The Unplucked Eye: Sinister Machinations Behind Kentucky’s Manufactured Martyr

Written by Chris Floyd 04 September 2015 7 Hits

(UPDATED BELOW.) The Kim Davis gay marriage license case is a completely manufactured scandal, designed precisely to produce the current result: a “martyr” jailed for her beliefs, exciting media frenzy and fueling profitable fundraising and grassroots recruitment for ideological agitators. The actual issue is quite simple, and doesn’t involve “religious freedom” at all. But there is something more sinister going on behind these Kentucky conniptions.

Read more ...The Unplucked Eye: Sinister Machinations Behind Kentucky’s Manufactured Martyr

The Gruesome Gray Line: No Mystery in Hiring of West Point Wacko

Written by Chris Floyd 02 September 2015 17 Hits

In the Atlantic, Matt Ford probes the works of William Bradford, the controversial (and now dismissed) West Point professor whose berserker visions of unhinged state terror, at home and abroad, in the “war against Islamism” give General Buck Turgidison (“I’m saying no more than 10 or 20 million killed, tops!”) a run for his money. After a thorough examination of the views Bradford has been teaching the nation’s future military leaders, Ford ends in puzzlement at how this situation arose in the first place. But surely there is no mystery to that.

Read more ...The Gruesome Gray Line: No Mystery in Hiring of West Point Wacko

Bernie's Progressive Pledge: A Kinder, Gentler Killing Machine

Written by Chris Floyd 31 August 2015 29 Hits

So Bernie Sanders wants a "kinder, gentler" program of extrajudicial drone killings. Well, isn't that nice? Isn't that "progressive"? He'll "try" to "limit" the number of children blown into pieces by joystick commandos 10,000 miles away watching a computer screen. What hope, what change! Oh well, he's just doing what anybody has to do to climb that big ole greasy pole of power. As long as he sticks with the Terror War program, the elite will be glad to let him pursue domestic "reforms" that they can easily block, dilute or co-opt -- just as they've done with the eagerly complicit Obama (who is now off to Alaska on a "bold" push to combat climate change ... just after giving Shell Oil the OK to drill in pristine waters there). In the immortal words of Elvis Costello: "Clowntime is over/...

Read more ...Bernie's Progressive Pledge: A Kinder, Gentler Killing Machine

Anti-Social Media: Wealthy NY Wankers Bash the Poor

Written by Chris Floyd 27 August 2015 41 Hits

As the old joke goes, “the Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz.” Or another variant: “America will never forgive blacks for slavery.” Oppressors and abusers (and the beneficiaries of past abuses) often project their own guilt, self-loathing and dehumanization onto their victims, then hate them for being evidence – the living (or dead) proof – of the abusers’ moral rot. So it is with the rich and the poor, as a new story at Alternet demonstrates.

Read more ...Anti-Social Media: Wealthy NY Wankers Bash the Poor

Panic Attackers: Grass-Roots Challenge Sparks High-Level Hissy Fit

Written by Chris Floyd 19 August 2015 74 Hits

I have of late been much pestered with electronic message from an outfit called the “Centre for Policy Studies.” It styles itself the “leading independent think tank in Britain” — and it probably is as rigorously independent and open-minded as any gaggle of titled lords, Big Money poobahs, reactionary academics, epic tax-dodgers, Murdoch moochers and imperialist cheerleaders gathered in an institution co-founded by Margaret Thatcher can be.

Read more ...Panic Attackers: Grass-Roots Challenge Sparks High-Level Hissy Fit

Permanent Post-Bellum Blues: How the Old Whip Keeps Cracking

Written by Chris Floyd 13 August 2015 103 Hits

I read this book a few years back: Worse Than Slavery, by David Oshinsky. An eye-opening read for anyone interested in the genuine history of these deliberately divided United States. After I read it, I sat down and wrote the piece below, which is, of course, still relevant today -- as it has been all-too-relevant these past 150 years.

Read more ...Permanent Post-Bellum Blues: How the Old Whip Keeps Cracking

Dung Bettles: Pope Denounces Davos Dominionists

Written by Chris Floyd 31 July 2015 164 Hits

*This is an edited version of my latest Counterpunch Magazine column.* We are living in a world gone through the looking glass when the most strident, unequivocal -- even scatological! -- denunciations of capitalism and its discontents are coming from … the Bishop of Rome. While Bernie Sanders pushes centrist notions as "radical" reforms and Britain's so-called Labour Party tries to recover from the defeat of Michael Dukakis -- sorry, Ed Milliband -- by kowtowing even more abjectly to corporate power (and demonizing the only leadership candidate not bending the knee to Big Money), Pope Francis is out there literally likening the capitalist system to shit.

Read more ...Dung Bettles: Pope Denounces Davos Dominionists

Searching for a Soldier's Grave: The Ones Who Lost the Music

Written by Chris Floyd 17 July 2015 220 Hits

(Another recent column for the print version of CounterPunch.) It was a run-down house in a bad neighborhood. In the front yard, a gray Chevette with a smashed grill. The porch sagged and creaked as I walked across it. The front door was unlocked. I went in. It was not dark yet, but late in the day. The wide front room was shadowy; no furniture except a folding card table, a couple of folding chairs and a clapped-out recliner. The table was heaped with a jumble of loose papers, unopened mail, empty beer cans, a dead computer. A slight whiff of spoiled food coming from the back of the house.

Read more ...Searching for a Soldier's Grave: The Ones Who Lost the Music

Bachmann Terror Overdrive: The Age of Rapture

Written by Chris Floyd 16 July 2015 228 Hits

A clutch of headlines over a span of two days in April: US dispatches elite troops to Ukraine. US sends warships to Yemen to join naval blockade. BP taking more oil from Iraq in payments as government coffers dwindle. Saudi bombs boost al Qaeda. Sale of US arms fuels wars in Arab states. Michelle Bachmann says all signs point to the Rapture. For the first time in my life, I agree with Michelle Bachmann.

Read more ...Bachmann Terror Overdrive: The Age of Rapture

XPOTUSES in Paradise: Bill and George Gab About Old Times

Written by Chris Floyd 10 July 2015 267 Hits

“Come on now, George, admit it: I killed more Iraqi civilians than you ever did, with my sanctions. Don’t you remember my Madeline Albright admitting that 500,000 children had died from those sanctions? And that’s not even counting the old and the sick and the weak and the poor. We’ve got to be talking a million, maybe even 1.5 mill in total. And all of ‘em civilians. What did you bag? About a million, wasn’t it? But hell, at least some of those were soldiers – and it was a war, for god’s sake. We got our crop of corpses in peacetime, quietly, not making a big show about it. And now look: I’m one of the most popular men in the whole world, while you’re just a punch-line on late-night TV. I’ve even got more money than you now!”

Read more ...XPOTUSES in Paradise: Bill and George Gab About Old Times

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