
Muammar Gaddafi exposed the conspiracy against Libya and the entire free world

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~ Video by  Scorpilingus . . . . reloaded at Network . . .


Libyan Prisoners From 2011 Released ~ [Latest Updated News on Libya by “STOP THE WAR IN LIBYA. WE DEMAND IT”

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Libyan Prisoners From 2011 Released 17/6/2015 – Zliten militias launching to release prisoners from outside the city who are from the city of Tripoli who are prisoners of the year 2011. Prisoners who were released the names of: – Ali … Continue reading


Obama Bombs Libya…again

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Attacking other nations directly or indirectly posing no threat to America is longstanding US policy. Obama is the latest in a long line of warrior US presidents. He exceeds the worst of his predecessors. He’s a war criminal multiple times … Continue reading


Daesh-ISIS beheads Libyan regime’s soldier in front of children for ‘educational purposes’

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Masked militants from the Islamic State group have beheaded a soldier in front of a group of children, aged six to eight years old, outside a mosque in Libya for “educational purposes.” The jihadists have released photographs of the execution. … Continue reading


Humanitarians for War on Libya, Syria… Exposed … [Chlorine Gas, No Fly Zone, AVAAZ, White Helmets, HRW, PHR, Amnesty…and more…]

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~ PART 1 & PART 2 ~

~ Part 1 of this article (31 March 2015) documented the campaign by Avaaz and others for a “No Fly Zone” in Syria and contrasted the promises with the consequences in Libya.

~ Part 2 (3-5 April 2015) examines the allegations of chlorine gas attacks in Syria, what various organizations are doing and saying and where major violations of international law are occurring.

[… … … … … … … … … …]

A massive campaign in support of foreign intervention against Syria is underway. The goal is to prepare the public for a “No Fly Zone” enforced by US and other military powers. This is how the invasion of Iraq began. This is how the public was prepared for the US/NATO air attack on Libya.

The results of western ‘regime change’ in Iraq and Libya have been disastrous. Both actions have dramatically reduced the security, health, education and living standards of the populations, created anarchy and mayhem, and resulted in the explosion of sectarianism and violence in the region. Now the Western/NATO/Israeli and Gulf powers, supported by major intervention-inclined humanitarian organizations, want to do the same in Syria. Is this positive or a repeat of past disasters?

Major non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the campaign include Avaaz, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), “White Helmets” also known as “Syria Civil Defence, “The Syria Campaign” , Amnesty International etc.. These campaigns are well funded and in accord with the efforts of John McCain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others who are explicit in wanting “regime change” in Syria. Turkey continues to press for the No Fly Zone as the US and Turkey launch another round of training “moderate rebels” at bases in Turkey… … … Continue reading


Destroying Libya and World Order

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by Francis A. Boyle

I have unique experience in Libya. To the best of my knowledge, during the 1980s I was the only American professor to spend time in Libya because of the serial armed hostilities and the imposition of draconian travel prohibitions and economic sanctions inflicted by the Reagan administration. I spent a sum total of four weeks in Libya on three different trips there during that decade.

In 1987 I returned to Libya for another two weeks after the Reagan administration had bombed Tripoli and Benghazi in 1986 and attempted to murder the entire Qaddafi family sleeping in their home at night. I visited all the bombing sites in the Metropolitan Tripoli area and had a tour of the bombed out Qaddafi home. I then had a meeting with Colonel Qaddafi in his tent where we discussed what happened to him and his family on the night of the bombing. Qaddafi was a Bedouin from the desert, so he liked to meet guests and conduct business in a pitched tent. Continue reading


Quo Vadis Libya?

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On the Heinous Deeds that US Interventionism Brought upon Libya and upon Libyan Women in Ousting and Murdering Khadafy

The late Col. Muammar Khadafy, hailed as the “Great Leader” by the Libyan people during his incumbency, was murdered by Chad, Somali and Sudanese mercenaries in collusion with NATO and US invading forces on October 19, 2011. Khadafy’s Libya, two years before he was ousted and assassinated was considered as one of Africa’s greatest nations.

