans la mer des cara...
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
KGN20 Mixtape fwding November 30th...
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
KGN20 Mixtape fwding November 30th
wn.com/Arawaks Omg Kgn20 Mixtape
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
Arawaks - OMG [KGN20 Mixtape]
KGN20 Mixtape fwding November 30th
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 68
Columbus and the Arawaks Jamaica part 1.flv
The deception of Christopher Columbus with His expedition to Jamaica. The Arawak Indians knew the creator Gods before Christianity....
The deception of Christopher Columbus with His expedition to Jamaica. The Arawak Indians knew the creator Gods before Christianity.
wn.com/Columbus And The Arawaks Jamaica Part 1.Flv
The deception of Christopher Columbus with His expedition to Jamaica. The Arawak Indians knew the creator Gods before Christianity.
- published: 23 Jun 2011
- views: 6115
author: 77invite
The Arawaks/Tainos
Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/ . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free to......
Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/ . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free to...
wn.com/The Arawaks Tainos
Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/ . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free to...
- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 185
author: amiski024
Silencing of the Tongues: Arawak/Lokono (Final Edit)
The video pursues the last remaining speakers of the Lokono language, otherwise known as Arawak, in Guyana. I does so on the Essequibo Coast in the area of M......
The video pursues the last remaining speakers of the Lokono language, otherwise known as Arawak, in Guyana. I does so on the Essequibo Coast in the area of M...
wn.com/Silencing Of The Tongues Arawak Lokono (Final Edit)
The video pursues the last remaining speakers of the Lokono language, otherwise known as Arawak, in Guyana. I does so on the Essequibo Coast in the area of M...
241. Arawaks - Dearest - Soca/calypso Classic
First generation Soca classic. Dedicated to all who know good tune!!...
First generation Soca classic. Dedicated to all who know good tune!!
wn.com/241. Arawaks Dearest Soca Calypso Classic
First generation Soca classic. Dedicated to all who know good tune!!
Abinaya - Arawaks
Song of the French band Abinaya, from their 2014 album "Beauté Païenne" Lyrics are in French : "Pierre après Pierre Ils ont cerné vos terres Ont caché la lum......
Song of the French band Abinaya, from their 2014 album "Beauté Païenne" Lyrics are in French : "Pierre après Pierre Ils ont cerné vos terres Ont caché la lum...
wn.com/Abinaya Arawaks
Song of the French band Abinaya, from their 2014 album "Beauté Païenne" Lyrics are in French : "Pierre après Pierre Ils ont cerné vos terres Ont caché la lum...
----Arawak Official Music video----
("A wha we ah wait for" - A.Puglia)
Editing video: Mario Di MAso
Audio Mix&Edit;: Paolo Baldin...
----Arawak Official Music video----
("A wha we ah wait for" - A.Puglia)
Editing video: Mario Di MAso
Audio Mix&Edit;: Paolo Baldini
Mastering: Squillario Simone (DudTheDemonStudio)
Camera Operator: Laura Francesconi
Parkour Crew: PFRS (Graziano Simula, Matteo Marongiu, Andrea Simula)
Many thanks to: OUTLAW STORE and OUTLAW FAMILY, Officine Musicali Sassari, Zanna's studio...
wn.com/Arawak A Wha We Ah Wait For (Official Video)
----Arawak Official Music video----
("A wha we ah wait for" - A.Puglia)
Editing video: Mario Di MAso
Audio Mix&Edit;: Paolo Baldini
Mastering: Squillario Simone (DudTheDemonStudio)
Camera Operator: Laura Francesconi
Parkour Crew: PFRS (Graziano Simula, Matteo Marongiu, Andrea Simula)
Many thanks to: OUTLAW STORE and OUTLAW FAMILY, Officine Musicali Sassari, Zanna's studio...
- published: 17 May 2014
- views: 4242
Arawak - Accadde A.......
Arawak - Accadde A....... (1970)
1. Accadde A Harlem 00:00 - 02:34
2. Accadde A Cuzco 02:35 - 05:47
3. Accadde A Bali 05:48 - 08:15
4. Accadde A Bahia 08:16 - ...
Arawak - Accadde A....... (1970)
1. Accadde A Harlem 00:00 - 02:34
2. Accadde A Cuzco 02:35 - 05:47
3. Accadde A Bali 05:48 - 08:15
4. Accadde A Bahia 08:16 - 11:38
5. Accadde A Belfast 11:39 - 13:50
6. Accadde A Tutti Noi 13:51 - 16:05
7. Accadde A Las Vegas 16:06 - 18:37
8. Accadde In Biafra 18:38 - 21:03
9. Accadde A Yellow Park 21:04 - 23:38
10. Accadde A Lima 23:39 - 25:51
11. Accadde Ad Atene 25:52 - 28:14
12. Accadde A Boston 28:15 - 31:40
wn.com/Arawak Accadde A.......
