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NLR cover image


  1. New Left Review: Summer Manoeuvres
  2. Charles Taylor: Changes of Quality
  3. Peter Marris: Apathy: A Case to Answer
  4. John Saville: Apathy into Politics
  5. Sol Encel: Forward from Marxism
  6. John Hughes: The Commanding Heights
  7. Duncan Macbeth: The Motor Industry
  8. Raymond Williams: The Magic System
  9. Dorothy Thompson: Farewell to the Welfare State
  10. Michael Artis: The Defence Burden
  11. John Rex, Peter Worsley: Campaign for a Foreign Policy
  12. Neil Carmichael: Not Waiting for Lefty
  13. Lawrence Burton: Shell Watches Over Us
  14. David Caldwell: Cult of Violence
  15. Nick Faith: Shipbuilding up the Creek
  16. Alan Sillitoe: What Comes on Monday?
  17. Alex Hamilton: Valete in the Jamaica Road
  18. Edward Thompson: Countermarching to Armageddon
  19. Jim Garst: Uncle Sam's Leaden Age
  20. Peter Gillman: Recreative Arts
  21. Bruce Reid: The Croydon Club
  22. Lawrence Daly: Fife Socialist League
  23. Harold Silver: Can the Clubs Grow?
  24. New Left Review: Letter to Readers


  1. Royden Harrison: Retreat from Industrial Democracy
  2. Rex Winsbury: Come Back Africa
  3. Colin Falck: City of The Disinherited