By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu (FB) Continue reading


Muammar Gaddafi prophecies on Libya, Utter Chaos, Western Diktats, Jihadi Fundamentalism, ISIS…

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
The Future Gaddafi Foresaw: Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight By Ahmad Barqawi, freelance columnist and writer (Counterpunch) “Who are you?” the late Muammar Gaddafi once rhetorically asked in a famous…


Libya loses control over oil fields, now in the hands of Daesh mercenaries: Abdel Hakim Belhaj, Libyan rat-commander, join Daesh-ISES (Islamic State of Egypt and Sudan), trained in Sinai by Israel’s Golani Brigade

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
DAESH (ISES, Islamic State of Egypt and Sudan) linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country, which has been torn apart by a coup…


United Nations Security Council, Sergey Lavrov: “It’s enough to remember the war, bombing, destruction, chaos in Serbia, Iraq, Libya, by some member-states”

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
~ Lavrov: Time to decide if we want UN focused & effective or on the sidelines The UN would be effective in settling international disputes, if some member-states didn’t try to use it…


The Most Important Moral Lesson of the 21st Century Is Known by Few!

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Death and destruction of all life forms are the hallmarks of the military forces controlled by the foreign Banking and Monetary Cartel. By Speer Williams ~ Veteranstoday The non-reporting of this story is a prime example of the deception designed … Continue reading


DAESH Main Camp in Libya “Targeting Coordinates”

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ISIS Main Camp in Libya “Targeting Coordinates” by JoanneM Today, I am publishing photographs passed to me by the intelligence inside the Egyptian tribes. These are snipets from Google earth and the…


“The ‘Arab Spring’ brought DAESH to Libya” ~ Interview with the Italian historian Paolo Sensini [ENG]

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
Paolo Sensini, historian and author of an analysis of the 2011 war against Qaddafi, analyses the situation in Libya today and considers the roots of the crisis Translation from the original by Alexander M.…


Huge number of foreign mercenaries eliminated by Syrian Army in Dara’a, Al Qouneitirah, Idleb & Damascus countryside: killed also 50 and 30 DAESH terrorists in Hama and Homs, and 1 international-wanted French criminal in Idleb

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
Syrian Arab army units have eliminated a number of foreign mercenaries and terrorists in several areas in Dara’a suburbs including Akraba, Oum Al-`Ousssaj & Tal `Antar & destroyed a truck loaded with terrorists…


Syria: Confirmed, 56 residents from 2 villages of Hasaka province captured by Daesh after large-scale assault ~ REPORT

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
Hasaka survivors (1) Families fleeing ISIS arrive in Hasaka city, concerns raised over fate of locals who stayed behind Hasaka, 24/2/2015 ~ Terrorists of the DAESH (ISIS) captured 56 people from the villages…


Daesh, Libia e Primavere Arabe: due interviste con lo storico Paolo Sensini [IT]

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
Presentiamo due interessanti interviste rilasciate dal ricercatore storico italiano prof. Paolo Sensini a due testate web nei giorni scorsi, dove egli affronta l’attuale evoluzione delle cosí dette “primavere arabe” (progetto forgiato da mani…


Israel’s Golani Brigade Training DAESH Commanders in Sinai

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
Israel’s Golani Infantry Brigade is training the high ranks and commanders of the DAESH (ISIL-ISIS) terrorist group in the Sinai for sabotage operations in Egypt, a senior Iraqi legislator revealed on Saturday. Wahhab…


Former US Commander Wesley Clark: “ISIS is an American Made Organization, financed by Washington’s friends & allies”

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
Former commander of US forces in Europe & commander of NATO forces until 2000 Wesley Clark stressed in an interview with the American CNN Channel that ISIS is an American Made Organization that…


Libya chaos created by NATO intervention [scholar] ~ DAESH plans to invade Europe through Libya [report]

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NATO’s 2011 intervention created the devastation and chaos in Libya that enabled the rise of Islamic State militants and the current crisis surrounding the killing of 21 Egyptian Christians.