Arawak - Accadde A....... (1970)
1. Accadde A Harlem 00:00 - 02:34
2. Accadde A Cuzco 02:35 - 05:47
3. Accadde A Bali 05:48 - 08:15
4. Accadde A Bahia 08:16 - 11:38
5. Accadde A Belfast 11:39 - 13:50
6. Accadde A Tutti Noi 13:51 - 16:05
7. Accadde A Las Vegas 16:06 - 18:37
8. Accadde In Biafra 18:38 - 21:03
9. Accadde A Yellow Park 21:04 - 23:38
10. Accadde A Lima 23:39 - 25:51
11. Accadde Ad Atene 25:52 - 28:14
12. Accadde A Boston 28:15 - 31:40
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 6
Arawak indian chief Daniel Gomez
In this video interview, recorded on December 17, 2008, Arawak indian chief Daniel Gomez says thet Crystallex investors should come talk with the people in t...
A I Arawak Indian (((NEW))) Gyal ah Wine INTERVIEW HD Angles4u ((5min of fun))
A I Arawak Indian represent the party animals in GT ...Mashramni na done..in the 2012 Download @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sklc59XpXLw&feature;=related I...
A FOCUS ON THE TAINO PEOPLE - Radio -Interview with Roberto Mukaro Borrero UCTP
A FOCUS ON THE TAINO PEOPLE - Radio -Interview with Roberto Mukaro Borrero UCTP
Jay Winter Nightwolf Host/Originator - Most Dangerous Show on Radio
Friday, May 4, 2012 - from 7 -- 8 PM WPFW 89.3 FM (Pacifica Radio) www.WPFW.org
Taino artist, musician, cultural consultant - http://mukaro.net/
"An historian, artist, musician, writer, and storyteller, Roberto Múkaro Borrero is one of only a handfu
Just sharing the happy day (28 January 2011) as it is my last daughter's 4th birthday, and the numbers 4 & 9 are sacred to the traditionalists of our people....
NightWolf Taino Interview .mov
Jay Winter Nightwolf (Jay Gola Wahya Sunoyi) Cherokee, Taino and Shoshone, is host of "The American Indian's Truths - Nightwolf - the Most Dangerous Show On ...
Mellow Mood feat. Forelock & Hempress Sativa - Inna Jamaica pt. 2
Inna Jamaica pt. 2 feat. Forelock & Hempress Sativa
(A. Puglia, J. Garzia, L. Garzia, K. Johnson)
Album: "2 The World"
Label: La Tempesta International
Filmed by Mimina Di Muro
Additional footage by Alfredo Puglia and Giulio Frausin
Edited by Mario Di Maso
Welcome a Jamaica
yeh we deh deh inna Jamaica
more time mi waan fi spend inna Jamaica
mi nuh waan fi go away
a so me tell you
Entrevista Con Boxeador Garifuna Americano EDDIE GOMEZ Con TV Hondureno-MARTES 27 de Noviembre 2012
Text by Teofilo Colon Jr. www.beinggarifuna.com Follow me on Twitter. twitter.com/Beinggarifuna @beinggarifuna Entrevista de Garifuna Americana Boxeador EDDI...
ACTU MADSTYLE TV : People, Découvrez ICI, l'interview de la talentueuse chanteuse Swé, d'origine Guadeloupéenne, artiste qui a un vrai talent et un style mus...
Dancing With Taino Indians in Cuba
JUSTICE SOUND. Jamaican Gospel Mix # 1. Jamaican Church Songs & Hymns Mix # 1.
Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, comprising the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles. The island, 10,990 square kilometres (4,240 sq mi) in area, lies about 145 kilometres (90 mi) south of Cuba, and 191 kilometres (119 mi) west of Hispaniola, the island containing the nation-states of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Jama
PENNY SLINGER "Visions of the Arawak's art at the Garifuna Int'l Film Festival
Penny Sllinger interview opening night at Blum & Poe in Los Angeles CA.ART ON DISPLAY AT GALLERY thru May 24th.2014 & GARIFUNA INT'L FILM FESTIVAL May 24 ,25...
Christopher Columbus: What Really Happened
Subscribe for more videos: http://goo.gl/Z8E50
An educational animation which recounts the four voyages of Columbus. Hope you enjoy!
Bibliography at bottom of description
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This video is meant to give a non-bias account of the events which unfolded when Columbus and his crew made contact with the people of the Caribbean. Of course, I was not able to fit everything into the video;
Arawak Indian ((New)) BLAZE IT ........... 2013 HDangles4u
Arawak Indian Blaze it [2013] Arrow Productions Smoke It or Blaze It.. all good.
Original Inhabitants
1492 was the year that the Taino-Arawak people found Columbus lost and confused. Columbus of course did not think he was lost. He thought he had landed in I...
After seven years promoting Soca music in Europe Mika Raguaa aka DJ Mika reaching the caribbean ! Her first performance at the Radio Station 104.7 MORE FM (Port of Spain, Trinidad) ...
Enjoy ... get more at: www.mixcloud.com/mikaraguaa
& www.sunnyfridaysound.com
BOOKING in Trini (available till March 2nd) over: 726-6695 (Trinidad)
Arawak Indian (((NEW))) Gyal ah Wine (( HD 1080P ))
Music: Arrow Production Studio... Video: HDAngles4U... Lyrics-Artist: Arawak Indian. One more wild & wicked track from Arawak Indian ..The Video Mix 2012.. G...
Interview with Damon Gerard Corrie, Project Access Participant.mov
Interviewed, filmed, and produced by John Halpern Project Access supports indigenous peoples participation in international meetings and conferences at which...
Welcome To The Haitian Society
Major Events Ordered by Date: 1492 Christopher Columbus lands and claims the island of Hispaniola for Spain. The Spanish build the New World's first settleme...
