
Settings »Privacy Settings

The Site Visibility setting controls who can view your site, allowing you to make the site private or public. To access this setting, go to My Site → Settings and look for Site Visibility. (Alternatively, from WP Admin, click on Settings → Reading, and scroll to the Site Visibility options.)

site visibility options

Site Visibility Options

  1. Allow search engines to index this site. This is the setting used by most sites. It allows everyone to read your site and enables your site to be included in search engine results and other content sites.
  2. Discourage search engines from indexing this site. If you want all human visitors to be able to read your blog, but want to block web crawlers for search engines, this is the setting for you. (Please note, however, that not all search engines respect this setting.)
  3. I would like my site to be private, visible only to users I choose. Select this option to make your site private. If you want specific people to be able to view it (and add comments, if you’ve enabled them), you’ll need to invite them to be a viewer.

Note: employees can access blogs for support and development purposes regardless of your privacy setting.

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Viewing a Private Site

If you’d like to add viewers to a private site, please follow the invitation instructions on this page.

After marking your site as private, visitors will see a “Protected Blog” page if they’re not logged into their account when trying to view your site. All viewers added to a private site must have a account — this ensures that only those people you’ve authorized are able to view it:

private blog

You can request access to a private site by clicking on the “Request access” link when attempting to visit a private site while logged into your account:

request access

Remember, it’s up to the site owner to decide who can and cannot have access. Requesting access means that you are simply asking the site owner to consider adding you as a viewer.

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Changing a Site with Followers from Public To Private

If your site is public but you’d like to make it private, you can change the settings to private at any time by following these instructions. Note that if you have followers on your site, they’ll no longer be able to view it by visiting it directly unless you invite them as a viewer. They’ll also no longer see new posts you publish in the Reader; however, posts that you published when your site was public might still be viewable.

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