Following a February 2011 rebellion in eastern Libya, and a crackdown by the government, the United Nations adopted Resolution 1973, authorizing a no-fly zone in the country. NATO later expanded its operations to include direct air support to rebels, resulting in the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi’s government in October 2011. Continue reading


Libya Then and Now: an Overview of NATO’s Handiwork

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In 2011, as the entire world watched the Arab Spring in amazement, the US and its allies, predominantly working under the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), militarily overran the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

The peaceful civilian protesters they claimed to be intervening to protect were not really what the US and its cohorts presented to the world. Many of these so-called “protesters” were armed, and when this became apparent they eventually began to portray themselves as “rebel forces.” These so-called “rebels” in Libya were not a military force that emerged spontaneously for the most part, but an insurgency movement cultivated and organised before any opposition activities were even reported in Libya. Continue reading


Libia, dopo l’ennesima guerra “boomerang” dell’occidente, l’Isis è a mille KM dall’Italia ~ Intervista a Paolo Sensini, autore di ‘Libia 2011’, sull’incubo dimenticato dai media

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Dopo l’ennesima guerra “boomerang” dell’Occidente, ora l’Isis è in Libia, a mille chilometri dall’Italia.

L’allarme è stato lanciato dall’inviato speciale delle Nazioni Unite, Bernardino Leon che, lo scorso 7 ottobre, ha affermato:
“Gli jihadisti dello Stati islamico sono già presenti in Libia e la loro minaccia è concreta”.

Il governo italiano è silente ma l’emergenza per l’Italia è in atto. Dal Paese nordafricano, che si affaccia sul Mediterraneo e dista poche ore di navigazione dalle nostre coste, proviene la quasi totalità dei flussi di migranti che sbarcano in Sicilia.

“Un’eventuale avanzata dei miliziani sunniti dello Stato islamico (Is o Isis) moltiplicherà i flussi di migranti in fuga dalle violenze”
– sostiene Paolo Sensini, autore di “Libia 2011” (ed. Jaca Book – 2011) e “Divide et impera. Strategie del caos per il XXI secolo nel Vicino e Medio Oriente” (ed. Mimesis – 2013) –.

Continueranno i traffici di esseri umani con i quali le milizie libiche si finanziano la guerra e il rischio di infiltrazioni terroristiche diventerebbe altissimo. Inoltre, gli interessi energetici e commerciali dell’Italia in Libia sarebbero irrimediabilmente compromessi”… Continue reading


MI6 Libyan Asset Belhaj Is A War Criminal Who Worked With MI6 & Vitol Oil To Illegally Overthrow Libyan Government

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Originally posted on the real SyrianFreePress Network:
MI6 Libyan asset Belhaj and his ‘humanitarian’ glee club are making slightly more than fools of themselves with their propaganda over rendition which is designed to cover up real claims. In legal terms,…


“Operation Libya” and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa

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The following article was published two years ago on March 9, 2011, at the outset of the US-NATO intervention in Libya. Libya’s oil reserves are twice those of the United States.

In retrospect. the 2011 US-NATO led war on Libya was a multi-trillion dollar trophy for the United States. It was also, as outlined in the article a means to establishing US hegemony in North Africa, a region historically dominated by France and to lesser extent by Italy and Spain.

The US-NATO intervention was also intent upon excluding China from the region and edging out China’s National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), which was a major player in Libya.