ABINAYA - ARAWAKS - Beauté Païenne Album 2014
Official Music vidéo from Beauté Païenne Album
La Palabra Taina
The Taínos are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and the northern Lesser Antilles. It is thought that the seafaring Taínos are ...
Garifuna Cuisine, Dangriga, Belize - Hudut Soup & Fish Fillet, Tomato/Rum Sauce, Cassava Fries
cuisines of the world http://www.overlander.tv Recently in Dangriga, Belize I met up with Madeline at the Riverside Cafe. I joined her in the kitchen where s...
Arawak indian chief Daniel Gomez
In this video interview, recorded on December 17, 2008, Arawak indian chief Daniel Gomez says thet Crystallex investors should come talk with the people in t......
In this video interview, recorded on December 17, 2008, Arawak indian chief Daniel Gomez says thet Crystallex investors should come talk with the people in t...
wn.com/Arawak Indian Chief Daniel Gomez
In this video interview, recorded on December 17, 2008, Arawak indian chief Daniel Gomez says thet Crystallex investors should come talk with the people in t...
- published: 07 Jan 2009
- views: 8346
author: vheadline
A I Arawak Indian (((NEW))) Gyal ah Wine INTERVIEW HD Angles4u ((5min of fun))
A I Arawak Indian represent the party animals in GT ...Mashramni na done..in the 2012 Download @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sklc59XpXLw&feature;=related I......
A I Arawak Indian represent the party animals in GT ...Mashramni na done..in the 2012 Download @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sklc59XpXLw&feature;=related I...
wn.com/A I Arawak Indian (((New))) Gyal Ah Wine Interview Hd Angles4U ((5Min Of Fun))
A I Arawak Indian represent the party animals in GT ...Mashramni na done..in the 2012 Download @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sklc59XpXLw&feature;=related I...
- published: 02 Mar 2012
- views: 771
author: HDangles4u
A FOCUS ON THE TAINO PEOPLE - Radio -Interview with Roberto Mukaro Borrero UCTP
A FOCUS ON THE TAINO PEOPLE - Radio -Interview with Roberto Mukaro Borrero UCTP
Jay Winter Nightwolf Host/Originator - Most Dangerous Show on Radio
Friday, Ma...
A FOCUS ON THE TAINO PEOPLE - Radio -Interview with Roberto Mukaro Borrero UCTP
Jay Winter Nightwolf Host/Originator - Most Dangerous Show on Radio
Friday, May 4, 2012 - from 7 -- 8 PM WPFW 89.3 FM (Pacifica Radio) www.WPFW.org
Taino artist, musician, cultural consultant - http://mukaro.net/
"An historian, artist, musician, writer, and storyteller, Roberto Múkaro Borrero is one of only a handful of actual Taíno descendants in the world who are considered leading authorities on ancient Taíno Indian culture." -Thirteen/WNET
wn.com/A Focus On The Taino People Radio Interview With Roberto Mukaro Borrero Uctp
A FOCUS ON THE TAINO PEOPLE - Radio -Interview with Roberto Mukaro Borrero UCTP
Jay Winter Nightwolf Host/Originator - Most Dangerous Show on Radio
Friday, May 4, 2012 - from 7 -- 8 PM WPFW 89.3 FM (Pacifica Radio) www.WPFW.org
Taino artist, musician, cultural consultant - http://mukaro.net/
"An historian, artist, musician, writer, and storyteller, Roberto Múkaro Borrero is one of only a handful of actual Taíno descendants in the world who are considered leading authorities on ancient Taíno Indian culture." -Thirteen/WNET
- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 1555
Just sharing the happy day (28 January 2011) as it is my last daughter's 4th birthday, and the numbers 4 & 9 are sacred to the traditionalists of our people.......
Just sharing the happy day (28 January 2011) as it is my last daughter's 4th birthday, and the numbers 4 & 9 are sacred to the traditionalists of our people....
wn.com/Lokono Arawak Girl 4Th Birthday
Just sharing the happy day (28 January 2011) as it is my last daughter's 4th birthday, and the numbers 4 & 9 are sacred to the traditionalists of our people....
NightWolf Taino Interview .mov
Jay Winter Nightwolf (Jay Gola Wahya Sunoyi) Cherokee, Taino and Shoshone, is host of "The American Indian's Truths - Nightwolf - the Most Dangerous Show On ......
Jay Winter Nightwolf (Jay Gola Wahya Sunoyi) Cherokee, Taino and Shoshone, is host of "The American Indian's Truths - Nightwolf - the Most Dangerous Show On ...
wn.com/Nightwolf Taino Interview .Mov
Jay Winter Nightwolf (Jay Gola Wahya Sunoyi) Cherokee, Taino and Shoshone, is host of "The American Indian's Truths - Nightwolf - the Most Dangerous Show On ...
