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EU labelling of Israeli colonies’ products is hardly enough to bring about European compliance with international law September 7, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Merely labeling, rather than banning, illegal settlement goods indicates political hypocrisy par excellence

BDS marks another victory as Veolia sells off all Israeli operations September 1, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Palestinian boycott activists salute the 1,000+ Black activists, scholars and artists for endorsing BDS for Palestinian rights August 25, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

BDS movement echoes appeal from Palestinian prisoners to intensify boycott against Israeli prison-industrial complex August 18, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Palestinian and Brazilian civil society launch “Olympics without Apartheid!” campaign August 17, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

PGFTU (Gaza) Reaffirms “Unwavering Commitment” to BDS and Histadrut’s boycott July 23, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Israeli arms manufacturers look to cash in on the war in Gaza December 11, 2014 by Dan Cohen at Mondoweiss

Three weeks after Israel’s latest assault on the Gaza Strip concluded, Israeli military and political leaders attended a conference next to Ben Gurion Airport to sell the successes of what Israel dubbed Operation Protective Edge, which killed more than 2,200 Palestinians including 521 children

Why is the ICRC helping defend Israeli war crimes? December 9, 2014 by Charlotte Silver at Electronic Intifada

On Gaza and global rage August 19, 2014 by Haidar Eid at Middle East Eye

What’s behind the rise of BDS? August 8, 2014 by Sherry Wolf at International View Point

U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel, or Let Others Broker Peace August 5, 2014 by Noura Erekat at New York Times

Does the term ‘apartheid’ fit Israel? Of course it does. May 26, 2014 by Saree Makdisi at ​Los Angeles Times


EU labelling of Israeli colonies’ products is hardly enough to bring about European compliance with international law September 7, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Merely labeling, rather than banning, illegal settlement goods indicates political hypocrisy par excellence

BDS marks another victory as Veolia sells off all Israeli operations September 1, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

The sale of its stake in the Jerusalem Light Rail means Veolia has completely exited Israeli market. The move follows a boycott campaign that has cost the company billions of dollars.


A statement issued by the General Federation of Palestine’s Trades Unions – Gaza July 23, 2015 by Palestinian Trade Unions

We, the undersigned, assert our unwavering commitment to the call of Palestinian civil society for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel (BDS)

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Marinah becomes first singer in Spain to cancel concerts May 15, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Marinah had planned to participate in the Méditerranée Festival in Ashdod the upcoming 11th June and also at the World Music Festival of Tel Aviv

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More than 10 000 South African School Students March Against Woolworths over Israel Trade May 15, 2015 by BDS South Africa

South African trade unions and solidarity organisations are calling for a boycott of the Woolworths retailer over its refusal to stop selling Israeli products

BDS roundup: Lauryn Hill cancels Israel concert and Israeli company loses Olympics security contract May 14, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Plus: 20 South African businesses boycott security company over prison links, BDS campaign launched in Egypt, UK bank divests from Israeli arms company, French multinational Veolia sells nearly all Israeli businesses and Quebec union federation adopts BDS

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It’s Time to Boycott Ben & Jerry’s May 12, 2015 by VTJP

Ben & Jerry’s refuses to stop the Israeli franchise from making money selling in the settlements

2016 Olympics: After BDS pressure, Brazilian government denies relations with Israeli company ISDS May 7, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

More than 30 Brazilian social movements and progressive organisations had called on the Brazilian government to exclude International Security and Defence Systems from Olympics contracts after the Israeli company announced in October 2014 that it had been awarded a $2.2bn deal to coordinate security at the games

Groups across the UK occupied and held protests at Barclays banks as part of the campaign

Barclays bank no longer listed as Elbit Systems shareholder April 22, 2015 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Barclays has appeared to divest from Elbit Systems, the Israeli military and arms company that is at the heart of Israel's brutal massacres

20 businesses across South Africa join G4S boycott April 17, 2015 by BDS South Africa

G4S is target for BDS campaign over its role in Israel's prison system

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