Libya is the gateway to the Sahel and Central Africa. More generally, what is at stake is the redrawing of the map of Africa at the expense of France’s historical spheres of influence, namely a process of neo-colonial redivision. Continue reading


Libya, A Nation in Despair

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The spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from without. It has to come from within (Mahatma Gandhi) ~ Libya, A Nation in Despair By Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News The US-NATO invasion of Libya in 2011 to remove Muammar … Continue reading


Perverts Cutthroat Cannibals Served as ‘Armed Quick Reaction Force’ Within the U.S. Special Forces in Libya

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“Old shoes, when are no longer useful, can be throw away”. Ahmed Abu Khattallah, a mercenary terrorist from Benghazi,  suspected of various crimes and recently arrested by the U.S. intelligence, once served as a key conduit in an effort staged … Continue reading


Libyans Tribes Declare Control of Their Sovereign Land

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The Great Tribes of Libya held a conference yesterday. The result of the conference is the declarations of the Tribes below. There are 15 declarations the tribes will enforce to put the control of Libya into the hands of its … Continue reading


Open Letter: Libyan Tribes Respond to US Ambassador Deborah Jones

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Deborah Jones, the shameful US Ambassador to Libya, spoke at the Stimson Center in Washington DC. Her prowess for mis-statements and lies is unmatched except by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’. She states the Libyan people never had a government … Continue reading


Democracy in Libya brought by NATO mercenary terrorists, ‘jihadists’ takfirist gangs

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Armed gunmen loyal to rogue General Khalifa Haftar attacked Libya’s parliament on Sunday, announcing its suspension. Newly intensified violence in Libya is an example of NATO-exported democracy, activist and journalist Sukant Chandan told RT. . LFP form RT+Agencies . . … Continue reading


Mustafa Abdul Jalil, Traitor & Head of the Fake Revolution: “Ghadafi did not Kill Protestors”

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Mustafa Abdul Jalil, a miserable traitor of the Jamahiriya, former head of the National Transitional Council in Benghazi in 2011, that has given the Libyan nation to the moneylenders in Wall Street, that allowed the massacre of the Libyan people … Continue reading


Statement by the Libyan People’s National Movement

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~ To the African Union and the Arab League and the international community to take cardholders to keep the spirits of our detainees. Extended battle cleansing Lipa of terrorism to Tripoli , where there is now fierce battles between the … Continue reading


Chaos in Libya: How the US-NATO War Destabilized North Africa and Now Threatens Europe

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May 17, 2014 – Libya has been steadily deteriorating politically and economically since the US-NATO invasion of 2011. The South African based News24 reported that a battle had erupted between rebel forces that ousted President Muammar Gaddafi and Islamist militants … Continue reading



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A new Facebook page is available at . . .


US Navy boots on the Libyan ground ~ After asking the NATO bombing on Jamahiriya and permitting Qatar import of terrorist gangs, rats of the dummy Libyan government pleads UN help for fighting off post-Gaddafi chaos

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NATO supported, and used those same rebels to owerthorw Gaddafi, and McCain said ” I was visiting brave rebels”. Now those same “brave rebels” are not good any more for NATO. Now they are “bad guys” and NATO will kick … Continue reading


U.N.: Libya is epicenter of illicit arms trade

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Russia Today: Libya has been named as the primary source of the illegal weapons trade that is fueling conflicts in at least 14 countries around the world, a final report from the UN’s independent panel on Libya’s sanctions announced. … Continue reading


Libyan govt launches military operation against oil trafficking rebels

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Libya is poised for conflict as the government has ordered a military operation against rebel militias who have loaded $38 million worth of oil onto a foreign tanker in Es Sider. Rebels earlier said they would treat any attack as … Continue reading


NATO War Crimes In Libya: Deformities of Newborns Because of Depleted Uranium Bombs

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Regarding this depleted uranium report below, we brought in the first sophisticated radiation detectors with us on our fact finding commission in May of 2011. Libyans knew that depleted uranium was being used by NATO in their bombing raids and … Continue reading


Obama’s rats in Libya are trying to send mustard gas to their Obama’s cannibal brothers in Syria

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~ Jamahiriya News ~ 28 February 2014 ~ The commander of the Libyan ‘Desert Legion’, Brigadier General Mansour Mozainy, has revealed that some Libyan mercenaries tried to send a shipment of mustard gas to their brothers, the Obama’s cannibals, in Syria … Continue reading