Mellow Mood feat. Forelock & Hempress Sativa - Inna Jamaica pt. 2
Inna Jamaica pt. 2 feat. Forelock & Hempress Sativa
(A. Puglia, J. Garzia, L. Garzia, K. Johnson)
Album: "2 The World"
Label: La Tempesta International
Inna Jamaica pt. 2 feat. Forelock & Hempress Sativa
(A. Puglia, J. Garzia, L. Garzia, K. Johnson)
Album: "2 The World"
Label: La Tempesta International
Filmed by Mimina Di Muro
Additional footage by Alfredo Puglia and Giulio Frausin
Edited by Mario Di Maso
Welcome a Jamaica
yeh we deh deh inna Jamaica
more time mi waan fi spend inna Jamaica
mi nuh waan fi go away
a so me tell you seh dis a di place mi waan fi deh
Jamaica a di place weh yuh affi deh yes
dem talk straight patwa need fi know wah dem a say yes
people a bawl down pon dem knees dem still a pray yes
hope di Almighty will listen to dem prayers yes
well it nuh matta if yuh deh a Spanish Town or Kingston town
tun off di phone caw yuh nuh go hear di ring tone
music loud caw dis a music kingdom
music come out but dem nuh see no income
Alkebulan I descendants from but Jamaica mi born and grow
yellow fi the sun green fi land black for the strength that the people have shown
over the years they’ve sold exploited resources so we don’t own
so how can this be my home
Africa mi saying but still I will welcome you to Jamrock dung in Kingston town
big sound string up and roots sell by the quarters
dread natty so dread eyes red from chalwah weh mi unda
man a rub a dub a hold a dawta
Mellow Mood’s in paradise living the life on the island of wood and water
The Gideon seh a bare ragamuffin inna wi clic
weh we boss it nuh go stick
disya di island weh di music affi hit it affi hit
from di zinc fence door up to di real concrete
Mellow Mood Hempress Sativa Forelock depon di line
reaching all di humans weh di light still shine
yuh see how we ready fi bright
caw we following the Most High guide
Long time me waan come visit
dis land mi always hear about it
yah so da fyah nuh stop burning
whole heap a youths hear Rasta calling
real vibe inna my blood a flowing
Sativa she a drive dis journey
mi a seh full up enough your soul
and when yuh full open up your eyes
disya Jamaica
wn.com/Mellow Mood Feat. Forelock Hempress Sativa Inna Jamaica Pt. 2
Inna Jamaica pt. 2 feat. Forelock & Hempress Sativa
(A. Puglia, J. Garzia, L. Garzia, K. Johnson)
Album: "2 The World"
Label: La Tempesta International
Filmed by Mimina Di Muro
Additional footage by Alfredo Puglia and Giulio Frausin
Edited by Mario Di Maso
Welcome a Jamaica
yeh we deh deh inna Jamaica
more time mi waan fi spend inna Jamaica
mi nuh waan fi go away
a so me tell you seh dis a di place mi waan fi deh
Jamaica a di place weh yuh affi deh yes
dem talk straight patwa need fi know wah dem a say yes
people a bawl down pon dem knees dem still a pray yes
hope di Almighty will listen to dem prayers yes
well it nuh matta if yuh deh a Spanish Town or Kingston town
tun off di phone caw yuh nuh go hear di ring tone
music loud caw dis a music kingdom
music come out but dem nuh see no income
Alkebulan I descendants from but Jamaica mi born and grow
yellow fi the sun green fi land black for the strength that the people have shown
over the years they’ve sold exploited resources so we don’t own
so how can this be my home
Africa mi saying but still I will welcome you to Jamrock dung in Kingston town
big sound string up and roots sell by the quarters
dread natty so dread eyes red from chalwah weh mi unda
man a rub a dub a hold a dawta
Mellow Mood’s in paradise living the life on the island of wood and water
The Gideon seh a bare ragamuffin inna wi clic
weh we boss it nuh go stick
disya di island weh di music affi hit it affi hit
from di zinc fence door up to di real concrete
Mellow Mood Hempress Sativa Forelock depon di line
reaching all di humans weh di light still shine
yuh see how we ready fi bright
caw we following the Most High guide
Long time me waan come visit
dis land mi always hear about it
yah so da fyah nuh stop burning
whole heap a youths hear Rasta calling
real vibe inna my blood a flowing
Sativa she a drive dis journey
mi a seh full up enough your soul
and when yuh full open up your eyes
disya Jamaica
- published: 02 Apr 2015
- views: 2170
Entrevista Con Boxeador Garifuna Americano EDDIE GOMEZ Con TV Hondureno-MARTES 27 de Noviembre 2012
Text by Teofilo Colon Jr. www.beinggarifuna.com Follow me on Twitter. twitter.com/Beinggarifuna @beinggarifuna Entrevista de Garifuna Americana Boxeador EDDI......
Text by Teofilo Colon Jr. www.beinggarifuna.com Follow me on Twitter. twitter.com/Beinggarifuna @beinggarifuna Entrevista de Garifuna Americana Boxeador EDDI...
wn.com/Entrevista Con Boxeador Garifuna Americano Eddie Gomez Con Tv Hondureno Martes 27 De Noviembre 2012
Text by Teofilo Colon Jr. www.beinggarifuna.com Follow me on Twitter. twitter.com/Beinggarifuna @beinggarifuna Entrevista de Garifuna Americana Boxeador EDDI...
ACTU MADSTYLE TV : People, Découvrez ICI, l'interview de la talentueuse chanteuse Swé, d'origine Guadeloupéenne, artiste qui a un vrai talent et un style mus......
