
When Did You Become a Reader?

Modified photo by Alexandre Duret-Lutz.

From that first admission of “I’m a reader now,” comes a lifetime of putting yourself in another’s shoes and thinking more deeply about lives unlike your own. “I’m a reader now,” means that soon your bookshelves will fill up and overflow. “I’m a reader now,” means spending hours in the bookstore narrowing down your pile from 100 books to the one you can’t leave the store without.

When does it happen? How does it happen? Is there a certain type of experience you need to have, like crying when you try on the perfect wedding dress? How do you know that you are now a reader?

This morning, I read Sam Asks: What Does It Mean to “Become” a Reader? which prompted a nostalgic journey back to the first time I started reading books voraciously. I’ve been reading a lot lately, ever since The Hunger Games series surprisingly sparked a fire in me about four months ago. Since then, it’s been non-stop dystopian novels with strong female characters. Though I just bit into my first Agatha Christie book recently, which I’m very excited about. Continue reading “When Did You Become a Reader?”