Crash d’un Avion Militaire Libyen, Leader Jihadiste Libyen Tué ~ Crash of a Libyan Military Aircraft, Libyan Jihadist Leader Killed ~ (Eng-Fra)

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ENG – A plane of the Libyan air force crashed on the night of Thursday to Friday in the Tunisian district of Grombalia, killing eleven passengers, including a Libyan radical Islamist leader, rat Meftah al-Mabrouk Issa al-Dhawadi , former Emir … Continue reading


Libyan Gangster of the Fake-Government in alliance with Al Qaeda, U.S. and NATO, Are Under Attack

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What is happening in the south of Libya? The latest developments from the South, demonstrate the growing ability of the reconstructed military and political resistance Patriots.  The flame of resistance is again powered and on, the intellectual direction of the … Continue reading


Green Resistance & Black Libyans are freeing Jamahiriya from the neo-colonialist puppet government installed by the Zion-NATO forces ~ (Eng-Ita)

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~ The Secret War in Libya ~ By Eric Draitser  ~ Global Research  ~ The battles currently raging in the South of Libya are no mere tribal clashes.  Instead, they represent a possible burgeoning alliance between black Libyan ethnic groups … Continue reading


Report from Libya-Jamahiriya: “Southern Libya Liberated by Green Resistance Forces”

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Green Resistance Forces prepare the decisive battle while the Zion-American-Takfiri enemy is defeated in Syria & Iraq. JANUARY 17, 2014 ~ Reliable sources from inside Libya report that the Southern part of Libya has been LIBERATED from fake-Islamic Extremist Armed … Continue reading


Murder of two foreigners, in western occupied Libya, because of New Year celebration

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~ The murder of two foreigners in western Occupied Libya: Execution because  of  New Year celebration. January 2, 2014 – Sabratha, occupied Libyan Jamahiriya, 60  km to  west  from  Tripoli Near the foreign employees compound of the refinery complex “Mellita” … Continue reading


Libyan Minister Shot Dead in Sirte

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Libyan cabinet minister shot dead in hometown Libya’s deputy industry minister has been killed while visiting his hometown of Sirte, situated to the east of the capital, Tripoli. It’s the first killing of a member of Libya’s transitional government. “They … Continue reading


Libyan Assembly votes in favor of ‘sharia law’

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Muammar Gaddafi warned about this sort of steps being taken especially by Takfiris in Benghazi, where al-Qaeda is imposing his version of “Wahhabi law” on the country which was mostly a secular state. Libya’s national assembly has voted in favor … Continue reading


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 2011: “We’ve engineered Libyan unrest & protests”

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. From  interview of  Press TV with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary to US Treasury ~ ~ “Press TV: Are you saying the ultimate goal in attacking Libya is because of the oil factor? Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: … Continue reading


Libya: Tawerghans Targeted for Supporting Gaddafi are living little better than animals

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~ ~ Paula Slier report RT News . . .


Statement of the LNPM ( Libyan National People’s Movement) on the occasion of kidnapping the so-called head of the Interim Government of Libya

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Statement of the LNPM ( Libyan National People’s Movement) on the occasion of kidnapping the so-called head of the Interim Government of Libya The Libyan National People’s Movement (LNPM) as it follows what is happening in Libya of developments the … Continue reading


Al Jamahırya TV (LIVE) + “Stop the War in Libya” (Latest Updated News From Libya)

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Al Jamahırya TV (LIVE) aljamahryatv on Broadcast Live Free Watch live streaming video from aljamahryatv at Stop the War in Libya, We Demand It Latest Updated News From Libya by MohamedAlFatah69  at * * *


NATO-mercenaries, of Libyan nationality, neutralized by the Syrian Arab Army

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. A group of NATO-mercenaries of Libyan nationality were neutralized by the Syrian Arab Army in the area of Talkalkh, Homs. May God bless our brothers in the Syrian Arab Army. . . .


Al-Ciada Ramadan

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Al-Ciada Ramadan . . .