ACTU MADSTYLE TV : People, Découvrez ICI, l'interview de la talentueuse chanteuse Swé, d'origine Guadeloupéenne, artiste qui a un vrai talent et un style mus...
wn.com/Swé Interview By Madstyle Tv (Madstylerecords 2012)
ACTU MADSTYLE TV : People, Découvrez ICI, l'interview de la talentueuse chanteuse Swé, d'origine Guadeloupéenne, artiste qui a un vrai talent et un style mus...
- published: 29 Sep 2012
- views: 7469
author: KOTOMAD1
JUSTICE SOUND. Jamaican Gospel Mix # 1. Jamaican Church Songs & Hymns Mix # 1.
Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, comprising the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles...
Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, comprising the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles. The island, 10,990 square kilometres (4,240 sq mi) in area, lies about 145 kilometres (90 mi) south of Cuba, and 191 kilometres (119 mi) west of Hispaniola, the island containing the nation-states of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Jamaica is the fifth-largest island country in the Caribbean.[5]
Once a Spanish possession known as Santiago, in 1655 it came under the rule of England (later Great Britain), and was called Jamaica. It achieved full independence from the United Kingdom on 6 August 1962.[6] With 2.8 million people, it is the third most populous Anglophone country in the Americas, after the United States and Canada. Kingston is the country's largest city and its capital, with a population of 937,700.[7][8] Jamaica has a large diaspora around the world, due to emigration from the country.[9]
Jamaica is a Commonwealth realm, with Queen Elizabeth II as its monarch and head of state. Her appointed representative in the country is the Governor-General of Jamaica, currently Patrick Allen. The head of government and Prime Minister of Jamaica is Portia Simpson-Miller. Jamaica is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy with legislative power vested in the bicameral Parliament of Jamaica, consisting of an appointed Senate and a directly elected House of RepresentativesThe Arawak and Taino indigenous people, originating in South America, settled on the island between 4000 and 1000 BC.[17] When Christopher Columbus arrived in 1494, there were more than 200 villages ruled by caciques (chiefs of villages). The south coast of Jamaica was the most populated, especially around the area now known as Old Harbour.[17] The Taino still inhabited Jamaica when the English took control of the island in 1655.[17] The Jamaican National Heritage Trust is attempting to locate and document any evidence of the Taino/Arawaks.[18]
Spanish rule
Christopher Columbus claimed Jamaica for Spain after landing there in 1494. His probable landing point was Dry Harbour, now called Discovery Bay.,[19] although there is some debate that it might have been St. Ann's Bay[citation needed]. St. Ann's Bay was named "Saint Gloria" by Columbus, as the first sighting of the land. One mile west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy.[20] The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called St. Jago de la Vega, around 1534 (at present-day St. Catherine).[21]
British rule
Spanish Town has the oldest cathedral of the British colonies in the Caribbean.[21] The Spanish were forcibly evicted by the English at Ocho Rios in St. Ann. In 1655 the English, led by Sir William Penn and General Robert Venables, took over the last Spanish fort in Jamaica.[22] The name of Montego Bay, the capital of the parish of St. James, was derived from the Spanish name manteca bahía (or Bay of Lard), alluding to the lard-making industry based on processing the numerous boars in the area.[23]
Henry Morgan was a famous Caribbean pirate and privateer; he had first come to the West Indies as an indentured servant, like most of the early English colonists.[24]
In 1660, the population of Jamaica was about 4,500 white and 1,500 black,[25] but by as early as the 1670s, black people formed a majority of the population.[26]
In 1394, France prohibited Jews as residents of their country. By 1660, Jamaica had become a refuge for Jews in the New World, also attracting those who had been expelled from Spain and Portugal. A settlement of Jews had arrived in 1510, soon after the son of Christopher Columbus settled on the island. Primarily merchants and traders, the Jewish community was forced to live a clandestine life, calling themselves "Portugals". After the British took over rule of Jamaica, the Jews decided the best defense against Spain's regaining control was to encourage making the colony a base for Caribbean pirates. With the pirates installed in Port Royal, the Spanish would be deterred from attacking. The British leaders agreed with the viability of this strategy to forestall outside aggression.[27]
When the English captured Jamaica in 1655, the Spanish colonists fled after freeing their slaves.[22] The slaves dispersed into the mountains, joining the maroons, those who had previously escaped from the Spanish to live with the Taínos.[28] The Jamaican Maroons fought the British during the 18th century.[28] The name is still used today for their modern descendants. During the centuries of slavery, Maroons established free communities in the mountainous interior of Jamaica, where they maintained their freedom and independence for generations.
wn.com/Justice Sound. Jamaican Gospel Mix 1. Jamaican Church Songs Hymns Mix 1.
Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, comprising the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles. The island, 10,990 square kilometres (4,240 sq mi) in area, lies about 145 kilometres (90 mi) south of Cuba, and 191 kilometres (119 mi) west of Hispaniola, the island containing the nation-states of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Jamaica is the fifth-largest island country in the Caribbean.[5]
Once a Spanish possession known as Santiago, in 1655 it came under the rule of England (later Great Britain), and was called Jamaica. It achieved full independence from the United Kingdom on 6 August 1962.[6] With 2.8 million people, it is the third most populous Anglophone country in the Americas, after the United States and Canada. Kingston is the country's largest city and its capital, with a population of 937,700.[7][8] Jamaica has a large diaspora around the world, due to emigration from the country.[9]
Jamaica is a Commonwealth realm, with Queen Elizabeth II as its monarch and head of state. Her appointed representative in the country is the Governor-General of Jamaica, currently Patrick Allen. The head of government and Prime Minister of Jamaica is Portia Simpson-Miller. Jamaica is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy with legislative power vested in the bicameral Parliament of Jamaica, consisting of an appointed Senate and a directly elected House of RepresentativesThe Arawak and Taino indigenous people, originating in South America, settled on the island between 4000 and 1000 BC.[17] When Christopher Columbus arrived in 1494, there were more than 200 villages ruled by caciques (chiefs of villages). The south coast of Jamaica was the most populated, especially around the area now known as Old Harbour.[17] The Taino still inhabited Jamaica when the English took control of the island in 1655.[17] The Jamaican National Heritage Trust is attempting to locate and document any evidence of the Taino/Arawaks.[18]
Spanish rule
Christopher Columbus claimed Jamaica for Spain after landing there in 1494. His probable landing point was Dry Harbour, now called Discovery Bay.,[19] although there is some debate that it might have been St. Ann's Bay[citation needed]. St. Ann's Bay was named "Saint Gloria" by Columbus, as the first sighting of the land. One mile west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy.[20] The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called St. Jago de la Vega, around 1534 (at present-day St. Catherine).[21]
British rule
Spanish Town has the oldest cathedral of the British colonies in the Caribbean.[21] The Spanish were forcibly evicted by the English at Ocho Rios in St. Ann. In 1655 the English, led by Sir William Penn and General Robert Venables, took over the last Spanish fort in Jamaica.[22] The name of Montego Bay, the capital of the parish of St. James, was derived from the Spanish name manteca bahía (or Bay of Lard), alluding to the lard-making industry based on processing the numerous boars in the area.[23]
Henry Morgan was a famous Caribbean pirate and privateer; he had first come to the West Indies as an indentured servant, like most of the early English colonists.[24]
In 1660, the population of Jamaica was about 4,500 white and 1,500 black,[25] but by as early as the 1670s, black people formed a majority of the population.[26]
In 1394, France prohibited Jews as residents of their country. By 1660, Jamaica had become a refuge for Jews in the New World, also attracting those who had been expelled from Spain and Portugal. A settlement of Jews had arrived in 1510, soon after the son of Christopher Columbus settled on the island. Primarily merchants and traders, the Jewish community was forced to live a clandestine life, calling themselves "Portugals". After the British took over rule of Jamaica, the Jews decided the best defense against Spain's regaining control was to encourage making the colony a base for Caribbean pirates. With the pirates installed in Port Royal, the Spanish would be deterred from attacking. The British leaders agreed with the viability of this strategy to forestall outside aggression.[27]
When the English captured Jamaica in 1655, the Spanish colonists fled after freeing their slaves.[22] The slaves dispersed into the mountains, joining the maroons, those who had previously escaped from the Spanish to live with the Taínos.[28] The Jamaican Maroons fought the British during the 18th century.[28] The name is still used today for their modern descendants. During the centuries of slavery, Maroons established free communities in the mountainous interior of Jamaica, where they maintained their freedom and independence for generations.
- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 1857250
PENNY SLINGER "Visions of the Arawak's art at the Garifuna Int'l Film Festival
Penny Sllinger interview opening night at Blum & Poe in Los Angeles CA.ART ON DISPLAY AT GALLERY thru May 24th.2014 & GARIFUNA INT'L FILM FESTIVAL May 24 ,25......
Penny Sllinger interview opening night at Blum & Poe in Los Angeles CA.ART ON DISPLAY AT GALLERY thru May 24th.2014 & GARIFUNA INT'L FILM FESTIVAL May 24 ,25...
wn.com/Penny Slinger Visions Of The Arawak's Art At The Garifuna Int'l Film Festival
Penny Sllinger interview opening night at Blum & Poe in Los Angeles CA.ART ON DISPLAY AT GALLERY thru May 24th.2014 & GARIFUNA INT'L FILM FESTIVAL May 24 ,25...
Christopher Columbus: What Really Happened
Subscribe for more videos: http://goo.gl/Z8E50
An educational animation which recounts the four voyages of Columbus. Hope you enjoy!
Bibliography at bottom of...
Subscribe for more videos: http://goo.gl/Z8E50
An educational animation which recounts the four voyages of Columbus. Hope you enjoy!
Bibliography at bottom of description
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This video is meant to give a non-bias account of the events which unfolded when Columbus and his crew made contact with the people of the Caribbean. Of course, I was not able to fit everything into the video; I had to omit details, such as the fact that the Taino were not the only people that Columbus encountered (there were also the Ciguayo tribe and Carib cannibals). A second particular is that not all fault should lie directly on Columbus' shoulders. His crew of 1,200 for the second journey consisted partly of convicts and landless nobles, the worst type of people with which to build a settlement. Another fact is that Columbus grew up in societies (Genoa, then Portugal) that kept domestic slaves.
I have no political agenda for making this video. I am a student of history and I have tried to give an account of Columbus' journeys that is as close as we can possibly get to the truth.
I will I admit that I am not a fan of Columbus. I think he was cruel, even for his time. We cannot judge a 15th-century human from a 21st-century perspective; but even for the 15th century, he was an awful arbiter.
