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RSS, sometimes known as Really Simple Syndication, is a popular means of sharing content (such as news headlines) without requiring readers to constantly visit a Web site to see what's new. RSS feeds contain headlines and hyperlinks to longer articles or Web pages. Mathaba's feeds are free of charge.

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How can I receive RSS feeds?

Software programs known as news readers or aggregators can collect, update and display RSS feeds from a wide variety of sources. A number of news readers are available for you to download, many at no cost. Other versions are Web and browser-based. News readers vary slightly in how they look and act, so you may find yourself testing several before settling on one. Google lists a number of news aggregators, none of which are associated with Mathaba, that you can download & try e.g. from here, or you can use MathabaLive. If you have a PDA then see here. If you use Ubuntu or Linux, see here.

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What RSS feeds are available from Mathaba?

Mathaba RSS feeds are based on content published to our main Web site and are updated continually. Mathaba also offers delivery of feeds to your Email inbox. To subscribe to RSS feeds from Mathaba, simply select a content section of interest to you from the list provided on this page. Click on either the text link or the RSS icon, and follow your news reader's instructions for subcribing to (or adding) feeds. Repeat the process to add as many feeds as you like. Certain news readers are also supported by Mathaba's "one-click" addition feature. Clicking on the icon of your news reader at the top right of the page will allow you to then add feeds to your existing provider through one click.

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Can I use these feeds on my site or blog?

We encourage the use of Mathaba News headlines as part of a website.

We have various tools for your free use, including Email or Forum Signatures, and Headlines for your site or blog, to keep it fresh with the latest headlines or topics of your choice, day and night.

Newspapers and other publications are welcome to reprint any Mathaba material provided (mathaba) appears at the start or end of the article.

For web publications, a full link back to mathaba.net must be given or just use the +MySite service to generate headline code of any size, color or topic for your site.

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