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Australia Health ICT Science: Australian Researcher: Phone Radiation is a Hotline to Brain Cancer 2015-05-12 Mathaba
Europe Defense: Russia to Conduct Observation Flight Over UK Territory 2015-05-12 Sputnik
spacerMathaba Comment
ICT Mathaba Comment
Why EVERYONE Should Join Flattr
2015-05-11 Mathaba
Why EVERYONE Should Join Flattr
You may have seen the Flattr buttons on Mathaba and been wondering what they are for. We explain why they are so important, and why everyone should join Flattr.
Europe Africa Asia Immigration Libya Comment Analysis
EU Refugee Crisis Made by... the EU
2015-04-25 Sputnik
EU Refugee Crisis Made by... the EU
When you are part of the problem then, by definition, you can`t be part of the solution. That aphorism applies to the way European Union leaders are responding to the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean
Africa Europe USA Comment
How NATO Kills Africans in the Club Med
2015-04-24 Sputnik
How NATO Kills Africans in the Club Med
Humanitarian imperialism as applied to what the Pentagon loves to define as MENA (Middle East-Northern Africa) has led ``to the largest refugee disaster since the Second World War``
Caribbean Comment
Cuba: Che`s Disgust At Raul Castro
2015-04-20 Mathaba
Cuba: Che`s Disgust At Raul Castro
Che Guevara would be turning in his grave at Cuba abandoning its world famous solidarity
Australia Europe Asia Africa Comment
Hatred of Muslims in the West and United Terrorism: The Common Platform
2014-11-18 Mathaba
Hatred of Muslims in the West and United Terrorism: The Common Platform
Some observations from an international human rights advocate visiting Australia
Australia Law Comment
South Australia Driving License Regulations Defective
2014-11-11 Mathaba
South Australia Driving License Regulations Defective
Who can fix these issues? We ask lawyers, they say they cannot. We ask politicians they say they cannot. We are told that even magistrates cannot. So who can fix these issues that discriminate against some Australian citizens and put all of us in danger? Read this article on how codes and regulations are seemingly inflexible and inadequate.
Australia Comment
The Melbourne Cup: Drink, Gambling and Equine Slaughter
2014-11-05 Mathaba
The Melbourne Cup: Drink, Gambling and Equine Slaughter
If nothing else, the Melbourne Cup is always a handy reminder Melbourne`s conceit of being Australia`s most `sophisticated` city is a case of pulling a skivvy over a bogan, if not applying lipstick to a pig. -- Sam de Brito, Sydney Morning Herald, Nov 5, 2014
Europe Defense Video Comment
NATO Expands to Border of Russia, Then Blames Russia for Being On NATO`s Doorstep
2014-10-31 Source
NATO Expands to Border of Russia, Then Blames Russia for Being On NATO`s Doorstep
Russia at the gates? US State Dept, Pentagon grilled over NATO expansion. Watch the video or read the transcript: with clowns like these, it is no wonder that the USA has lost wars in Viet Nam, Afganistan, Iraq, etc.
Australia Racism Comment
Don`t you ever tell me about racism
2014-10-25 Source
Don`t you ever tell me about racism
The veils and layers of racism are many.
Australia Media Comment
Walkleys Awards: Australian Journalism Fraud
2014-10-24 Mathaba
Walkleys Awards: Australian Journalism Fraud
This is the time of year when the gutter-dwellers of the Australian media congregate to back-slap and sneer. They call it the Walkleys Awards.
Australia Racism Law Comment
Australian Police Forces: Political Tools, Tax Collectors?
2014-10-13 Mathaba
Australian Police Forces: Political Tools, Tax Collectors?
Australian police did not take an aggressive racist assault against a black security officer seriously until over one million views of the incident on social media caused the Prime Minister himself to condemn the action
Libya Africa Human Rights History Comment
The Green Charter and the Demise of the People`s Authority (Jamahiriya)
2014-09-27 Mathaba
The Green Charter and the Demise of the People`s Authority (Jamahiriya)
``It is clear that those holding a monopoly of power and conducting the greatest human rights abuses in the world, who are funding and supporting terrorism and media networks which hide the truth of this facilitation of terrorism, feel threatened by the Green Charter.``
UK Comment
Evicting the bailiffs
2014-07-23 Mathaba
Evicting the bailiffs
A fightback has started against banks repossessing people's houses in the UK. Dr Sahib Mustaqim Bleher reports from Nottingham.