Bergreen, Laurence. Columbus: The Four Voyages. Viking Penguin, 2011.
Carman, Harry J., and Harold C. Syrett. A History of the American People. Vol. 1. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952.
Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. 1492; The Year the World Began. Harper Collins e-books, 2009.
Hale, Edward E. The Life of Christopher Columbus from His Own Letters and Journals. Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor, 2008.
Haywood, John. Historical Atlas of the Medieval World. New York: Metro Books, 2000.
Jotischky, Andrew, and Caroline Hull. Historical Atlas of the Medieval World. London: The Penguin Group, 2005.
Loewen, James, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. New York: Touchstone, 1995.
Lybyer, A. H., "The Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade," The English Historical Review, Vol. 30, No. 120. (Oct., 1915), pp. 577-588.
Mann, Charles. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus. Boston: Little Brown and Co. 1942.
Phillips, William & Phillips, Carla, The Worlds of Christopher Columbus. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Pickering, Keith. The Columbus Navigation Homepage. http://www.columbusnavigation.com/cctl.shtml
Pohl, John. The Conquistador: 1492-1550. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001
Sale, Kirkpatrick. Christopher Columbus and the Conquest of Paradise. London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2006.
Scafetta, Joesph Jr. Columbus and the Indians: Friend of Foe? http://www.osia.org/documents/Columbus_FriendorFoe.pdf
The Most Important Maps Since the Dawn of Printing, Part I: Tradition and Innovation. Arader Galleries.
Udovitch, A. L. '"Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages'", The American Historical Review, Vol. 91, No. 1 (Feb., 1986), 92.
Varela, C. Cristobal Colon: Textos y Documentos Completos. Madrid: Alianza, 1984.
Vignaud, Henry. "Columbus: A Spaniard and a Jew", The American Historical Review, Vol. 18, No. 3 (April, 1913), pp. 505-512.
Wilford, John Noble. The Mysterious History of Christopher Columbus: An Exploration of the Man, the Myth, the Legacy. (1991)
Young, Filson. Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery. Vol. 6. London: E. Grant Richards, 1906.
wn.com/Christopher Columbus What Really Happened
Subscribe for more videos: http://goo.gl/Z8E50
An educational animation which recounts the four voyages of Columbus. Hope you enjoy!
Bibliography at bottom of description
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This video is meant to give a non-bias account of the events which unfolded when Columbus and his crew made contact with the people of the Caribbean. Of course, I was not able to fit everything into the video; I had to omit details, such as the fact that the Taino were not the only people that Columbus encountered (there were also the Ciguayo tribe and Carib cannibals). A second particular is that not all fault should lie directly on Columbus' shoulders. His crew of 1,200 for the second journey consisted partly of convicts and landless nobles, the worst type of people with which to build a settlement. Another fact is that Columbus grew up in societies (Genoa, then Portugal) that kept domestic slaves.
I have no political agenda for making this video. I am a student of history and I have tried to give an account of Columbus' journeys that is as close as we can possibly get to the truth.
I will I admit that I am not a fan of Columbus. I think he was cruel, even for his time. We cannot judge a 15th-century human from a 21st-century perspective; but even for the 15th century, he was an awful arbiter.
Bergreen, Laurence. Columbus: The Four Voyages. Viking Penguin, 2011.
Carman, Harry J., and Harold C. Syrett. A History of the American People. Vol. 1. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952.
Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. 1492; The Year the World Began. Harper Collins e-books, 2009.
Hale, Edward E. The Life of Christopher Columbus from His Own Letters and Journals. Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor, 2008.
Haywood, John. Historical Atlas of the Medieval World. New York: Metro Books, 2000.
Jotischky, Andrew, and Caroline Hull. Historical Atlas of the Medieval World. London: The Penguin Group, 2005.
Loewen, James, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. New York: Touchstone, 1995.
Lybyer, A. H., "The Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade," The English Historical Review, Vol. 30, No. 120. (Oct., 1915), pp. 577-588.
Mann, Charles. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus. Boston: Little Brown and Co. 1942.
Phillips, William & Phillips, Carla, The Worlds of Christopher Columbus. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Pickering, Keith. The Columbus Navigation Homepage. http://www.columbusnavigation.com/cctl.shtml
Pohl, John. The Conquistador: 1492-1550. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001
Sale, Kirkpatrick. Christopher Columbus and the Conquest of Paradise. London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2006.
Scafetta, Joesph Jr. Columbus and the Indians: Friend of Foe? http://www.osia.org/documents/Columbus_FriendorFoe.pdf
The Most Important Maps Since the Dawn of Printing, Part I: Tradition and Innovation. Arader Galleries.
Udovitch, A. L. '"Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages'", The American Historical Review, Vol. 91, No. 1 (Feb., 1986), 92.
Varela, C. Cristobal Colon: Textos y Documentos Completos. Madrid: Alianza, 1984.
Vignaud, Henry. "Columbus: A Spaniard and a Jew", The American Historical Review, Vol. 18, No. 3 (April, 1913), pp. 505-512.
Wilford, John Noble. The Mysterious History of Christopher Columbus: An Exploration of the Man, the Myth, the Legacy. (1991)
Young, Filson. Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery. Vol. 6. London: E. Grant Richards, 1906.
- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 375017
Arawak Indian ((New)) BLAZE IT ........... 2013 HDangles4u
Arawak Indian Blaze it [2013] Arrow Productions Smoke It or Blaze It.. all good....
Arawak Indian Blaze it [2013] Arrow Productions Smoke It or Blaze It.. all good.
wn.com/Arawak Indian ((New)) Blaze It ........... 2013 Hdangles4U
Arawak Indian Blaze it [2013] Arrow Productions Smoke It or Blaze It.. all good.
- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 34668
author: HDangles4u
Original Inhabitants
1492 was the year that the Taino-Arawak people found Columbus lost and confused. Columbus of course did not think he was lost. He thought he had landed in I......
1492 was the year that the Taino-Arawak people found Columbus lost and confused. Columbus of course did not think he was lost. He thought he had landed in I...
wn.com/Original Inhabitants
1492 was the year that the Taino-Arawak people found Columbus lost and confused. Columbus of course did not think he was lost. He thought he had landed in I...
After seven years promoting Soca music in Europe Mika Raguaa aka DJ Mika reaching the caribbean ! Her first p...
After seven years promoting Soca music in Europe Mika Raguaa aka DJ Mika reaching the caribbean ! Her first performance at the Radio Station 104.7 MORE FM (Port of Spain, Trinidad) ...
Enjoy ... get more at: www.mixcloud.com/mikaraguaa
& www.sunnyfridaysound.com
BOOKING in Trini (available till March 2nd) over: 726-6695 (Trinidad)
wn.com/Dj Mika Mika Raguaa Interview For 104.7 More Fm (Trinidad)
After seven years promoting Soca music in Europe Mika Raguaa aka DJ Mika reaching the caribbean ! Her first performance at the Radio Station 104.7 MORE FM (Port of Spain, Trinidad) ...
Enjoy ... get more at: www.mixcloud.com/mikaraguaa
& www.sunnyfridaysound.com
BOOKING in Trini (available till March 2nd) over: 726-6695 (Trinidad)
- published: 22 Feb 2015
- views: 0
Arawak Indian (((NEW))) Gyal ah Wine (( HD 1080P ))
Music: Arrow Production Studio... Video: HDAngles4U... Lyrics-Artist: Arawak Indian. One more wild & wicked track from Arawak Indian ..The Video Mix 2012.. G......
Music: Arrow Production Studio... Video: HDAngles4U... Lyrics-Artist: Arawak Indian. One more wild & wicked track from Arawak Indian ..The Video Mix 2012.. G...
wn.com/Arawak Indian (((New))) Gyal Ah Wine (( Hd 1080P ))
Music: Arrow Production Studio... Video: HDAngles4U... Lyrics-Artist: Arawak Indian. One more wild & wicked track from Arawak Indian ..The Video Mix 2012.. G...
Interview with Damon Gerard Corrie, Project Access Participant.mov
Interviewed, filmed, and produced by John Halpern Project Access supports indigenous peoples participation in international meetings and conferences at which......
Interviewed, filmed, and produced by John Halpern Project Access supports indigenous peoples participation in international meetings and conferences at which...
wn.com/Interview With Damon Gerard Corrie, Project Access Participant.Mov
Interviewed, filmed, and produced by John Halpern Project Access supports indigenous peoples participation in international meetings and conferences at which...
Welcome To The Haitian Society
Major Events Ordered by Date: 1492 Christopher Columbus lands and claims the island of Hispaniola for Spain. The Spanish build the New World's first settleme......
Major Events Ordered by Date: 1492 Christopher Columbus lands and claims the island of Hispaniola for Spain. The Spanish build the New World's first settleme...
wn.com/Welcome To The Haitian Society
Major Events Ordered by Date: 1492 Christopher Columbus lands and claims the island of Hispaniola for Spain. The Spanish build the New World's first settleme...
ABINAYA - ARAWAKS - Beauté Païenne Album 2014
Official Music vidéo from Beauté Païenne Album...
Official Music vidéo from Beauté Païenne Album
wn.com/Abinaya Arawaks Beauté Païenne Album 2014
Official Music vidéo from Beauté Païenne Album
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 238
La Palabra Taina
The Taínos are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and the northern Lesser Antilles. It is thought that the seafaring Taínos are ......
The Taínos are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and the northern Lesser Antilles. It is thought that the seafaring Taínos are ...
wn.com/La Palabra Taina
The Taínos are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and the northern Lesser Antilles. It is thought that the seafaring Taínos are ...
- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 1397
author: leborismo
Garifuna Cuisine, Dangriga, Belize - Hudut Soup & Fish Fillet, Tomato/Rum Sauce, Cassava Fries
cuisines of the world http://www.overlander.tv Recently in Dangriga, Belize I met up with Madeline at the Riverside Cafe. I joined her in the kitchen where s......
cuisines of the world http://www.overlander.tv Recently in Dangriga, Belize I met up with Madeline at the Riverside Cafe. I joined her in the kitchen where s...
wn.com/Garifuna Cuisine, Dangriga, Belize Hudut Soup Fish Fillet, Tomato Rum Sauce, Cassava Fries
cuisines of the world http://www.overlander.tv Recently in Dangriga, Belize I met up with Madeline at the Riverside Cafe. I joined her in the kitchen where s...