
We think WooCommerce is the best thing to happen to the web since WordPress.

Prospress is a tiny company standing on the shoulders of this giant eCommerce plugin. We use its extendability to build software customers love, help organise a few local meetups and talk about it at events all over the world.

We exist to make the world’s best eCommerce platform a little better, because we want to help entrepreneurs prosper with WordPress.



Our flagship product, WooCommerce Subscriptions, helps entrepreneurs sell subscriptions to all manner of digital and physical goods. Stores use it to sell energy food for elite athletes; fishing tackle without the hassle; salsa dancing lessons; carbon offsets; nail polish; pet food; socks; soap; eco-friendly craft boxes for kids, and everything in between.

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PayPal Digital Goods

Looking for a more convenient way for your customers to pay? PayPal Digital Goods provides in-context payments so that your customers can pay in a pop-up, rather than leaving your site. We built the PayPal Digital Goods extension for WooCommerce to help store managers offer secure payments without the hassle of SSL certificates or merchant accounts.

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One Page Checkout

The traditional checkout process requires a customer to go from the product page to the cart page to the checkout page. The number of steps involved in this process can contribute significantly to cart abandonment, which is why we built a One Page Checkout plugin for WooCommerce. Add to cart, checkout & pay without a single page refresh.

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Nothing could do subscriptions right until we found the Subscriptions Plugin. Now we’re winning the Internet!
I needed something very simple, very easy to integrate, WooCommerce plus Subscriptions fit for us.
WooCommerce Subscriptions got the job done.
Subscriptions has been great for us.
I can’t thank you enough for the Subscriptions plugin. It’s really making a dream come true.
My favourite thing about WooCommerce is WooCommerce Subscriptions.

Discover more in our Interviews with WooCommerce Entrepreneurs.



The Matt 1000

Code Tamer

The Matt 1000 combines a Bachelor of Information Technology with an interest in eCommerce. Jam-packed full of youthful idealism and featuring a positive attitude, the Matt 1000 is the perfect developer to fulfil your eCommerce needs.


Gabor 27001

Escape Artist

Gabor 27001 is passionate about security and privacy. Sometimes known as “Red Bull”—not because he has a terrible temper, but because his text editors turn red when there’s a code violation—Gabor 27001 is a minimalist digital nomad. He constantly seeks new knowledge and experiences.


Kirby 2.0


Kirby 2.0 loves to write. Telling eCommerce stories is her forte. Built on a foundation of economics and public policy, Kirby 2.0 has recently been seen writing about WordPress and open source in the San Francisco tech scene. (Disclaimer: not designed for use in public speaking).


Brent (beta)


Brent (beta) knows many languages, few of which are of use to humans; however, throw it a technical problem and its grey-matter will cycle until you have your solution. The brains behind WooCommerce Subscriptions, Brent (beta) loves to build WooCommerce extensions.


Ali X50

Peopleware Engineer

The Ali X50 uses her PhD in behavioural economics and idealistic belief in working for the greater good to manage human factors at Prospress. She is designed to artfully balance the business of incentives with the empathy of emotion to help humans flourish.


rand( Jason )

Mr Green

The rand( jason ) has bent WordPress to the will of organisations like the Australian Government, Designer Fund and Stanford University. Now he leads QA and Black Ops at Prospress to bring the quality expected by the best to our customers’ WooCommerce stores.



From the Blog

Bulldog chewing apart tennis ball - he needs Bullymake!

Bullymake: A Pet Subscription Box for Power Chewers

Bullymake is a pet subscription box, which targets power chewing breeds (that is, dogs that destroy all of their toys). Colin Hatzmann is the founder of Bullymake and last week he was kind enough to jump on the phone with me to answer a few questions. Colin has been running Bullymake for about a year now, and...
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Empty toilet roll for TPFactory Interview

A Toilet Paper Subscription Business With a Twist

Toilet paper. We all need it, and I expect most of us know the frustration of unexpectedly running out. It’s the perfect example of an everyday item that is ideally suited to a subscription delivery model. TPFactory is making the most of this common sense business opportunity, but with a twist. Customers can select a charity partner of their choice to...
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Piano keys in black and white

HDPiano: Bootstrapping a Successful Video Subscription Business

HDPiano is different to many of the other subscription businesses we’ve spoken to as part of this interview series. Because their product is a video subscription business—a membership to view videos of piano lessons—HDPiano don’t have to worry about shipping, inventory or many of the other hassles that consistently plague eCommerce entrepreneurs. Another distinguishing fact about HDPiano is that YouTube...
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