Islam Religion Terrorism Comment
On caliphs and holy war
2014-07-08 Mathaba
On caliphs and holy war
What is really going on in Iraq and how the sudden rise of the ISIS or ISIL? Mathaba Analyst Dr Bleher takes a closer look.
ICT Comment
Facebook: Sorry, something went wrong
2014-06-19 Mathaba
Facebook: Sorry, something went wrong
Thankfully, Facebook is offline
Australia History Human Rights Democracy Comment
Australian Alliance: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Right to Self-Determination
2014-05-31 Mathaba
Australian Alliance: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Right to Self-Determination
Mark Aldridge, Leader of the Australian Alliance on the need for a treaty between the Australian regime and the sovereign people of Australia
Asia Malaysia Comment
2014-03-27 Mathaba
中国民众对马航失去联系之后的过度反应, 已经严重影响到中国本身的国家利益。
Malaysia Defense Travel Asia Terrorism Comment Analysis
The Motive For MH370 Remote Hijack: Freescale Semiconductors
2014-03-27 Mathaba
The Motive For MH370 Remote Hijack: Freescale Semiconductors
Those who hijacked MH370 (for how it was done, see the article in the subscribers-only Mathaba Gold area) had a clear motive: to murder many of the passengers on board who were able to supply China with crucial military application technology
Malaysia Defense Travel Asia Terrorism Comment Analysis
What Really Happened to MH370
2014-03-27 Mathaba
What Really Happened to MH370
Summary conclusion after analysis of all the known facts by communications, counter-terrorism, aviation experts
Malaysia Defense Travel Asia Terrorism Comment Analysis
MH370 Update: Malaysian Air Defense Asleep - 2nd Aircraft Possibly Involved
2014-03-17 Mathaba
MH370 Update: Malaysian Air Defense Asleep - 2nd Aircraft Possibly Involved
Pilot (pictured on right) wearing `Democracy is Dead` T-shirt was a supporter of convicted homosexual and U.S.-Zionist opposition asset (excuse the pun) Anwar Ibrahim, jailed for 5 years on the eve of missing MH370 flight
Malaysia Travel Asia Terrorism Comment Analysis
MH370 Additional Information and Questions
2014-03-16 Mathaba
MH370 Additional Information and Questions
Photo: Co-pilot of MH370 photographed during flight inside cockpit with female tourist en route from Thailand to Malaysia
Australia Comment
Australian Local Council to Charge Veterans for use of War Memorials
2014-02-17 Mathaba
Australian Local Council to Charge Veterans for use of War Memorials
``War Memorials and their surrounds are public property, and no Council or Shire or Pseudo Government Organisation has the right to deny access to any person wishing to visit these sites.``
Asia Africa Europe Australia Malaysia Indonesia Religion Islam Comment
Anyone can say `Allah`, not only Muslims
2014-02-17 Source
Anyone can say `Allah`, not only Muslims
There are 12 million Christians using the word Allah in the Arabian Peninsula today.
Australia Comment
The desecration of the Australian War Memorial, Canberra
2014-02-06 Mathaba
The desecration of the Australian War Memorial, Canberra
The Australian War Memorial (AWM) is a veterans` memorial, it is their sacred place. Our reader Paul Evans has done his country a great service with this article about some unsettling trends at the AWM.
Religion Islam Education Culture Comment
Freedom of Thought in Islam
2014-01-27 Mathaba
Freedom of Thought in Islam
The world we live in contains societies with all kinds of beliefs. Muslims living in such a world must be respectful towards all beliefs they come up against, no matter what they may be, and behave forgivingly, justly and humanely. This responsibility placed on believers is to invite people to the beauty of the religion of Allah by means of peace and compassion.
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