Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts

Sonia Sotomayor, Outsider

In a remarkable conversation, the justice talks about why she doesn’t feel like she belongs on the Supreme Court.

Europe Created Its Refugee Crisis by Refusing to Confront the Wars on Its Borders

Where White Identity Politics Could Take the GOP—and the Nation—Next

The Slave Who Endured 34 Experimental Surgeries That Led to a Medical Breakthrough

Why Do We Get Labor Day Off?


The Pardon Process Is Broken

Presidents are granting clemency far less often than they once did. Why?


The Best Intentions

After the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Manhattan Project scientists tried to advocate for nuclear de-escalation—instead, they unwittingly abetted the Vietnam War.

Why Isn’t Obama Using His Clemency Power More Often?

How the Manhattan Project Scientists Came to Unwittingly Abet the Vietnam War

Why Hummingbirds Love Hanging Out With Dangerous Hawks

Finally, a Magazine Just for Adjunct Professors

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Sept. 4 2015 12:16 PM How Can This Possibly Happen? Geoffrey Sant wrote about drivers in China who intentionally kill pedestrians. Ask him anything.